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I've run through a bunch of grey mobs before, the only time i got attacked was when i ran 'through' one, running past them (very close) didnt seem to aggro them... admittedly they were lvl14 and i was 35... so i think their aggro range shrinks as the level difference grows.

The auction house broker, well i havent used the auction house at all so i couldnt comment.

End game content, i (partially) agree, having only 1 end game/raiding zone is a bit cr@p but i do tend to give new games a bit of lea-way in the first quarter... i've subbed for 6mths, if they have not added new high end content by then i will probably quit too.

Customer Service, thats a mixed bag actually, over xmas i tried to log in from a new pc and got the security questions again, of course they gave me the one question i had forgotten the answer too... i tried customer support during hte daytime (thai time) and was on hold forever before i gave up and hung up - this happened a number of times, in the end when i got back home and faced the same security question, i rang again, this time it was evening in thailand, i got through to a CS agent immediately and my problem solved within 5 minutes... so its down to the CS availability i think (not an excuse, just an explanation!)

So i understand your frustration, espcially about end-game content, this MMO i chose to approach things slightly differently, i am casually elvelling a number of characters instead of rushing one, knowing that the end-game isnt fully supported yet.

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Ok Ian, will be nice to group up with you again... now if only we can convince Quiksilva to come join us wink.png

I will post up once i get the guild created, but the server is Beregen Colony (sp) - RP-PvE (although not much RP happens) and we are Empire side... none of this namby-pamby Jedi shmuck! wink.png

Hey, I heard that, but only just now :)

How's it going? Still enjoying the game?

I've kinda given up on MMO's. Been disappointed too often recently. So I've sworn to myself, no more until they are at least a year old. This gives them time to squash most of the bugs, get the balance right, and for the server populations to stabilise, if they are not still growing..!?

These days most of my game time now going to Skyrim, Civ 5 and BF3 which between them offer me pretty much all I ask for out of gaming, except the social side.

Interested to hear your thoughts on this.

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Its really good Quik, the story is really engaging, it doesnt demand days and days of time to be invested (quite casual friendly). The game feels well rounded and stable, but they are patching and fixing stuff right now... we expect the new legacy system and improved guild systems in the next patch or so...

I highly recommend the game, to hardcore and casual gamers alike... and i really think you should bite the bullet and go get yourself a copy... you can buy the key online then jsut download the client, let me know if you want to go that route and i will tell you which site i used

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Regarding Asia Pacific Servers (launching on 1st March) I found out that the servers for all 4 countries (Australia, NZ, Hong Kong and Singapore) will all be located in Australia (Either Sydney or Melbourne)

Now i was wondering if the latency from Thailand is that much better to Australia rather than the US west coast?

Testing on speedtest.org I get an average of 190ms :(

An improvement from my current latency of 400ms but still not satisfactory for in depth pvp.

Does anyone know more about this? Is speedtest.org reliable?

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I've successfully PvP'd with a latency of 350-400 (with Quiksilva in other games) and whilst it does put you at a slight disadvantage its still manageable.

I currently get between 250-300ms at the moment for the west coast severs, so If moving to an AU server will give us around 200ms that's an improvement and should make PvP slightly better.

For PvE 350-400ms latency doesn't give any real disadvantage (that i have noticed) as a lot of PvE fights are just patterns (use skill A, followed by B, followed by C, use skill X when it procs) - half the time i don't even need to be looking at the screen for PvE :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

APAC servers up and running and ...... latency sucks big time. 420ms!!!! We drop this idea... too bad. I was excited

You might wanna try again, i rolled a BH on the APAC PvP server and i was getting an average of 150ms, the max i saw was 200ms - this is a HUGE improvement over the US servers where the best i saw was 250ms but typically 300-350ms.

Try one of the tunneling programs, i think they have a 'free trial' on most of them, see if that helps... but a sub 200ms ping is possible on these servers!

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APAC servers up and running and ...... latency sucks big time. 420ms!!!! We drop this idea... too bad. I was excited

Try one of the tunneling programs, i think they have a 'free trial' on most of them, see if that helps... but a sub 200ms ping is possible on these servers!

Ok this sounds interesting. Found lots of info regarding tunneling and latency drop. I'll try this evening when i come home. Thanks for the hint

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I have been using WTFast for nearly 18 months and it worked wonders on WOW and especially Rift

On Rift I nearly always had 190-210ms! WTFast and Rift worked together

With TOR I generally get 210-250, hopefully future versions of WTFast will improve this

WTFAst only tunnels to the US and Europe as far as I know.. will check when I get home

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Anybody else here waiting for "The Secret World"?

Right now am still really enjoying TOR but come June/July I will likely switch allegiance to the latest Funcom MMO

Sounds like a VERY different MMO as there as NO classes but 500+ skills to improve

The "real world" setting sounds very interesting.

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Anybody else here waiting for "The Secret World"?

been waiting for Secret World for a while now...the concept sounds really awesome...like a serious Elder Scrolls type MMORPG :D but hope they live upto the hype they are building with it...EA's involved...so am a bit skeptic

and been meaning to ask, is there a to get my hands on TOR without online transactions?? Don't have access to credit/debit card yet =/

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and been meaning to ask, is there a to get my hands on TOR without online transactions?? Don't have access to credit/debit card yet =/

Where are you living Tahmid? I live in Phuket and you can buy SW:TOR here in the game store (Central Festival).

It's not listed on the website but they have it.

Don't know about the rest of Thailand though.

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Had a look at "The Secret World"... Not really my cup of tea.

I'll definitely stick to Swtor. That game got me hooked like hell

I haven't touched my XBOX 360 since December!

​One game I'm definitely looking forward to play is Diablo III (When it comes out, if it comes out! lol)

Am a huge Diablo fan and this third version looks amazing!

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Yeah Diablo 3 will be taking up endless hours of my life for sure!

Day one purchase from the Blizzard online store

D3 Beta was too easy - glad to hear the final version will be much more difficult

Will definitely give Secret World a try just because it is so different from every other MMO

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Where are you living Tahmid? I live in Phuket and you can buy SW:TOR here in the game store (Central Festival).

It's not listed on the website but they have it.

Don't know about the rest of Thailand though.

I'm living in Hua Mak, Bangkok...don't think i'll be going to Phuket any time soon :( it'd be good if anyone knew a shop like that within bangkok...i'm ready to go anywhere as long as its within bangkok

And yea..Diablo 3....oohhhh God the number of years I have been waiting for that...and after what Blizzard showed with Star Craft II...I can't imagine how awesome its going to be!!!

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FYI just started WTFast to play TOR and there is an option to play on the Oceanic Servers now

Will Change my location on my TOR settings screen and see how it plays

Have been trying different servers on WTFast without any luck crying.gif My latency wont drop under 400ms when playing on Master Dar'Nala server.

Tried WTFast Swtor servers in Australia, Malaysia and Singapore. nothing...annoyed.gif

Couldn't stop making new alts though, due to chronic "alt"ohism laugh.png

Now 4 new toons on Dar'Nala -> Operative lvl 11, Marauder lvl 10 and Powertech lvl 11... ROFL

Still got my lvl 43 BH, my lvl 27 Sorcerer and my lvl 20 Trooper Vanguard in America waiting for free transfers.

I know my latency sucks big time and i hope i can improve it sometime soon, but moving to Dar'Nala is so worth it! No more waiting to find people to do Heroics or Flashpoints! wink.png

Running most of my quests in groups, i just love it. Total opposite to Krath server in the US where my lvl 43 BH is. Yesterday played on Hoth for 3 hours and there was never more than 4 people on the whole planet!! Queued up for PvP the whole time and not one single match! wacko.png Looking forward to moving her to Dar'Nala.

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Try i27 in MBK (4th floor) - if they dont have it, they will order it for you

You're the BEST dude!!! Thanks a lot for the info. I just checked their web page, says they have it in stock :D :D MBK here I come!!!! About time to start pawning SWTOR :P [even though Mass Effect 3 about the corner... :rolleyes: ]

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Is it possible to sell an account and collectors edition SWTOR after registering the key.

I have unused collectors edition apart from the open CD box everything else unopened untouched. The collectors edition box and items inside may be worth something these days.

Game failed for me sad.png

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Is it possible to sell an account and collectors edition SWTOR after registering the key.

I have unused collectors edition apart from the open CD box everything else unopened untouched. The collectors edition box and items inside may be worth something these days.

Game failed for me sad.png

Sorry No clue about this. Check or ask on swtor forum. Best way to find out.

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I just got one thing to say to you. I am HOOKED!!!


And Phuketman..THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!! If not for you, I'm sure I'd not be playing this for another month or so. And miss out all the fun xD

Another satisfied customer smile.png Welcome to the club Tahmid!

If anyone out there wants to try it out I still have one free invite! PM me! 7 days free swtor play. No strings attached!

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Been playing a Republic Trooper for the last week or so, doing a lot of PvP warzones and loving every minute of it...

Range DPS with heavy armour, so most people leave you alone as they see the heavy armour and think they cant take you down, but if i'm left alone i do a tonne of damage from Range... awesome fun!

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I just got one thing to say to you. I am HOOKED!!!


And Phuketman..THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!! If not for you, I'm sure I'd not be playing this for another month or so. And miss out all the fun xD

Another satisfied customer smile.png Welcome to the club Tahmid!

If anyone out there wants to try it out I still have one free invite! PM me! 7 days free swtor play. No strings attached!

Have any of you guys tried reducethelag.com? On WoW using the reducethelag gives me steady 220ms latency (without reducethelag, around 4-500ms) when I play on oceanic servers(which are located in the US for WoW) and they now also support TOR and its new oceanic servers. I am in Bangkok on 8Mbit 3bb/Maxnet Internet.

As for that free invite, I would be interested in one but my main rig is currently out of order, getting my GPU replaced end of the week.



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I rolled on the APAC PvP server and have been playing there... its been a huge amount of fun, the Warzones pop all the time (never had to wait longer than 10mins) - world PvP isn't as bad as people think, my only encounters have been since i hit lvl30 and only happened a couple of times.

I've got a BH and a Republic Trooper - the Trooper is so much fun in the Warzones as everyone leaves me alone an i just rain havoc on the enemy, with the 150ms ping (i did see a few instances of 300 during the weekend)

Ping me if you are on that server and want to hook up

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