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Star Wars: The Old Republic


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Found a great site on the web for buying all US MMOs and game cards


You have to setup an account and give them your mobile number and they SMS you a code worldwide to verify you

I used my Thai credit card and bought TOR for $59 and they sent me a jpg picture of my TOR code within 30 mins

Then went to TOR website, created an account and then downloaded the client yesterday (20Gb!)

So far it is awesome and will be cancelling my Rift subscription for now

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I am using WTFast and getting 250-350ms STABLE ping using the West Coast Oceanic Server called "The Harmony" PVE server

So far I've found it very stable for PVE. There are twitch based shooting from turrets in Space which I have yet to try. These may prove difficult but many are optional I gather

BTW there are quite a few Oceanic Servers now with lots of NZ and Aussie players :)

I have found pretty much every PVP MMO makes PVP too much hassle

TOR is by FAR the best PVE due to the GREAT storylines and atmosphere (which is 100% Star Wars)

Not found a Thai Guild yet

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I am over on the Bergeren colony (west coast, RP-PvE) and i get about 240ms usually, got a few lag spikes over the weekend but i think that was my connection and not the game servers...

Perhaps we should all move to the same server? I dont mind PvP if we can get everyone on there...

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Guys i wanna join you, but im confused a little bit, maybe u can help me. When i tried to buy the game i was redirected to local thai version of their shop, and as i cannot speak thai i dont want to get thai game client, i want an english one. But there was no info about ingame language, so anyone knows - can i buy local one or i have to buy US version?

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I faced the same problem - EA Origin only lists games in Thai and TOR is not even list on Thailands Origin service. Origin needs to have a language option just like Steam for buying games.

That's why I ordered from the US - see my post above for more details

Guys i wanna join you, but im confused a little bit, maybe u can help me. When i tried to buy the game i was redirected to local thai version of their shop, and as i cannot speak thai i dont want to get thai game client, i want an english one. But there was no info about ingame language, so anyone knows - can i buy local one or i have to buy US version?

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Ok, waiting for cd-key now. Do u have a guild already?

Not joined a guild yet as I'm having too much fun! Just got to level 20 with my Jedi Knight - Got my Starship and am now at the level for the first space battle!

5 more levels and I'll be able to get a mount

BTW each class has a unique companion and they can be a lot of fun (much like those of the old Knights RPG they have their own backstory) and you can upgrade their inventory to complement your playstyle

Been searching the forums but not any Thailand based players

Have joined Aus/NZ guilds on other MMOs but the time difference makes it hard to raid as I'm putting the kids to bed at peak hrs

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I found this one http://avalon-swtor.enjin.com/

  • Able to interpret and write English language.
  • Able to play game at least 8 hrs a week for leveling period.
  • Stay in one of South East Asia countries.
  • Understand loot system.
  • No trolling.

Sounds pretty reasonable for me

I am on Bergeren Colony (West coast, RP-PvE) and i have a small guild going with some friends, feel free to pop over and join us. So far i have 4 regular Thailand based players with another two looking to get the game, if we can convince people to come over to this server, that number could grow quite a lot :)

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I found this one http://avalon-swtor.enjin.com/

  • Able to interpret and write English language.
  • Able to play game at least 8 hrs a week for leveling period.
  • Stay in one of South East Asia countries.
  • Understand loot system.
  • No trolling.

Sounds pretty reasonable for me

I am on Bergeren Colony (West coast, RP-PvE) and i have a small guild going with some friends, feel free to pop over and join us. So far i have 4 regular Thailand based players with another two looking to get the game, if we can convince people to come over to this server, that number could grow quite a lot smile.png

I dont think that im good enough with SW history etc to play at RP server.

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I dont think that im good enough with SW history etc to play at RP server.

I wouldnt get too stressed over it, i dont see much RP going on... traditioanlly RP servers tend to get more mature, grown up players and less 'Chuck Norris...' kiddie chat etc

Ok, im there. How can i find your guild?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Am interested to join you but got 2 characters on different servers that i very much enjoy playing. lvl 32 BH on Krath server and lvl 20 Vanguard on Veela Server. Both are joined to 2 very big Guilds (over 400 members) but still have difficulty finding guild palyers playing during my time (normally 9pm - midnight Thai time). Dont know what to do... There is no way i can transfer my chars to Bergeren server is there? Also are you okay having me as a casual player (i sometimes need to leave for some time if one of my 2 sons wakes up) Is that an issue when joining your guild?

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To be honest, the guild i am with now isnt really APAC friendly, doesnt seem to be anyone on around our play times, and when people are on nobody seems to talk or offer to help etc... so in reality its 'just another chat channel (that hardly gets used)

Got a few guys i work with playing, and my gf also has a character... so i might drop out of the guild and put one together... I would consider rerolling on another server but i have several characters aligned with friends from the UK etc, so dont want to ask them to reroll on another server as well sad.png

What do you guys think? Do we have enough players to put together a small APAC guild on the server?

Edited by MunterHunter
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Hmm that's sad to hear ... And i was starting to like my sith sorc :( The best part was that i managed to get hold of 2 other players right from the beginning and we went through the whole of Korriban grouped. Absolutely loved it... great loot, quick and no need to yell for heroics :P This i definitively want to repeat.

Thes 2 players might be interested to join our guild (although they are from the US i believe) but they always play in the morning so that aligns with our play time. It might be easier to join a pre-existing guild. What about this avalon guild (mentioned above) specifically targeted for SEAsia countries? They play on Daragon Trail server though. lol.. I'm starting to have chars on every server... will I ever reach lvl 50?

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To be honest, i dont think i can convince everyone to reroll. I have two Thai guys on this server, my gf and a bunch of my UK mates (who i try to catch up with each week) - there were a handful of people on this thread also, so we could get to double figures... if we then seek out any APAC players on the server we could expand the guild nicely.

Unless we can find an established APAC guild on the server?

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Ok, it's worth trying. Also this is my first RP server and i do see more maturity in the caht and the way player behave (that i have met so far). So yes count me in. I will be playing on Bergeren these coming evening and see how things progress. My character name is Ti'rak :P So contact me once your online. What's your character nema btw? I should be loggin in around 9pm tonight. See you there :)

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I strongly believe the Guild name should have something to do with Thailand or the region, so that other potential players can recognize us as being based in SEA, hence better chances to grow our guild.

Ok, here a quick brainstorm:

  • Dark Siam
  • Tom Yam Doom
  • Siam Empire
  • Tom Yam Empire
  • Indosith
  • Sith Satay (XD)
  • Muay Sith
  • Bangkok Baddies
  • Bangkok Hunters (ref to BH)

I know some a crap but I just put them out there so that we can combine and brainstorm together. Was thinking we shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously. A funny name has better chances to attract new members.

Let me know you thoughts.

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Emporer's Asian Tigers?

I also like Siam Empire and still like Dark Siam... Lets get input from others, at the end of the day i dont really care what the guild is called as long as there are people online and active aroudn the same times i play :)

I PM'd you with my character list.

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I have a level 33 Jedi Sentinel and am on the "The Harbinger" Server

Let me know what server and which side everybody wants to be on and I'll re-roll for a Thai Guild. I guess I'll be switching to the Empire!

I have 2 kids so can only play from 8-10'ish (maybe later depending on what we're doing in-game)

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Ok Ian, will be nice to group up with you again... now if only we can convince Quiksilva to come join us ;)

I will post up once i get the guild created, but the server is Beregen Colony (sp) - RP-PvE (although not much RP happens) and we are Empire side... none of this namby-pamby Jedi shmuck! ;)

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I just went through the game. ran a character up to level 50. A smuggler. then after much thought. canceled the sub.

The reasons are mostly to do with it being too much like WoW. most of the game mechanics are direct ports from WoW.

1. Grey mobs attacking you. Hate that.

2. Cost of selling anything on the broker. 30k credits to sell something for 200k and this is done UP FRONT not after the sale.

3. ZERO customer service ... None I had a ticket up for over a week before I canceled it.

4. The broker using the mail system instead of money and gear going right into your inventory.

5. Little end game content... one raid zone? I realize its new but didn't they think people would get to end game quickly?


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I just went through the game. ran a character up to level 50. A smuggler. then after much thought. canceled the sub.

The reasons are mostly to do with it being too much like WoW. most of the game mechanics are direct ports from WoW.

1. Grey mobs attacking you. Hate that.

2. Cost of selling anything on the broker. 30k credits to sell something for 200k and this is done UP FRONT not after the sale.

3. ZERO customer service ... None I had a ticket up for over a week before I canceled it.

4. The broker using the mail system instead of money and gear going right into your inventory.

5. Little end game content... one raid zone? I realize its new but didn't they think people would get to end game quickly?


Too bad to here that Greg. Wished you could have joined our Thai guild on Bergeren.

I personally enjoy every second i'm playing the game. But there will always be those that love the game and those that don't.

Check out 10 very good reason why playing Swtor can be extremely fun:

For those that haven't played it I say give it a try and find out for yourselves.

Edited by Phuketman
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