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Thai Govt Scales Down Plan To Give Free Tablet Computers


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"However, when I find any who cannot do their jobs well, I will certainly reshuffle them again."

I hope that Yingluck doesn't adopt this practise with her cabinet as if they were a "pack of cards" then it would be full of jokers, devoid of aces, Thaksin would appear 4 times in different regalia with a gold adornment on his head and the cards would be shuffled to death, cracked, worn out and unusable before you could say "snap". Not only that, all of the cards would be "marked cards" which would make cheating a "memory feat". :D

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With the new computer being made in India for only $40 for students, I can see a reversal in offering up iPads and other such devices. It seems that this was very good timing and will save a lot of money so that more students will have these devices. So, maybe they won't get Samsung or Apple notepads. However, if this computer, built in India can be had at a discount/bulk pricing, this may be the best thing that has happened in the past 2 days.

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The sad thing is - all the village idiots wll read a few red rags - and listen to a few local red gossip merchants

And believe that the promises are all coming true - and the red weed still grows to benefit the poor...

In reality - The red Weed is nothing but elebourate promises of revolutionary proportion and propaganda...

The next 12 months will be far worse than the previous 12 months - but they will only see what their eyes want to see

and their FACE is way too strong to see the truth - for fear of losing face for a Thai is more than that of losing a child...

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Woravat has an idea to provide the tablets with basic specifications, but if any schools want higher or advanced specifications, they can apply for funds to get them.

Curious to learn what these "basic and advanced specs" might be :rolleyes:

basic model

Excellent....have you heard the joke about Gary Glitter and the Etch-a-sketch ?

no, only know about this glitter problem with PDF files


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India is proceeding with its Tablet program - $35US

The 13-ounce touch-screen device can handle basic computing, including email, social networking, surfing, online banking, instant messaging and multimedia. The stripped-down system uses Google's Android 2.2 operating system and comes with headphones, Wi-Fi access, two USB slots, 256 megabytes of internal memory and a 7-inch screen


The Aakash will be assembled in India, and officials expressed hope that it will jump-start its computer hardware industry and complement the nation’s software strengths. About 16% of the 800 components are sourced here, while about 70% comes from South Korea, China and the U.S. Officials hope the new device will become cheaper and more powerful over time.“My target audience is the 1 billion Indians who don’t use the Internet,” Tuli said. “People say, ‘Computers for rickshaw wallahs, you must be crazy.’ You watch!”

Source: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-india-computer-tablet-

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Politically speaking, it's not a bad way of excusing not doing what you promised in the campaign... Oh yes, we'll give the tablets to any schools where the Thai teachers are ready...

Of course, what's not asked, or answered, in the OP article is what exactly is the Education Ministry planning to do to GET Thai teachers ready and capable of using this technology...and how many are they planning to reach, and how long will it take...

My suspicion is, when the dust settles, they'll end up throwing some number of tablets out into various schools where the teachers will have been given absolutely no training or preparation in how to use them in the curriculum.

Be interesting to see what Thai vendor will be contracted to obtain the tablets, and who the owners and controlling interests of that company are. Maybe they'll call them the "ThakPads."

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A bit off topic, are we...

The thread is about another broken electoral promise...

India is proceeding with its Tablet program - $35US

The 13-ounce touch-screen device can handle basic computing, including email, social networking, surfing, online banking, instant messaging and multimedia. The stripped-down system uses Google's Android 2.2 operating system and comes with headphones, Wi-Fi access, two USB slots, 256 megabytes of internal memory and a 7-inch screen


The Aakash will be assembled in India, and officials expressed hope that it will jump-start its computer hardware industry and complement the nation’s software strengths. About 16% of the 800 components are sourced here, while about 70% comes from South Korea, China and the U.S. Officials hope the new device will become cheaper and more powerful over time.“My target audience is the 1 billion Indians who don’t use the Internet,” Tuli said. “People say, ‘Computers for rickshaw wallahs, you must be crazy.’ You watch!”

Source: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-india-computer-tablet-

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Oh dear another promise broken, who would have expected that to happen..... See by the photograph the minister is doing a sterling job educating people.....This is fork, say after me...fork fork...fork off you peasants we got your vote....:rolleyes:

perfect :lol:

One of your better posts Soutie.

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Maybe they are going to use this:

India unveils $35 tablet computer for rural poor

Read more: http://www.theage.co...l#ixzz1Zxb0zIJb

Aakash are also planning to subsequently make this product available on the open market at around double the price, which would equate to just over 2000baht. Not sure how that compares with the estimated cost of Thailand's planned tablet computers but I would imagine quite favourably. Perhaps they could make them under licence here?
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Tablets made in India are being sold for 50 USD. Will be interesting to see how much government pays for the tablets.

Woravat has an idea to provide the tablets with basic specifications, but if any schools want higher or advanced specifications, they can apply for funds to get them.

Curious to learn what these "basic and advanced specs" might be :rolleyes:

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Sounds like they tossed the towel, coming up with a plan on how to implement the One Tablet per Child Some Child may have turned out to be too difficult. Better to drop the burden of designing an education model on each individual teacher or school and then they may hand over some tablets to them.

The added bonus is that if all this turns out to be just a costly trainwreck the blame can speedily be passed to the teachers.

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It seems to me , they are no different than MP,s all round the world , first and formost , can you bullshit , can you tell little porkies , sometimes bigger porkies , sometimes just down right lies , answer yes ----- you got the job , same the world over , no different here in Thailand , it seems to be inherant with the job . sad times

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The Thai government should put the money into improving education for all children instead of gimmicks. Starting with a real curriculum and grades that must be earned, and tests set by the MoE. Thailand would then move forward in leaps and bounds. annoyed.gif

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My Thai wife's parents back in the village made a big thing of the fact that students would all have Apple iPads if the new Government won power

My wife said nothing as she has no right to an opinion in her village although she is Uni educated

But later said to me, that will be lucky to even get a cheap Ipad cover

The sad part is her village still believes all the things they promised will come

Why is your wife not allowed an opinion in her village?

simple, its a RED village

no descent is allowed or else!

No descent? Climb down what?? Or is that backtrack?????

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It seems to me , they are no different than MP,s all round the world , first and formost (foremost) , can you bullshit , can you tell little porkies , sometimes bigger porkies , sometimes just down right lies , answer yes ----- you got the job , same the world over , no different here in Thailand , it seems to be inherant (inherent) with the job . sad times

A lot different. The PTP had no policies, only bribes. At least in real democracies the bribes are less obvious and are linked to policies. For example: We'll cut taxes and increase public spending. (An oxymoron if there ever was one.) Fortunately not all politicians are bad eggs, there are many the world over trying to make a difference. And those that shout down these democracies should have a go at running the show themselves. I feel for Governments such as in Greece or the UK where here has been a history of overspending and then the next Government comes in to try and balance the books. They make cuts and then get shouted down, demonstrated against and abused in all sorts of ways. Whatever we think, someone has to run the show and we get what we elect. Unfortunately in Thailand, the masses were too easy to manipulate and they still don't realise what they've got. ie. a Government hell bent on dictatorship and totally but totally anti-democratic. (Just random thoughts from Chiang Mai)

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Reminds me of Animal Farm, where one of the animals keeps checking the rules, and finding they keep changing as the revolution progresses, until eventually there are just 2 rules. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others", and "Four legs good, two legs better!"

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And yet another lot of BS from the so called leaders of our country.....When are the population gonna wake up and smell the roses and realise that all they are smelling is Taksin's arse.

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"We won't distribute them to all Prathom 1 [Grade 1] students in every school. We won't force every school to take the tablets. Teachers should be prepared for the technology. We are not concerned about students as they're from a generation ready and enthusiastic to learn from the technology - but teachers of the older generation may find it difficult to use such tools," Woravat said.

Students will jump on these,

but the teachers won't want to be trained because that implies they lose face for not knowing already. Don't try and teach a teacher to teach because they will resent the insult. Amazing Thailand.

Our students should remain deprived so their teachers don't risk embarrassment.

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Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. These peoples feet have many holes in them. Intelligence dictates that after one shot it hurts and you quit shooting (learn) and don't do it again. I just wonder when the next shot will come.

soon, no doubt


People who have posted derogatory images/cartoons of Thai public figures have had them removed. Why is this still on here. Ask Yoon to get one of his staff to remove it

Yoon doesn't run Thai Visa Forum.

There is a content sharing deal and nothing more.

But this caricature of a public figure comes under fair use caricature. : The pseudo godhead made himself a public figure,

and so must take the positives with the negatives.

car·i·ca·ture [kar-i-kuh-cher, -choothinsp.pngr]

noun , verb, -tured, -turing

1. a picture, description, etc., ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or things:

His caricature of the mayor in this morning's paper is the best he's ever drawn.

2. the art or process of producing such pictures, descriptions,etc.

3. any imitation or copy so distorted or inferior as to be ludicrous.

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Have they announced the exact make and model? Or are they holding back in anticipation of a flood of criticism?

I wonder if it's going to be something like this one: Worst gadget ever? Ars reviews a $99 Android tablet

Recently I tested a cheap no-name brand tablet computer at Panthip Plaza in Pratunam and it was slow and not very responsive or accurate to finger touches. But those who have never used a tablet computer (or any computer) would not realize how bad it is, and maybe that is one of the assumptions that Pheu Thai are working from.

And when it is an ineffective tool they can shift the blame to...

[ insert political enemies name here]

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My Thai wife's parents back in the village made a big thing of the fact that students would all have Apple iPads if the new Government won power

My wife said nothing as she has no right to an opinion in her village although she is Uni educated

But later said to me, that will be lucky to even get a cheap Ipad cover

The sad part is her village still believes all the things they promised will come

Why is your wife not allowed an opinion in her village?

simple, its a RED village

no descent is allowed or else!

And Democracy will come to them about the same time that Thaksin makes them all rich! :whistling:

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My Thai wife's parents back in the village made a big thing of the fact that students would all have Apple iPads if the new Government won power

My wife said nothing as she has no right to an opinion in her village although she is Uni educated

But later said to me, that will be lucky to even get a cheap Ipad cover

The sad part is her village still believes all the things they promised will come

In case you haven't realised this cabinet is a set up that is designed to perform poorly. Thaksin will spearhead an election campaign next year with promises to fix the broken promises of this cabinet that was handpicked by him, most of whom will be put out to grass. He is up to his old trick of creating problems that can only be solved by him and is peeing himself laughing in Dubai.

Funny that educated villagers have no right to an opinion. My brother-in-law visited the ancestral village and offered some advice on farming after studying agriculture at uni. Went down like a ton of lead balloons. They only wanted him to help work in the fields and keep his new fangled ideas to himself.

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Thai Government Policy on the proposal to supply Tablet Computers to Schools seems to be gaining maturity. However, from the political standpoint it is less likely that Schools with the standards of capability will be in their Supporters Areas - but then no doubt, that will be taken into account for the benefit of popularism!

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Maybe they'll call them the "ThakPads."

PooPads, YingluckPads? If they get second hand ones - Yingluck Used Pads?

Maybe be should have a competition.

Indian tablets are subsidized and they are SOLD, not given away for free. $35 price is misleading in this context.

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