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Plea To Hundreds Of Thai And Foreign Women After HIV Man Jailed


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Plea to hundreds of women after HIV man jailed

Police have urged hundreds of women who may have slept with an HIV carrier to come forward after he was jailed for recklessly passing on the virus to an unsuspecting lover.

Married Simon McClure, 38, from Middlesbrough, may have had sex with hundreds of women, including prostitutes, and was a frequent visitor to Thailand where he is thought to have been infected five years ago.

He was jailed for two years and eight months at Teesside Crown Court yesterday after he admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm on his victim, with whom he had unprotected sex.

Outside the hearing, Detective Inspector Andy Greenwood, of Cleveland Police, said: "If anybody has any information in relation to McClure they should come forward.

"The possibility exists that he has had relationships with other people that we are not aware of and we would urge them to contact us immediately.

"He has now been sentenced to an appropriate period of custody, so they can come forward now and tell us about it and we can take the appropriate action."

Mr Greenwood added: "The victim will suffer for the rest of her life through the reckless and callous behaviour of this individual.

"She is unable to have a normal life and carry out day-to-day activities through no fault of her own."

McClure ignored clear advice from doctors after he was diagnosed that he should not have unprotected sex, the court heard.

His victim, identified in court only by her initials and who cannot be named for legal reasons, found out she was infected with HIV when she went for blood tests after later becoming pregnant.

Her baby was born prematurely the next day. Tests have only recently shown that the infant has not been infected.

In a victim impact statement, she said: "My life will never be normal again."

Sentencing McClure, Judge Howard Crowson told him his risk-taking was pre-meditated.

"I am sure you knew, everybody is aware, of the risks involved in having unprotected sex carrying HIV.

"Any form of intimate sexual relationship has a degree of mutual trust and you breached it by what you did.

"The effect on her has been devastating.

"She endured the fear, having given birth prematurely, that the child may also carry the virus. The happy news has been given that it does not.

"She will have to live with what is, unfortunately, still in this country, a stigma which attaches itself to people who carry this virus, even though she is not at fault for it."

McClure, of Miniott Walk, Hemlington, was said to be extremely remorseful and expressed his regret through his barrister.

He was a diagnosed with HIV in 2006 after returning from a trip to Thailand. He has also been to Switzerland, where he is thought to have used prostitutes.

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8807888/Plea-to-hundreds-of-women-after-HIV-man-jailed.html

-- telegraph.co.uk 2011-10-06


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Simon McClure

An HIV sufferer who passed on the potentially deadly virus to his lover may have infected hundreds of other women, it was claimed today. Simon McClure ignored ‘clear advice’ from doctors when he was diagnosed in 2006 not to have unprotected sex. The 38-year-old from Middlesbrough later boasted of sleeping with hundreds of women and had only recently returned from honeymoon in Cuba.

While McClure now sits behind bars, detectives issued an urgent appeal to identify any other women he may have infected.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2045474/Simon-McClure-Hundreds-women-sex-man-gave-lover-HIV.html#ixzz1ZzFbMpOK

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Jobless McClure knew he was HIV positive after marrying a prostitute in Thailand.

He returned to the UK in 2005 and a test in 2006 confirmed he had the virus.

Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/10/06/have-you-slept-with-this-man-police-appeal-as-hiv-brute-is-jailed-115875-23469657/#ixzz1ZzGoL8fU

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Unfortunately he is not the only 1 carrying on like this I have met 3 women in Thailand who have done exactly the same thing and have heard countless stories of men doing it, wasn't there a 1 legged German who was going around essan doing it a few years back who got nicked I seem to remember??? Hope he burns in hell for it mind u.

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I think that an additional penalty should have been that this totally irresponsible moron is saddled with the bill for the prescription drugs that she will have to take for the rest of her life.

The police officer is clearly speaking OTT. The poor woman's life has not been ruined nor will she be unable to have a reasonably normal life, unable to perform day to day activities. My wife has been HIV positive for over 20 years and the major inconvenience is that she must take medication first thing in the morning and in the evening. A lesser inconvenience is undergoing 6 monthly tests to ensure that the antivirals are not attacking her kidneys or liver. Otherwise she runs, jumps, enjoys a busy social life, holds down a job, takes care of our home, and enjoys our sex life. The use of a condom is not seen as negative since neither of us want children. The quality of this lady's future life will depend mainly on her and her attitude to her unfortunate position. She might also reflect that she must take some responsibility for her wayward action. Anybody having unprotected sex with somebody that they barely know is part architect of their own misfortune.

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I think that an additional penalty should have been that this totally irresponsible moron is saddled with the bill for the prescription drugs that she will have to take for the rest of her life.

The police officer is clearly speaking OTT. The poor woman's life has not been ruined nor will she be unable to have a reasonably normal life, unable to perform day to day activities. My wife has been HIV positive for over 20 years and the major inconvenience is that she must take medication first thing in the morning and in the evening. A lesser inconvenience is undergoing 6 monthly tests to ensure that the antivirals are not attacking her kidneys or liver. Otherwise she runs, jumps, enjoys a busy social life, holds down a job, takes care of our home, and enjoys our sex life. The use of a condom is not seen as negative since neither of us want children. The quality of this lady's future life will depend mainly on her and her attitude to her unfortunate position. She might also reflect that she must take some responsibility for her wayward action. Anybody having unprotected sex with somebody that they barely know is part architect of their own misfortune.

Best wishes to your wife, and I sincerely hope she does indeed continue with a healthy lifestyle.

To your comment: "her wayward action" .. you are in no position to criticise, preach or make judgement. You were not privy to the circumstances of their private life, especially concerning what she may have been lead to believe. Her guilty partner was obviously a careless conman. So sure, offer encouraging words to others infected, and advice to any considering sex with new partners, but kindly step down from your pulpit and do it without the condescension.

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It should be self-limiting. If you have HIV and have unprotected sex you are going to be very vulnerable to any diseases and they will be more difficult to treat successfully, so it should be a quick trip to the mortuary. Obviously, no help to the victims but modern treatments mean it will not ruin their lives, unless they are particularly unlucky.

Oddly both the Soi 6 in Bangkok and in Pattaya are notorious for the high rate of HIV infection and there probably should be some arrangement whereby HIV infected hookers and HIV infected customers can amuse each other, which of course would soon produce some wild strains of the HIV infection that would wipe most of them out.

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This is sickening. He deserves to be castrated and locked up for life.

Yep, and physical castration too, with local anaesthetic only. He needs to know about it.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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Since the BBC started to transmit the wonderful 'Strictly Ballroom' I learned that it takes two to tango.

One is a villain as he had unprotected sex. The other a victim as she willingly had unprotected sex but caught a desease. But she knew what she was doing and opted not to have blood tests with her partner prior to starting a sexual relationship possibly with the intent of becoming pregnant. That was also with a man known to travel to Thailand [ any reputation come to mind? Hub of Aids perhaps? ] and Switzerland, where he could have been seriously into cuckoo clock worship or a chocolate fetish.

Then there is the ' slept with hundreds of women' Lucky Boy. But 'some of whom were prostitutes.' If 'some' were prostitutes, it doesn't auger well for the reputations of Thai women as he slept [allegedly] with a few hundred supposedly respctable Thai women.

The self same respectable Thai women who couldn't get out of their knickers fast enough. I thought there was NO prostitution in Thailand?

I wonder just what percentage of the prostitutes were HIV free themselves, we'll never know, neither will they come forward, remember or quite frankly be surprised if unprotected sex for payment with foreign tourists results in infection.

It comes with the turf. And I don't expect any turf wars.

Whatever next? Man balanced on balcony falls? Knives Cut? Rain falls?

Whatever ...............................


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It seems there a lot of bar girls who are willing to have unprotected sex with customers. Some one did an informal survey a few years ago that I read on the Internet which involved asking bar girls in Nana Plaza to have sex without a condom. The girls were asked before agreeing to be bar fined, so it was made relatively easy for them to refuse to go out with the customer, if they were not interested in unprotected sex. If I remember rightly about 60% agreed to have sex without a condom. Most of those would only do so for an additional fee but a small percentage agreed for no additional fee. Many of them must really need the money and are willing to take the risk, if they don't think they have a chance of another customer. Some, of course, like the subject of this news story, may be already aware they are HIV positive and feel there is nothing to lose (not realising that they could be re-infected with another, more virulent strain). There have also been reports of HIV positive prostitutes persuading customers to have unprotected sex to get it over with quicker and as a type of revenge on men in general.

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It should be self-limiting. If you have HIV and have unprotected sex you are going to be very vulnerable to any diseases and they will be more difficult to treat successfully, so it should be a quick trip to the mortuary. Obviously, no help to the victims but modern treatments mean it will not ruin their lives, unless they are particularly unlucky.

Oddly both the Soi 6 in Bangkok and in Pattaya are notorious for the high rate of HIV infection and there probably should be some arrangement whereby HIV infected hookers and HIV infected customers can amuse each other, which of course would soon produce some wild strains of the HIV infection that would wipe most of them out.

Which Soi 6 in Bangkok - Sukhumvit Soi 6 which has small bars and a lot of obstructive taxi drivers near the Sofitel Grand? BTW how you do you know about the high infection rates in those sois?

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Guy looks nearer 68 than 38 so I have serious doubt about him having slept with hundreds of women, at least not in the UK, so it might well be no one else will come forward.

It's all fine and well Housepainter saying she was a willing partner but I'm sure she never knew he was carrying HIV when he clearly did.

Perhaps she was loved up and all she wanted to please him which is hardly a crime.

However knowing you have HIV and deliberately having unprotected sex is as close as you get to attempted murder.

This guy is either a moron or has a huge chip on his shoulder and is out to take out his vengeance on any unsuspecting female he can.

No wonder the police are appealing for others to come forward.

The law has fallen well short of what sentence this guy should have got and the police realise that when he's released it will be near impossible to monitor him if he decides to re-offend.

What this guy did was completely ruin another person's life just so he could get his rocks off.

Surely the maximum sentence for such a horrific crime is much longer than a couple of year?

Somehow I hope they can put this guy out of commission and keep him off the streets for a very long time to come.

This sentence must have women all over the UK absolutely fuming.

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Guy looks nearer 68 than 38 so I have serious doubt about him having slept with hundreds of women, at least not in the UK, so it might well be no one else will come forward.

It's all fine and well Housepainter saying she was a willing partner but I'm sure she never knew he was carrying HIV when he clearly did.

Perhaps she was loved up and all she wanted to please him which is hardly a crime.

However knowing you have HIV and deliberately having unprotected sex is as close as you get to attempted murder.

This guy is either a moron or has a huge chip on his shoulder and is out to take out his vengeance on any unsuspecting female he can.

No wonder the police are appealing for others to come forward.

The law has fallen well short of what sentence this guy should have got and the police realise that when he's released it will be near impossible to monitor him if he decides to re-offend.

What this guy did was completely ruin another person's life just so he could get his rocks off.

Surely the maximum sentence for such a horrific crime is much longer than a couple of year?

Somehow I hope they can put this guy out of commission and keep him off the streets for a very long time to come.

This sentence must have women all over the UK absolutely fuming.

"This guy is either a moron or has a huge chip on his shoulder and is out to take out his vengeance on any unsuspecting female he can."

Yes, .. and/or more to the point, a total lack of respect for women. He has used women as nothing more than meat to copulate with and gratify his ego.

And YES !! ... the sentence he got? This beggars belief. It too could be seen as lacking respect for women, as well as being completely out of whack with the gravity of the crime. What a pity it wasn't the judge's daughter who was the victim. (Of course then he would be forbidden to preside on the case.)

Well, some small comfort his genitals are out of circulation for two years, maybe. One could only hope he meets better justice "inside".

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Just do NOT understand why anybody would have unprotected sex anywhere in the world, unless if it is with your partner whom you have to give a certain amount of trust, but have together an HIV test done before abandoning the condoms.

Yes, this man should be punished for what he did knowingly, but his victums are just as responsible for having unprotected sex.

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Pity they can't post a photo of this moran so women who may use Thai visa can see his face all working girls wouldn't know his name from a bar of soap nevermind where he comes from but a photo might ring some bell's

There is a photo included in this article of a UK newspaper, the Daily Mail:

Daily Mail article

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I agree. Putting this guy in prison costs the country money and he will infect more women when he gets out. He needs to have in small letters tatooed on his forehead. HIV- Positive

This is the only sensible way to go for this type of person.

This turd needs 'HIV Carrier' tattooed on his bloody forehead...

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I think that an additional penalty should have been that this totally irresponsible moron is saddled with the bill for the prescription drugs that she will have to take for the rest of her life.

The police officer is clearly speaking OTT. The poor woman's life has not been ruined nor will she be unable to have a reasonably normal life, unable to perform day to day activities. My wife has been HIV positive for over 20 years and the major inconvenience is that she must take medication first thing in the morning and in the evening. A lesser inconvenience is undergoing 6 monthly tests to ensure that the antivirals are not attacking her kidneys or liver. Otherwise she runs, jumps, enjoys a busy social life, holds down a job, takes care of our home, and enjoys our sex life. The use of a condom is not seen as negative since neither of us want children. The quality of this lady's future life will depend mainly on her and her attitude to her unfortunate position. She might also reflect that she must take some responsibility for her wayward action. Anybody having unprotected sex with somebody that they barely know is part architect of their own misfortune.

Are you some form of doctor? How do you know how she will be affected? It could have serious psychological problems for her and her family.


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I think that an additional penalty should have been that this totally irresponsible moron is saddled with the bill for the prescription drugs that she will have to take for the rest of her life.

The police officer is clearly speaking OTT. The poor woman's life has not been ruined nor will she be unable to have a reasonably normal life, unable to perform day to day activities. My wife has been HIV positive for over 20 years and the major inconvenience is that she must take medication first thing in the morning and in the evening. A lesser inconvenience is undergoing 6 monthly tests to ensure that the antivirals are not attacking her kidneys or liver. Otherwise she runs, jumps, enjoys a busy social life, holds down a job, takes care of our home, and enjoys our sex life. The use of a condom is not seen as negative since neither of us want children. The quality of this lady's future life will depend mainly on her and her attitude to her unfortunate position. She might also reflect that she must take some responsibility for her wayward action. Anybody having unprotected sex with somebody that they barely know is part architect of their own misfortune.

Good luck to you man.

Love conquers all

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Question? Who made the decision to sleep with this man and didn't use protection such as a condom or other means? The man or the woman.

This is an issue that has come up many times and people who have HIV seek confidentiality when they are discovered to have the disease and they refuse to tell the person where boy or girl that they are infected. Many foreigners do come here from abroad for the purpose of having sex with whomever they want to. On the online sex chat forums / boards. Western men will sometimes say. “I have HIV/AIDS and want young boy or girl for sex

When a foreign tourist arrives at the border. Is there a medical technician there to test the individual before stepping foot on Thailand soil? No.

Thailand thrives on the sex business here and if Thailand didn't have a sex business then many businesses would fail.

Now a man who has HIV/AIDS in my option should be made to pay for his victims and compensate them for their losses. Never will happen. The death penety in this country would never work.

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