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Nana Plaza And Bible Thumpers

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I was reading Stickman's weekly and he mentioned the Bible thumpers were out in force again at the entrance of Nana Plaza - basically mouthing off those who enter would be damned.

I find this quite comical and absolutely entertaining - anyone bear witness to this circus before?

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"All ye who pass by these gates shall enter the gates of hel_l, bigger sinners you shall be in the eyes of the good lord than the evil devil's damsels who ply thy trade inside these walls. An appointment with the devil will be yours, nothing is surer.  Listen ye sinners, the lord will punish all!"  If you had the misfortune to see the bible thumpers who once again stood outside the entrance to Nana Plaza preaching their words, you would have heard something to this effect.  I can't imagine what the Thais think of this carry on!

-stickman weekly

Here is the text - doesnt say whether thai or farang, I assume farang from the last sentence. :o


I remember bein a kid outside Old Trafford they used to be there at games. :D

They're not there anymore, :D:o you don't think............ Nah, surely not, it can't be them....... :D:D:D


I was reading Stickman's weekly and he mentioned the Bible thumpers were out in force again at the entrance of Nana Plaza - basically mouthing off those who enter would be damned.

I find this quite comical and absolutely entertaining - anyone bear witness to this circus before?

It may be comical and entertaining outside Nana, but they really used to pi$$ me off when they came banging on my door in th UK years ago, and then it got worse - emotional blackmail by bringing kids with them. :o

So who is worse? - the god botherers who use kids or the girls who work in Nana to make a living. I know which side of the fence I'm on :D :D

I was reading Stickman's weekly and he mentioned the Bible thumpers were out in force again at the entrance of Nana Plaza - basically mouthing off those who enter would be damned.

I find this quite comical and absolutely entertaining - anyone bear witness to this circus before?

It may be comical and entertaining outside Nana, but they really used to pi$$ me off when they came banging on my door in th UK years ago, and then it got worse - emotional blackmail by bringing kids with them. :o

So who is worse? - the god botherers who use kids or the girls who work in Nana to make a living. I know which side of the fence I'm on :D :D

Or the kids who sell shit in Nana \?



I will be intown tonight so I might have to take a walk down to nana and see if I can get some photos of them in action..... :o who knows they may save my soul ... or start screaming " satan get thee behind me ".... :D


I saw them a couple weeks ago. They were all farangs. When one guy got tired of shouting holy imprecations at the top of his lungs, another one took over, this time in Thai. It was an impressive example of language learning.

<snip>I'm going to make it my mission from Satan to get one of them to short time a BG......

What ever happened to the "Temple Prostitutes" as spoken of in days of old, do the Christains still have them ?


I have seen these pitiful guys at Nana and Soi Cowboy. They look and sound like very redneck American gringos. I once got into an argument with these pitiful souls about our universe, time and space, our multi-dimensions, the truth of our earthling origin, the universal reincarnation ect ect.

But one thing I can confirmed is that there is no use to argue or reason or to waste any precious time with all these American Christian cults. Simply because they are not evolved mentally nor spiritually. These guys are living in an awfully small universe of distorted reality, and with a mental capacity of 6 years old and never evolve again. And their authority also forbits them to further evolve.

They look and sound like very redneck American gringos.

OK, you've got my interest. What does a "very redneck American gringo" look and sound like? Feel free to use any reference, maybe a fictional character from a movie or TV show you've seen.

They look and sound like very redneck American gringos.

OK, you've got my interest. What does a "very redneck American gringo" look and sound like? Feel free to use any reference, maybe a fictional character from a movie or TV show you've seen.

A very redneck american........Kid Rock, Britney Spears, Everyone in Dukes of Hazzard, etc ????

A very redneck american........Kid Rock, Britney Spears, Everyone in Dukes of Hazzard, etc ????

Everyone except Daisy right?


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

They look and sound like very redneck American gringos.

OK, you've got my interest. What does a "very redneck American gringo" look and sound like? Feel free to use any reference, maybe a fictional character from a movie or TV show you've seen.

A very redneck american........Kid Rock, Britney Spears, Everyone in Dukes of Hazzard, etc ????

I get the redneck part. I even get the very redneck part. (Although I'm not sure what the OP's reference points are?) What's confusing me is the gringo part.

So these people practicing freedoms presumably allowed in Thailand are from the southern United States? I'll go look tonight.


As a Bible reading Christian I'd like to add my thoughts. I dislike this type of preaching (although I have not witnessed this particular scene so I'm going on the info in the post) However, my comments are the same. The message of the Christian gospel is not one of Damnation but one of Salvation! And no where in their bibles does it tell them to spread this message in this way, it's their own choice - if they weren't Christian fundamentalists they would be some other sort of fundamentalist!

I will be intown tonight so I might have to take a walk down to nana and see if I can get some photos of them in action..... :o  who knows they may save my soul ... or start screaming " satan get thee behind me "....  :D

Wear a cap and see if they ask to inspect your scalp for the 666 Sign of the Beast.... :D

I will be intown tonight so I might have to take a walk down to nana and see if I can get some photos of them in action..... :o  who knows they may save my soul ... or start screaming " satan get thee behind me "....  :D

Wear a cap and see if they ask to inspect your scalp for the 666 Sign of the Beast.... :D



The guy on the gullivers end of Khao San is also a little gem. If you buy him a falafel he will even talk about football.

Not bad really - 10 baht for peace and quiet for ten minutes. NOt sure if there are any falafel sellers around nana (lie. I know there are not) but you could always just wind them.


Had a bit of dinner at the Old Dutch on soi Kwai Boye and got to enjoy the show for quite some time. I think it adds to the weird, wonderful and wacky mix that makes Bangkok so naturally bizarre. There were katoeys, bible thumpers, working girls, japanese businessmen, backpackers, english teachers, flower kids, an elephant, taxi touts, a few hill tribe silver shops wandering about (does anybody every buy that stuff?), the guy with the giant lighter, some elderly lady tourists from england taking photos of the japanese taking photos, and me. I think our new additions fit in just perfectly, like a cirque du soliel of the bizarre.

Vive la Bangkok!

What ever happened to the "Temple Prostitutes" as spoken of in days of old, do the Christains still have them ?
No, Chrisitians no longer have "Temples".

"And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee..."

No, Chrisitians no longer have "Temples".

"And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee..."

Does this apply to Stickman and the others here who seem nearly apoplectic at the thought or sight of these "bible thumpers"? If so, it's probably good advice, but maybe they could wait until they get home afore they gets a pluckin'?


A friend of mine saw a group on Soi Cowboy. He said they were mostly young farang men. He said the girls were trying to drag them in one of the bars. LOL!

As a Bible reading Christian I'd like to add my thoughts.  I dislike this type of preaching (although I have not witnessed this particular scene so I'm going on the info in the post)  However, my comments are the same.  The message of the Christian gospel is not one of Damnation but one of Salvation!  And no where in their bibles does it tell them to spread this message in this way, it's their own choice - if they weren't Christian fundamentalists they would be some other sort of fundamentalist!

Didn't Jesus say that you shouldn't put your lamp under a bushel but you should set it up on a stand so that it would shed light to everyone?

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