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Anyone Been For Their 90 Day Check Recently?

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The 90 day is an address report of being in the country for more than 90 days and is not keyed by any specific reason for such stay (retirement). The requirement is a completed/signed TM.47 form in Bangkok. If by mail photo copies are required everywhere and some seem to ask for even in person. There could be a request to document residence by some. Perhaps you should be specific as to the office for best answer.

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Was done last week none that I know of. Since you seem to know something what is the new changes you know of?

I was told that passport photo(s) were now required and photocopies of visa etc in passport.

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Chonburi Immigration require copies of : passport main page, current extension page, arrivals card plus proof of address.

I don't remember having to supply copies of passport main page or current extension/arrivals page last trip to Immigration. Is that new, or is my memory going? I know I always supplied proof of address though. Immigration must be drowning in paperwork.

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Chonburi Immigration require copies of : passport main page, current extension page, arrivals card plus proof of address.

I don't remember having to supply copies of passport main page or current extension/arrivals page last trip to Immigration. Is that new, or is my memory going? I know I always supplied proof of address though. Immigration must be drowning in paperwork.

John C is correct - That is what Chonburi Office now require.

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Was at Nonthaburi the other day, the woman took copies of:

The photo page from the passport

Copy of the actual visa

Copy of the page with last extension

Proof of address (yellow tambien baan)

I was already prepared and had them with me.

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The OP needs to say where his reporting office is as it varies between them. Chiang Mai requires signed copies of your passport pages - photo/Visa page, permission to stay page and arrival card. No proof of address required at the moment.

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Was at Nonthaburi the other day, the woman took copies of:

The photo page from the passport

Copy of the actual visa

Copy of the page with last extension

Proof of address (yellow tambien baan)

I was already prepared and had them with me.

Forget the arrival card.....wooopsssss

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The OP needs to say where his reporting office is as it varies between them. Chiang Mai requires signed copies of your passport pages - photo/Visa page, permission to stay page and arrival card. No proof of address required at the moment.

I go to the Jomtien (Pattaya) Immigration.

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Just this morning HR sent me my reminder to report next week, as per usual it was a TM.47 and my passport, no other information required. They report for me at One Stop.

Report where? I always have to supply proof of address. Who is HR that sends you a reminder? What did they photocopy from your passport?

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Just this morning HR sent me my reminder to report next week, as per usual it was a TM.47 and my passport, no other information required. They report for me at One Stop.

Report where? I always have to supply proof of address. Who is HR that sends you a reminder? What did they photocopy from your passport?

Obviously his company (HR = Human Resources Department).

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Just this morning HR sent me my reminder to report next week, as per usual it was a TM.47 and my passport, no other information required. They report for me at One Stop.

Report where? I always have to supply proof of address. Who is HR that sends you a reminder? What did they photocopy from your passport?

Its either his wife...Her Righteousness...or Human resources in his company......I guess.

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Just this morning HR sent me my reminder to report next week, as per usual it was a TM.47 and my passport, no other information required. They report for me at One Stop.

Report where? I always have to supply proof of address. Who is HR that sends you a reminder? What did they photocopy from your passport?

Obviously his company (HR = Human Resources Department).

And One Stop would be the BOI joint Immigration/Labor office in Bangkok.

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Chonburi Immigration require copies of : passport main page, current extension page, arrivals card plus proof of address.

I was there two days ago. The kid (not in uniform) that served me said: copies of passport main page, current extension page, arrivals card, house papers. No mention of proof of address. A Thai woman was asking what was going on. Another officer explained that regulation was always on the books, and there was a new head guy who wants it enforced.

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Chonburi Immigration require copies of : passport main page, current extension page, arrivals card plus proof of address.

I was there two days ago. The kid (not in uniform) that served me said: copies of passport main page, current extension page, arrivals card, house papers. No mention of proof of address. A Thai woman was asking what was going on. Another officer explained that regulation was always on the books, and there was a new head guy who wants it enforced.

Your house papers (I assume you mean chanoot) are proof of address. I usually take a water or electric bill, that's enough for proof of address.

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for proof of address for my 90 day report and my new retirement extension application (they are within 15 days of each other and will be done at the same time in Dec) I intend to take my wife, her house blue book and ID card and our marriage certificate as I have nothing else available, all utilities are in her name...has this worked/not worked for anyone?

also, my name is on the chanote for our house as the usufructuary but that does not, strictly speaking, provide proof of residence...

I'm also hoping that the good relationship that we have with our local immigration office will assist in this matter but one never knows...I previously had an extension based on marriage with the map, house photos and etc...

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The OP needs to say where his reporting office is as it varies between them. Chiang Mai requires signed copies of your passport pages - photo/Visa page, permission to stay page and arrival card. No proof of address required at the moment.

Khon Kaen the same.

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for proof of address for my 90 day report and my new retirement extension application (they are within 15 days of each other and will be done at the same time in Dec) I intend to take my wife, her house blue book and ID card and our marriage certificate as I have nothing else available, all utilities are in her name...has this worked/not worked for anyone?

also, my name is on the chanote for our house as the usufructuary but that does not, strictly speaking, provide proof of residence...

I'm also hoping that the good relationship that we have with our local immigration office will assist in this matter but one never knows...I previously had an extension based on marriage with the map, house photos and etc...

That should be much more than adequate. All they normally ask (if they ask) is something. The marriage proof and her home register should be more than enough. A simple envelope addressed to you would likely be accepted.

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Chonburi Immigration require copies of : passport main page, current extension page, arrivals card plus proof of address.

I was there two days ago. The kid (not in uniform) that served me said: copies of passport main page, current extension page, arrivals card, house papers. No mention of proof of address. A Thai woman was asking what was going on. Another officer explained that regulation was always on the books, and there was a new head guy who wants it enforced.

Your house papers (I assume you mean chanoot) are proof of address. I usually take a water or electric bill, that's enough for proof of address.

Not chanot - Tabian baan. That would not be proof of address, so maybe he was confused as well, but that is definitely what he said. This is going to sound silly, but better safe that sorry. The water/electric bill - that's in the name of a Thai, not your name, right?

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Phuket: No Tabian baan, no photo, no copies of my passport... just filled in a few lines, then they officer asked me to sign the bottom and completed the rest himself. Phuket Immigration is one of the most helpful and efficient departments in the gov here... or maybe they just like me. :whistling:

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Chonburi Immigration require copies of : passport main page, current extension page, arrivals card plus proof of address.

Did mine Friday Oct 8th in Jomtien. The above is correct. They had a falang helper checking paperwork was in order before giving you the cue number. In and out 10 min.

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I just got by visa back after 90 days (Non B, Multiple entry sent for 90 day check in at Chaeng Wattana with lawyer) and there's no stamp in it.

Previously I always had a stamp of the date I did my last check in. Apparently they've now changed it and it's stored on computer but not in the passport. Raising obvious difficulties if it's ever checked! (Never has been but I'm an eternal pessimist!)

Anyone else had this?

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