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U.S. adds 137,000 private sector jobs in September


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U.S. adds 137,000 private sector jobs in September

2011-10-08 15:44:51 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- The U.S. labor market reported significant labor market growth in September, adding around 137,000 private sector jobs, the U.S. Labor Department (DOL) said on Friday.

According to the DOL's September 2011 Employment Situation report, nonfarm payroll employment added 137,000 private sector jobs while nonfarm payroll jobs grew by 103,000. The U.S. created 2.6 million jobs over 19 consecutive months of private sector growth, the DOL said.

But while the unemployment rate remained high at 9.1 percent, the reported July and August jobs numbers were revised significantly upward, showing that the U.S. added 99,000 more jobs during those two months than was previously reported.

However, despite the job growth in the month of September, some 34,000 local government workers lost their jobs. Among those who lost their jobs were 24,000 teachers and other education professionals.

Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis stressed that more must be done to speed up the country's recovery, although she expressed optimism with the recent data. "What this shows is that our economy responds positively when Washington curtails the public bickering and pledges to work together to solve the jobs crisis," Solis said. "If we want these trends to continue, our lawmakers must now match their words with votes."

Meanwhile, the revised gross domestic product (GDP) growth in the second quarter, along with building permits, industrial production, export growth, consumer confidence and personal spending, all posted increases.

Despite the administration's efforts to add jobs back into the U.S. economy, Solis emphasized on the need for policies to work faster and on a bigger scale. "We know what works," she stated, "cutting payroll taxes for workers and businesses, extending unemployment insurance benefits and making smart investments in the American worker. Now is not the time to abandon these proven pro-growth policies."

Solis underlined the importance of the American Jobs Act, which she said would stop employment losses and "give municipalities the support they need to put our educators back in the classroom," adding that first-class education is critical to the nation's long-term success in the global economy.

Independent forecasters, meanwhile, estimate that the American Jobs Act will create as many as 1.9 million jobs and increase economic growth by as much as two percentage points, if enacted.

"That's more than 150,000 additional jobs a month," Solis noted. "It's crucial that this bill gets an up-or-down vote in both the House and Senate. If leaders in Congress refuse to put the bill to a vote, respected forecasters believe we will see lackluster GDP and job growth in 2012."

She added: "Inaction is not a responsible option for any lawmaker who is serious about putting this country back to work."


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-10-08

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