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Maybe asking for the impossible here but is there a copy of the Thai Traffic code or road rules in English anywhere.

More looking for rules and traffic codes that apply to motorbike riding etc.

Anything official such as website where I can download etc.

Rgds monty


There may indeed be a set of laws governing behaviour on the Thai roads but as NOBODY has either read them or if they have bothers to abide by them you reading them wouldn't do much good.

Expect the unexpected, drive with the finger on the horn button and ride / drive slow enough to react to anything and never be in a hurry to get anywhere.

Apart from those driving here is great.

Been all around Thailand and done thousands of clicks and never had an accident.

I actually feel safer riding my bikes here than back home as at least here they expect lots of bikes about unlike the UK where they simply " I Didn't see you " crap


The next time you go to renew your Thai drivers license you'll be required to sit through a 45 minute video that explains the rules of the road, unfortunately the video explains the rules as being the way things should be and not the way things are, there's little point therefore in trying to learn a set of rules that are followed just by you,


I understand the OP's request. It makes sense to know the rules if you are applying for a license and need to anwer the questions. Just don't expect others to follow the rules... including the police. And hence, all the funny answers here.


I understand the OP's request. It makes sense to know the rules if you are applying for a license and need to anwer the questions. Just don't expect others to follow the rules... including the police. And hence, all the funny answers here.

i dont think it is even possible to fail the test !


I understand the OP's request. It makes sense to know the rules if you are applying for a license and need to anwer the questions. Just don't expect others to follow the rules... including the police. And hence, all the funny answers here.

Rules of the road, in theory. Rarely in practice.

It's more of a social kind of extension, less a political one.


Somebody mentioned about getting info at The Land Transport office. That's a joke, Right ? Been there in the last few years ? There's no intelligent life left, just about everything is in Thai, including driver manuals and rules of the road. The only thing that's not in Thai is the illogical driving test you take on the computer. For Thailand driving rules, as has been mentioned which are useless since no thai's read them, your best bet is this forum and Google. Most Thai driving rules seem to be based on the size and value of the vehicles involved. You got a Mercedes or a big freaking bus, your in good shape. You got a Suzuki, your screwed.


I understand the OP's request. It makes sense to know the rules if you are applying for a license and need to anwer the questions. Just don't expect others to follow the rules... including the police. And hence, all the funny answers here.

No it doesn't, not at all. Obviously you haven't been to The Land Transport experience lately either. So you know, all the manuals are in Thai. Taking the driving test is quite unique. this was my experience a few months ago. Took the written test to get my motorbike license, I had not studied at all and did not realize many of the signs and procedures were so different in Thailand than in my home country so just assumed I would fail the first time and have to return. As I recall, they give you about an hour to complete a certain amount of questions. I had just read them all through and was about to answer the first one after about 5-6 minutes in the testing area when the "monitor" approached me and tapped me on the shoulder. She was quite a nice girl and explained to me to look out the window of the testing room and look at the long line of people waiting to take the test. She explained that I had to "finish up" and sign off and report to her desk in front. I just assumed it was not my day and I would have to return. When I approached her she handed me my paperwork and said to go down a take my drivers test. I questioned her about the written test and she said I passed fine ! (after answering one question).


What's the point in you reading the traffic rules when there are 30 million car and bike riders out there that haven't?

Very very true. The only rule you really need to know is that money is rule No1?



To start driving in Thailand here is some standard advice.

1. This is assuming you have a license.

2. If you have not driven in THAILAND and your not sure, at first go slowly.

3. The best place to be is on the left-hand side of the road, although not all foreigners on bicycles know this.

4. As No.3. but be careful because most people on mopeds what they call motorbikes here do not know this either.

5. Adjust your mirrors so you can see all around you but be prepared to look all around you too. Yoga is recommended.

6. As No.5. but don't trust your mirrors too much ! They come from bleeding everywhere, cars, trucks and motorbikes.

7. Once you have experience as in No.2. Auto motors are best because unless your on motorway type roads, your be lucky to get into forth.

8. If you think people are using their horn to honk at you, you are probably passing near a Temple or Shrine.

9. At traffic lights be patience because green is not always a colour they like, especially if their on the phone.

10. As No.8. but be prepared for snail type pull away. i.e. you press an accelerator pedal and it using more fuel.

11. When turning left from a junction look every which way and everywhere as No.6. but go slowly.

12. When turning right as No.11.

13. When turning and facing oncoming traffic when they flash there lights it means

" They are coming through and not going to stop ".

14. No.13. is NOT a joke, I do not know about other countries but in the " UK " it means " I'm here " and sometimes people flash lights to say you can go but not here.

15. Many like to drive fast and sometimes overtake you but then slow down.

16. If you have an accident don't automatically think it not your fault even if it wasn't.

17. Ref :- No16. It is best to have an insurance that covers the cost of repairs to your vehicle even if it wasn't your fault, preferable No.1 insurance..

18. If the car, truck. whatever is in your name don't assume that you own 100% of it if your married.

19. Pump tyres up yourself to the correct p.s.i. otherwise you will be riding on wheels like solid rock. ( Dangerous ).

20. Never assume your car has been serviced correctly, check it yourself or get someone competent to do so if you can find such a person.

21. addition via (ableguy) If driving in Bangkok carry a few one hundred baht notes for your friendly police wage collector.

Again I can't think of anything else but I'm sure if there is stick it on.


I understand the OP's request. It makes sense to know the rules if you are applying for a license and need to anwer the questions. Just don't expect others to follow the rules... including the police. And hence, all the funny answers here.

i dont think it is even possible to fail the test !

Oh it is, you do as an English aquaintence did. Keep complaining the English language version of the test is written badly. :lol:

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