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What Are Your Hobbies Here In Thailand?


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Used to be watching go-go, tried to switch interest into driving chopper because of the expense but it didn't work, -i just got myself yet another expense.

These days i'm happy just drinking beer and play computer

Edited by poanoi
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Cycling around outer Sukhumvit, taking the odd photo while on my rides(odd pictures are so much more interesting than normal ones), reading (but not at the same time), fishing (although not done any for a long time), playing with the hound at home, planning for the move to my new house, watching the US version of Shameless on True -they haven't run the UK version (is the original any good?).

Monday thru Friday work, work and more work, (except now of course).

If you take some time to explore there are some lovely places to visit and fish in Thailand. Many people don't realize that Thailand has some lovely, clear rivers along the Burma border.


and some interesting looking fish that will take artificial flies...


Must say E, you really have it sorted. :)

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Ian do you eat the fish? catfish and carp have a very muddy gritty taste for me probably because they are mud suckers.

I eat a lot of fish in Canada, but not so many in Thailand. The only ones I eat are from clear water reservoirs where there is an abundance. Not all reservoirs in Thailand are the same... even though there are fish in every one.

I camped at this lovely reservoir east of Chiang Mai where a Thai friend and I caught a bunch of Jungle perch. We decided to keep 6 out of the dozen or so we landed. Naret took 3 to a friend who cooked them, and I gave 3 to some lady friends of mine. The consensus was the fish were far better than the common tilapia they buy in the market.



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I strum and pick an ol' geetar on the veranda in the evening .

+1 guitar.gif

My other hobby , as posted on a previous thread , is counting pics of Ian's baldy napper on TV .

:lol: :lol: :lol:

A picture tells a thousand words. Now that I know it's your hobby I'll keep posting them. :whistling:

Here's another for yah... B)


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I strum and pick an ol' geetar on the veranda in the evening .

+1 guitar.gif

My other hobby , as posted on a previous thread , is counting pics of Ian's baldy napper on TV .

:lol: :lol: :lol:

A picture tells a thousand words. Now that I know it's your hobby I'll keep posting them. :whistling:

Here's another for yah... B)


That's the spirit Ian.

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Here are two pictures of me taken 12 years apart. I'm now 71. You decide. I don't know where the past 20 years went but it's still a great ride.

Ian, although I would not know one end of a fish from t'other, your photos of your hobby are really good to see.

I wonder though, why you only have 1 shirt .. :lol:


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I wonder though, why you only have 1 shirt .. :lol:



Lots of friends poke fun at me about that. I like the safari shirts because they are cotton and have big pockets. I have a whole closet full of them and wear them year-round. Even my Thai girl friends notice that and tease me about it. When Lek and I were in Mai Sai together on a border run, Lek pointed out some inexpensive safari shirts for me knowing I would like them. They cost about 300 baht in Thailand, but the equivalent of about 900 baht in Canada. I'm a bit boring in some things I do. I eat the same Thai meals each day and dress pretty much the same each day.

I do like my photography and hiking though and try to do one serious hike a week. We usually start at the zoo in Chiang Mai and hike up Doi Suthep







It's a lovely forest with lots of wildlife: birds, monkeys, butterflies and the occasional deer.



The trail comes out about 150 meters above the temple.


There is an immense fig tree a short way down the trail from the top. Fig trees have their root system above ground and join together about 4 meters up the trunk.



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ian do you take deep nasal breathes pretty much all day long?

That would explain 100% why you are not aging much. Having been outdoor most of your life would have conditioned you to using your lungs more than the 10% we all do.

Noooo, he looked like that at birth, eh E. :lol:

Well, l did. :huh:

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One of my activities is to keep the local handymen from doing anything that requires any expertise. It's easier to do it myself and to avoid raising my blood pressure.

I'm a tinkerer and enjoy tinkering. Mostly metal work or plumbing. I have a number of things to do but nothing that I HAVE to do. Actually I try to do nothing and I am VERY good at that.

Sitting on the front porch of our little getaway house that overlooks the pond and watching the sun go down over the mountains while drinking beer is relaxing too. Catching the catfish in the pond is too easy to be very enjoyable. They do taste good though.

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Fishing, hiking, photography, painting, writing and sex. I think I've already posted enough pictures of each.

Yes, but my question is; after all that sex, do you still have the energy for all that fishing, hiking, photography, painting and writing?

The answer is Yes. A wise man once said that every day fishing is not considered part of your alloted days on earth. Funny as that may seem I believe there is some truth to the saying. I've been fishing so much I got a free pass from God and I'll cash in my chips when I finally get too bored with life.

Here are two pictures of me taken 12 years apart. I'm now 71. You decide. I don't know where the past 20 years went but it's still a great ride.


Your shirt has aged well.

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