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Briton Arrested For 530,000 Baht Bank Robbery In Chiang Mai


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Yet another product of the superior British educational system.


These people should be means tested before ever being allowed to leave the UK.

I disagree.

If the UK were smart, they would encourage the poor to leave.

If LOS were smart, they would forbid the entry of same.

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There should be a farang court with farang expat jurists to decide the fate of J/offs like this guy.

Ah yes. The Thai Visa (Hung, Drawn and) Quarter Sessions. Justice indeed. I think I'd almost prefer to take my chances with Judge Somchai.

Edited by Rumpole
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what a shameful act... a person of his age should be financially well off living a great lifestyle in Thailand... sigh...

Yes, and children should be seen and not heard. Ho hum.


i love that one must try it next time im in New York or London. I actually for a laugh sometimes get some real tramp type clothes and a blanket and a bit of makeup to make me look really down and out. People would be mazed what I collect sometimes. More than 20-30 us$ an hour. I always give it to a real poor guy really down on his luck just ot make his/her day. Dont do it much these days but it used to be great fun.

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One guy has mentioned this guy has prostrate cancer. If that is true with nothing to lose and by all accounts he was flat broke, he's robbed a bank... hmm!

Wonder how many of the quick to judge members on here have said if they found out they were dying, if that is the case. they'd do something stupid?

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Thanks for the link Goshawk.

Thairath are saying that he became very stressed during the arrest, and is also suffering from prostate cancer, so was taken to hospital in Chiang Mai where police are awaiting the doctors' go-ahead to continue questioning. He's also denying any involvement in the robbery, although they did find 407,000 Baht in his room and there does seem to be CCTV footage of him circling the bank several times before the robbery..

Apparently he's saying he's an ex police officer from Ireland, and retired to Chiang Mai two years ago.

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No knife or weapon used? No injuries?

He'll be free and deported within a year.

Enjoy your 20 years in the Hilton.

You do realize that Western murderers in Chiang Mai get sentenced to between 2 1/2 to 3 years for murder, right?

there was a post earlier that said a knife and a gun were both used ,its hard to imagine the thai security guard and staff

just handing over the cash if an empty handed farang just asked for it......... :rolleyes:

Actually, he didn't even ask for it....

Bank teller Suparat Rattanakot, who put the money in Wynn's bag said: 'Actually he did not say anything.

'He just made the gestures, so we knew what he wanted.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2047506/Michael-Wynn-Retired-Briton-faces-25-years-jail-Thai-bank-heist.html#ixzz1aQ4uKE1c

which also includes additional details on how he robbed the bank and how he was apprehended.

And yes, definitely not the same guy as the Samui fraudster. Perhaps it best if those posts on him were removed to avoid further confusion.


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The white one did it!wink.gif

Well written. Where are the Nigerian-haters of the forum now ?

Bigots tend not to write in such threads :) I think they very well know that there are lots of criminials from every country/race but they just 'concentrate on' certain nationalities/races.


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Enjoy your 20 years in the Hilton.

100% not 20years.

Maybe 2 years max.

You are guessing this due to the age factor ?

or the prostrate cancer, which often kills fairly rapidly.

His using the gun in his bank robbery will likely solidify his chance for an incarceration equal to the time his cancer death sentence is carried out.


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British Senior Citizen Trained at Fitness Centre Before Chiang Mai Bank Heist

Published by Andrew Drummond

A retired Briton was under arrest in Thailand and facing 25 years in jail today after pulling off an armed bank heist in the Northern capital of Chiang Mai.


Michael Wynn - The bitter end of the hunt

Michael Wynn, 63, was arrested early this morning (Monday) at a £150 a month apartment, five days after the robbery at a bank in the city centre.

Thai Police said Wynn trained at a ‘Fitness Thailand’ gym before and after the robbery last Wednesday. [more...]

Full story and pictures: http://andrew-drummond.com/view-story.php?sid=450

-- andrew-drummond.com 2011-10-11


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I cannot believe his getaway vehicle was a Honda Click.

Yeah when I think of a Brit robbing a bank I imagine some getaway driver called " Nosher" behind the wheel of a Jag Sovereign or the like. It seems like a lot of Brits in Thailand relish mediocrity. :(

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The choice of bike makes perfect sense to me, if you are going to rent a bike to do a crime of some sort then which bike would be the hardest bike to trace in Thailand and not stand out from the crowd??? wouldn't be much point in turning up on a Harley would there!(understand the thought behind the choice but am glad it didn't work out 4 him)

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I don't know why people go on about the terrible conditions in Thai prisons and how westerners are treated badly by the cops. They've obviously never experienced these things and are just talking out of their &lt;deleted&gt;. Looking at the pic it seems in Thai police custody you get a free shoulder massage. I can only hope if I ever get arrested that this courtesy doesn't extend to a happy ending from the desk sergeant.

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It has to be true if someone posted hearsay about it. :rolleyes:

Never heard of a snatch and grab? :huh:

The ways locals count out massive stacks of cash then put them into their handbags at banks here it's surprising it doesn't happen more.

i doubt a 64 year old man was faster than everyone at the bank and able to snatch so many piles of notes before somebody noticed and then escape on his trusty honda click :whistling:

if u helped him on your hi speed cb 250 r maybe he would have got away with it ...........;)

I'm sure he never wanted to rob the bank. He might have said to the sexy female cashier: "Give me all your honey, now and they gave him some money.Sorry, that they misunderstood you Mr. Dushbag.jap.gif

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Enjoy your 20 years in the Hilton.

100% not 20years.

Maybe 2 years max.

You are guessing this due to the age factor ?

or the prostrate cancer, which often kills fairly rapidly.

His using the gun in his bank robbery will likely solidify his chance for an incarceration equal to the time his cancer death sentence is carried out.


There are two types of prostrate cancer one grows fast, one slow. Its a crap shoot which one you get.

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Another news item from 2010 about this gentleman:

Mr. Wynn’s accomplice has yet to be identified, however, it is hoped that Mr. Wynn will be able to help police in bringing him to justice too.

How come the guy is still out and about in Chaing Mai after after an arrest in Samui a year ago? Looks like a Wynn Wynn situation for the Thai authorities!

Wynn Wynn - oh that's bad, that's really bad. :lol:

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British Senior Citizen Trained at Fitness Centre Before Chiang Mai Bank Heist

Published by Andrew Drummond

A retired Briton was under arrest in Thailand and facing 25 years in jail today after pulling off an armed bank heist in the Northern capital of Chiang Mai.


Michael Wynn - The bitter end of the hunt

Michael Wynn, 63, was arrested early this morning (Monday) at a £150 a month apartment, five days after the robbery at a bank in the city centre.

Thai Police said Wynn trained at a 'Fitness Thailand' gym before and after the robbery last Wednesday. [more...]

Full story and pictures: http://andrew-drummo...ory.php?sid=450

-- andrew-drummond.com 2011-10-11


25x 365= 8425 days. 530,000 baht divided by 8425 days is 62,9 baht/day. Hope he paid for his bike before. Another 'good' advertisement for foreign expats in the LOS....jap.gif

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The security @ most Thai Banks is non-existant. My pub mates joke about how easy it would be to knock over a Thai Bank. Mr Wynn obviously got the same idea. These banks would be knocked over in a flash in the USA. I've seen a scooter courier stuff about 1 Million ThB into a ratty shoulder bag and saunter off to deliver it. The lack of security is really laughable.

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He either seriously thought he could get away with it OR he wanted to get caught and be "looked after" in prison for the rest of his life either in Thailand or in he UK. It surely had to be the latter. If I robbed a bank here in Bangkok, I would surely be caught the same day.

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