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A Tale Of 3 Thai Chicks


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Op, I enjoyed reading your story though. But my suggestions to you............. you stated, you are looking for a sexy and charming one, that showed that you are not really looking into a "serious" relationship or a long term one. If you are, why are looks and sexy figure so important?

Frankly, you are already 60 yo, I can tell you , whether are you good looking or not, you will not find a Thai lady of your expectation to be in REAL love with you. Alternately, perhaps a Thai lady around your age , it a little easier to find. I don't mean to be mean, your post seems like you are looking more to a 5eX partner rather than a companion. My suggestion, no one will want you but only your money ( if you have a lot ) ..........

Make it this way, pay each time for a short term "love" or overnight, this will make you happier, you are allowed to choose how sexy, how charming with many thousands of Thai Baht shown. Do it this way, there are many waiting for you!!! This way, you can change partner almost everyday, perfect right?

How do you tell the difference between REAL love and the other kind? I have been married three times to age appropriate women and I am having a wee problem finding a good definition.

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Gee guys I was being serious. The young fellows who have age appropriate women would step up to the plate and give us all the reasons they know it is REAL love.

Of course all the reasons are in the young guys head and nothing that can be objectively measured. So the answer is, if the man thinks it's love then it is love because there is no distinction in behavior between the two.

But it would have been fun to listen to the delusional share their delusions.

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And if you asked women from an extremely deprived area of the US or UK if they would marry a foreigner than I'm sure you'd get similar results. If you are extremely poor then it is just common sense that security has to be one of your main priorities.

Also, many farang men on her accuse Thai women of putting money before love, but that is exactly what the farang men are doing. If love is more important, then why are you so concerned about your money. Give it all away and find true love. Many farang men on here are so obsessed with not giving away a single baht that it seems to me that it is them that puts money first, not the Thai women. For many of you it seems like you can't adapt to the culture at all. So why are you still here? Go back to your own culture and then you won't have to support any family.

The final point is that most of you base all your knowledge and belief on the experiences you have with a few bar girls. Not all Thai women are bar girls. Perhaps you all need to get out and meet some other women. Then you might have a clearer picture of how things actually work here.

No, we're not putting money before love, we're putting common sense before love. That's seems to be a concept that you can't quite grasp. There are lot's of sentimental individuals out there living in your little mills and boon world and prattling on about love. Sorry but I put integrity and honesty above love because without that, love doesn't exist. Prove to me otherwise? If you're quite happy supporting your wifes extended family then good for you but don't come on here trying BS that it's some kind cultural requirement or necessity for a farang to be in a relationship with a Thai woman because it's not. IT's something we might do as a favour and nothing more.

If you're so certain of your understanding of Thai culture, tell me why many Thai men don't bother providing ongoing financial support for their wives families? I'll tell you why old sport, because they've already paid a sin sot that's why. And that's why the responsibility of taking care of the parents always comes back on the daughters. You seem to be making great issue of telling us how wonderfully generous Thai people are. Really? Please provide us with a list of Thai people you know wh've recently bought a farang a house, a car, and who are providing a farangs with monthly stipends? Can you also tell me why 5% of the Thai population have 95% of the wealth of this country while the other 95% are living on, or about, the poverty line. How come the wealthy 5% aren't taking care of the needy 95%? It looks as though your understanding of Thailand, and Thai culture, is not all that it's cracked up to be. Perhaps you're the one that need to go back to where you come from?

I'll leave you with something that a Thai Hiso lady told me some time ago: "hiso and low so is a fact of life in Thailand. We grow up knowing this. It's just not politically correct to say so" Make of that what you will

I agree with you that common sense, integrity and honesty need to come before love. Also I am not saying that farangs have to pay to support an extended family. What I'm saying is that many farangs are so obsessed with money that they won't help a single poor relative just on a point of principle. So they would rather their wife's mother live in poverty rather than give her a small amount of money that they can easily afford. Any decent man would help out whatever country he lived in and whatever culture.

If you want to know why the 5% don't help the 95% then you'll have to ask them not me. I've no idea.

Have Thai people bought farangs cars, houses, etc? I've no idea. But the farangs are mostly well off people who have moved to a poor country, so you wouldn't expect poor people to be buying cars for richer people. I know there are exceptions, but that's the general rule.

I don't get how tight-fisted some farangs are, because that is their business. But on the whole, the tight-fisted ones seem to be the unhappiest ones and the ones who are on here complaining the most.

And before you twist what I'm saying, I don't expect farangs to give their GFs and wives and extended family endless streams of money. But it is just common decency to help out where you can if someone needs help, in whatever country you are. If you truly love your wife I can't see any reason why you wouldn't want to help.

If you can't do this, then don't expect anyone to help you out when you are down on your luck one day.

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And if you asked women from an extremely deprived area of the US or UK if they would marry a foreigner than I'm sure you'd get similar results. If you are extremely poor then it is just common sense that security has to be one of your main priorities.

Also, many farang men on her accuse Thai women of putting money before love, but that is exactly what the farang men are doing. If love is more important, then why are you so concerned about your money. Give it all away and find true love. Many farang men on here are so obsessed with not giving away a single baht that it seems to me that it is them that puts money first, not the Thai women. For many of you it seems like you can't adapt to the culture at all. So why are you still here? Go back to your own culture and then you won't have to support any family.

The final point is that most of you base all your knowledge and belief on the experiences you have with a few bar girls. Not all Thai women are bar girls. Perhaps you all need to get out and meet some other women. Then you might have a clearer picture of how things actually work here.

No, we're not putting money before love, we're putting common sense before love. That's seems to be a concept that you can't quite grasp. There are lot's of sentimental individuals out there living in your little mills and boon world and prattling on about love. Sorry but I put integrity and honesty above love because without that, love doesn't exist. Prove to me otherwise? If you're quite happy supporting your wifes extended family then good for you but don't come on here trying BS that it's some kind cultural requirement or necessity for a farang to be in a relationship with a Thai woman because it's not. IT's something we might do as a favour and nothing more.

If you're so certain of your understanding of Thai culture, tell me why many Thai men don't bother providing ongoing financial support for their wives families? I'll tell you why old sport, because they've already paid a sin sot that's why. And that's why the responsibility of taking care of the parents always comes back on the daughters. You seem to be making great issue of telling us how wonderfully generous Thai people are. Really? Please provide us with a list of Thai people you know wh've recently bought a farang a house, a car, and who are providing a farangs with monthly stipends? Can you also tell me why 5% of the Thai population have 95% of the wealth of this country while the other 95% are living on, or about, the poverty line. How come the wealthy 5% aren't taking care of the needy 95%? It looks as though your understanding of Thailand, and Thai culture, is not all that it's cracked up to be. Perhaps you're the one that need to go back to where you come from?

I'll leave you with something that a Thai Hiso lady told me some time ago: "hiso and low so is a fact of life in Thailand. We grow up knowing this. It's just not politically correct to say so" Make of that what you will

I agree with you that common sense, integrity and honesty need to come before love. Also I am not saying that farangs have to pay to support an extended family. What I'm saying is that many farangs are so obsessed with money that they won't help a single poor relative just on a point of principle. So they would rather their wife's mother live in poverty rather than give her a small amount of money that they can easily afford. Any decent man would help out whatever country he lived in and whatever culture.

If you want to know why the 5% don't help the 95% then you'll have to ask them not me. I've no idea.

Have Thai people bought farangs cars, houses, etc? I've no idea. But the farangs are mostly well off people who have moved to a poor country, so you wouldn't expect poor people to be buying cars for richer people. I know there are exceptions, but that's the general rule.

I don't get how tight-fisted some farangs are, because that is their business. But on the whole, the tight-fisted ones seem to be the unhappiest ones and the ones who are on here complaining the most.

And before you twist what I'm saying, I don't expect farangs to give their GFs and wives and extended family endless streams of money. But it is just common decency to help out where you can if someone needs help, in whatever country you are. If you truly love your wife I can't see any reason why you wouldn't want to help.

If you can't do this, then don't expect anyone to help you out when you are down on your luck one day.

IMO you are trying to make "one size fit all" and it doesn't work like that.

Thai people just like any other race are basically the same. There are good and deserving people and also nasty and undeserving ones. Just because someone's Thai family are struggling does not automatically mean that they deserve to be assisted. Do they make any attempt to help themselves? Are they grateful for any assistance, or are they just lazy and grasping, with their hand out in expectations of the mana from heaven.

I know I'm not going to help anyone that does nothing to help out their family, and acts like spoiled ratbags, regardless of how destitute they are.

I love my wife, but I didn't marry her family, and I don't give a monkey's about any BS "cultural" obligation to support relatives if they don't deserve it.

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Op, I enjoyed reading your story though. But my suggestions to you............. you stated, you are looking for a sexy and charming one, that showed that you are not really looking into a "serious" relationship or a long term one. If you are, why are looks and sexy figure so important?

Frankly, you are already 60 yo, I can tell you , whether are you good looking or not, you will not find a Thai lady of your expectation to be in REAL love with you. Alternately, perhaps a Thai lady around your age , it a little easier to find. I don't mean to be mean, your post seems like you are looking more to a 5eX partner rather than a companion. My suggestion, no one will want you but only your money ( if you have a lot ) ..........

Make it this way, pay each time for a short term "love" or overnight, this will make you happier, you are allowed to choose how sexy, how charming with many thousands of Thai Baht shown. Do it this way, there are many waiting for you!!! This way, you can change partner almost everyday, perfect right?

How do you tell the difference between REAL love and the other kind? I have been married three times to age appropriate women and I am having a wee problem finding a good definition.

The problem with the English language is that it doesn't distinguish sufficiently between variations on a word, and "love" falls right into that category. Love is used for a lot of completely different things, none of which are really comparable, which causes endless confusion. How can one word be used for having sex, a mother's feeling for a child, being in lust and feeling committed to another person?

My interpretation of "real love" would be one that is unconditional.

Unfortunately, too many people mistake being in lust with being in love. Lust lasts only till the glow ends while love is endless.

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My interpretation of "real love" would be one that is unconditional.

Unfortunately, too many people mistake being in lust with being in love. Lust lasts only till the glow ends while love is endless.

And I think some people watch too many 'Twilight' movies.

Get a grip man!

Edited by ludditeman
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Nice thread, and thanks for going to the level of detail you did in your original post.

Just curious, what's your plan now? Still interested in retiring to Thailand, or will you just vacation there? Have you considered the Phillipines.

Also you said that you were flooded with offers from women as young as 19 through to 60's. Having not used TLL as yet, can I get some more info behind this, ie approx how many offers in total, and what % in each age group. Just curious as to what level of interest I might get in the future.

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Op, I enjoyed reading your story though. But my suggestions to you............. you stated, you are looking for a sexy and charming one, that showed that you are not really looking into a "serious" relationship or a long term one. If you are, why are looks and sexy figure so important?

Frankly, you are already 60 yo, I can tell you , whether are you good looking or not, you will not find a Thai lady of your expectation to be in REAL love with you. Alternately, perhaps a Thai lady around your age , it a little easier to find. I don't mean to be mean, your post seems like you are looking more to a 5eX partner rather than a companion. My suggestion, no one will want you but only your money ( if you have a lot ) ..........

Make it this way, pay each time for a short term "love" or overnight, this will make you happier, you are allowed to choose how sexy, how charming with many thousands of Thai Baht shown. Do it this way, there are many waiting for you!!! This way, you can change partner almost everyday, perfect right?

How do you tell the difference between REAL love and the other kind? I have been married three times to age appropriate women and I am having a wee problem finding a good definition.

The problem with the English language is that it doesn't distinguish sufficiently between variations on a word, and "love" falls right into that category. Love is used for a lot of completely different things, none of which are really comparable, which causes endless confusion. How can one word be used for having sex, a mother's feeling for a child, being in lust and feeling committed to another person?

My interpretation of "real love" would be one that is unconditional.

Unfortunately, too many people mistake being in lust with being in love. Lust lasts only till the glow ends while love is endless.

Unconditional love! Now that is an interesting concept. 1. Lady steals all your money and gives to a druggie boyfriend. 2. Lady who you live with tells you you are the only one but gives you and STD. 3. Lady reports you to the IRS because she is honest. Unconditional? Do you still love them?

1. Lady comes home and finds you in bed with another woman. 2. Lady finds out you are bisexual. 3. Lady finds out you used to sleep with her mother. Unconditional? Does the lady still love you?

I remember hearing that your mother always loved you no matter what. It has been my experience with mom and everyone else love only lasts when you do what the other person wants; mom included.

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Nice thread, and thanks for going to the level of detail you did in your original post.

Just curious, what's your plan now? Still interested in retiring to Thailand, or will you just vacation there? Have you considered the Phillipines.

Also you said that you were flooded with offers from women as young as 19 through to 60's. Having not used TLL as yet, can I get some more info behind this, ie approx how many offers in total, and what % in each age group. Just curious as to what level of interest I might get in the future.

Post lots of pictures of your job and how many people you supervise. Post lots of pictures of your home in Thailand and your BMW parked out front. Write half of your profile in Thai especially the part where you say you speak Thai and are working in Thailand. 20% of the ladies responding will be under 20.

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Nice thread, and thanks for going to the level of detail you did in your original post.

Just curious, what's your plan now? Still interested in retiring to Thailand, or will you just vacation there? Have you considered the Phillipines.

Also you said that you were flooded with offers from women as young as 19 through to 60's. Having not used TLL as yet, can I get some more info behind this, ie approx how many offers in total, and what % in each age group. Just curious as to what level of interest I might get in the future.

Post lots of pictures of your job and how many people you supervise. Post lots of pictures of your home in Thailand and your BMW parked out front. Write half of your profile in Thai especially the part where you say you speak Thai and are working in Thailand. 20% of the ladies responding will be under 20.

Kerry, thanks. Can tell you this much for sure, a house and BMW in the West aint going to attract a 20 yo woman to a 60 yo man. Now a multi million dollar mansion on the beach and a couple of new Ferraris for him and her in the 6 car garage might be a different story.

You say 20% of the ladies responding will be under 20. Would these be mostly from the P4P scene? Not that I guess a 60 yo man should care too much, he should just be grateful that he can get that kind of interest B)

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Op, I enjoyed reading your story though. But my suggestions to you............. you stated, you are looking for a sexy and charming one, that showed that you are not really looking into a "serious" relationship or a long term one. If you are, why are looks and sexy figure so important?

Frankly, you are already 60 yo, I can tell you , whether are you good looking or not, you will not find a Thai lady of your expectation to be in REAL love with you. Alternately, perhaps a Thai lady around your age , it a little easier to find. I don't mean to be mean, your post seems like you are looking more to a 5eX partner rather than a companion. My suggestion, no one will want you but only your money ( if you have a lot ) ..........

Make it this way, pay each time for a short term "love" or overnight, this will make you happier, you are allowed to choose how sexy, how charming with many thousands of Thai Baht shown. Do it this way, there are many waiting for you!!! This way, you can change partner almost everyday, perfect right?

How do you tell the difference between REAL love and the other kind? I have been married three times to age appropriate women and I am having a wee problem finding a good definition.

The problem with the English language is that it doesn't distinguish sufficiently between variations on a word, and "love" falls right into that category. Love is used for a lot of completely different things, none of which are really comparable, which causes endless confusion. How can one word be used for having sex, a mother's feeling for a child, being in lust and feeling committed to another person?

My interpretation of "real love" would be one that is unconditional.

Unfortunately, too many people mistake being in lust with being in love. Lust lasts only till the glow ends while love is endless.

Unconditional love! Now that is an interesting concept. 1. Lady steals all your money and gives to a druggie boyfriend. 2. Lady who you live with tells you you are the only one but gives you and STD. 3. Lady reports you to the IRS because she is honest. Unconditional? Do you still love them?

1. Lady comes home and finds you in bed with another woman. 2. Lady finds out you are bisexual. 3. Lady finds out you used to sleep with her mother. Unconditional? Does the lady still love you?

I remember hearing that your mother always loved you no matter what. It has been my experience with mom and everyone else love only lasts when you do what the other person wants; mom included.

Lady finds out you are bisexual?? lol.. speaking from experience?

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Nice thread, and thanks for going to the level of detail you did in your original post.

Just curious, what's your plan now? Still interested in retiring to Thailand, or will you just vacation there? Have you considered the Phillipines.

Also you said that you were flooded with offers from women as young as 19 through to 60's. Having not used TLL as yet, can I get some more info behind this, ie approx how many offers in total, and what % in each age group. Just curious as to what level of interest I might get in the future.

Post lots of pictures of your job and how many people you supervise. Post lots of pictures of your home in Thailand and your BMW parked out front. Write half of your profile in Thai especially the part where you say you speak Thai and are working in Thailand. 20% of the ladies responding will be under 20.

Kerry, thanks. Can tell you this much for sure, a house and BMW in the West aint going to attract a 20 yo woman to a 60 yo man. Now a multi million dollar mansion on the beach and a couple of new Ferraris for him and her in the 6 car garage might be a different story.

You say 20% of the ladies responding will be under 20. Would these be mostly from the P4P scene? Not that I guess a 60 yo man should care too much, he should just be grateful that he can get that kind of interest B)

No, no on. These are good girls, good educations, good jobs. As a side note it is flooding right now in a lot of industrial estates you would not believe the good girls that are showing up at the bars for a little part time stuff.

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Well, seems to me that if you get involved with people like that you only have yourself to blame for being a mug. Loving someone doesn't mean commiting to the first scumbag that sleeps with you.

If your mother didn't love you unconditionaly, that's your loss, but mine did me.

If your apparent attitude that love only lasts as long as you give the other person something, whether money or aquiesence is indeed correct, I feel quite sorry for you.

I guess you can feel sorry for me. I have had a rough life. It has been my experience with my parents and three wives and the General that unless they got what they wanted I was in the doghouse.

Compromise to any of my wives, parents and the General was only a word and had no real meaning in daily life.

When the General said, “boys it's a good day to die” and I held up my hand and told him it was raining and I would prefer to die in the sunshine he just laughed and threatened to have me shot, if you get what I mean. :rolleyes:

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Lady finds out you are bisexual?? lol.. speaking from experience?

I have a number of good friends both in business and socially who are lady boys. I must admit on occasion I have dallied in that ocean. Some guys say that being attracted to a lady boy is not bisexual but calling a spade a spade in my way of thinking it has to be after all there is a difference in genetic make up.

So I guess you could say it is from experience.

All I can say is if you haven't tried it don't knock it. :jap: Yes Dorothy you are not in Kansas any more.

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Reportedly, they will take a young thai man, or in fact any young stallion for a shag, over anything else,

but also reportedly those with increasing age/experience are getting increasingly fed up paying for

a good shag, (the young man) just like the rest of us, the OP included :)

Hence why i implore you: Do not get fed up, compare the pleasure vs cost to a 60 year ole brat,

and recognize you havn't got any better option :jap:

Instead, embrace the fact that a paltry few $ can in a best case make your life enjoyable for a while with an exceptionally greedy slut, unlike your home country where it would cost a few more paltry $,

-disturbing the net experience.

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Most of the debates get to the point of deciding if Thai women are different. A long time ago when expats were colorful characters out of a movie set and real life unusual people there were places they would congregate to discuss old times and grab a beer. Back then there was not much difference between the red light districts in Hong Kong, Taipei, Bangkok and other places in SEA. The general consensus even back then in the “Good old days” was always Thai women were different; more fun.

I live in an area that does not flood and the ladies from Universities, and cities that are inundated with water have sought refuge from the waters here.

It is actually a once in a great while tourist opportunity. Although most of the tourists have been scared away by the water stories which leaves only us old expats to deal with the overflow of women. The pharmacy told me it was running out of certain kinds of pills.

I think the normal appropriate age spread is suspended in times of national emergency and it is a case of any port in a storm.

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Lady finds out you are bisexual?? lol.. speaking from experience?

I have a number of good friends both in business and socially who are lady boys. I must admit on occasion I have dallied in that ocean. Some guys say that being attracted to a lady boy is not bisexual but calling a spade a spade in my way of thinking it has to be after all there is a difference in genetic make up.

So I guess you could say it is from experience.

All I can say is if you haven't tried it don't knock it. :jap: Yes Dorothy you are not in Kansas any more.

At first it seemed like a random comment... but I guess you meant that at some stage you experienced that a ladies love for you was not so unconditional when she became of the view you were bisexual

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Op, I enjoyed reading your story though. But my suggestions to you............. you stated, you are looking for a sexy and charming one, that showed that you are not really looking into a "serious" relationship or a long term one. If you are, why are looks and sexy figure so important?

Frankly, you are already 60 yo, I can tell you , whether are you good looking or not, you will not find a Thai lady of your expectation to be in REAL love with you. Alternately, perhaps a Thai lady around your age , it a little easier to find. I don't mean to be mean, your post seems like you are looking more to a 5eX partner rather than a companion. My suggestion, no one will want you but only your money ( if you have a lot ) ..........

Make it this way, pay each time for a short term "love" or overnight, this will make you happier, you are allowed to choose how sexy, how charming with many thousands of Thai Baht shown. Do it this way, there are many waiting for you!!! This way, you can change partner almost everyday, perfect right?

How do you tell the difference between REAL love and the other kind? I have been married three times to age appropriate women and I am having a wee problem finding a good definition.

The problem with the English language is that it doesn't distinguish sufficiently between variations on a word, and "love" falls right into that category. Love is used for a lot of completely different things, none of which are really comparable, which causes endless confusion. How can one word be used for having sex, a mother's feeling for a child, being in lust and feeling committed to another person?

My interpretation of "real love" would be one that is unconditional.

Unfortunately, too many people mistake being in lust with being in love. Lust lasts only till the glow ends while love is endless.

Well if love is endless, i am yet to experience it! i thought I had been in love a few times, but as I get older i question the entire concept of love

I certainly agree that too many people mistake 'love' and 'lust....but of course, if I question the existence of love, what do i know anyyway?

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outofoz said but as I get older i question the entire concept of love

I agree. I think it's more a concept of tolerance as you grow older, and then come to realize it was just more tolerance when you were younger!

Speak for yourself. Me and Ian are still young romantic idealists


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Op, I enjoyed reading your story though. But my suggestions to you............. you stated, you are looking for a sexy and charming one, that showed that you are not really looking into a "serious" relationship or a long term one. If you are, why are looks and sexy figure so important?

Frankly, you are already 60 yo, I can tell you , whether are you good looking or not, you will not find a Thai lady of your expectation to be in REAL love with you. Alternately, perhaps a Thai lady around your age , it a little easier to find. I don't mean to be mean, your post seems like you are looking more to a 5eX partner rather than a companion. My suggestion, no one will want you but only your money ( if you have a lot ) ..........

Make it this way, pay each time for a short term "love" or overnight, this will make you happier, you are allowed to choose how sexy, how charming with many thousands of Thai Baht shown. Do it this way, there are many waiting for you!!! This way, you can change partner almost everyday, perfect right?

How do you tell the difference between REAL love and the other kind? I have been married three times to age appropriate women and I am having a wee problem finding a good definition.

The problem with the English language is that it doesn't distinguish sufficiently between variations on a word, and "love" falls right into that category. Love is used for a lot of completely different things, none of which are really comparable, which causes endless confusion. How can one word be used for having sex, a mother's feeling for a child, being in lust and feeling committed to another person?

My interpretation of "real love" would be one that is unconditional.

Unfortunately, too many people mistake being in lust with being in love. Lust lasts only till the glow ends while love is endless.

Well if love is endless, i am yet to experience it! i thought I had been in love a few times, but as I get older i question the entire concept of love

I certainly agree that too many people mistake 'love' and 'lust....but of course, if I question the existence of love, what do i know anyyway?

Well you have something in common with prince Charles. he didn't know what love is either.

I think some people have misunderstood what I said about "true love" being endless.

I personally don't think "real love" is possible for most of us mere humans- too much genetic imperative involved. The only people I can think of that would have had it would be Mother Teresa, Ghandi and Jesus Christ.

I was only answering the question, "what is real love", not saying that we have it.

The bible has a good definition, but I can't be a*s*d trying to find it.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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