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Need New Tourist Visa From Loas

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I came to Thailand on a single entry tourist visa with the intent on finding a job and getting a non immigrant b/ work permit. I have since found a job, but it's part time, and they can't offer me a work permit yet. My tourist visa will be officially finished November 7th- which includes the 30 day extension, so I have to figure out what to do in order to stay in Thailand.

My plan is to go to Vientiane Laos and apply for another tourist visa, but this time try and get a double entry. I have read that out of all the neighboring countries they are the most likely to grant double entry visas, but it is still not 100% that you will be granted one.

I have some questions then, first being: What factors contribute to whether or not you will be granted a double entry tourist visa, or denied?

What is the likely-hood of myself being granted one as I've only been in Thailand a little over two months?

What documents are required?

Does the double entry require a plane ticket in and out of the country?

How long does the process take?

How far is Vientiane Laos from Bangkok?

Sorry if this is regurgitated information. I tried hunting it down on the forum/website, but couldn't really find what I needed.

Hope to hear back.

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Working without a work permit is illegal and punishable with a jail term of up to 5 years and/or a fine of up to 100,000 baht. I don't know why they shouldn't be able to get you a work permit and would question them about this. Yu are taking a risk.

Getting a double entry toruist visa is difficult within the region. It depends on how many tourist visas you already have and if you can show a ticket in and out of Thailand. With only 1 torist visa you have a reasonable change of getting at least a single.

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