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U.S. arrests man in connection with plot to kill Saudi ambassador


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There are 7 million Muslims living in the US, many of whom are Iranian expats. Why involve the Mexican drug cartel much less the moron who we arrested?

For the most part the Iranians in America fled Iran back in 1979 and have zero interest in helping Iran today.

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Any official statement from a country well documented for it's misinformation, disinformation, misdirection, lies and totally biased propaganda should never be believed and every official statement should be carefully examined and suspect.

Do you think I am talking about Iran or the USA????

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Stranger by the minute. Today, Fox news comes on line with a theory. This is something that seldom if ever happens. The White House press secretary has these people on a very short leash regarding such matters. Makes more suspicious than usual.

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Stranger by the minute. Today, Fox news comes on line with a theory. This is something that seldom if ever happens. The White House press secretary has these people on a very short leash regarding such matters. Makes more suspicious than usual.

What an excellent video clip.

I rest my case. Now, Ulysees, Geriatrickid, Jingthing, any of you care to comment. This is not some Thai Visa muppet bitching and moaning under the influence of 8 Chang beers, it is a retired intelligence professional.

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That was Michael Scheuer speaking & he is very well versed in Foreign Policy.

He had said many times when he was still head of the Osama Bin Laden unit of counter terrorism.

That what the US is doing in Iraq,Afghanistan & Pakistan is creating many more terrorist. That the actions of the US cause blow back that continually puts more risk on the table than removes.

Also what he opened with in this video....The incident with Eric Holder coming up on charges for his botched Fast & Furious operation....I have said since the beginning of this thread that in itself is a possible reason for this false flag. My Post

Of course the same old story of a certain 51st State wanting to bomb Iran is icing on the cake for those that would deceive the citizens they supposedly work for.

This broken excuse for a government needs to be put in its place ASAP

It is like a Girls Gone Wild video except it is a Government Gone Wild

Edited by flying
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Stranger by the minute. Today, Fox news comes on line with a theory. This is something that seldom if ever happens.

Actually, Michael Scheuer is on Fox News often with wacky theories, but just because Fox has him on does not mean that they support his views. He was actually fired from the CIA Bin Ladin Unit for being “mentally burned out” and contrary to what is said about Fox, they have all kinds of characters expressing different ideas and theories - fair and balanced and all that.

Ambassador John Bolton was also on Fox today saying that this was indeed an Iranian operation and he has much more credibility in Middle Eastern politics than Scheuer.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Actually, Michael Scheuer is on Fox News often with wacky theories, but just because Fox has him on does not mean that they support his views. Ambassador John Bolton was also on Fox today saying that this was indeed an Iranian operation and he has much more credibility in Middle Eastern politics than Scheuer and his well-known conspiracy theories.

I disagree with your assessment of these two gentlemen

Their records of experience speak for themselves

Not to mention Bolton's BS under GW Bush in regards to Iraq & the claims he tried to make.

Also his dogging Iran since back then does not imply a impartial view today.

He also withheld information from Colin Powell to further his own views. Basically the guy is a loose cannon & his book

Surrender Is Not An Option is tell tale to say the least.

Scheuer on the other hand aside from a long career has spoken out against Israel's & Saudi's control of the US government. So... I am sure that has earned him some detractors....

Scheuer has stated that the Mearsheimer and Walt paper The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy is essentially correct. Israel, according to Scheuer, has engaged in one of the most successful campaigns to influence public opinion in the United States ever conducted by a foreign government. Scheuer said to NPR that "They [Mearsheimer and Walt] should be credited for the courage they have had to actually present a paper on the subject. I hope they move on and do the Saudi lobby, which is probably more dangerous to the United States than the Israeli lobby.

John Robert Bolton (born November 20, 1948) is an American lawyer and diplomat who has served in several Republican presidential administrations. He served as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations from August 2005 until December 2006 on a recess appointment. He resigned in December 2006 when his recess appointment would have ended because he was unable to gain confirmation from the Senate

Michael F. Scheuer (born 1952[1]) is a former CIA intelligence officer, American blogger, historian, foreign policy critic, and political analyst. He is currently an adjunct professor at Georgetown University's Center for Peace and Security Studies. In his 22-year career, he served as the Chief of the Bin Laden Issue Station (aka "Alec Station"), from 1996 to 1999, the Osama bin Laden tracking unit at the Counterterrorist Center. He then worked again as Special Advisor to the Chief of the bin Laden unit from September 2001 to November 2004.
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I still have a hard time believing that 'this broken excuse for a government" orchestrated and/or trapped the Iranians into a plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador.

There are many points and counter points as to the creation/motivation of terrorists (see link below). I think their main motivation is to see real 'Girls Gone Wild' in paradise. smile.gif

Islamic terrorist

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I still have a hard time believing that 'this broken excuse for a government" orchestrated and/or trapped the Iranians into a plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador.

It was a Sting operation....A form of fishing

Stings are often a way of creating/manifesting that which does not exists so to speak.

You set up a sting by offering bait. Just because some fool takes the bait does not as you say *trap* the fish implied in the later sensationalized story.

In this case they caught a whacked out guppy & try to claim it is a Marlin.

Not rocket science...

Just go read about the recent sting called Fast & Furious & see how that went

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Stranger by the minute. Today, Fox news comes on line with a theory. This is something that seldom if ever happens. The White House press secretary has these people on a very short leash regarding such matters. Makes more suspicious than usual.

What an excellent video clip.

I rest my case. Now, Ulysees, Geriatrickid, Jingthing, any of you care to comment. This is not some Thai Visa muppet bitching and moaning under the influence of 8 Chang beers, it is a retired intelligence professional.

Without their discourse, this thread and those like it would be of little interest. I would hate to have to get involved in the best burger in Bangkok.

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Stranger by the minute. Today, Fox news comes on line with a theory. This is something that seldom if ever happens. The White House press secretary has these people on a very short leash regarding such matters. Makes more suspicious than usual.

What an excellent video clip.

I rest my case. Now, Ulysees, Geriatrickid, Jingthing, any of you care to comment. This is not some Thai Visa muppet bitching and moaning under the influence of 8 Chang beers, it is a retired intelligence professional.

Without their discourse, this thread and those like it would be of little interest. I would hate to have to get involved in the best burger in Bangkok.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I like that.

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All posters are welcome to express their views, if they wish to. They are not required to do so, however.

The purpose of the reminder is to make sure that no one is being baited into posting something that may cause problems.

Everyone's views are welcome.

And I agree. I would hate to have everyone start on the 'best burger in Bangkok'!

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I still have a hard time believing that 'this broken excuse for a government" orchestrated and/or trapped the Iranians into a plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador.

It was a Sting operation....A form of fishing

Stings are often a way of creating/manifesting that which does not exists so to speak.

You set up a sting by offering bait. Just because some fool takes the bait does not as you say *trap* the fish implied in the later sensationalized story.

In this case they caught a whacked out guppy & try to claim it is a Marlin.

Not rocket science...

Just go read about the recent sting called Fast & Furious & see how that went

Not sure it was a sting. But it sounds like there are lot of holes in the case. Significant holes...

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I still have a hard time believing that 'this broken excuse for a government" orchestrated and/or trapped the Iranians into a plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador.

It was a Sting operation....A form of fishing

Stings are often a way of creating/manifesting that which does not exists so to speak.

You set up a sting by offering bait. Just because some fool takes the bait does not as you say *trap* the fish implied in the later sensationalized story.

In this case they caught a whacked out guppy & try to claim it is a Marlin.

Not rocket science...

Just go read about the recent sting called Fast & Furious & see how that went

Not sure it was a sting. But it sounds like there are lot of holes in the case. Significant holes...

Great article, thanks for posting. It all gets curiouser and curiouser! Like many said at the beginning of this thread. It just doesn't smell right, it seems like a put up.

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I can't believe anyone with a grain of commonsense is still taking this seriously. Paying a Mexican drug cartel 100 thousand dollars? They would light their cigars with that! An American/ Iranian used car salesman who has been nicked and trying to do deal with the authorities to get himself out of the mire! What a disappointment Barack Obama is. All the fancy talk before he was elected, change you can believe in etc etc. What contempt he must have for the man on the street expecting them to believe this nonsense. He is being led by the nose by the same old neo con warmongers who are desperate to take control of the last bastion of the middle east oil producing countries that they hav'nt yet invaded. The sad thing is that the average American will probably believe this BS because they want to. I had great hopes of Obama, i really did think he would be a President who would be a break from the past leading the West into a new era. How wrong and naive i was. He does not deserve to win a second term, and it really grieves me to say that. To quote Mohammed Ali talking about one of his opponents many years ago, Obama has proved himself to be ' just another uncle tom'.

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I can't believe anyone with a grain of commonsense is still taking this seriously. Paying a Mexican drug cartel 100 thousand dollars? They would light their cigars with that! An American/ Iranian used car salesman who has been nicked and trying to do deal with the authorities to get himself out of the mire! What a disappointment Barack Obama is. All the fancy talk before he was elected, change you can believe in etc etc. What contempt he must have for the man on the street expecting them to believe this nonsense. He is being led by the nose by the same old neo con warmongers who are desperate to take control of the last bastion of the middle east oil producing countries that they hav'nt yet invaded. The sad thing is that the average American will probably believe this BS because they want to. I had great hopes of Obama, i really did think he would be a President who would be a break from the past leading the West into a new era. How wrong and naive i was. He does not deserve to win a second term, and it really grieves me to say that. To quote Mohammed Ali talking about one of his opponents many years ago, Obama has proved himself to be ' just another uncle tom'.

“It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true.”

― Henry Kissinger

We have stalemate, half the posters here refuse to believe the Iranians would come up with such an inept plot, the other half refuse to believe the Americans would. However I don't think it really matters, I could give scores of examples clearly and indisputably showing Iranian threats or complicity. They have been poking a hornets nest for ages and if they finally get stung the last perceived provocation is largely academic - they have brought any consequences on themselves.

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I could give scores of examples clearly and indisputably showing Iranian threats or complicity. They have been poking a hornets nest for ages and if they finally get stung the last perceived provocation is largely academic - they have brought any consequences on themselves.


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Just another piece of a puzzle, most of which I have serious doubts about.

I am a skeptic of the Official claim for many reasons that have nothing to do what Iran deserves. I simply do not want my country in another war in the middle east which could easily kick off WW3.

The biggest evidence IMO is that Iran would know that the Mexican drug cartel has been infiltrated by DEA agents and Mexican government agents for many years. Every basic rule of security in such an operation would be broken.

A Pakistani security official has come forward with information which implicates the Mossad. I am not sold on the information or the source but it is believable.


There are many blogs which offer opinions on this. I have tried to stick to CNN and Fox to avoid the source issues that many posters have. I do not have issues with sources. If it makes sense I consider it. If it does not make sense, I discard it.

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I could give scores of examples clearly and indisputably showing Iranian threats or complicity. They have been poking a hornets nest for ages and if they finally get stung the last perceived provocation is largely academic - they have brought any consequences on themselves.


Well that's all a bit like saying "well we know Saddam, didn't have WMD's really, but the world needed rid of him and regime change was good'! Have we learned nothing? You are now hinting that 'maybe the US Government have made it up, but hey thats ok, because Iran deserve it'! Do they deserve it? or have years of media manipulation skewed your perception as well?

The fact is thousands of US (and UK) sons and daughters died over a lie. Mugabe was more of a tyrant to humanity than Hussein, why didn't we get rid of him if we were so concerned of ridding the world of a bad guy..

So, do we stand by and allow yet another fabrication to take our young men and women back in harms way, to carry out the whims of crooked people, devoid of a moral compass. Do we just accept and swallow the utter BS that is force fed to the media who then regurgitate it to gullible trusting people? I am glad I am in Thailand, because it may take a little longer to affect me and my family when the sh*t does eventually hit the fan.....and it will. Regardless of what anyone thinks of the Government, Iranian people are good, hospitable people who love their land. Do you have any idea how many will die if we just accept the desire of the Politicians and the Defence corporates who are ONLY in this for money. There are some people gunning for a fight, but it's the US/Israel and Saudi. It is pathetic we accept it.

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A Pakistani security official has come forward with information which implicates the Mossad. I am not sold on the information or the source but it is believable.


If this reporting turns out to be accurate, this really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. As I posted several days ago:

Several posters have raised the possibility of this being a false flag event. If true, the question that needs to be asked is: which country feels threatened by Iran and would benefit the most from the US military attacking Iran.


Edited by up-country_sinclair
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A Pakistani security official has come forward with information which implicates the Mossad. I am not sold on the information or the source but it is believable.


If this reporting turns out to be accurate, this really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. As I posted several days ago:

Several posters have raised the possibility of this being a false flag event. If true, the question that needs to be asked is: which country feels threatened by Iran and would benefit the most from the US military attacking Iran.


The sad thing is that there are people that just flat out refuse to acknowledge Israel/US would have anything to do with it, even if those govt's actually came out and admitted it. They are blinded by the bigotry they accuse others of having.

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A Pakistani security official has come forward with information which implicates the Mossad. I am not sold on the information or the source but it is believable.


If this reporting turns out to be accurate, this really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. As I posted several days ago:

Several posters have raised the possibility of this being a false flag event. If true, the question that needs to be asked is: which country feels threatened by Iran and would benefit the most from the US military attacking Iran.


The sad thing is that there are people that just flat out refuse to acknowledge Israel/US would have anything to do with it, even if those govt's actually came out and admitted it. They are blinded by the bigotry they accuse others of having.

Therein lies the problem. Even after the video was posted yesterday of the ex CIA senior Michael Scheuer saying this was all a set up, we have Ulysees coming on saying MIchael Scheuer always comes out with whacky theories. Well just maybe all the theories are whacky Ulysees because Michael Scheuer is telling the truth! There are people on here wallaby who you will never ever be able to convince that the US/Israeli governments got up to no good, regardless of the evidence you present.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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A Pakistani security official has come forward with information which implicates the Mossad.

The Pakistanis eh? Well that proves it then. Too bad they were not so handy with info about Bin Ladin living next to one of their military colleges right in Pakistan. :D

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A Pakistani security official has come forward with information which implicates the Mossad.

The Pakistanis eh? Well that proves it then. Too bad they were not so handy with info about Bin Ladin living next to one of their military colleges right in Pakistan. :D

Well just maybe all the theories are whacky Ulysees because Michael Scheuer is telling the truth!

Well known KKK member David Duke and others of his ilk think so too, so Scheuer must be right. :whistling:


I rest my case!

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A Pakistani security official has come forward with information which implicates the Mossad.

The Pakistanis eh? Well that proves it then. Too bad they were not so handy with info about Bin Ladin living next to one of their military colleges right in Pakistan. :D

You left off the next sentence which helps keep the point in context. I don't mind you carving up my post but please keep it in context if at all possible.

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So, do we stand by and allow yet another fabrication to take our young men and women back in harms way, to carry out the whims of crooked people, devoid of a moral compass. Do we just accept and swallow the utter BS that is force fed to the media who then regurgitate it to gullible trusting people?

So, the media and US government are lying, but the Pakastani government and a guy who was fired from the CIA for mental issues are telling the truth. :wacko:

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