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Where Can I Get A Money Order In Pattaya?


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i need to send cash (US Dollar currency) to the United States of America. i would like to send it as a money order, but Kasikorn bank only provides cashier's checks in Thai baht. anyone know where i can get a money order around pattaya or maybe a cashier's check in US currency? thanks!

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Tough to do via paper. I have seen other posts about it and it is tough. I assume you really do want to send a check, maybe to a private party, but just thought I would mention some things.

Can you direct Bill Pay via your bank into the account of interest? Can you wire transfer the money from your bank online? Can you send it Western Union to the person? Western Union is pretty safe and will show up in the USA as US Dollars somewhere near where the person you are sending the money to is located.

Bank of America and Citibank have branches in Bangkok. They may cut a US currency instrument. I would be cautious about mailing anything out of Thailand that has the potential to be misappropriated.

Follow up. I paste the link to a post where a person claims that Siam Commercial bank will issue a check in US Dollars. Even if true, I know that some US banks won't accept checks drawn on Non USA banks. Etrade for example does not accept them.

As another possible avenue, is there somebody you trust in the USA? If there is, then Western Union them the money, or transfer money to their bank then ask that person to get a Money order in the States and send it to whoever you want. While this may sound odd, it would certainly work. This boy scout would help. I know it may sound strange, but heck, what is wrong with offering to help somebody?


Edited by gk10002000
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thanks so much, gk. i will look into those suggestions. the person i am sending the money to is my trusted friend. she has a package to forward to me and i just want to send her the cash to do it. every package that i have received from the US has arrived "damaged" and re-taped, so i am not keen on sending spendable cash through the mail. thanks for taking the time to reply. u help make this forum a great resource!

Edited by jst
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thanks so much, gk. i will look into those suggestions. the person i am sending the money to is my trusted friend. she has a package to forward to me and i just want to send her the cash to do it. every package that i have received from the US has arrived "damaged" and re-taped, so i am not keen on sending spendable cash through the mail. thanks for taking the time to reply. u help make this forum a great resource!

Yeah, the Thai mail system has its shortcomings. If your friend has a valid ID, Western Union is pretty fast and easy. Heck, many shipping and packing places also double as Western Union agents. Your friend might be able to do it all in one trip. You wire her the money, she picks it up and ships your package. Western Union is a bit pricy, but if you go online, you will see the various prices. Next day adds like $40 USD or something like that. The three day nominal wait is better. No need to pay for a rush service.


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I'm not sure about the Statement that Kasikorn only do Thai Baht orders..

I have sent A Kasikorn International Bank Draft in Hong Kong Dollars to the British Consulate in Hong Kong.

I would check at the main branch on Pattaya Klang, go upstairs to the Interational Department, who are very knowledgeable

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