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627 Bangkok Communities Under Water


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How can Baht remain the same when up to half the country's industry is shut down for one reason or another, and costs are starting to soar for the more of basic items, FOOD.

For the same reason the pound didn't plunge when the hoodies ran the streets of British cities for a week or so; as far as the markets are concerned, it's a temporary situation. Besides, a shut down for a week or two is hardly justification for the currency of any debt-ridden country to rally against that of an emerging market that actually produces and exports stuff.

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Military wants PM to declare state of emergency in capital

The Nation

The move came after angry residents, particularly in Pathum Thani, which is immediately upriver from Bangkok, destroyed walls of sandbags built to protect important areas.

Seriously, what's the military going to do with a state of emergency: use snipers to murder any residents who try to destroy embankments?

I don't know and I really hope not, but anyone who destroys the walls to increase the flood on purpose, should be pointed as an enemy of the state! <_<

Amazing humanity... :blink:

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I do wonder why the army isn't just helping, but i think they are not allowed.

I don't know how broad the military's involvement is.... but they're clearly already involved..... How much good they're doing, that's another question.

It was the Army that was in charge of the efforts to keep the flood waters out of a couple of high profile Ayutthaya industrial estates...which ultimately failed...

And I believe they're responsible for some of the supposed canal dredging that's supposed to be going on...as well as some helicopter relief work and supply ferrying...

Whether they have the ability/orders to protect flood dykes from being dismantled by civilians, that's a question I haven't seen asked or answered.

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Soldiers are 'on the payroll'....get them to do anything that is needed....guarding, filling up sandbags, etc...

Simple solution to 'sandbag shortage':

get some heavy machinery to ANY vacant land

dig big holes

you have sand

you have holes to fill with water

Is anything wrong with this idea? I would think in such an emergency, the army, especially should be working around the clock, example, digging holes like there is no tomorrow, filling sand bags and creating holes/trenches to redirect some of the flood water into....

This is out of control, obviously...and no one in charge is doing anything effective or anything that would involve structured, accountable expenditure

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I don't know and I really hope not, but anyone who destroys the walls to increase the flood on purpose, should be pointed as an enemy of the state! <_<

Amazing humanity... :blink:

There's a big dilemma - when your community is under 1 meter or more of water while the community next door is dry because of flood barriers, it leads to tensions and some justifiable concerns. This is clearly illustrated on Highway 345 in Pathum Thani where two communities are at a standoff and local officials have been unable to resolve the issue.

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As usual, the useless Nation article doesn't give any explanation of HOW declaring a state of emergency would help improve the flood protection efforts for BKK...

What exactly would such a declaration allow the Army to do that they can't already do now? They pretty much do what they want, when they want, all the time already....

Funny though.... someone else asked this question here the other day and I never saw any answer... Where are the BIB through all this???

They do seem to have been pretty conspicuously quiet and absent... Busy rushing to relocate all the casinos to upper floors???

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May be you never been under flooding.... I was and 50 cm and 1 meter are very very different......Under 1 meter all electrycity can give problem.... till 50 usually not problem of this kind...But hope you never have to experienced....

Exactly my thoughts 50cm is knee deep at that depth most homes and cars can be saved. But 1mtr is waste deep at this depth most single story suffering very serious damage and many vehicles destroyed.


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I don't know and I really hope not, but anyone who destroys the walls to increase the flood on purpose, should be pointed as an enemy of the state! <_<

Amazing humanity... :blink:

There's a big dilemma - when your community is under 1 meter or more of water while the community next door is dry because of flood barriers, it leads to tensions and some justifiable concerns. This is clearly illustrated on Highway 345 in Pathum Thani where two communities are at a standoff and local officials have been unable to resolve the issue.

Got any news about that situation and the stand off im curious. ALso because its close to here and could lead to more flooding over here in Bang Yai(nonthaburi)

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I don't know and I really hope not, but anyone who destroys the walls to increase the flood on purpose, should be pointed as an enemy of the state! <_<

Amazing humanity... :blink:

Sandbag walls which protect important areas channel the floods and retain the floods in areas which are less important - to influential people, at least. I am sure the people that live in "less important" areas are not happy about their homes being used as emergency reservoirs...

The phrase "enemy of the state" sounds so 1984; do you mean an enemy of the state like George Washington was?


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I do wonder why the army isn't just helping, but i think they are not allowed.

I don't know how broad the military's involvement is.... but they're clearly already involved..... How much good they're doing, that's another question.

It was the Army that was in charge of the efforts to keep the flood waters out of a couple of high profile Ayutthaya industrial estates...which ultimately failed...

And I believe they're responsible for some of the supposed canal dredging that's supposed to be going on...as well as some helicopter relief work and supply ferrying...

Whether they have the ability/orders to protect flood dykes from being dismantled by civilians, that's a question I haven't seen asked or answered.

This issue is discussed in a Bangkok Post article published earlier today. Not allowed to link it to this forum :rolleyes:

The Military could do more if the government would declare a state of emergency.

The government has known about the impending floods for MONTHS but only ordered the dredging of Bangkok canals yesterday.

Ironic isn't it that during the last campaign Thaksin’s party criticized the Democrats for their tardy response to flooding. This year the shoe is on the other foot, with Thaksin's clone Yingluck facing criticism that her government failed to act fast enough to the flood crisis.

Shocking incompetence!

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So 3 different opinions it seems, pm says bkk will be safe, govenor not so sure and now the military calling for emergency measures.

Glad to see we are all on the same page.

In other news, tide is coming back in and river is rising as expected-looks similar to yesterday.

Welcome to the land of miracle smiles.

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I do wonder why the army isn't just helping, but i think they are not allowed.

I don't know how broad the military's involvement is.... but they're clearly already involved..... How much good they're doing, that's another question.

It was the Army that was in charge of the efforts to keep the flood waters out of a couple of high profile Ayutthaya industrial estates...which ultimately failed...

And I believe they're responsible for some of the supposed canal dredging that's supposed to be going on...as well as some helicopter relief work and supply ferrying...

Whether they have the ability/orders to protect flood dykes from being dismantled by civilians, that's a question I haven't seen asked or answered.

This issue is discussed in a Bangkok Post article published earlier today. Not allowed to link it to this forum :rolleyes:

The Military could do more if the government would declare a state of emergency.

The government has known about the impending floods for MONTHS but only ordered the dredging of Bangkok canals yesterday.

Ironic isn't it that during the last campaign Thaksin's party criticized the Democrats for their tardy response to flooding. This year the shoe is on the other foot, with Thaksin's clone Yingluck facing criticism that her government failed to act fast enough to the flood crisis.

Shocking incompetence!

If it aint't broke don't fix it. This statement goes for all infrastructure in all areas of Thailand. Pattaya would not have been so bad, IF THE DRAINS HAD BEEN CLEANED OUT! IN Thailand foresight is doing nothing until something happens or you need it.

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It's all about face. No emergency will be declared.

Crazy, they should keep people from breaking down sandbag barriers. That is an army job.

A state of emergency would protect the military from recriminations should it use brute force against civilians who it deems pose a threat to their efforts. The military can presently detain anyone that threatens or damages the flood barriers, but a state of emergency suspends the detainees legal rights and gives the military absolute authority. The MOI has all of the authority needed under the current legislation. Perhaps, the military does not like taking direction from the civilians at the MOI. Considering the past inability of the military to differentiate been a measured response and indiscriminate firing upon civilians, it is prudent to go slow on the request. A state of emergency should be used only if Bangkok is flooded. With Bangkok's high density population and the likelihood of civil unrest and widespread pandemonium and looting, it would be justified then.

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So 3 different opinions it seems, pm says bkk will be safe, govenor not so sure and now the military calling for emergency measures.

Glad to see we are all on the same page.

In other news, tide is coming back in and river is rising as expected-looks similar to yesterday.

I didn't see 3 different opinions I see an extension of the same thinking but the military wants more power to protect and enforce and probably not a bad idea at this point with vindictive people damaging critical dykes..

Of course Bangkok is in danger if these vindictive scum bags keep intentionally damaging the dykes.

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Military wants PM to declare state of emergency in capital

The Nation

The move came after angry residents, particularly in Pathum Thani, which is immediately upriver from Bangkok, destroyed walls of sandbags built to protect important areas.

Seriously, what's the military going to do with a state of emergency: use snipers to murder any residents who try to destroy embankments?

I don't know and I really hope not, but anyone who destroys the walls to increase the flood on purpose, should be pointed as an enemy of the state! <_<

Amazing humanity... :blink:

Over the years, the state has made changes to the natural flow of water in order to flood = damage/destroy some people and help others. Now, they are doing it even more so, and the people who are losing, and may have lost everything, are in no mood to listen to someone on a pedestal telling hem why it is best to keep the hastily built flood walls up which destroy their homes and livelihoods.... for the good of the country?? They hardly believe it!

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Since taking office the current government has been pre-occupied more with amnesty for the puppet PM's fugitive big brother, transferring power to red shirt bureaucrats and reneging on campaign promises and PT completely failed to recognize the impending flood crisis until it was too late.

Only when the floods began to inundate several provinces in the Central Plains and threaten Bangkok did the government begin to treat the problem seriously by establishing a flood relief operation center at Don Mueng airport.

Justice Minister Pol Gen Pracha Phromnok is directing the center. Science and Technology Minister Plodprasop heads the relief operation. This is the same genius who came up with the laughable scheme to use boats to push water out of the Chao Phraya river... :blink:

And isn't it strange that the provincial governors, who are close to the people and well positioned to respond to their needs, work under Interior Ministry and yet Interior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit do not have any role at the flood relief operation center?

Admitting the government was slow to respond, Mr Plodprasop told one TV program that: ''We came late, but better than not at all.''

Gee, thanks Plod, that makes me feel so much better... NOT!

So I read with some relief that Bangkok Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra has recognized the incompetence of the national government and has decided to take matters into his own hands.

The sun is shining and inner Bangkok remains dry. So far so good, but we're not out of danger yet!

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It's all about face. No emergency will be declared.

Crazy, they should keep people from breaking down sandbag barriers. That is an army job.

Perhaps, the military does not like taking direction from the civilians at the MOI.

Considering the clear incompetence of the present government can you blame the military for their aversion to following the direction of clueless Ministers like Plodprasob Surassawadee?

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I suspect that there's a lot more breaking down barriers than is being reported. The PM mentioned it several times in her speech the other day.

People who have been submerged for weeks are getting to be very resentful of their neighbors who are still dry and protected, so they are knocking down the barriers that keep the water on their land.:ermm:

Yea there are two sides to the coin. But flooding others will only mean that the relief when it comes will cost more and take longer.

But people are resenting the PM for protecting BKK, will cost her votes.

No it won't: She'll promise 400 Baht minimum salary, a tablet pc for every child and that in 6 month everyone will be rich and the sheeps will vote for her again.

That way it worked in every democracy the last 100 years. People just don't remember longer than 6 month.

She'll promise 599 baht minimum salary, A MAC slim notebook for all Thais, wireless roads to go online, and free beer and Lao Khao for all villagers under the age of 99.....jap.gif

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It's all about face. No emergency will be declared.

Crazy, they should keep people from breaking down sandbag barriers. That is an army job.

Perhaps, the military does not like taking direction from the civilians at the MOI.

Considering the clear incompetence of the present government can you blame the military for their aversion to following the direction of clueless Ministers like Plodprasob Surassawadee?

Yep... Plodprasob is a fraking idiot, where did they find him

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The reason why military want " State of Emergency" because .............

......they will get more benefits such as higher pays ,special compensation, double work days calculation ( for promotion and higher pay when they retire ),

blah blah ......

just for their own good.jap.gif

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Perhaps, the military does not like taking direction from the civilians at the MOI.

Considering the clear incompetence of the present government can you blame the military for their aversion to following the direction of clueless Ministers like Plodprasob Surassawadee?

Yep... Plodprasob is a fraking idiot, where did they find him

Could it have been wandering around somewhere in the forest?

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The declaration of a state of emergency doesn't magically give the military more resources.What it does do is suspend due process and whatever civil rights that happen to exist.Basically it means the army gets to round up and/or shoot whomever they want, and to take and use private property and equipment as and when they see fit.

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I suspect that there's a lot more breaking down barriers than is being reported. The PM mentioned it several times in her speech the other day.

People who have been submerged for weeks are getting to be very resentful of their neighbors who are still dry and protected, so they are knocking down the barriers that keep the water on their land.:ermm:

Yea there are two sides to the coin. But flooding others will only mean that the relief when it comes will cost more and take longer.

But people are resenting the PM for protecting BKK, will cost her votes.

No it won't: She'll promise 400 Baht minimum salary, a tablet pc for every child and that in 6 month everyone will be rich and the sheeps will vote for her again.

That way it worked in every democracy the last 100 years. People just don't remember longer than 6 month.

She'll promise 599 baht minimum salary, A MAC slim notebook for all Thais, wireless roads to go online, and free beer and Lao Khao for all villagers under the age of 99.....jap.gif

You have my vote!

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I assume that Yingluck remembers very well that the military cannot be trusted with a state of emergency, that is what Prayuth has to live with. He and his generals are no longer trusted with such powers.

And why???

If the military want to stage a coup it can make it with or without emergency laws.

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