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Comical Lies


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Funny, I have been here 2 years. Dated about 7 women, slept with 67 so far and never been asked for money (outside st fees). Is it that I am a miracle and the only one? More likely I told them what my fiances were from the go, no lies, no games, and didn't try to impress them. In my experience most people here get what they deserve. If you use money for attention, you become an ATM. If you treat girls with respect and demand the same, you become a person. I know there are sharks and gold diggers here but there are also girls as moral and honest as some farangs, (more honest than most actually). If "every girl I shag is a bullshitter and a con artist" look at the common denominator; you. YMMV

So you told 60 one nighters about your finances?? :rolleyes:

Now really who's lying here??? :lol: :lol:

And even keep count of how many women he slept with?


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