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Freedom Of Speech Vs Political Correctness


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OK Previous posting was removed due to me not being fully aware of the FORUM RULES - specifically RULE 21 ... apologies moderators this was not aimed at you personally or at the forum rules.

Anyway I am going to re-post it as the point I am trying to make and I will reiterate it in this post and modify it so hopefully it does not go against the forum rule and be allowed to stay posted.... and hopefully to allow conversation and constructive arguments for each side as I believe it to be a valid discussion point.


People are allowed to have different opinions and beliefs, that is what being human is all about. Half the time I am on this forum and I read people comments, I think "Well that's a little bit biased" or "I completely disagree/ agree" and if I feel strongly enough about it I will write a post, if it offends me I just go to another posting.

There was a time when people had the right to say what they wanted and believed in - OK sometimes it was offensive, sometimes even downright crazy BUT and this is the point of this thread.... IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT IS BEING SAID (or shown on TV/ broadcast on Radio) DONT LISTEN - Turn off the sound or walk away/ DONT WATCH IT - turn over the channel/ DONT READ IT - put down the article or turn the page OR provide a rational counter argument against the stated points.

IMHO I seriously believe that today everyone is so worried about POLITICAL CORRECTNESS that they have forgotten our basic rights to agree or disagree - remember the old saying "Sticks and Stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me"? A kids saying when I was younger but it still holds true.

Surely we have the choice to make our own decision on either be offended/ angered by statements/comments or beliefs we disagree with or to counter them with our own ideas and thoughts or to ignore them if we consider them offensive?

Why do we need to have someone telling what is right or what is wrong... I have a brain and a small amount of education - SURELY ITS MY CHOICE as to be offended or insulted by something!

Please can someone (original content removed to meet forum rules) tell me who decides what is acceptable on our behalf? Who monitors these "defenders of the public" - who is to say that what they believe is offensive IS ACTUALLY OFFENSIVE or do they have their own agenda?

A prime case of this was shown on the Thai News a few months back with an exam being set for all 16 year olds and the questions were so generic that any of the answers given would be correct - the invigilators decided on their own PERSONAL view point being the correct answer which was slanted by her own personal beliefs (a strong Christian - not to say this is right or wrong!) causing an outcry by the students and parents as it affected their chances to get in to the Universities based on the low scores achieved. Thus potentially affecting their careers and life choices.

We all have the right to make clear our beliefs and also our rights to stand up for them.... but do we have the right to force them on other people??? Hitler/ Stalin all had their own believes and a right to them but it was decided by the people that they were not representative of the general populations beliefs and we know the rest. Positive examples would be Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King - insert you own heroes/ villains here.

For all the people out there that are so worried about being Politically Correct or being sued for expressing a valid opinion (whether someone else agrees or not) - are you taking these rights from us?


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In Thailand the slander and libel rules are draconian. Even if you are right and have proof of a claim, it could still be you that goes to prison.

That is why in Thailand, you have to very careful with regard to the printed word in this case.

it isn't about freedom of speech or political correctness. It's about avoiding getting sued.

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Well its ok to talk about Tuk Tuks, Jet ski scams and public transport with mind numbing regularity but there are some taboo subjects that always get closed down

Yes, there are.

The Western world is struggling with the same subject though. In the USA freedom of speech still exists, but in a lot of European countries freedom of speech has been limited.

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Well its ok to talk about Tuk Tuks, Jet ski scams and public transport with mind numbing regularity but there are some taboo subjects that always get closed down

Yes, there are.

The Western world is struggling with the same subject though. In the USA freedom of speech still exists, but in a lot of European countries freedom of speech has been limited.

Seems to me that people are too intolerant and easy to take offense, surely it is easier to either walk away or 'turn the other cheek' for want of a better phrase than it is to get wound up and angry??

While I understand that peoples rights and beliefs need to be protected against discrimination we do have to be careful of it going to far the other way - the UK is a prime example of this... no more Assemblies/ Christmas Carols/ Nativity Plays at schools, no 'religious' shaped jewellry to be worn on TV (ie a Christian Cross) as it might offend a viewer etc - I mean come on an item of jewellry being offensive on a religious basis ... are not all religions teaching their believers to be tolerant?

If being PC means I can no longer be a gentleman and hold open a door for someone, it means I can no longer offer a chair to someone who is older than me - then screw it! It was supposed to stop discrimination and not to take away our free will and consideration for other people!

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I don't really think political correctness has anything to do with it. There are plenty of great places to practice free speech, a businesses is not one of them, particularly in a country with such a poor state of freedom of speech, internet and press as Thailand. Businesses want to protect their interests first. Thailand was rated 153rd out of 178 by Reporters without Borders, coming in after places like Zimbabwe, Cambodia, and Pakistan.

Just look at how Thailand compares to the rest of the world:











Edited by ScubaBuddha
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Define free speach...if I was critical of the womans lib movement for some reason I would be shut down in any western country...in asia it would be actively encouraged.

My opinion is that any one should be open to critisism should they put their head in the public arena (myself included). I was just wondering...what color would 'thaivisa forum' be in your chart scubabuddha?

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Thank you Snamos that is my point exactly if someone makes a public statement/ announcement why do we have to be wary of commenting on it - surely if it is out in the public domain it is open to interpretation or comments??

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Well on this forum you can criticize any Thai's except for the people that run the country, as this is a falang website...some falangs that work or are involved in certain businesses are taboo. Especially if they are likely to be embarrassed or lose face. rolleyes.gif

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Well I have to say that I am disappointed in teh TV members, I was hoping for some insight and structured debate into society today and ............. NOTHING whereas the posting on Viagra gets over 13 thousand views and over 100 posts - <deleted>?? Seriously??

Come on people did you leave your brains behind when you decided to live here or are you all so jaded that you cant think farther than where you next shag is coming from and if you are going to be able to last more than your normal 2 minutes??

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Come on people did you leave your brains behind when you decided to live here or are you all so jaded that you cant think farther than where you next shag is coming from and if you are going to be able to last more than your normal 2 minutes??

And you start a topic on the lofty heights about freedom of speech then resort to such a low level of conversation. If this topic continues on such a downward trend then no doubt the topic will be closed.

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Freedom of speech is an interesting issue.

By espousing freedom of speech do you mean that a member of this forum should be able to post savagely racist comments, degrade women, or deny the holocaust ?

Should members of this forum have the right to mock the deeply held religious beliefs of others whilst claiming that a scientifically discredited timeline for the planet represents the only real truth?

Should pedophiles have the right to groom youngsters by using honeyed words?

Do you feel that the rules that protect the forum owners from prosecution for liable should be put aside or ignored?

Perhaps you feel that the laws of Thailand that prohibit any deformation of the King or the Royal family should be ignored? If so then you do so at your peril.

True freedom of speech doesn't exist here in Thailand, and even elsewhere common sense prevents the expression of loathsome or ultra radical views.

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Freedom of speech is an interesting issue.

By espousing freedom of speech do you mean that a member of this forum should be able to post savagely racist comments, degrade women, or deny the holocaust ?

Good point Murgatroyd and don't forget posters that libel anyone that they have a beef with.

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Come on people did you leave your brains behind when you decided to live here or are you all so jaded that you cant think farther than where you next shag is coming from and if you are going to be able to last more than your normal 2 minutes??

And you start a topic on the lofty heights about freedom of speech then resort to such a low level of conversation. If this topic continues on such a downward trend then no doubt the topic will be closed.

Pure frustration and an attempt at humor and an expression of my thought that the majority of posters and members on Thai Visa seem to be more interested in Viagra, bar girls and other low brow subjects which is entirely their right as is mine to hold an opinion of it biased or not. There was no personal attack,no abuse or swearwords why would it be closed??

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Do you feel that the rules that protect the forum owners from prosecution for liable should be put aside or ignored?

Perhaps you feel that the laws of Thailand that prohibit any deformation of the King or the Royal family should be ignored? If so then you do so at your peril - No I dont and as stated in my OP I understand there are laws for a reason

True freedom of speech doesn't exist here in Thailand, and even elsewhere common sense prevents the expression of loathsome or ultra radical views - THIS IS THE POINT I AM TRYING TO MAKE, someone may indeed have a radical view/ opinion but surely our own comman sense is enough for us to decide on whether to agree or disagree??? Why do we need such excessively over the top PC laws which in some cases sacrifice our right to an opinion and to express it.

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