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Abhisit Blames Thai Govt For Misjudging Flood Threat To Nava Nakorn


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Democrat Leader Blames Govt for Misjudging Flood Threat to Navanakorn

The opposition Democrat Party leader has blamed flooding at Navanakorn Industrial Estate on mishandling the flood situation by the government's flood relief operation center.

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva blamed the government's flood relief operation center, headed by Justice Minister Police General Pracha Phromnok, for miscalculating the flood situation that Navanakorn Industrial Estate would be safe from floodwaters.

He said the center underestimated the force of nature, thinking the flood wall around the estate was strong enough to withstand flood torrents.

Abhisit added this should serve as a valuable lesson for the government to improve communication between concerned agencies and with the public, as well as to better coordinate disaster management.

The opposition leader noted the Prime Minister should take an active role in communicating with the public as she is at the top of the command chain.

Abhisit also recommended a special law be imposed to tackle the flood crisis, and said the government should not fear that its image would be tarnished, as he believes the international community and the public will understand.


-- Tan Network 2011-10-18


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If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.

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If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.

What a load of craps in such a short post....

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If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.

What a load of craps in such a short post....

You will have to expand on that, as your post is rather too short to make any sense at all.

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Perhaps the point was the prior govt. ended up getting consumed by the Red Shirt rebellion and occupation of Bangkok, pretty much in the end to the exclusion of everything else...

Whereas the current government started out consumed by its main mission to bring home their beloved leader, pretty much to the exclusion of everything else until the crisis finally dragged them away from it...

What's the common factor in both situations??? End result: Flooded Thailand.

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In any disastrous situation, the Capitan or the leader needto take over and lead, not necessary to make all the decision but announce andagree with the decisions. Ultimately be accountable for all the decisions. Thiswas one of those situations. So I agree with Ahbist that government need totake the full responsibility for the way they handled the flood situations

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Both governments dropped the ball. Yingluck's, because she's a follower, not a leader and hasn't had an original idea since she was playing with plastic cooking toys on her mom's kitchen floor.

Abhisit can't point fingers about timely action and leadership, as his government waited 8 weeks before taking any dynamic action to evict the messy red-shirted squatters in central Bkk.

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If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.

What a load of craps in such a short post....

You will have to expand on that, as your post is rather too short to make any sense at all.

your post is self explanatory.... no need for me to waste any time...

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If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.

What a load of craps in such a short post....

Quite so, he did a much better job the year before.

And her own administrations members and leaders had many years in office themselves, Thaksin 1 , T 2 shortened by his own hand, plus 111 in offcie, Samak and Somchai ... Thaksin with Chavalit and Banharn this list is nearly endless. And the inactions on flooding boundless.

The Dems had 2.5 years and handled it better than Thaksins teams over closer to 10 years.

I imagine he would have been able to do much more about flooding if not for the whole Red Shirt take over o much of Bangkok. Wasted mucho time and money to deal with their insurrection attempts, that would have been much better served fixing National Problems Of Infrastructure.

This all comes around again to show Team Thaksins incompetence on most levels. He never goes for 'The Best And Brightest', but wants the compliant sycophants and yes men.

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If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.


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There is a point that the previous PM made and the current PM has had to deal with during her watch -THE FORCE OF NATURE

Even in Australia where we are subjected to continuing Floods & Bushfires THE FORCE OF NATURE is often read incorrectly she (NATURE) is unpredictable lets put our hindsight thinking caps on and put forward positive solutions instead of all the claptrap that is posted by the armchair self diagnosed experts. (it reminds of being told the definition of an expert - a Drip under Pressure).

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Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva should blame PM Yingluck for the rain resulting in floods

No, he should blame the fools below her, who never explained what all the rain meant in real terms, if they understood. To be fair, their being 3rd string TRT, and not the top shelf, it's not clear they DID understand.

So we got madam the PM swathed in a swaddling cloth, political cocoon, and cone of incompetent silence, protected from reality, until reality forces the issue. And the real decision maker in chief, too far out of the loop and time zone, to keep up with events, and of course as historically shown, 'not liking being told bad news from below'.

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We had floods when he was in office and he did nothing except try to get his picture taken at every chance. He can't get over the fact that he was voted out of office. He still wants to be a powerful force, but he's a nobody. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, spoiled, and part of the Bangkok elete. He should accept the fact he's a nobody and let the government do what they are elected to do. Something he never did.

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We had floods when he was in office and he did nothing except try to get his picture taken at every chance. He can't get over the fact that he was voted out of office. He still wants to be a powerful force, but he's a nobody. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, spoiled, and part of the Bangkok elete. He should accept the fact he's a nobody and let the government do what they are elected to do. Something he never did.

That's the problem, isn't it? The government are NOT doing what they were elected to do.

This government DID misjudge the threat to Nava Nakorn. They knew exactly what problems they had to deal with. A few days ago they were telling everyone that the industrial estate would be safe. Why did they get it wrong?

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We had floods when he was in office and he did nothing except try to get his picture taken at every chance. ....He should accept the fact he's a nobody and let the government do what they are elected to do. Something he never did.

Your choice of wording is a little confusing, I didn't realise the government were elected to mismanage the water supply resulting in flooding industrial estates and most of the central plain for 2+ months. And then to do not much to solve it other than idiotic boat experiments and cruising around taking pictures of themselves answering phones.

I guess I should have paid more attention to the electioneering, here I was thinking that we were actually voting them in to get:

- farmers credit cards

- 300b per day minimum wage

- tablet PCs for all students

- 15,000b for graduates

- an end to the flooding

- additional mass transit lines

- discounted first car policy

- discounted first home policy

- 20,000b crop pledging

Thank you for your kind elaboration on politics and electioneering. It's certainly interesting to understand that this level of poor management is what we were voting for. Had I known this, I am sure we could have helped PT win Bangkok as well, after all this sort of leadership is exactly what we need; we wouldn't want the opposition to be at any point providing any advice, that's not part of a working democracy. Is it.

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"part of the Bangkok elete"

ohhhhh that's so funny.. who the hell do you think most of these politicians are THEY ARE the Thailand elite. Silpa archa. shinawata etc etc.. political elite.

This government dropped the ball...they did not want to use the army effectively because the army would then look good in the eyes of the people.Stupid politics when people are dying and in misery. Not to mention the effect this will have on Thai exports and tax revenues.

Stupid selfish people in power that's what Thailand has.

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If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.

What a load of craps in such a short post....

You will have to expand on that, as your post is rather too short to make any sense at all.

your post is self explanatory.... no need for me to waste any time...

As I thought, just another old f@rt, critizing others views without having any arguments for himself.

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We had floods when he was in office and he did nothing except try to get his picture taken at every chance. He can't get over the fact that he was voted out of office. He still wants to be a powerful force, but he's a nobody. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, spoiled, and part of the Bangkok elete. He should accept the fact he's a nobody and let the government do what they are elected to do. Something he never did.

That's the problem, isn't it? The government are NOT doing what they were elected to do.

This government DID misjudge the threat to Nava Nakorn. They knew exactly what problems they had to deal with. A few days ago they were telling everyone that the industrial estate would be safe. Why did they get it wrong?

Maybe the misjudgement was made by the responsible officials, perhaps even RTA engineers who I think have been on site for days.

Have you not experienced changing circumstances ????

Situations do change, sometimes quickly.

I think it's probably a bit early to play the blame game, but do carry on if it amuses you.

More important is make a full and as fast as possible recovery and ensure that this does not happen again.

I think it's very likely that some of the best brains in the country are now engaged with these problems.

Try not to mock.

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If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.


How so?

Please do enlighten us.

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Maybe the misjudgement was made by the responsible officials, perhaps even RTA engineers who I think have been on site for days.

Have you not experienced changing circumstances ????

Situations do change, sometimes quickly.

I think it's probably a bit early to play the blame game, but do carry on if it amuses you.

More important is make a full and as fast as possible recovery and ensure that this does not happen again.

I think it's very likely that some of the best brains in the country are now engaged with these problems.

Try not to mock.

The responsible officials ARE the government.

That is why:

Abhisit Blames Thai Govt For Misjudging Flood Threat To Nava Nakorn

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If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.

Yes if he doesn't intend to help, criticism at this point is counter productive.. Besides I thought he resigned as party chief once he conceded the PM position.

Personally I think he may be missing the ironic contradiction in his condemnation given the length of time the current government has been in office and who the previous admins leader was..

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As I thought, just another old f@rt, critizing others views without having any arguments for himself.

To Whysoserious

You thought wrong..... I am not an old fart... And I am not criticizing others view. I told you that your post is just a load of craps.

And that is a fact

When you talk about Abihisit being a puppet, you surely want to add Yingluck in that specie too, don't you? That's a first point, showing that your post is just a load of craps. And I don't want to waste time to go in details....

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If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.

Yes if he doesn't intend to help, criticism at this point is counter productive.. Besides I thought he resigned as party chief once he conceded the PM position.

He has been helping.

And he was re-elected party leader in August.

Personally I think he may be missing the ironic contradiction in his condemnation given the length of time the current government has been in office and who the previous admins leader was..

The current government are not being blamed for the overall flooding. They are being blamed for their (lack of) effort of management and communication. The previous government can't be blamed for the current governments mismanagement and miscommunication.

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If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.

Yes if he doesn't intend to help, criticism at this point is counter productive.. Besides I thought he resigned as party chief once he conceded the PM position.

He has been helping.

And he was re-elected party leader in August.

Ok hadn't known this but how has he been helping? He made one visit to the command center that I've heard of and certainly this is a good PR opportunity to make any efforts public so why haven't we heard more about them?.

You posted before my edit so what about the fact that this admin is still in transition and his admin ran the country the previous 2 years?

JFYI I thought he was doing a decent job while he was in office, but I think at this point the timing of his rhetoric and criticisms is inappropriate to be saved for a post flood inquiry.

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Democrat Leader Blames Govt for Misjudging Flood Threat to Navanakorn


All of them can only blame. They are perfect in this activity.

But hey, who will compensate the losses? Where would I convert their blames to a freshly-printed Bahts (see the next News) - just to cover the losses caused to me by their "misjudgind the thread" (read: their common daily activities)?

Boring. All of this is boring, and only blames giggling around in da streaming waters...:bah:

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Ok hadn't known this but how has he been helping? He made one visit to the command center that I've heard of and certainly this is a good PR opportunity to make any efforts public so why haven't we heard more about them?.

You posted before my edit so what about the fact that this admin is still in transition and his admin ran the country the previous 2 years?

JFYI I thought he was doing a decent job while he was in office, but I think at this point the timing of his rhetoric and criticisms is inappropriate to be saved for a post flood inquiry.



I think some of what is being said needs to be said now. The government need to get their act into order. They said last week that one person would be making the announcements, and the very next day someone else was making announcements. It's a complete joke.

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