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The Thai Flood Situation Is Critical, So Why Not Tell People?


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The Thai flood situation is critical, so why not tell people?

While much of Thailand has suffered from the worst flooding in fifty years, government ministers have been emphatic about one thing: the city of Bangkok and the majority of its 12 million citizens would avoid the floods.

There was a wholesale change in tone this morning however, when the Governor of Bangkok Sukhumbhand Paribatra put out an urgent appeal for 1.2 m sandbags. He said “a huge amount” of water was now threatening the city. More strikingly perhaps, the Thai science minister Virachai Virameteekul said he had ordered the construction of 10,000 bamboo rafts to “help the people”.

We went to the northern suburbs this morning to investigate the situation. We didn’t get far before traffic snarled up, due to water-logged roads. By the time we reached the district Nava Nakorn, about 40 km from the heart of this sprawling metropolis, the severity of flooding was made crystal clear.

Nava Nakorn boasts one of the biggest industrial estates in the country, with 270 plants employing 270,000 employees – many of them live in the area. Today however, this part of the city had simply ground to a halt, its streets and thoroughfares cloaked in a rippling blanket of murky, brown water. We saw thousands of people making for higher ground, dragging all their earthly good possessions on pieces of polystyrene or metal tubs.

“It came up in the night,” said one woman, looking utterly exhausted. “I live on the second floor but it started to flood my rooms. I had to make a run for it – I had no choice.”

The Thai army together with hundreds of volunteers has launched a massive rescue operation in Nava Nakorn, but it risks being overwhelmed by the sheer scale of problem. Tonight, four districts in eastern Bangkok are under a foot and a half of water– an area twice the size of Singapore. If an extensive system of temporary levees are breached – this situation will get much worse.

I spoke to a senior government official. He told me “the situation is critical.” He had seen the data, he said, but said the government didn’t want to release it for fear of “panicking people”. I think many here would rather be forewarned.

-- John Sparks 2010-10-19

Follow John Sparks on Twitter: @C4JohnSparks

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More strikingly perhaps, the Thai science minister Virachai Virameteekul said he had ordered the construction of 10,000 bamboo rafts to “help the people”.

-- John Sparks 2010-10-19

Follow John Sparks on Twitter: @C4JohnSparks

Dear John,

The Thai Science Minister is the famous ship-propellers-can-impact-a-swollen-flooded-river, Pheu Thai Party MP Plodprasop.

Virachai was Science Minister in the previous Democrat Cabinet.


Edited by Buchholz
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I spoke to a senior government official. He told me “the situation is critical.” He had seen the data, he said, but said the government didn’t want to release it for fear of “panicking people”. I think many here would rather be forewarned.

As per usual the almighty governing elite consider that the ordinary man and woman in the floods and the streets should be told nothing as it would sully the elite leaderships image. This attitude from a government that professes equality and a fairer society.

Noticeable that the mighty motor mouths of this current administration are in the main silent, indeed one wonders as to why that may be, no doubt the power struggles and the political Machiavellian plots and the jockeying for financial gains are going on in the background.

The government sits on the sidelines observing the mayhem as did those delightful mesdames at the time of the French revolution observing the dispatch of the nobility by the guillotine, Now however it is the ordinary Thai man and woman and their children who are the metaphorical nobility in the metaphorical tumbrels riding to their metaphorical execution courtesy of an inept Thaksin family dynasty establishment campaign.

It is said, "that a country gets the government it deserves."

As has now been proven this administration is indeed totally self serving and inept, clueless as how to act when disasters were seen to be approaching thus when disaster arrives it is to late to mitigate and lessen the impact of that disaster in this case the flooding of Thailand.

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More strikingly perhaps, the Thai science minister Virachai Virameteekul said he had ordered the construction of 10,000 bamboo rafts to “help the people”.

-- John Sparks 2010-10-19

Follow John Sparks on Twitter: @C4JohnSparks

Dear John,

The Thai Science Minister is the famous ship-propellers-can-impact-a-swollen-flooded-river, Pheu Thai Party MP Plodprasop.

Virachai was Science Minister in the previous Democrat Cabinet.


A good example for the future of scientific development in Thailand ...:whistling:

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More strikingly perhaps, the Thai science minister Virachai Virameteekul said he had ordered the construction of 10,000 bamboo rafts to “help the people”.

-- John Sparks 2010-10-19

Follow John Sparks on Twitter: @C4JohnSparks

Dear John,

The Thai Science Minister is the famous ship-propellers-can-impact-a-swollen-flooded-river, Pheu Thai Party MP Plodprasop.

Virachai was Science Minister in the previous Democrat Cabinet.



I seem to remember some years back, I think during the administration of the former PM Thaksin, that there was a guy in charge of the CM Night Safari, who was rumored to be selling zebra steaks, in a Night Safari area restaurant, from animals who had died before their time. I seem to remember his name was Plodprasop. Would/could this be the same guy???

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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More strikingly perhaps, the Thai science minister Virachai Virameteekul said he had ordered the construction of 10,000 bamboo rafts to “help the people”.

-- John Sparks 2010-10-19

Follow John Sparks on Twitter: @C4JohnSparks

Dear John,

The Thai Science Minister is the famous ship-propellers-can-impact-a-swollen-flooded-river, Pheu Thai Party MP Plodprasop.

Virachai was Science Minister in the previous Democrat Cabinet.


I seem to remember some years back, I think during the administration of the former PM Thaksin, that there was a guy in charge of the CM Night Safari, who was rumored to be selling zebra steaks, in a Night Safari area restaurant, from animals who had died before their time. I seem to remember his name was Plodprasop. Would/could this be the same guy???

One and the same... but not sure about zebra. How about a roast tenderloin of lion, though?


Pheu Thai Party-list MP and former Chiang Mai Night Safari Project Director, Plodprasop Suraswadi

Chiang Mai Safari: Rare Animals On The Menu At Zoo, Eat lion, tiger, elephant, giraffe meat

CHIANG MAI: -- Visitors offered daily buffet of lion, tiger, elephant and giraffe meat; conservation groups outraged. Lovers of “wild” cuisine are in for a treat when Chiang Mai’s Night Safari opens next year, Project Director Plodprasop Suraswadi said yesterday. Visitors to the park’s Vareekunchorn restaurant will have the option of tucking in to an “Exotic Buffet” of tiger, lion, elephant and giraffe, for just Bt4,500 a head.

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Is this article from last year?

With the Virachai reference and the 2010 date at the bottom of the blog entry, I wasn't quite sure myself, but the below quote didn't happen last year, AFAIK, but it's certainly happening now.

Today however, this part of the city had simply ground to a halt, its streets and thoroughfares cloaked in a rippling blanket of murky, brown water. We saw thousands of people making for higher ground, dragging all their earthly good possessions on pieces of polystyrene or metal tubs.

It's further confirmed that it is 2011, by this disturbing Video News Link:


Edited by Buchholz
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it is obvious that the Thai flood situation is critical. The people that are concerned and that have the financial means will have already left or have made plans to evacuate. Just what is the government expected to do in this case? BKK has an approximate population of 10 million and the metropolitan area has approximately 15 million people. It is impossible to evacuate and relocate this many people. Imagine ifonly a few million people in Bangkok had to relocate out of the city. Where would they go? How would they be housed and cared for? How would the evacuation be managed? Ever seen a Thai mob in panic mode? Does anyone want to contemplate tens of thousands rushing evacuation trains and buses? What happens if Bangkok shuts down? Thailand cannot manage, nor withstand a shutdown of Bangkok. The country would erupt in civil disorder.

One can wag a finger at "officals" , but the unfortunate partt of catastrophe management is that it is often better to leave large populations where they are and to try and calm the public. I hope Bangkok is spared as the results would devastate the country and result in unpleasant social conditions that could make life very difficult for foreign residents. I've experienced the terror and unpredictability of large population panic and I don't wish that experience on anyone.

Break out your amulets and pray that Bangkok is saved.

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it is obvious that the Thai flood situation is critical. The people that are concerned and that have the financial means will have already left or have made plans to evacuate. Just what is the government expected to do in this case? BKK has an approximate population of 10 million and the metropolitan area has approximately 15 million people. It is impossible to evacuate and relocate this many people. Imagine ifonly a few million people in Bangkok had to relocate out of the city. Where would they go? How would they be housed and cared for? How would the evacuation be managed? Ever seen a Thai mob in panic mode? Does anyone want to contemplate tens of thousands rushing evacuation trains and buses? What happens if Bangkok shuts down? Thailand cannot manage, nor withstand a shutdown of Bangkok. The country would erupt in civil disorder.

One can wag a finger at "officals" , but the unfortunate partt of catastrophe management is that it is often better to leave large populations where they are and to try and calm the public. I hope Bangkok is spared as the results would devastate the country and result in unpleasant social conditions that could make life very difficult for foreign residents. I've experienced the terror and unpredictability of large population panic and I don't wish that experience on anyone.

Break out your amulets and pray that Bangkok is saved.

Thats one of the first sensible things i have seen you post, and i find myself actually agreeing with you... Guess you changed your brand of morning coffee or something today ;)

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More strikingly perhaps, the Thai science minister Virachai Virameteekul said he had ordered the construction of 10,000 bamboo rafts to "help the people".

-- John Sparks 2010-10-19

Follow John Sparks on Twitter: @C4JohnSparks

Dear John,

The Thai Science Minister is the famous ship-propellers-can-impact-a-swollen-flooded-river, Pheu Thai Party MP Plodprasop.

Virachai was Science Minister in the previous Democrat Cabinet.


Rafts...10,000 rafts out of how many people affected? Is this the best they can do? This photo is making its rounds right now...military rafts versus PT made rafts.


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it is obvious that the Thai flood situation is critical. The people that are concerned and that have the financial means will have already left or have made plans to evacuate. Just what is the government expected to do in this case? BKK has an approximate population of 10 million and the metropolitan area has approximately 15 million people. It is impossible to evacuate and relocate this many people. Imagine ifonly a few million people in Bangkok had to relocate out of the city. Where would they go? How would they be housed and cared for? How would the evacuation be managed? Ever seen a Thai mob in panic mode? Does anyone want to contemplate tens of thousands rushing evacuation trains and buses? What happens if Bangkok shuts down? Thailand cannot manage, nor withstand a shutdown of Bangkok. The country would erupt in civil disorder.

One can wag a finger at "officals" , but the unfortunate partt of catastrophe management is that it is often better to leave large populations where they are and to try and calm the public. I hope Bangkok is spared as the results would devastate the country and result in unpleasant social conditions that could make life very difficult for foreign residents. I've experienced the terror and unpredictability of large population panic and I don't wish that experience on anyone.

Break out your amulets and pray that Bangkok is saved.

I certainly do hope that Bangkok can be saved. Or at least it's still a question whether it can be saved. What I fear, however, is that officials may already know that the inner city is going to flood. If they do, and they persist in spreading the flooding into areas that would not flood otherwise, just in order to pretend they can save Bangkok, then they are intentionally multiplying the catastrophe in order to try and look good. Somewhere, somebody knows if this latter scenerio is true or not. I just wish I could find out. It's time to head for the hills. But there aren't any.

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Rafts...10,000 rafts out of how many people affected? Is this the best they can do? This photo is making its rounds right now...military rafts versus PT made rafts.


Perhaps the Pheu Thai government rafts aren't rafts at all, but are instead...

Mr Plodprasop said the Science and Technology was studying a plan to build floating houses

from the thread on 5,000 boots for 2,400,000 flood victims

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Rafts...10,000 rafts out of how many people affected? Is this the best they can do? This photo is making its rounds right now...military rafts versus PT made rafts.


Perhaps the Pheu Thai government rafts aren't rafts at all, but are instead...

Mr Plodprasop said the Science and Technology was studying a plan to build floating houses


from the thread on 5,000 boots for 2,400,000 flood victims

I wonder if these floating houses come equipped with propellers? bah.gif

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You can be as critical as you want of this government and any previous government.

The water is headed to the sea and there is nothing that can be done to stop that from happening. It will get there, sooner or later, and there will be damage to anything in it's way. What will be spared will be measured in sq. meters. What is damaged will be measured in sq. kilometers; a lot of them.

Pray to the water gods, put up sand bags, do what you want, but it will end up where it is going.

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I was watching the ABC News on the Australia Network last night and a reporter on the scene was saying that a poll conducted indicated that 85% of thai's in the area had no idea about the full extent of the floods

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it is obvious that the Thai flood situation is critical. The people that are concerned and that have the financial means will have already left or have made plans to evacuate. Just what is the government expected to do in this case? BKK has an approximate population of 10 million and the metropolitan area has approximately 15 million people. It is impossible to evacuate and relocate this many people. Imagine ifonly a few million people in Bangkok had to relocate out of the city. Where would they go? How would they be housed and cared for? How would the evacuation be managed? Ever seen a Thai mob in panic mode? Does anyone want to contemplate tens of thousands rushing evacuation trains and buses? What happens if Bangkok shuts down? Thailand cannot manage, nor withstand a shutdown of Bangkok. The country would erupt in civil disorder.

One can wag a finger at "officals" , but the unfortunate partt of catastrophe management is that it is often better to leave large populations where they are and to try and calm the public. I hope Bangkok is spared as the results would devastate the country and result in unpleasant social conditions that could make life very difficult for foreign residents. I've experienced the terror and unpredictability of large population panic and I don't wish that experience on anyone.

Break out your amulets and pray that Bangkok is saved.

Guess this is a plus for living in the 2nd largest city, Chiangmai. Life is proceeding normally here as the water has gone south.

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I was watching the ABC News on the Australia Network last night and a reporter on the scene was saying that a poll conducted indicated that 85% of thai's in the area had no idea about the full extent of the floods

Currently, my village is flooding...raw sewage is making its way through. You're right! Last night the PM chose to open Klongs 1-4 in Rangsit and she stated that Yonguth, or however his name is spelled, would give an explanation why. That was over 12-hours ago and nobody in my village has heard anything from Yonguth or the PM as to why this decision was made. Nothing but lies and deceit as far as I am concerned. mad.gif

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I spoke to a senior government official. He told me "the situation is critical." He had seen the data, he said, but said the government didn't want to release it for fear of "panicking people". I think many here would rather be forewarned.

As per usual the almighty governing elite consider that the ordinary man and woman in the floods and the streets should be told nothing as it would sully the elite leaderships image. This attitude from a government that professes equality and a fairer society.

Noticeable that the mighty motor mouths of this current administration are in the main silent, indeed one wonders as to why that may be, no doubt the power struggles and the political Machiavellian plots and the jockeying for financial gains are going on in the background.

The government sits on the sidelines observing the mayhem as did those delightful mesdames at the time of the French revolution observing the dispatch of the nobility by the guillotine, Now however it is the ordinary Thai man and woman and their children who are the metaphorical nobility in the metaphorical tumbrels riding to their metaphorical execution courtesy of an inept Thaksin family dynasty establishment campaign.

It is said, "that a country gets the government it deserves."

As has now been proven this administration is indeed totally self serving and inept, clueless as how to act when disasters were seen to be approaching thus when disaster arrives it is to late to mitigate and lessen the impact of that disaster in this case the flooding of Thailand.

oh yes the Thaksin Family Dynasty were the ones that left the taps on causing the floods. The red shirts are hindering efforts to help. What dribble. There was a previous government who had a lot more time to plan ahead and put measures in place for the likelyhood of extreme floods but they did nothing sat back with the attitude we will get around to it tommorrow if tommorrow ever comes.

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oh yes the Thaksin Family Dynasty were the ones that left the taps on causing the floods. The red shirts are hindering efforts to help. What dribble. There was a previous government who had a lot more time to plan ahead and put measures in place for the likelyhood of extreme floods but they did nothing sat back with the attitude we will get around to it tommorrow if tommorrow ever comes.

Yes ... the Thaksin government from 2001 to 2006, and the Samak/Somchai government in 2008.

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I spoke to a senior government official. He told me "the situation is critical." He had seen the data, he said, but said the government didn't want to release it for fear of "panicking people". I think many here would rather be forewarned.

As per usual the almighty governing elite consider that the ordinary man and woman in the floods and the streets should be told nothing as it would sully the elite leaderships image. This attitude from a government that professes equality and a fairer society.

Noticeable that the mighty motor mouths of this current administration are in the main silent, indeed one wonders as to why that may be, no doubt the power struggles and the political Machiavellian plots and the jockeying for financial gains are going on in the background.

The government sits on the sidelines observing the mayhem as did those delightful mesdames at the time of the French revolution observing the dispatch of the nobility by the guillotine, Now however it is the ordinary Thai man and woman and their children who are the metaphorical nobility in the metaphorical tumbrels riding to their metaphorical execution courtesy of an inept Thaksin family dynasty establishment campaign.

It is said, "that a country gets the government it deserves."

As has now been proven this administration is indeed totally self serving and inept, clueless as how to act when disasters were seen to be approaching thus when disaster arrives it is to late to mitigate and lessen the impact of that disaster in this case the flooding of Thailand.

oh yes the Thaksin Family Dynasty were the ones that left the taps on causing the floods. The red shirts are hindering efforts to help. What dribble. There was a previous government who had a lot more time to plan ahead and put measures in place for the likelyhood of extreme floods but they did nothing sat back with the attitude we will get around to it tommorrow if tommorrow ever comes.

Listen mate - The Shinawatras want to rule Thailand, they asked, begged, promised people to vote them in to office, they wanted this position of responsibility so why defend them? They wanted to be top dog, and they after the election they are. They need to show that they are equal to their words or get the <deleted> out of dodge and let someone else take over. Moaning about past administrations - get a life - PTP and variations thereof has dominated the Thai Political landscape for the vast majority of the 21st Century .

Yingluck took the job thinking it would be all photo ops and make up - Now the shit hits the fan she's running for cover and her cabinet are running around like headless chickens (with cabinet ministers who have admitted lying to the public to protect their parties image) leave the public to fend for themselves.

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Been here long Chooka?

If you had you would indeed understand the actions of the little fellow Banharan when Prime Minister and a Thaksin stooge who stopped the then construction of flood prevention schemes

However the little fellow made sure his own personal fiefdom was safe from flooding and now we see the result his actions that have resulted in, Greater Bangkok and indeed large swathes of the country being covered in water due to the actions of a Thaksin stooge..

Well of course it doesn't stop there does i ?

The economic damage too, a population shattered morally, financially and physically indeed all the hallmarks of a Thaksin stooges actions as history has already shown.

Those who do not learn the lesson of history are doomed to failure, sadly the current rich elite patronizing, " we believe in equality," group do not nor ever have considered the plight of the ordinary Thai as the inept inaction of this current bunch of fools in the current mis-administration have so clearly shown us and the world in general.

The Democrats have had very little time as a government over their 60 year history get your facts correct and look at the real culprits .

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I wonder how the PTP PR spin doctors will work after this crisis. Blame the democrats, blame the weather, blame the moon and the tides, etc. Blame everyone except themselves. Hey, they were already in denial of the crisis before it happened, no need to break old habits now...

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it is obvious that the Thai flood situation is critical. The people that are concerned and that have the financial means will have already left or have made plans to evacuate. Just what is the government expected to do in this case? BKK has an approximate population of 10 million and the metropolitan area has approximately 15 million people. It is impossible to evacuate and relocate this many people. Imagine ifonly a few million people in Bangkok had to relocate out of the city. Where would they go? How would they be housed and cared for? How would the evacuation be managed? Ever seen a Thai mob in panic mode? Does anyone want to contemplate tens of thousands rushing evacuation trains and buses? What happens if Bangkok shuts down? Thailand cannot manage, nor withstand a shutdown of Bangkok. The country would erupt in civil disorder.

One can wag a finger at "officals" , but the unfortunate partt of catastrophe management is that it is often better to leave large populations where they are and to try and calm the public. I hope Bangkok is spared as the results would devastate the country and result in unpleasant social conditions that could make life very difficult for foreign residents. I've experienced the terror and unpredictability of large population panic and I don't wish that experience on anyone.

Break out your amulets and pray that Bangkok is saved.

Thats one of the first sensible things i have seen you post, and i find myself actually agreeing with you... Guess you changed your brand of morning coffee or something today ;)

Perhaps, it is you MH that has had an epiphany.

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it is obvious that the Thai flood situation is critical. The people that are concerned and that have the financial means will have already left or have made plans to evacuate. Just what is the government expected to do in this case? BKK has an approximate population of 10 million and the metropolitan area has approximately 15 million people. It is impossible to evacuate and relocate this many people. Imagine ifonly a few million people in Bangkok had to relocate out of the city. Where would they go? How would they be housed and cared for? How would the evacuation be managed? Ever seen a Thai mob in panic mode? Does anyone want to contemplate tens of thousands rushing evacuation trains and buses? What happens if Bangkok shuts down? Thailand cannot manage, nor withstand a shutdown of Bangkok. The country would erupt in civil disorder.

One can wag a finger at "officals" , but the unfortunate partt of catastrophe management is that it is often better to leave large populations where they are and to try and calm the public. I hope Bangkok is spared as the results would devastate the country and result in unpleasant social conditions that could make life very difficult for foreign residents. I've experienced the terror and unpredictability of large population panic and I don't wish that experience on anyone.

Break out your amulets and pray that Bangkok is saved.

Thats one of the first sensible things i have seen you post, and i find myself actually agreeing with you... Guess you changed your brand of morning coffee or something today ;)

lol...I was thinking the same thing

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I wonder how the PTP PR spin doctors will work after this crisis. Blame the democrats, blame the weather, blame the moon and the tides, etc. Blame everyone except themselves. Hey, they were already in denial of the crisis before it happened, no need to break old habits now...

Robert Amsterdam will likely attempt to petition the International Criminal Court to indict Abhisit for crimes against mother nature.

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Buchholz # 27

Robert Amsterdam will likely attempt to petition the International Criminal Court to indict Abhisit for crimes against mother nature.

" My Lud."

" I, Robert Amsterdam hereby indict the Democrats, their last Prime Minister and his fellow party members along with the Yellow shirt movement that they didst conspire and congregate to urinate in the nations rivers and other water resources and catchment areas thus the resultant flooding is a consequence of their illegal actions amounting to an act of treason. Please find below a supporting photographic image as evidence in depicting this vile and heinous crime in support of my accusation."

" I rest my case My Lud."


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Go to Big C Radjadmari and you will see FULL shelves.

Same Big C Saphan Kwai.

Tops Century Victory Monument had a few shelves empty but I don't see a need to panic.

I thought Governments were to reassure people with plans and strategies.

Not Pheu Thai. they keep it to themselves.

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