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Democrat Dismisses Jatuporn Claims That Floods Are Politically Motivated


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Both Jatuporn and the democrats are playing wild poltical games at inappropriate times. But neither will stop in case the other side doest too. The blame and popularity game is too important it seems even at a time of tragedy for all.

your one of those Taksin and red apologists arent you If your neighbours house was burning and you were accused of causing the fire because you did not like him then of course it would be totally inappropriate and wrong for you to deny it since you just wanted to score points. Some people like you are simply not prepared to admit your heros are or can ever so anything wrong just pathetic im afraid to say and of course its all a plot to cause a coup whistling.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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For Dr. Thaksin, Jatuporn is what is known as a 'Useful Idiot'

From Wikipedia:

Useful idiot

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, searchFor other uses, see Useful idiot (disambiguation).In political jargon, the term useful idiot was used to describe Soviet sympathizers in Western countries. The implication is that though the people in question naïvely thought themselves an ally of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used. The term has been extended to other people perceived as propagandists for a cause they do not understand.

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Yes, I see I am not the only one who has viewed :

what appears a 'sea change' in the comments and views of Kuhn Hammered, seemingly like it is a completely different person using the handle, IMHO. It's rather disconcerting.

I'm not trying to impugn the man. I have too much respect for him to do that. I was trying hopefully to merely draw attention to the dramatic shift that you, as well as others for example like rixalex, have also observed.

Everyone is entitled to update their opinions. It's just been rare when the update is so diametrically opposed to what it once was.

The intriguing part I mentioned earlier is that, AFAIK, the change has been unexplained/unaccounted for.

*not that that is a requirement by any means, but left unanswered, it's intriguing.



Maybe he now has a large holding of SC Asset shares.

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Tiansford and others on their comments #80

Whats up with you posters going on about shootings and grenades, TRYING to score brownie points are we??? it was the Demos that caused the floods they went up north in April and ordered the monsoons-big time, Utter stupidity this topic, and anyone that may have said it--but having said that it's not beyond this nut to comment like this.

But off topic. The moral to the old worn out story of the Bkk episode, is---------IT was NOT peaceful. numbers gathered together en mass obstructing, violating all laws, led by criminals, and the willful intimidation of the whole of society, chaos,destruction following. they were lucky the army (who did not have choices) didn't wipe the lot out.

This topic is about flood comments made.My topic answer is above, if anyone cares to read, and the off topic bit was to answer the never stopping comments in Bkk. Is that o.k. with you SIR

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Jatuporn and the Red leadership now have their heads together trying to figure out how to cause flooding like Mark & Co can do. "Flood Bangkok" is more effective at destruction than "Burn Bangkok".

But on the other hand ... maybe they figured this out last year already and this is why they elected "Poo" to be the PM ... :ph34r:

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Both Jatuporn and the democrats are playing wild poltical games at inappropriate times. But neither will stop in case the other side doest too. The blame and popularity game is too important it seems even at a time of tragedy for all.

The Democrats are not playing political games to show up the incompetance of the Governments handling of the flood crisis.

A Ridiculous claim by Jutaporn,that severely shows his lack of intellect! and the parties also.

Do you really think the dems arent playing political games?

Edited by hammered
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Both Jatuporn and the democrats are playing wild poltical games at inappropriate times. But neither will stop in case the other side doest too. The blame and popularity game is too important it seems even at a time of tragedy for all.

The Democrats are not playing political games to show up the incompetance of the Governments handling of the flood crisis.

A Ridiculous claim by Jutaporn,that severely shows his lack of intellect! and the parties also.

Do you really think the dems arent playing political games?

Yes, but not even remotely near to the same extent as Jatuporn. I'm surprised his own party hasn't gaffer taped him to a chair in the basement.

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Publicly advocating assassination is not allowed on this website.

Wow, we don't get that one too often around these parts... Off to a bad start for the day.....

BTW, in Web Fact's daily news recap thread today, there's an item about allegedly a different PT MP in BKK hiring some backhoes to go out and destroy some flood barriers in the northern BKK area to let the flood waters surge in... That's according to the district chief for the area where it occurred....

Nice to see the rule of law is still in force, and the central govt. has everything, including its own people, under control. <_<

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in Web Fact's daily news recap thread today, there's an item about allegedly a different PT MP in BKK hiring some backhoes to go out and destroy some flood barriers in the northern BKK area to let the flood waters surge in... That's according to the district chief for the area where it occurred....

Nice to see the rule of law is still in force, and the central govt. has everything, including its own people, under control. <_<

amazing Pheu Thai...

Pheu Thai MP Keng Karun was responsible for demolition of a 1 kilometre section of clay wall near an intersection where Prapa Canal meets Chaeng Wattana Road, letting in flood water

as a side, Keng Karun's real name is Karun Hosakul.

He's a Red Shirt Leader currently out on bail for a myriad of criminal charges and has a lengthy history of trouble-making found here:

Red-Shirt Terrorism Suspect To Chair House Committee On Security

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in Web Fact's daily news recap thread today, there's an item about allegedly a different PT MP in BKK hiring some backhoes to go out and destroy some flood barriers in the northern BKK area to let the flood waters surge in... That's according to the district chief for the area where it occurred....

Nice to see the rule of law is still in force, and the central govt. has everything, including its own people, under control. <_<

amazing Pheu Thai...

Pheu Thai MP Keng Karun was responsible for demolition of a 1 kilometre section of clay wall near an intersection where Prapa Canal meets Chaeng Wattana Road, letting in flood water



Excellent management by the government. :blink: They can't even control their own MPs.

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Both Jatuporn and the democrats are playing wild poltical games at inappropriate times. But neither will stop in case the other side doest too. The blame and popularity game is too important it seems even at a time of tragedy for all.

The Democrats are not playing political games to show up the incompetance of the Governments handling of the flood crisis.

A Ridiculous claim by Jutaporn,that severely shows his lack of intellect! and the parties also.

Do you really think the dems arent playing political games?

In the case of the topic of this thread, no, i don't think they are. A wild and stupid accusation has been made against them, and sadly, as wild and as stupid as it may be, it needs to be responded to and they have every right to. Yes, it might give the comment more exposure, but to simply lie down and allow people to accuse you of anything and everything under the sun, only makes you look weak and your silence by some will be seen as an admission of guilt.

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in Web Fact's daily news recap thread today, there's an item about allegedly a different PT MP in BKK hiring some backhoes to go out and destroy some flood barriers in the northern BKK area to let the flood waters surge in... That's according to the district chief for the area where it occurred....

Nice to see the rule of law is still in force, and the central govt. has everything, including its own people, under control. <_<

amazing Pheu Thai...

Pheu Thai MP Keng Karun was responsible for demolition of a 1 kilometre section of clay wall near an intersection where Prapa Canal meets Chaeng Wattana Road, letting in flood water



Excellent management by the government. :blink: They can't even control their own MPs.

This is perhaps the reason why they didn't want the Army to have the authority to arrest people for intentionally breaking the flood walls.

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in Web Fact's daily news recap thread today, there's an item about allegedly a different PT MP in BKK hiring some backhoes to go out and destroy some flood barriers in the northern BKK area to let the flood waters surge in... That's according to the district chief for the area where it occurred....

Nice to see the rule of law is still in force, and the central govt. has everything, including its own people, under control. <_<

amazing Pheu Thai...

Pheu Thai MP Keng Karun was responsible for demolition of a 1 kilometre section of clay wall near an intersection where Prapa Canal meets Chaeng Wattana Road, letting in flood water

as a side, Keng Karun's real name is Karun Hosakul.

He's a Red Shirt Leader currently out on bail for a myriad of criminal charges and has a lengthy history of trouble-making found here:

Red-Shirt Terrorism Suspect To Chair House Committee On Security

So he's been arrested, right?

Right? <_<

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in Web Fact's daily news recap thread today, there's an item about allegedly a different PT MP in BKK hiring some backhoes to go out and destroy some flood barriers in the northern BKK area to let the flood waters surge in... That's according to the district chief for the area where it occurred....

Nice to see the rule of law is still in force, and the central govt. has everything, including its own people, under control. <_<

amazing Pheu Thai...

Pheu Thai MP Keng Karun was responsible for demolition of a 1 kilometre section of clay wall near an intersection where Prapa Canal meets Chaeng Wattana Road, letting in flood water


as a side, Keng Karun's real name is Karun Hosakul.

He's a Red Shirt Leader currently out on bail for a myriad of criminal charges and has a lengthy history of trouble-making found here:

Red-Shirt Terrorism Suspect To Chair House Committee On Security


So he's been arrested, right?

Right? <_<

One might think his backhoe escapade in contravention of the FROC plan to easy the flooding could be considered a terrorist act, if not, certainly it puts the 'Security of many Bangkokians' at greater risk. If I was living near this spot he would be terrorizing me with these actions. This guy is an even looser cannon the Jatupron it seems.

"demolition of a 1 kilometre section of clay wall near an intersection where Prapa Canal meets Chaeng Wattana Road, letting in flood water"

Not exactly the act of a completely rational mind if one considers his 'great experience with flood control and irrigation' . Which is: none at all.

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Jatoporn is bigotted, has a closed mind, is not prepared to tolerate any point of view that is different to his own, browbeats and abuses anyone who doesn't agree with him, doesn't let the truth get in the way of his pronouncements and sees conspiracies everywhere.

Should fit in well around here :D

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Jatoporn is bigotted, has a closed mind, is not prepared to tolerate any point of view that is different to his own, browbeats and abuses anyone who doesn't agree with him, doesn't let the truth get in the way of his pronouncements and sees conspiracies everywhere.

Should fit in well around here :D

I've always thought of Jatuporn as a loud-mouthed, bullying political buffoon, so I can see the point you're making to some extent :D .

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Jatoporn is bigotted, has a closed mind, is not prepared to tolerate any point of view that is different to his own, browbeats and abuses anyone who doesn't agree with him, doesn't let the truth get in the way of his pronouncements and sees conspiracies everywhere.

Should fit in well around here :D

Last line fits so well.jap.gif

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My girlfriend came to New Zealand on 19 October last Wednesday.

She was staying on Prachachuen Bang Sue.

When I told her a few days previously that the International news were telling people that Bangkok would be inundated, she replied.

" there is nothing to worry about dear husband, I live on the third floor,the news says there is nothing to worry about "

If only those people would realise that it is obvious that this is a political trick by the democrats,

but if those boat people had put their propellors on fast, it could all have been averted.

How is it that Thailand elects utter incompetents, cheats, idiots and criminals.

When I ask my girlfriend these things, she just shrugs and says, " This is Thailand baby, Thailand".

Edited by peterquixote
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My girlfriend came to New Zealand on 19 October last Wednesday.

She was staying on Prachachuen Bang Sue.

When I told her a few days previously that the International news were telling people that Bangkok would be inundated, she replied.

" there is nothing to worry about dear husband, I live on the third floor,the news says there is nothing to worry about "

If only those people would realise that it is obvious that this is a political trick by the democrats,

but if those boat people had put their propellors on fast, it could all have been averted.

How is it that Thailand elects utter incompetents, cheats, idiots and criminals.

When I ask my girlfriend these things, she just shrugs and says, " This is Thailand baby, Thailand".

Kao Sod newspaper is now claiming that the democrats are the ones playing political games. San Saep canal has still not been opened to take water through the east of Bangkok.

How many days have the government been requesting its opening?

The claim is that the BMA and the democrats have been trying to provoke confrontation between the government and the army. The governor seems to be spending more and more time at the kings hospital.

There's bound to be flooding on the Chao Praya river but what is happening in Rangsit, Wattana etc has to be drained asap. We have a big Klong near us coming off Petchaburi and it leads into the river.

The water is stagnant. It should be flowing.

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Publicly advocating assassination is not allowed on this website.

Wow, we don't get that one too often around these parts... Off to a bad start for the day.....

BTW, in Web Fact's daily news recap thread today, there's an item about allegedly a different PT MP in BKK hiring some backhoes to go out and destroy some flood barriers in the northern BKK area to let the flood waters surge in... That's according to the district chief for the area where it occurred....

Nice to see the rule of law is still in force, and the central govt. has everything, including its own people, under control. <_<

The claim is made in the other paper:

"Mr Karun is famous for a 2008 incident when, as a People Power Party MP, he kung-&lt;deleted&gt; kicked and punched an elderly Democrat MP in the parliament cafeteria. His strikes missed the mark. He's also a leading red shirt.

Mr Karun is alleged to have led Don Muang residents in his constituency in destroying a dyke blocking overflow from the Khlong Prapa canal early on Friday morning. He flatly denies this."

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The claim is made in the other paper:

"Mr Karun is famous for a 2008 incident when, as a People Power Party MP, he kung-&lt;deleted&gt; kicked and punched an elderly Democrat MP in the parliament cafeteria. His strikes missed the mark. He's also a leading red shirt.

Mr Karun is alleged to have led Don Muang residents in his constituency in destroying a dyke blocking overflow from the Khlong Prapa canal early on Friday morning. He flatly denies this."

"Pheu Thai MP Keng Karun was responsible for demolition of a 1kilometre section of clay wall near an intersection where Prapa Canal meets Chaeng Wattana Road, letting in flood water, Pak Kret district chief Wisit Phuangphet alleged yesterday.

Wisit said he would report the incident to the Nonthaburi provincial authorities and to the government Flood Relief Operations Centre.

Karun allegedly deployed five backhoes to destroy the wall at around 2am yesterday, claiming that it caused a number of villagers' home to be flooded. He initially threatened to destroy the section a few hours earlier but gave up after Deputy Prime Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit and Pheu Thai MP Natthawut Saikua talked him out of it."


The other newspaper has the bit about "Karun threatens legal action over reports he destroyed dyke"

FYI: Pheu Thai Party MP and UDD leader Karun Hosakul is chairing a House panel tasked with overseeing national security affairs. K. Karun also faces terrorism charges over last year's April - May fun.

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An outstanding Red Shirt Leader, an impressive Pheu Thai MP, and a loving husband.

A violent history

>> Karun Hosakul, 41, allegedly beat his former wife, Ratchadawan. In April 2005, she divorced him.

>> Two months after the divorce, Karun attacked her at Don Mueang Airport as she returned from a trip abroad. Karun grabbed her hair, slapped her and threatened to disfigure her. She was rescued by airport guards.

>> In 2006, Karun assaulted a guard at an abandoned cinema, when he and his friends were refused entry. He kicked the guard twice in the head, reportedly shouting: "I will be back. Don't you know who I am?"

>> In 2007, as a Bangkok City Councillor, Karun head-butted an undercover policeman at a cock fight.

>> In 2005, Karun was stopped from contesting a Bangkok seat because he lacked the educational

qualifications required.

Vile scum.

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Off topic bickering and discussion of members has been removed. You want to talk about the guy, PM him but don't hijack this thread with this kind of off topic and totally inappropriate discussion.

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