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British Court Jails Pervert For Thailand Trip


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Surely if he downloaded them for free he's not added any incentive to the purveyors of this filth? Does looking at Youtube video of a Taleban exucution make the viewer criminally responsible for the murder too?

If they are killing to satisfy his demand: hell yes!


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I've said it before and I say it again. Castrate all convicted pedophiles.

Cut of their balls and put permanent warning tags in their passports.

I'd be happy to work as a pedophile castrater, but I would probably get carried away and cut more than just their balls.

Didn't they do things like this in concentration camps. You could qualify for commandant. I can understand your feelings, they have to be tagged and restricted But prevention is the only way forward. NOT your way -sorry-wanting to carry out these extra crimes is also sick. These pervs should not have passports ---they have to serve sentence and then monitored, or live in a controlled environment --AND be given some sort of pornography to be satisfied, keeping the crazy desire subdued --it will not go away--does castration cleanse the mind ????????????????????///-----I suggest tramadol--NO HARD FEELINGS.

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'Incurable' paedophile back in prison after secret Thai trip to net vile images

One of Northern Ireland’s most infamous cyber perverts, who once paid a Thai mother for photographs of her children, has been jailed again for almost three years.

Ian Magill (63), from Ballyhornan Road, Downpatrick, was yesterday sentenced to two years and eight months after being convicted for breaching a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO) at Downpatrick Crown Court.

Magill, a graphic designer who once worked at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, may also face charges in England after he was arrested at Heathrow Airport last November returning from a secret trip to Thailand with a laptop computer containing graphic images of child pornography.

Prosecution barrister Stephanie Boyd told the court that Magill, who was required to inform police of any travel arrangements, had obtained permission to travel to Dublin but, when he entered the Republic, used an internet cafe to book flights to London, Bangkok and Hong Kong despite being banned from owning a computer and going online.

Magill was identified and arrested as he passed through Heathrow. A laptop which he had bought in Thailand was seized and he admitted that police would find indecent images if they looked on the hard drive.

In 2007 Magill was handed a two-year jail term for making 50 indecent images of children including categories four and five — the most serious categories.

Describing his latest SOPO breaches as “really quite appalling”, Judge David Smyth said: “What does trouble the court is that this was a devious, premeditated and calculated way to get round exactly what a SOPO is supposed to do, and that is to reduce the risk of repetition.

“He didn’t genuinely tell the police or people who were monitoring him that he was going to Thailand.”

Magill's defence barrister, Chris Holmes, described it as an “unusual and unique case” because his client had been candid “about his difficulties, the things which have got him into trouble”.

“The evil here is really taking himself off to Bangkok in a devious fashion,” Mr Holmes told the court. “He has a lesson learned. He has had nine months to think about it. He fully accepts that it was a foolish thing to do. He could have approached his manager and said ‘this is what I am going to do’.”

However, the prosecution interjected: “Mr Magill is well aware that the police would never have given him permission to fly to Bangkok.”

Magill's double life can be traced back as far as 1991 when he was convicted of taking indecent images of a child.

He was caught smuggling child pornography from Amsterdam in 1995, and admitted in a previous court hearing that he has had a perverted interest in female children from the age of 12, when he was at boarding school in Dublin.

Magill, whose SOPO still remains indefinitely enforced, will serve half of his sentence in custody while the other half will be under supervised parole.

He was given credit by the court for his early guilty plea.

Mr Holmes said Magill had told police that he did not think he could be cured, and that “I am going to have to control myself”.

Proceedings in Downpatrick had to be temporarily adjourned yesterday after a disturbance

broke out in the foyer of the courthouse.

As he was led into the dock yesterday morning handcuffed to a prison guard, Magill appeared dishevelled, dressed in a wrinkled blue shirt with long, greying, unkempt hair.

His faced looked haggard and drawn.

Handing down the sentence, Judge Smyth added: “The connection with Thailand makes this more worrying. You deviously sought to avoid the prohibition of travelling without permission.

“It’s hard, given the record and connection of Thailand and the rationale of a SOPO, to contemplate a worse case.”

Proceedings in Downpatrick had to be temporarily adjourned yesterday after a row broke out in the foyer of Downpatrick court house.

As he was led into the dock yesterday morning handcuffed to a prison guard, Magill appeared dishevelled, dressed in a wrinkled blue shirt with long, greying unkempt hair. His faced looked haggard and drawn.

Handing down the sentence, Judge Smyth added: “The connection with Thailand make this more worrying. You obviously and deviously sought to avoid the prohibition of travelling without permission.”

“It’s hard given the record and connection of Thailand and the rationale of a SOPO to contemplate a worse case.”


Ian Magill, a 63-year-old graphic designer, has a string of convictions. His sordid history can be traced to 1991 when he was convicted of taking indecent images of a child. In 1995 he was caught smuggling child pornography from Amsterdam, and in 2007 Magill was jailed for two years for making indecent images of children.

Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/incurable-paedophile-back-in-prison-after-secret-thai-trip-to-net-vile-images-16067400.html?r=RSS#ixzz1bVirfp00

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While most people consider those who look at such photos to be despicable.

Does it actually harm anyone?

If it harms nobody, should these persons be punished as harshly as some of you suggest.

Does looking at photos of murdered people (there are such internet sites) make one a murderer, who should be jailed for life?

The UK has already decided that reading a terrorist magazine makes you a terrorist, just how far will this action be taken.

Sorry to ask, but...are you drunk? In order to "harmlessly" look at those pictures, they have to be MADE! Do you get that? Somewhere there is a child between 4 months and 17 years, being RAPED by someone so that pictures will be taken! Is that clear? If you love beer, beer will be brewed. If you love cake, cake will be baked, If you love seeing little children getting f-ed, they will be!

Man, I hope you were joking. Than I would thought you are just tasteless. Otherwise, I would have to assume, you drank your brain to tiny bits!

And there is one of the problems with the international control of these sicko's. What is a child? You say 17, but in the UK 16 is legal for sex and marriage, for some countries it's a lot lower still. There needs to be a worldwide agreement as to age, then rigid enforcement of it, if we're ever to eradicate this.

Before anyone takes offence, I'm in my 50s and haven't had my hands on a 16 year old since I was that age. Come to think of it, not even then, though I was certainly trying! :whistling:

As to this particular man, he committed an offence bring the pictures into the UK and is being punished for it. However he took the photos in Thailand, which has to be an offence there, so how about, once he gets out of his UK prison, we send him to Thailand and let the Thai authorities deal with that offence.

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While most people consider those who look at such photos to be despicable.

Does it actually harm anyone?

If it harms nobody, should these persons be punished as harshly as some of you suggest.

Does looking at photos of murdered people (there are such internet sites) make one a murderer, who should be jailed for life?

The UK has already decided that reading a terrorist magazine makes you a terrorist, just how far will this action be taken.

Sorry to ask, but...are you drunk? In order to "harmlessly" look at those pictures, they have to be MADE! Do you get that? Somewhere there is a child between 4 months and 17 years, being RAPED by someone so that pictures will be taken! Is that clear? If you love beer, beer will be brewed. If you love cake, cake will be baked, If you love seeing little children getting f-ed, they will be!

Man, I hope you were joking. Than I would thought you are just tasteless. Otherwise, I would have to assume, you drank your brain to tiny bits!

And there is one of the problems with the international control of these sicko's. What is a child? You say 17, but in the UK 16 is legal for sex and marriage, for some countries it's a lot lower still. There needs to be a worldwide agreement as to age, then rigid enforcement of it, if we're ever to eradicate this.

Before anyone takes offence, I'm in my 50s and haven't had my hands on a 16 year old since I was that age. Come to think of it, not even then, though I was certainly trying! :whistling:

As to this particular man, he committed an offence bring the pictures into the UK and is being punished for it. However he took the photos in Thailand, which has to be an offence there, so how about, once he gets out of his UK prison, we send him to Thailand and let the Thai authorities deal with that offence.

As much as you are right on the "international law"- thingy: i think a) a discussion if 16 or 17 is accademic as B) you and I both know, that the crimes we are talking about do not involve any child anywhere NEAR 16 years old. I think, the point is also: how are your own moral standards. But by any means (moral or juristic) underage is underage and children at the age of ...8...or younger...that is so much a no-go-area as it can be!

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I don't see why.

Just because I don't agree with summary justice, murder and mutilation.

One wonders if this man were so dangerous to children, why the British authorities let him have his freedom.

Even now, he will be out after one year.

British justice appears to have a problem with sentencing.

Posters on this forum appear to have problems with humanity.

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Surely if he downloaded them for free he's not added any incentive to the purveyors of this filth? Does looking at Youtube video of a Taleban exucution make the viewer criminally responsible for the murder too?

+1 precisely.

The irony of Thailand is the DVD was probably pirated and so none of the money went to the makers of the video.

This means the punishment is a thought-crime punishment. The howls and demands to slice this person up in various ways seem oddly hollow.

The paedophile panic of the last decade that largely arose after the Catholic priest incidents will ebb and flow and run its course and run out. And like all panics, when in the mdist of it, it is difficult to imagine things any different. The ceaseless promotion of fear and panic among parents by NSPCC and other state agencies (e.g. Social Services), destroying traditional community bonds, is finally at its last gasps.

When a Mother rebukes a famous comedian for daring to smile at her child when he was riding on the London Underground, it is painfully obvious it has all gone too far. This 'cult of caution' with its Witch Trials is too transparent as a gesturing for an age of innocence that existed-- invariably-- 10 years before the dominant age group was alive. The vetting frenzy where women can now check that even what rumours were reported to the police before starting a relationship is the reductio ad absurdum of this-- very working-class-- panic.

The threats to kill, and the insinuations whenever a TV forum member does not threaten to castrate the man found guilty is all part of this regime of terror.

But the more you tighten your grip in the regulated Western World, the more they will slip out to Asia and other locations.

A girl in the USA gave a blowjob to her boyfriend in class. She was 17, he was 16. She was found guilty of a sex crime and placed on the sex register for life. At 33 years old, she cannot get any but the most menial jobs, she may not live within 1 km of a school (besides the desert where else is this far from a school) and she has to sleep in her car in the parking lot since she cannot be within 500 metres of a bus stop at night.

"Ah", I hear you cry, this has nothing to do with what we are worried about. But this is exactly what happens when an issue becomes taboo, when there is no vote in appearing relaxed or liberal.

It is not going away, The Times of London gave a figure of 1/3 of all men as having sexual arousal from pre-pubescent children. I feel very lucky to not be in that 1/3, but the self-hatred that must go through those people's minds must be agony.

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ludditeman makes me sick. He preaches for the pedophilles and stands for thier rights and claims that pedophillia is a harmless victimless incident and that leering and salivating over naked pictures of children is normal. Has he ever been the victim of one of these lowlife predators or is he actually one of them? Well ludditeman I can tell you I HAVE LIVED WITH IT FOR OVER 30 YRS. There are F&^%ing victims and there will be more. Has he ever been an 11 yr old child who loved his football and was befriended by his coach and close family member. Did his friend and football coach force his penis down his throat whilst driving him home from football practice and then threaten him that he would never play another game and his father would beat him if he told lies about his fathers best friend and his mates would call him a poofter. No one would would ever believe a stupid little kid anyway. Was ludditeman disciplined by his parents for being rude and walking away when the coach attended his birthday party and other family gatherings. Was he discipline when when he brought home bad school reports and when he refused to go to football practice. Yes I lived with the trauma for years until recieving councilling after my ex football coach was arrested for 25 yrs later for sexual penetratrion of a 13 yr old boy and rape. He eventually faced 23 charges after others came forward dating 37 yrs including mine. The lowlife was sentenced to 3 yrs on all accounts about 6 weeks for each offence. His age 71 yrs old and his welfare was taken into account, something that the shitbag did not afford to his victims. When arrested over 2,5 thousand images of child porn were located on his hard drives over 600 of those were of his last 3 victims.

All you pro pedophille worshippers who claim there is nothing wrong with this and there are not victims for someone just have child porn then I suggest you walk a while in the kids shoes and thier families.

This took me 2 hours to write and had to chop it back I was full of rage and hate and used such foul language' I haven't expressed myself the way I did in the beginning as a mod would have jumped on me in the 1st line.

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ludditeman makes me sick. He preaches for the pedophilles and stands for thier rights and claims that pedophillia is a harmless victimless incident and that leering and salivating over naked pictures of children is normal. Has he ever been the victim of one of these lowlife predators or is he actually one of them? Well ludditeman I can tell you I HAVE LIVED WITH IT FOR OVER 30 YRS. There are F&^%ing victims and there will be more. Has he ever been an 11 yr old child who loved his football and was befriended by his coach and close family member. Did his friend and football coach force his penis down his throat whilst driving him home from football practice and then threaten him that he would never play another game and his father would beat him if he told lies about his fathers best friend and his mates would call him a poofter. No one would would ever believe a stupid little kid anyway. Was ludditeman disciplined by his parents for being rude and walking away when the coach attended his birthday party and other family gatherings. Was he discipline when when he brought home bad school reports and when he refused to go to football practice. Yes I lived with the trauma for years until recieving councilling after my ex football coach was arrested for 25 yrs later for sexual penetratrion of a 13 yr old boy and rape. He eventually faced 23 charges after others came forward dating 37 yrs including mine. The lowlife was sentenced to 3 yrs on all accounts about 6 weeks for each offence. His age 71 yrs old and his welfare was taken into account, something that the shitbag did not afford to his victims. When arrested over 2,5 thousand images of child porn were located on his hard drives over 600 of those were of his last 3 victims.

All you pro pedophille worshippers who claim there is nothing wrong with this and there are not victims for someone just have child porn then I suggest you walk a while in the kids shoes and thier families.

This took me 2 hours to write and had to chop it back I was full of rage and hate and used such foul language' I haven't expressed myself the way I did in the beginning as a mod would have jumped on me in the 1st line.

What an appalling experience you had. So sorry to hear of it. The result of an ultimately selfish crime. These people have got to be psychotic.

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ludditeman makes me sick. He preaches for the pedophilles and stands for thier rights and claims that pedophillia is a harmless victimless incident and that leering and salivating over naked pictures of children is normal. Has he ever been the victim of one of these lowlife predators or is he actually one of them? Well ludditeman I can tell you I HAVE LIVED WITH IT FOR OVER 30 YRS. There are F&^%ing victims and there will be more. Has he ever been an 11 yr old child who loved his football and was befriended by his coach and close family member. Did his friend and football coach force his penis down his throat whilst driving him home from football practice and then threaten him that he would never play another game and his father would beat him if he told lies about his fathers best friend and his mates would call him a poofter. No one would would ever believe a stupid little kid anyway. Was ludditeman disciplined by his parents for being rude and walking away when the coach attended his birthday party and other family gatherings. Was he discipline when when he brought home bad school reports and when he refused to go to football practice. Yes I lived with the trauma for years until recieving councilling after my ex football coach was arrested for 25 yrs later for sexual penetratrion of a 13 yr old boy and rape. He eventually faced 23 charges after others came forward dating 37 yrs including mine. The lowlife was sentenced to 3 yrs on all accounts about 6 weeks for each offence. His age 71 yrs old and his welfare was taken into account, something that the shitbag did not afford to his victims. When arrested over 2,5 thousand images of child porn were located on his hard drives over 600 of those were of his last 3 victims.

All you pro pedophille worshippers who claim there is nothing wrong with this and there are not victims for someone just have child porn then I suggest you walk a while in the kids shoes and thier families.

This took me 2 hours to write and had to chop it back I was full of rage and hate and used such foul language' I haven't expressed myself the way I did in the beginning as a mod would have jumped on me in the 1st line.

Good luck to you.

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ludditeman makes me sick. He preaches for the pedophilles and stands for thier rights and claims that pedophillia is a harmless victimless incident and that leering and salivating over naked pictures of children is normal. Has he ever been the victim of one of these lowlife predators or is he actually one of them? Well ludditeman I can tell you I HAVE LIVED WITH IT FOR OVER 30 YRS. There are F&^%ing victims and there will be more. Has he ever been an 11 yr old child who loved his football and was befriended by his coach and close family member. Did his friend and football coach force his penis down his throat whilst driving him home from football practice and then threaten him that he would never play another game and his father would beat him if he told lies about his fathers best friend and his mates would call him a poofter. No one would would ever believe a stupid little kid anyway. Was ludditeman disciplined by his parents for being rude and walking away when the coach his birthday party and other family gatherings. Was he discipline when when he brought home bad school reports and when he refused to go to football practice. Yes I lived with the trauma for years until recieving councilling after my ex football coach was arrested for 25 yrs later for sexual penetratrion of a 13 yr old boy and rape. He eventually faced 23 charges after others came forward dating 37 yrs including mine. The lowlife was sentenced to 3 yrs on all accounts about 6 weeks for each offence. His age 71 yrs old and his welfare was taken into account, something that the shitbag did not afford to his victims. When arrested over 2,5 thousand images of child porn were located on his hard drives over 600 of those were of his last 3 victims.

All you pro pedophille worshippers who claim there is nothing wrong with this and there are not victims for someone just have child porn then I suggest you walk a while in the kids shoes and thier families.

This took me 2 hours to write and had to chop it back I was full of rage and hate and used such foul language' I haven't expressed myself the way I did in the beginning as a mod would have jumped on me in the 1st line.

His Post was quite clear,it was his Football Coach,and also the best friend of his Father.

Or for your Benefit one of the same person.

Pedophilia is not a victimless crime,as some would like us to believe!

The ruination of a young life,would be the truth! not that the Bleeding Heart Liberals, and Pedo sympathisers care,they are only interested in the Criminals,such is their warped minds.

Edited by sbk
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Surely if he downloaded them for free he's not added any incentive to the purveyors of this filth? Does looking at Youtube video of a Taleban exucution make the viewer criminally responsible for the murder too?

+1 precisely.

The irony of Thailand is the DVD was probably pirated and so none of the money went to the makers of the video.

This means the punishment is a thought-crime punishment. The howls and demands to slice this person up in various ways seem oddly hollow.

The paedophile panic of the last decade that largely arose after the Catholic priest incidents will ebb and flow and run its course and run out. And like all panics, when in the mdist of it, it is difficult to imagine things any different. The ceaseless promotion of fear and panic among parents by NSPCC and other state agencies (e.g. Social Services), destroying traditional community bonds, is finally at its last gasps.

When a Mother rebukes a famous comedian for daring to smile at her child when he was riding on the London Underground, it is painfully obvious it has all gone too far. This 'cult of caution' with its Witch Trials is too transparent as a gesturing for an age of innocence that existed-- invariably-- 10 years before the dominant age group was alive. The vetting frenzy where women can now check that even what rumours were reported to the police before starting a relationship is the reductio ad absurdum of this-- very working-class-- panic.

The threats to kill, and the insinuations whenever a TV forum member does not threaten to castrate the man found guilty is all part of this regime of terror.

But the more you tighten your grip in the regulated Western World, the more they will slip out to Asia and other locations.

A girl in the USA gave a blowjob to her boyfriend in class. She was 17, he was 16. She was found guilty of a sex crime and placed on the sex register for life. At 33 years old, she cannot get any but the most menial jobs, she may not live within 1 km of a school (besides the desert where else is this far from a school) and she has to sleep in her car in the parking lot since she cannot be within 500 metres of a bus stop at night.

"Ah", I hear you cry, this has nothing to do with what we are worried about. But this is exactly what happens when an issue becomes taboo, when there is no vote in appearing relaxed or liberal.

It is not going away, The Times of London gave a figure of 1/3 of all men as having sexual arousal from pre-pubescent children. I feel very lucky to not be in that 1/3, but the self-hatred that must go through those people's minds must be agony.

You see the difference between a 17 year old, giving a 16 year old a blow job and a 47 year old, having pictures on his PC (that he may have taking himself), of raped 10 year olds, don't you? And what you call peadophile panic, is what I call "justified rage"! I couldn't care (personally ) less for the first case and BTW it is not nearly what we are talking about here. Some cases are plain ridiculous and every country has some laws, that are just going too far. But condoning child porn, because "no one is hurt" is heartless, stupid, inhumane and disgusting beyond believe!

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Two main comments. Forgetting his overall sick problem for the moment:

1: He is an idiot if he did travel with the pornography.

2: I don't think he should be denied a passport, but his offences should be available somehow so that a country he is traveling to can make a decision to allow him to visit or not.

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ludditeman makes me sick. He preaches for the pedophilles and stands for thier rights and claims that pedophillia is a harmless victimless incident and that leering and salivating over naked pictures of children is normal. Has he ever been the victim of one of these lowlife predators or is he actually one of them? Well ludditeman I can tell you I HAVE LIVED WITH IT FOR OVER 30 YRS. There are F&^%ing victims and there will be more. Has he ever been an 11 yr old child who loved his football and was befriended by his coach and close family member. Did his friend and football coach force his penis down his throat whilst driving him home from football practice and then threaten him that he would never play another game and his father would beat him if he told lies about his fathers best friend and his mates would call him a poofter. No one would would ever believe a stupid little kid anyway. Was ludditeman disciplined by his parents for being rude and walking away when the coach attended his birthday party and other family gatherings. Was he discipline when when he brought home bad school reports and when he refused to go to football practice. Yes I lived with the trauma for years until recieving councilling after my ex football coach was arrested for 25 yrs later for sexual penetratrion of a 13 yr old boy and rape. He eventually faced 23 charges after others came forward dating 37 yrs including mine. The lowlife was sentenced to 3 yrs on all accounts about 6 weeks for each offence. His age 71 yrs old and his welfare was taken into account, something that the shitbag did not afford to his victims. When arrested over 2,5 thousand images of child porn were located on his hard drives over 600 of those were of his last 3 victims.

All you pro pedophille worshippers who claim there is nothing wrong with this and there are not victims for someone just have child porn then I suggest you walk a while in the kids shoes and thier families.

This took me 2 hours to write and had to chop it back I was full of rage and hate and used such foul language' I haven't expressed myself the way I did in the beginning as a mod would have jumped on me in the 1st line.

Very sad story and no doubt it took one hell of a set of balls to write it, I just hope this whole thread hasn't upset you to much. Good luck with finding some kind of peace with it all if indeed that is ever possible.

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I would be happy to cure him and any other pedo nonces hanging around these parts, but I can't guarantee they will enjoy my methods much........

The 63-year-old has a series of convictions stretching back decades.

I'd be more than happy to help you to cure them in a way that they could (and would) never do it again, I swear....sad.gif

I'd be happy to provide the bullets....

If you did it would make you accessory to murder. At the moment you are conspiring to murder.

Now who is the criminal?....

I'm not defending the guy I'm stating that thaikahuna (and anyone else offering physical abuse) is actually no better....an eye for an eye is not acceptable in my p.o.v.

Edited by KKK
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While most people consider those who look at such photos to be despicable.

Does it actually harm anyone?

If it harms nobody, should these persons be punished as harshly as some of you suggest.

Does looking at photos of murdered people (there are such internet sites) make one a murderer, who should be jailed for life?

The UK has already decided that reading a terrorist magazine makes you a terrorist, just how far will this action be taken.

There's a movie you should see - I think it was called "8 Millimeter", with Nicholas Cage. Granted, its fiction, but it demonstrates

the flaw in your logic. In the movie, clients who get off on watching murders hire a company to kill people, and film it.

When someone buys copies of child pornography, they are giving incentive to the producers of those who film it. Mind you,

the producers aren't likey twisted perverts - they are just shameless criminals. Without the demand, there would be no production.

So, yes, there IS harm in buying and watching suc h trash.

Who does it harm? The children, for example?

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While most people consider those who look at such photos to be despicable.

Does it actually harm anyone?

If it harms nobody, should these persons be punished as harshly as some of you suggest.

Does looking at photos of murdered people (there are such internet sites) make one a murderer, who should be jailed for life?

The UK has already decided that reading a terrorist magazine makes you a terrorist, just how far will this action be taken.

There's a movie you should see - I think it was called "8 Millimeter", with Nicholas Cage. Granted, its fiction, but it demonstrates

the flaw in your logic. In the movie, clients who get off on watching murders hire a company to kill people, and film it.

When someone buys copies of child pornography, they are giving incentive to the producers of those who film it. Mind you,

the producers aren't likey twisted perverts - they are just shameless criminals. Without the demand, there would be no production.

So, yes, there IS harm in buying and watching suc h trash.

Who does it harm? The children, for example?

Another analogy would be:

When The Buying Stops, So Can The Killing

i.e. don't buy ivory and elephant poaching will stop.....and that is NOT fiction.....

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I would be happy to cure him and any other pedo nonces hanging around these parts, but I can't guarantee they will enjoy my methods much........

The 63-year-old has a series of convictions stretching back decades.

I'd be more than happy to help you to cure them in a way that they could (and would) never do it again, I swear....sad.gif

I'd be happy to provide the bullets....

If you did it would make you accessory to murder. At the moment you are conspiring to murder.

Now who is the criminal?....

I'm not defending the guy I'm stating that thaikahuna (and anyone else offering physical abuse) is actually no better....an eye for an eye is not acceptable in my p.o.v.

send him for 2 years in a British holiday camp then!! theres real justice!!!

P.S is it really murder to put down a rabid dog? or is it simply the best thing all round???

Edited by JeremyBowskill
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While most people consider those who look at such photos to be despicable.

Does it actually harm anyone?

If it harms nobody, should these persons be punished as harshly as some of you suggest.

Does looking at photos of murdered people (there are such internet sites) make one a murderer, who should be jailed for life?

The UK has already decided that reading a terrorist magazine makes you a terrorist, just how far will this action be taken.

There's a movie you should see - I think it was called "8 Millimeter", with Nicholas Cage. Granted, its fiction, but it demonstrates

the flaw in your logic. In the movie, clients who get off on watching murders hire a company to kill people, and film it.

When someone buys copies of child pornography, they are giving incentive to the producers of those who film it. Mind you,

the producers aren't likey twisted perverts - they are just shameless criminals. Without the demand, there would be no production.

So, yes, there IS harm in buying and watching suc h trash.

Who does it harm? The children, for example?

When one compares murder to pedopillia I would place murder as a lesser crime. The victims of murder are no longer suffering, however in many cases the victims of pedophllia will suffer severly in silence for the rest of thier lives. Some seem to think if you can't physically see thier pain then there is no victim. I recall attending a 14 yr old suicide by hanging. The young boy left a note implicating the father of a friend of sexual abuse. The guy was never charged with sex offences but he was however charged with possessing child pornography and some very disturbing pics at that. He took his own life prior to the matter being heard in court. He was however found to have contributed to the victims death in a coronial inquiry on basis of the childs note and the pornography found in his possession. Then there are the secondary victims, the parents and family who will relive the ordeal every xmas and birthday and they to will suffer in thier own way for life.

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While most people consider those who look at such photos to be despicable.

Does it actually harm anyone?

If it harms nobody, should these persons be punished as harshly as some of you suggest.

Does looking at photos of murdered people (there are such internet sites) make one a murderer, who should be jailed for life?

The UK has already decided that reading a terrorist magazine makes you a terrorist, just how far will this action be taken.

Sorry to ask, but...are you drunk? In order to "harmlessly" look at those pictures, they have to be MADE! Do you get that? Somewhere there is a child between 4 months and 17 years, being RAPED by someone so that pictures will be taken! Is that clear? If you love beer, beer will be brewed. If you love cake, cake will be baked, If you love seeing little children getting f-ed, they will be!

Man, I hope you were joking. Than I would thought you are just tasteless. Otherwise, I would have to assume, you drank your brain to tiny bits!

And there is one of the problems with the international control of these sicko's. What is a child? You say 17, but in the UK 16 is legal for sex and marriage, for some countries it's a lot lower still. There needs to be a worldwide agreement as to age, then rigid enforcement of it, if we're ever to eradicate this.

Before anyone takes offence, I'm in my 50s and haven't had my hands on a 16 year old since I was that age. Come to think of it, not even then, though I was certainly trying! :whistling:

As to this particular man, he committed an offence bring the pictures into the UK and is being punished for it. However he took the photos in Thailand, which has to be an offence there, so how about, once he gets out of his UK prison, we send him to Thailand and let the Thai authorities deal with that offence.

In America, Jerry Lee lewis married his 13 year old cousin. Does that make him a paedophile? Obviously the authorities didn't think so, as they had two children and divorced in December 1970 after 13 years of marriage.

In Saudi, old men have a thing for marrying young girls- I used to work there so I know. Should not all the castrators now be out demonstrating in front of the Saudi embassy, or is it only evil if it's here?

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The 63-year-old has a series of convictions stretching back decades.

I'd be more than happy to help you to cure them in a way that they could (and would) never do it again, I swear....sad.gif

I'd be happy to provide the bullets....

If you did it would make you accessory to murder. At the moment you are conspiring to murder.

Now who is the criminal?....

I'm not defending the guy I'm stating that thaikahuna (and anyone else offering physical abuse) is actually no better....an eye for an eye is not acceptable in my p.o.v.

send him for 2 years in a British holiday camp then!! theres real justice!!!

P.S is it really murder to put down a rabid dog? or is it simply the best thing all round???

Best for whom? And who gives anybody the right to be judge, jury and hangman......

A dog is an animal not a human being.

The rabid dog will probably die very soon and to euthanize it is to relieve it's suffering. Ask the guy in this case if he is suffering and wishes to be put down.

Two wrongs do NOT make a right......any kind of physical abuse to a human (no matter how low you may think he is) is not justifiable....

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While most people consider those who look at such photos to be despicable.

Does it actually harm anyone?

If it harms nobody, should these persons be punished as harshly as some of you suggest.

Does looking at photos of murdered people (there are such internet sites) make one a murderer, who should be jailed for life?

The UK has already decided that reading a terrorist magazine makes you a terrorist, just how far will this action be taken.

Sorry to ask, but...are you drunk? In order to "harmlessly" look at those pictures, they have to be MADE! Do you get that? Somewhere there is a child between 4 months and 17 years, being RAPED by someone so that pictures will be taken! Is that clear? If you love beer, beer will be brewed. If you love cake, cake will be baked, If you love seeing little children getting f-ed, they will be!

Man, I hope you were joking. Than I would thought you are just tasteless. Otherwise, I would have to assume, you drank your brain to tiny bits!

And there is one of the problems with the international control of these sicko's. What is a child? You say 17, but in the UK 16 is legal for sex and marriage, for some countries it's a lot lower still. There needs to be a worldwide agreement as to age, then rigid enforcement of it, if we're ever to eradicate this.

Before anyone takes offence, I'm in my 50s and haven't had my hands on a 16 year old since I was that age. Come to think of it, not even then, though I was certainly trying! :whistling:

As to this particular man, he committed an offence bring the pictures into the UK and is being punished for it. However he took the photos in Thailand, which has to be an offence there, so how about, once he gets out of his UK prison, we send him to Thailand and let the Thai authorities deal with that offence.

In America, Jerry Lee lewis married his 13 year old cousin. Does that make him a paedophile? Obviously the authorities didn't think so, as they had two children and divorced in December 1970 after 13 years of marriage.

In Saudi, old men have a thing for marrying young girls- I used to work there so I know. Should not all the castrators now be out demonstrating in front of the Saudi embassy, or is it only evil if it's here?

Jerry Lee Lewis was 14 when he first married a 17yo. he divorced soon after saying she was too old for him....that might make him a victim as well as an offender. But it was legal in those days in Louisianna to marry that young.....Now it's 17....

And not only Saudis like young girls..every day I see some crinkled old farang male of 60 plus hand in hand with a skinny 18yo Thai girl (yuck) that is not his daughter.....legal yes..but only just...and that 18yo Thai girl would be seen in the west as only 14 or 15yo (double yuck) and due to her physic might at first be mistaken for a boy (even more yucks).....given the chance for the girl to be some months younger I'm sure the farang would be happy...trouble is where do you draw the line.

Edited by KKK
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What I don't understand is that why should someone have to travel to LOS to buy this stuff ? I'm always hearing that the net is awash with this stuff, is that not the case ?

I guess they don't have travel to Thailand for the stuff but I would assume that he went to Thailand for the real thing and took a few holiday snaps as a momento. Personally I think there should be an international sex offenders register in which immigration officials or consular offices can cross check to determine if they wish to grant a visa to someone or not. This would severely restrict the movement of the scum and protect innocent children that they prey upon.

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For information only because I don't agree with it...totally inhuman and no better than the offenders their punishing/abusing

A doctor makes an incision in a man's scrotal sac and, deftly wielding his scalpel, quickly removes both testicles. In the Czech Republic, that simple operation is the punishment for male sex offenders. But to the Council of Europe, the region's leading human-rights body, the procedure is "invasive, irreversible and mutilating." In a report issued last week, the council called the punishment "degrading" and demanded it be scrapped immediately.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1878462,00.html#ixzz1bZzMfCpx

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send him for 2 years in a British holiday camp then!! theres real justice!!!

P.S is it really murder to put down a rabid dog? or is it simply the best thing all round???

Best for whom? And who gives anybody the right to be judge, jury and hangman......

A dog is an animal not a human being.

The rabid dog will probably die very soon and to euthanize it is to relieve it's suffering. Ask the guy in this case if he is suffering and wishes to be put down.

Two wrongs do NOT make a right......any kind of physical abuse to a human (no matter how low you may think he is) is not justifiable....

Best For the kids and their families obviously!!! and he has already been judged by 12 of his peers and found guilty on several occasions!!! its just the sentence I disagree with and it clearly hasn't stopped this dirty nonce scumbag from hurting more young ens.

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What I don't understand is that why should someone have to travel to LOS to buy this stuff ? I'm always hearing that the net is awash with this stuff, is that not the case ?

Personally I think there should be an international sex offenders register in which immigration officials or consular offices can cross check to determine if they wish to grant a visa to someone or not. This would severely restrict the movement of the scum and protect innocent children that they prey upon.

In America it is called The International Megan's Law but does not seem to have been passed. America can't make international law anyway.....

see http://www.washingtonwatch.com/bills/show/111_HR_5138.html

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While most people consider those who look at such photos to be despicable.

Does it actually harm anyone?

If it harms nobody, should these persons be punished as harshly as some of you suggest.

Unbelievably stupid post. These are not drawings or figments of the imagination but photographs of real children being abused.

Can you spot a victim in this yet?

Try using your grey matter before posting, particularly a sensitive subject such as this.

I agree. I'm surprised this took several posts further along to pick up on this blazingly obvious point. What a moron. And says a lot about some of the types posting on here.

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