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Anyone wishing to understand how to reclaim the 15% tax on savings should do a search in this forum since the topic was discussed at length about three weeks prior, it will come as no surprise that the method seems to change based on where you live in Thailand!

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That's not entirely true. I deposited 400.000 into Kasikorn Bank for nearly three years at 4.5% interest rate. I cannot withdraw this money untill the end of 33 months

You cannot withdraw under any circumstances? That would be very unusual if really true. You do not need to bring in any additional amounts in subsequent years.

I'm not in the habit of making up stories unless asked to. I am talking of my own personal experience in this matter. It is upto each to decide for themselves if they want to believe me.

What you have been told is not correct. The funds can be withdrawn, however there will be an interest penalty.

I may have been misslead by the Bank staff, But do you have the same account with Kasikorn Bank that you know this for fact? It is a Timed account, which to my understanding means you can't withdraw funds till after the time is up. Besides which if there is no need to withdraw the funds under a penalty clause, why would I want to do that. 4.5% interest is not bad compared to .50% from a UK bank.

Edited by garrfeild
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Anyone wishing to understand how to reclaim the 15% tax on savings should do a search in this forum since the topic was discussed at length about three weeks prior, it will come as no surprise that the method seems to change based on where you live in Thailand!

good advice if the search feature ever worked, type in re claim tax on savings and you get 'no results found'

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Anyone wishing to understand how to reclaim the 15% tax on savings should do a search in this forum since the topic was discussed at length about three weeks prior, it will come as no surprise that the method seems to change based on where you live in Thailand!

good advice if the search feature ever worked, type in re claim tax on savings and you get 'no results found'

Works just fine for me!

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