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PM Yingluck Tries To Ease Concern Over 'Rift' With Bangkok Authorities


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"the army can already arrest people trying to bring down the flood barriers, can't they?"

Why would the army be able to arrest people?

Good point. I was talking with a friend yesterday and he lead me to believe that detaining people was possible under existing laws. But actually I think I got confused and what he meant was that it's really a police job. Anyway, if the army can't detain people under current laws, that's obviously quite a good reason for an SOE. Would an SOE necessarily cede control to Prayuth? Or is it possible to give army powers to detain without SOE?

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"the army can already arrest people trying to bring down the flood barriers, can't they?"

Why would the army be able to arrest people?

Good point. I was talking with a friend yesterday and he lead me to believe that detaining people was possible under existing laws. But actually I think I got confused and what he meant was that it's really a police job. Anyway, if the army can't detain people under current laws, that's obviously quite a good reason for an SOE. Would an SOE necessarily cede control to Prayuth? Or is it possible to give army powers to detain without SOE?

I don't think the police would like that.

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I'm pretty sure the govt is accepting help from foreign countries. They've got foreign flood experts at FROC and the US military is helping to some degree.

What the hell does Prayuth know about floods? Haven't the army failed to save every area they've been assigned to save so far?

We just turned down the Americans, not sure who else is out there.

"bringing in the army' means the entire armed forces would be mobilised the last 3 weeks working to build barriers, distribute aid, rescue and evacuate. All that equipment would be mobilised.

This would hopefully would have resulted in efficient distribution of medicine, water, food, care to ALL people currently underwater. It would hopefully have resulted in improved management to prevent BKK being flooded.

It would mean a single line of command (FROC/PT/government has about 8 different personalities/'leaders' of different aspects and then there's BMA plus various other self named leaders, none in a clear leadership position). The person at the top would have some familiarity with the concepts of supply chain management and distribution, as well as familiarity with the assets available to conduct any operations.

It would mean a single media contact point 'officially' to manage all messages, and would focus media, in this case hopefully removing government 'spin' (also known as lies) inherent in some of the coverage to date.

It would remove the political point scoring of branding donations to a political party as is occuring now, and stop the stumbling blocks where politicians are meddling with aid distribution for personal gain.

It would allow full and immediate security operations to commence to protect people 'from themselves' with severe action swiftly and promptly taken for looting, damage to flood prevention structures etc.

Regarding army performance to date, they have been prevented from doing a full job, and have had to justify doing almost anything at all. They are being ordered by civilian bosses who to date seem to show a lack of ability and foresight. It is not important that they know how to manage a flood; Thailand has flooded many times; it is important they know how to handle an emergency, and how to distribute aid evenly, how to prevent and protect structures and how to manage the public's right to information.

The important criteria on the job being done NOW (when we appraise since September, as August month was the last chance to actually avoid more flooding given the average rainfall in that month), is how are we managing the crisis. Jobs given to the army/navy (according to my friends actually working full time on aid) are going ok, but the amount of political interference is shocking; also the areas where they are not working are a complete mess.

Yes, on second thought we wouldn't want the army to do any of that. The current administration are doing an excellent job.

Edited by steveromagnino
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Actually: no I don't think you are joking! If you were, this post had to be at least a little bit funny!

But let me ask you another question...and don't worry, you don't have to answer, as the the question is rethorical:

do you get any kind of joy or satisfaction out of your constant re- runs of the same cynical remarks?

Not only you, but...all of you?

A close friend asked me to post this:

I can't speak for others, especially since the question wasn't directed at me, but I find that repeating myself many many many many many many times is a great income earner.

Now some people might say you cannot make money out of posting on internet boards and spamming Thailand's major newspapers with nonsensical news (I am am not going to return leave Thailand etc etc).

I have an answer for that.

It's called VOLUME. I am able to churn out infantile and ill thought out suggestions to the government on any number of subjects, ranging from cups of sick, to pen nice pumps, to advice for government toilet tsar "Sompoo Turddee".

You have no idea how many words I can write, claiming I could slit a cat's throat, screw a goat, or slice open a wild snake, and make a winter coat.

The volume of coverage covers my overhead, but the real profit is going to come from my lucrative new business of pen nice pumps. From Korea.

I demand to be heard, I demand you read my posts, and that volume, my friend, is where the big money is.

As Thailand's leading entrepreneur, most successful businessman ever, most wisest counsel and most definitely not involved with any of that red shirt group (I was just ringing in 3 times a week to check that someone was moving my car every 3 hours to avoid paying parking at Paragon), I demand that you read and listen to every thing I say.

If I don't say it myself, I will get my red shirt minions, er, people I don't know or support, to say it for me. My sister is a bit silly; she's what I like to call a 'silly clone' I can get her to say my wisest ideas. I have my A team; and my Mr T is Plodprasob, and just like the A team, my bunch of renegades like HP, which is where the idea of 1000 boats came from.

After all, the motor boat idea may be really really dumb when there is 1 boat....but as anyone knows, just because an idea is dumb, if you make it large enough, it will cease to be dumb. It will become really smart.

Which is why, as Thailand's richest man representing the poor, and as a super rich billionaire I am willing to donate exactly 3 (three) pen nice pumps from Korea. everyone says Korea is hot right now, and Rain is big; well I can tell you from my lair in Dubai, I can see that's lies; Korea is actually quite cold. But anyway the pen nice pumps are yours if you need them.

I must be heard, I must keep talking I must keep front of mind, as my friend Robert says, if I don't ohmigod my BFF Jatuporn and my former BFF Jakapop Penkair might actually start running stuff. And as anyone knows, I am the only one who knows how to 'soap the contree ploblem'

I am sending this via my close friend, him good man, Stevero because let's face it, you lot are lost without my wise counsel. And also, because I want to write a movie, and right now, I don't know how it will finish. I am thinking that it ends with me being very rich. And you being poor.


OK, this if funny as hell. Thanks !!

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Actually: no I don't think you are joking! If you were, this post had to be at least a little bit funny!

But let me ask you another question...and don't worry, you don't have to answer, as the the question is rethorical:

do you get any kind of joy or satisfaction out of your constant re- runs of the same cynical remarks?

Not only you, but...all of you?

We got it now: the PM is stupid, incompetent and wears fancy boots (god forbid), her brother is the source of everything bad in the world (from famine in Africa over the EU crisis to the flood in Thailand) and the Dems would have done it a million times better. SOE was and always will be the only way to ever solve any problems and you above all are experts on flood, famine, toxic waste, molecular biology and hold the answers to all the questions in the universe (which 42 , by the way!).

It is soooooooooo boring!

Oh ...and guess what: it doesn't help!

If the estimations of the worst case scenario are correct, we are straight on our way into a human -disaster (we are halfway there) that will make the 2004 Tsunami look like a nice day on the beach and all you have to do is repeating the same unfunny remarks over and over again.

Could parts of it have been handled better? Sure! Is it always easy to say that, after someone effed up? Sure! Would the whole situation be much different than it is now? I don't think so, but than again I am not a divine being like you are and hold all the answers.

Seriously: look for a hobby or a girlfriend. Both might keep you occupied and get"s you away from the internet.

And it will prevent heart attacks or strokes, because if you don't read so much about all the stupid and incompetent people around you and especially Thaksin, you will be much more relaxed.

Take a break!

Re your first para, I suspect that there are many on here who are gloating over and even enjoying this massive disaster.

Sicko's one and all.

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OK, this if funny as hell. Thanks !!

Thank you. Was it my reference to toilet tsar Sompoo Turddee?

If you have any ideas for the movie I'll pass it on. Right now he sees himself as a, in his words 'Thai Tom Vu'.

Only instead of selling real estate advice, he is selling constitutional reform.

"3 Little words, my friend"

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Re your first para, I suspect that there are many on here who are gloating over and even enjoying this massive disaster.

Sicko's one and all.

name them. It's a f&*king mess, I am willing to laugh and spread some mirth and jolly japes to cheer folks up a bit, but not for a second would I hesitate to allow Thaksin a full pardon and make him devine emperor if I thought it would have prevented 1000+ deaths and 7.5m people in trouble (the real likely estimates to date, not the FROCced up numbers).

And also if I had that sort of power.

Mind you, if I had that sort of power, I would probably have not allowed this mess to occur in the first place.

Seriously, who is gloating?

Only gloating I've seen are the smug FROCwits who think they know how to run things without calling in the army.

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Actually: no I don't think you are joking! If you were, this post had to be at least a little bit funny!

But let me ask you another question...and don't worry, you don't have to answer, as the the question is rethorical:

do you get any kind of joy or satisfaction out of your constant re- runs of the same cynical remarks?

Not only you, but...all of you?

A close friend asked me to post this:

I can't speak for others, especially since the question wasn't directed at me, but I find that repeating myself many many many many many many times is a great income earner.

Now some people might say you cannot make money out of posting on internet boards and spamming Thailand's major newspapers with nonsensical news (I am am not going to return leave Thailand etc etc).

I have an answer for that.

It's called VOLUME. I am able to churn out infantile and ill thought out suggestions to the government on any number of subjects, ranging from cups of sick, to pen nice pumps, to advice for government toilet tsar "Sompoo Turddee".

You have no idea how many words I can write, claiming I could slit a cat's throat, screw a goat, or slice open a wild snake, and make a winter coat.

The volume of coverage covers my overhead, but the real profit is going to come from my lucrative new business of pen nice pumps. From Korea.

I demand to be heard, I demand you read my posts, and that volume, my friend, is where the big money is.

As Thailand's leading entrepreneur, most successful businessman ever, most wisest counsel and most definitely not involved with any of that red shirt group (I was just ringing in 3 times a week to check that someone was moving my car every 3 hours to avoid paying parking at Paragon), I demand that you read and listen to every thing I say.

If I don't say it myself, I will get my red shirt minions, er, people I don't know or support, to say it for me. My sister is a bit silly; she's what I like to call a 'silly clone' I can get her to say my wisest ideas. I have my A team; and my Mr T is Plodprasob, and just like the A team, my bunch of renegades like HP, which is where the idea of 1000 boats came from.

After all, the motor boat idea may be really really dumb when there is 1 boat....but as anyone knows, just because an idea is dumb, if you make it large enough, it will cease to be dumb. It will become really smart.

Which is why, as Thailand's richest man representing the poor, and as a super rich billionaire I am willing to donate exactly 3 (three) pen nice pumps from Korea. everyone says Korea is hot right now, and Rain is big; well I can tell you from my lair in Dubai, I can see that's lies; Korea is actually quite cold. But anyway the pen nice pumps are yours if you need them.

I must be heard, I must keep talking I must keep front of mind, as my friend Robert says, if I don't ohmigod my BFF Jatuporn and my former BFF Jakapop Penkair might actually start running stuff. And as anyone knows, I am the only one who knows how to 'soap the contree ploblem'

I am sending this via my close friend, him good man, Stevero because let's face it, you lot are lost without my wise counsel. And also, because I want to write a movie, and right now, I don't know how it will finish. I am thinking that it ends with me being very rich. And you being poor.


God, how I've missed your posts here... :D

Ditto in spades!

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Re your first para, I suspect that there are many on here who are gloating over and even enjoying this massive disaster.

Sicko's one and all.

name them. It's a f&*king mess, I am willing to laugh and spread some mirth and jolly japes to cheer folks up a bit, but not for a second would I hesitate to allow Thaksin a full pardon and make him devine emperor if I thought it would have prevented 1000+ deaths and 7.5m people in trouble (the real likely estimates to date, not the FROCced up numbers).

And also if I had that sort of power.

Mind you, if I had that sort of power, I would probably have not allowed this mess to occur in the first place.

Seriously, who is gloating?

Only gloating I've seen are the smug FROCwits who think they know how to run things without calling in the army.

"jolly japes"...........

You know they cannot be named but I invite you to assess the preponderance of posts, and posters, that appear to exult in the apparent failures of Thailand and her current government.

Also striking is the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times.

As you want a list of names, count yourself in.

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Re your first para, I suspect that there are many on here who are gloating over and even enjoying this massive disaster.

Sicko's one and all.

name them. It's a f&*king mess, I am willing to laugh and spread some mirth and jolly japes to cheer folks up a bit, but not for a second would I hesitate to allow Thaksin a full pardon and make him devine emperor if I thought it would have prevented 1000+ deaths and 7.5m people in trouble (the real likely estimates to date, not the FROCced up numbers).

And also if I had that sort of power.

Mind you, if I had that sort of power, I would probably have not allowed this mess to occur in the first place.

Seriously, who is gloating?

Only gloating I've seen are the smug FROCwits who think they know how to run things without calling in the army.

"jolly japes"...........

You know they cannot be named but I invite you to assess the preponderance of posts, and posters, that appear to exult in the apparent failures of Thailand and her current government.

Also striking is the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times.

As you want a list of names, count yourself in.

I think you cannot stand the complete absence of sympathy for your friend Thaksin and friends

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Re your first para, I suspect that there are many on here who are gloating over and even enjoying this massive disaster.

Sicko's one and all.

name them. It's a f&*king mess, I am willing to laugh and spread some mirth and jolly japes to cheer folks up a bit, but not for a second would I hesitate to allow Thaksin a full pardon and make him devine emperor if I thought it would have prevented 1000+ deaths and 7.5m people in trouble (the real likely estimates to date, not the FROCced up numbers).

And also if I had that sort of power.

Mind you, if I had that sort of power, I would probably have not allowed this mess to occur in the first place.

Seriously, who is gloating?

Only gloating I've seen are the smug FROCwits who think they know how to run things without calling in the army.

"jolly japes"...........

You know they cannot be named but I invite you to assess the preponderance of posts, and posters, that appear to exult in the apparent failures of Thailand and her current government.

Also striking is the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times.

As you want a list of names, count yourself in.

I think you cannot stand the complete absence of sympathy for your friend Thaksin and friends

Oh how wrong you are.

For the record I despise Thaksin.................

And have done since about 2003.

Clear enough ???

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I think you cannot stand the complete absence of sympathy for your friend Thaksin and friends

Oh how wrong you are.

For the record I despise Thaksin.................

And have done since about 2003.

Clear enough ???

Notable silence from steveromagnino and koosdeboer.

Nuff said, sniff..........

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I think you cannot stand the complete absence of sympathy for your friend Thaksin and friends

"Oh how wrong you are.

For the record I despise Thaksin.................

And have done since about 2003.

Clear enough ???"

No! Hell no! Everybody can SAY that! They wont let you off that hook unless you...I don't know...climb Victory Monument naked and shout it from the top. It's kind of a "you are not with us, so you are against us"-policy, neglecting the existance of "grey" in a black and white world. Happy bashing!

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Re your first para, I suspect that there are many on here who are gloating over and even enjoying this massive disaster.

Sicko's one and all.

name them. It's a f&*king mess, I am willing to laugh and spread some mirth and jolly japes to cheer folks up a bit, but not for a second would I hesitate to allow Thaksin a full pardon and make him devine emperor if I thought it would have prevented 1000+ deaths and 7.5m people in trouble (the real likely estimates to date, not the FROCced up numbers).

And also if I had that sort of power.

Mind you, if I had that sort of power, I would probably have not allowed this mess to occur in the first place.

Seriously, who is gloating?

Only gloating I've seen are the smug FROCwits who think they know how to run things without calling in the army.

"jolly japes"...........

You know they cannot be named but I invite you to assess the preponderance of posts, and posters, that appear to exult in the apparent failures of Thailand and her current government.

Also striking is the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times.

As you want a list of names, count yourself in.

Phil... missing the mark repeatedly with this guy.

You just have no idea, give it a rest.

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"jolly japes"...........

You know they cannot be named but I invite you to assess the preponderance of posts, and posters, that appear to exult in the apparent failures of Thailand and her current government.

Also striking is the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times.

As you want a list of names, count yourself in.

So to be clear, and a little more seriously, the fact that I spend most of my personal time supporting certain decision makers resulting in some guidance regarding a (few) of the better decisions in crisis management; thousands of baht of donations and assistance to one NGO in particular regarding access to water filtration and management work to help them deliver; the involvement in a major announcement of flood relief needed in SEPTEMBER to ensure that major corporates provided aid (many under the radar) to people who really needed it; the sourcing of marine equipment to provide support to specific NGOs to deliver aid; the ongoing daily support of staff and connected suppliers numbering over 100 people to ensure they have water, food, medicine.....

you interpret that as 'the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times'

Well thank you Lady Muck.

I have provided on numerous occasions the roadmap to solve this issue (in terms of management), and right now I laugh, yes, laugh in the face of adversity, because, and I will say this from personal experience, when you look death in the face, you realise that there isn't much point in taking life too seriously, because there's not much else besides a few laughs along the way.

Speaking as a Thai, I would say, life is too short to get worried and worked up; it's easier to see the funny and happy side of things from time to time.

As there is no real happy side here with regards to floods, I see the funny side. Mostly of the government and their inept touch, which transcends incompetence, and pushes onto the mythical realm of a 'paradigm shift' into quadrant 4 (not urgent not important).*

* my 7 habits are a bit, non habit like, you may have caught me out there, perhaps it is quadrant 3. or 1. But I know it is not 2.

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"jolly japes"...........

You know they cannot be named but I invite you to assess the preponderance of posts, and posters, that appear to exult in the apparent failures of Thailand and her current government.

Also striking is the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times.

As you want a list of names, count yourself in.

So to be clear, and a little more seriously, the fact that I spend most of my personal time supporting certain decision makers resulting in some guidance regarding a (few) of the better decisions in crisis management; thousands of baht of donations and assistance to one NGO in particular regarding access to water filtration and management work to help them deliver; the involvement in a major announcement of flood relief needed in SEPTEMBER to ensure that major corporates provided aid (many under the radar) to people who really needed it; the sourcing of marine equipment to provide support to specific NGOs to deliver aid; the ongoing daily support of staff and connected suppliers numbering over 100 people to ensure they have water, food, medicine.....

you interpret that as 'the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times'

Well thank you Lady Muck.

I have provided on numerous occasions the roadmap to solve this issue (in terms of management), and right now I laugh, yes, laugh in the face of adversity, because, and I will say this from personal experience, when you look death in the face, you realise that there isn't much point in taking life too seriously, because there's not much else besides a few laughs along the way.

Speaking as a Thai, I would say, life is too short to get worried and worked up; it's easier to see the funny and happy side of things from time to time.

As there is no real happy side here with regards to floods, I see the funny side. Mostly of the government and their inept touch, which transcends incompetence, and pushes onto the mythical realm of a 'paradigm shift' into quadrant 4 (not urgent not important).*

* my 7 habits are a bit, non habit like, you may have caught me out there, perhaps it is quadrant 3. or 1. But I know it is not 2.

So...you are the mix of Bruce Wayne and a ranting lunatic who thinks he is funny? I don't care who you are! I find your posts boring, intellectually insulting, bickering...

Oh and...you have "provided on numerous occasions the roadmap to solve this issue"???

So you are also kind of a Thai Steve Jobs?

Well, here you are just one more poster on a forum, trying to be a smartass who knows everything and everything better.

It's good to hear, that you (in real life) have done something sensible. At least there!Speaking as a farang, who really, deeply and honestly loves this country and (at least some of its) people, I think you could do better, than trying to be funny and stir up emotions that are clearly counterproductive!

The ones who are critizising you for your style, are "missing a point" and "have no idea"? I invite you: send me a PM. Enlighten me who you are and why I should find your posts "intelectually inspiring" just because you use a lot of phrases and quotes, that I haven't heard of. End your showing off, by dropping me a line and I am willing to discuss this and other subjects with you on a private basis.

Until than: I can do without your "humor".

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In all honesty, I think trying to place blame on Yingluck for the uncoordinated response is a bit harsh. Is she a novice, yes. Are the ministers political appointees yes. The real problem is that each ministry, department, agency is a fiefdom each wanting to retain its piece of the pie. They do not work together well and with a disaster such as this they can't coordinate anything because they are not adept at working together. Regardless of who was in power the result probably would have been the same. Hell, look at the criticism for the US government response in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. Lots of blame there to go around for that mess. I really don't have much of an opinion on the current government as quiet honestly the former government was kind of a lackluster bunch too. Everyone just grabbing for power where they can get it on either side of the fence. That's the way it works in politics, in any country.

Well said. The "me first" mentality she has to work with would be problematical for any leader. What is sad is that those who oppose her need Thailand to fail in order for them to succeed.

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"jolly japes"...........

You know they cannot be named but I invite you to assess the preponderance of posts, and posters, that appear to exult in the apparent failures of Thailand and her current government.

Also striking is the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times.

As you want a list of names, count yourself in.

So to be clear, and a little more seriously, the fact that I spend most of my personal time supporting certain decision makers resulting in some guidance regarding a (few) of the better decisions in crisis management; thousands of baht of donations and assistance to one NGO in particular regarding access to water filtration and management work to help them deliver; the involvement in a major announcement of flood relief needed in SEPTEMBER to ensure that major corporates provided aid (many under the radar) to people who really needed it; the sourcing of marine equipment to provide support to specific NGOs to deliver aid; the ongoing daily support of staff and connected suppliers numbering over 100 people to ensure they have water, food, medicine.....

you interpret that as 'the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times'

Well thank you Lady Muck.

I have provided on numerous occasions the roadmap to solve this issue (in terms of management), and right now I laugh, yes, laugh in the face of adversity, because, and I will say this from personal experience, when you look death in the face, you realise that there isn't much point in taking life too seriously, because there's not much else besides a few laughs along the way.

Speaking as a Thai, I would say, life is too short to get worried and worked up; it's easier to see the funny and happy side of things from time to time.

As there is no real happy side here with regards to floods, I see the funny side. Mostly of the government and their inept touch, which transcends incompetence, and pushes onto the mythical realm of a 'paradigm shift' into quadrant 4 (not urgent not important).*

* my 7 habits are a bit, non habit like, you may have caught me out there, perhaps it is quadrant 3. or 1. But I know it is not 2.

Wow, I stand humbly before you..........

love the last sentence, are you wearing Gucci ???

lady muck loves you for what you are, not what you pretend.

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"jolly japes"...........

You know they cannot be named but I invite you to assess the preponderance of posts, and posters, that appear to exult in the apparent failures of Thailand and her current government.

Also striking is the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times.

As you want a list of names, count yourself in.

Why can't they be named? Because there aren't any, and you're just talking BS?

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"jolly japes"...........

You know they cannot be named but I invite you to assess the preponderance of posts, and posters, that appear to exult in the apparent failures of Thailand and her current government.

Also striking is the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times.

As you want a list of names, count yourself in.

Tink you might find that steve is Thai, you may also find that he is normally pretty spot on with his post and doesn't believe the Thaksin BS that you have clearly been spoon fed.

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"jolly japes"...........

You know they cannot be named but I invite you to assess the preponderance of posts, and posters, that appear to exult in the apparent failures of Thailand and her current government.

Also striking is the almost complete absence of sympathy or empathy for Thai citizens in these very difficult times.

As you want a list of names, count yourself in.

Why can't they be named? Because there aren't any, and you're just talking BS?

Perhaps forum rules?.....:coffee1:

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Wow, I stand humbly before you..........

love the last sentence, are you wearing Gucci ???

lady muck loves you for what you are, not what you pretend.

Sorry, no Gucci.

I only wear Burberry.

DocN I consider myself similar in many ways to Steve Jobs. I also have a name which is Steve. Also, I have a job. However, please place me on ignore, as what I say to you obviously has no value to you. That's the beauty of the internet. No one knows, I am a dogg.

Regarding roadmaps, i provide (in my real line of work) actual road maps; I did a wonderful sketch of Dindaeng intersection yesterday.

Now I remember why I don't post much; sense of humour in the govt apologist camp is sorely missing. Funny, given that many of the banned 111 have an excellent sense of humour.

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Now I remember why I don't post much; sense of humour in the govt apologist camp is sorely missing. Funny, given that many of the banned 111 have an excellent sense of humour.

I suppose I am what some might regard as a government apologist, though I don't think I am.

Anyway for the record I think your posts are great, with a wit and panache that is rare on this forum.You also don't seem to be a hater.

So please keep on posting though I reserve the right to dissent from time to time.

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Wow, I stand humbly before you..........

love the last sentence, are you wearing Gucci ???

lady muck loves you for what you are, not what you pretend.

Sorry, no Gucci.

I only wear Burberry.

DocN I consider myself similar in many ways to Steve Jobs. I also have a name which is Steve. Also, I have a job. However, please place me on ignore, as what I say to you obviously has no value to you. That's the beauty of the internet. No one knows, I am a dogg.

Regarding roadmaps, i provide (in my real line of work) actual road maps; I did a wonderful sketch of Dindaeng intersection yesterday.

Now I remember why I don't post much; sense of humour in the govt apologist camp is sorely missing. Funny, given that many of the banned 111 have an excellent sense of humour.

Yeah...you are really full of it!

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Now I remember why I don't post much; sense of humour in the govt apologist camp is sorely missing. Funny, given that many of the banned 111 have an excellent sense of humour.

I suppose I am what some might regard as a government apologist, though I don't think I am.

Anyway for the record I think your posts are great, with a wit and panache that is rare on this forum.You also don't seem to be a hater.

So please keep on posting though I reserve the right to dissent from time to time.

Thanks Jayboy :-) I appreciate your posts also and don't see you as much of a government apologist so much as a, to use a great Ali phrase, an 'instigator';-) you can tear my pants posts to shreds anytime you see bias, bull or bluster.

This being the mutual appreciation society, I even appreciate DocN's advice.

Given the medical crisis evident since September regarding lack of access to medical supplies, in particular the issues for chronic sufferers (diabetics, HIV+, etc that require daily ongoing treatment or risk substantial relapse) one hopes that DocN has dedicated substantial time to providing the standard and quality of care we see as so vital in this fine thread.

I personally have an ample stock of robbitussin should any major illness; malaria, typhoid, typhus, leprosy, dutch elm disease, etc attack my loved ones, hoping that others are equally well prepared. I have an extra spoon, should any posters in this thread wish to share.

Getting back on subject, my personal feeling is that Lady Muck stopped loving me, as she had lost something in the floods, I think it was her loving feeling.

It's still not too late for the PM to step up; I have appreciated her speaking to the nation as a LEADER yesterday, and expect that to continue; irrespective of other matters, in times of crisis, we need a LEADER to be honest, to state the reality and have a plan for addressing things. yesterday was one of the first times that was evident since the crisis began.

DonN; when you say I am full of it, you mean the stuff dogs are usually full of about 30 seconds before reaching my small Amartaya patch of grass in my palatial 60 sq. w. mansionette, or you mean I am full of humour, or you mean I am full of roadmaps, or I am full of something else? Your clarification is eagerly awaited. In return....if you need it....I have robbitussin.

Edited by steveromagnino
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Now I remember why I don't post much; sense of humour in the govt apologist camp is sorely missing. Funny, given that many of the banned 111 have an excellent sense of humour.

I suppose I am what some might regard as a government apologist, though I don't think I am.

Anyway for the record I think your posts are great, with a wit and panache that is rare on this forum.You also don't seem to be a hater.

So please keep on posting though I reserve the right to dissent from time to time.

Thanks Jayboy :-) I appreciate your posts also and don't see you as much of a government apologist so much as a, to use a great Ali phrase, an 'instigator';-) you can tear my pants posts to shreds anytime you see bias, bull or bluster.

This being the mutual appreciation society, I even appreciate DocN's advice.

Given the medical crisis evident since September regarding lack of access to medical supplies, in particular the issues for chronic sufferers (diabetics, HIV+, etc that require daily ongoing treatment or risk substantial relapse) one hopes that DocN has dedicated substantial time to providing the standard and quality of care we see as so vital in this fine thread.

I personally have an ample stock of robbitussin should any major illness; malaria, typhoid, typhus, leprosy, dutch elm disease, etc attack my loved ones, hoping that others are equally well prepared. I have an extra spoon, should any posters in this thread wish to share.

Getting back on subject, my personal feeling is that Lady Muck stopped loving me, as she had lost something in the floods, I think it was her loving feeling.

It's still not too late for the PM to step up; I have appreciated her speaking to the nation as a LEADER yesterday, and expect that to continue; irrespective of other matters, in times of crisis, we need a LEADER to be honest, to state the reality and have a plan for addressing things. yesterday was one of the first times that was evident since the crisis began.

DonN; when you say I am full of it, you mean the stuff dogs are usually full of about 30 seconds before reaching my small Amartaya patch of grass in my palatial 60 sq. w. mansionette, or you mean I am full of humour, or you mean I am full of roadmaps, or I am full of something else? Your clarification is eagerly awaited. In return....if you need it....I have robbitussin.

You seem to be full of humor...at least your very own and special kind...which is good to know and appreciated! At least you try.

Thanks also for your concern on my health. I am diabethic and -thanks again- doing fine.

I hope you do not falsely accuse me of being a Thaksin/Reds/PTT/YS- supporter, just because I think that mockery and overly loud, polemic criticizm is contra-productive at these times.

I will be in their face after this crisis and if nothing is done to prevent another one as on many other occasions, where I (a politically thinking human being) think, that things are going wrong or could be done better...not necessarily by that other party.

And as long as you keep posting in the way you are posting (which I might not condone, but -for the sake of freedom of expression- accept), I stick with my opinion that you are full of that stuff, that cows produce in massive quantities and which by-product may or may not contribute to global warming.

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If your assertion is correct, that would explain why so many of my staff are absent today. Flooding is simply not true, they are trying to avoid the up close effects of global warming.

Make sure you stock up on insulin or other needed medical supplies; there are some potential major disruptions to medical supply chain management and also a major 'squeeze' on healthcare providers in the next 2-4 weeks as upcountry's true position becomes more publicised; it is being not concealed; rather it is not considered important....until it becomes a crisis.

Ditto for healthcare and support for migrant workers and their families; the disadvantaged are being left until last. That's a really tough 'nut' to crack because its a lot less simple than just saying 'people up country need drinking water' - instead its let's look after our guests that do the cr*p work we don't like doing, alongside helping our fellow Thais.

Sadly, no representation...means no rehydration. As of now, that's another unfolding crisis completely ignored in the media. FROC have no real response yet for any of these issues; I think they are trying to keep their relief centre above water.

Good luck; be prepared :jap: and yes, a lot of soul searching for a positive future is needed when all this is over.

For now, I reserve the right to be frustrated and angry at how things have been managed to date. Humour, while not everyone's cup of tea, is all I have to offer online.

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If your assertion is correct, that would explain why so many of my staff are absent today. Flooding is simply not true, they are trying to avoid the up close effects of global warming.

Make sure you stock up on insulin or other needed medical supplies; there are some potential major disruptions to medical supply chain management and also a major 'squeeze' on healthcare providers in the next 2-4 weeks as upcountry's true position becomes more publicised; it is being not concealed; rather it is not considered important....until it becomes a crisis.

Ditto for healthcare and support for migrant workers and their families; the disadvantaged are being left until last. That's a really tough 'nut' to crack because its a lot less simple than just saying 'people up country need drinking water' - instead its let's look after our guests that do the cr*p work we don't like doing, alongside helping our fellow Thais.

Sadly, no representation...means no rehydration. As of now, that's another unfolding crisis completely ignored in the media. FROC have no real response yet for any of these issues; I think they are trying to keep their relief centre above water.

Good luck; be prepared :jap: and yes, a lot of soul searching for a positive future is needed when all this is over.

For now, I reserve the right to be frustrated and angry at how things have been managed to date. Humour, while not everyone's cup of tea, is all I have to offer online.

Let's agree to disagree on some and disagree to agree on other subject. If this is over remind me to invite you for a beer. You are strange, but somehow ...interesting!

...and if you would finally learn to speak in straight sentences, we might have a laugh at all this shoot! No hard feelings and keep the head above the water!

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