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Report: More than 250 Gaddafi supporters found dead in Sirte


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Report: More than 250 Gaddafi supporters found dead in Sirte

2011-10-26 18:54:11 GMT+7 (ICT)

SIRTE (BNO NEWS) -- The bodies of more than 250 people who are believed to have been supporters of ousted Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi have been found in Sirte, a local newspaper reported on Wednesday.

The 267 bodies were found in recent days in the city of Sirte and its suburbs, according to the Quryna newspaper which cited Red Cross sources. It said most of the victims were people loyal to the regime of Gaddafi, who was captured and killed near Sirte last week.

The sources told the newspaper that the bodies were counted and photographed by transitional authorities before they were buried in mass graves near Sirte. Quryna reported that many of the victims appeared to have been executed.

According to the report, officials at the National Transitional Council (NTC) have pledged to conduct an investigation into the circumstances of the deaths and punish those responsible.

The news comes less than a week after 53 decomposing bodies were found in the garden of the Mahari Hotel in Sirte. Human Rights Watch said the victims were apparently supporters of Gaddafi and had been executed, possibly by anti-Gaddafi forces who were staying at the hotel.

At a different site in Sirte, Human Rights Watch saw the badly decomposed bodies of 10 people who had apparently also been executed. Their identities are unknown and Human Rights Watch was unable to determine whether anti-Gaddafi or pro-Gaddafi forces were responsible, although medical officials in Sirte said pro-Gaddafi forces had also carried out executions.

Human Rights Watch urged transitional authorities to investigate the executions. "The evidence suggests that some of the victims were shot while being held as prisoners, when that part of Sirte was controlled by anti-Gaddafi brigades who appear to act outside the control of the National Transitional Council (NTC)," said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director at Human Rights Watch, on Monday. "If the NTC fails to investigate this crime it will signal that those who fought against Gaddafi can do anything without fear of prosecution."

He added: "This latest massacre seems part of a trend of killings, looting, and other abuses committed by armed anti-Gaddafi fighters who consider themselves above the law. It is imperative that the transitional authorities take action to rein in these groups."

Libya has been engulfed in a civil war since an uprising against Muammar Gaddafi's regime began in mid-February, while pro-Gaddafi forces were accused of violently cracking down on anti-government protesters. It led to UN Security Council Resolution 1973 which authorized member states to impose a no-fly zone over the North African country and to take 'all necessary measures' to protect civilians, including airstrikes.

Gaddafi was captured on Thursday morning by fighters supporting Libya's transitional government as he tried to flee his hometown Sirte. He was eventually shot dead but it remains unclear whether he was executed by his captors or if he was killed during fighting between pro-Gaddafi and anti-Gaddafi forces.

On Saturday, a review of newly released video showed how an unidentified man sodomized Gaddafi with an object before he was eventually killed. The video was released by the website the Global Post, which obtained the footage from rebel fighters.

It is believed more than 25,000 people have been killed during the civil war.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-10-26

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Yep.........Although I know geriatric approves of such... "cultural practices".

It still looks, smells, is executions...It will continue under the hands of those that

the UN paved the way for.

As I said before let them now stand with those they supported & paved the way to this.

Please do not say now that they had no idea it would end up going this way with worse to come.

As for Mr Obama he should be tried for crimes since he went into Libya without Congressional approval.

Edited by flying
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Only 250 dead, no need for a no fly zone, yet. At least the Libyan people will get to reap the peace dividend that democracy brings. :ermm:


Muammar Gaddafi is dead, and Barack Obama’s partisans are hailing the Brave New Libya as a triumph for his administration. Speaking about the Libyan revolution in March, Obama hailed “the rights of peaceful assembly, free speech, and the ability of the Libyan people to determine their own destiny,” saying now they have done it. It may, in fact, give him a boost in the polls, bolstering his manufactured image as a fearless anti-terror crusader, bagger of bin Laden, al-Awlaki, and now Gaddafi. But much less likely is the possibility that the end of Gaddafi’s regime will actually secure the rights of peaceful assembly and free speech for Libyans, or be any benefit to the United States.

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I wonder where the Human Watch Observer was when this was happening? Tucked away safety? Any death is a terrible thing, but the people fighting this war were conscripts in a militia formed to rid Gadaffi? Maybe no one explained to them what to do when they took prisoners and vice-versa. But then again maybe we won't have the side show that was for Iraq? GFC may have played a part in the way this action was taken.

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Bad times ahead for libya now that they will get a central bank.

RIP Gaddafi.

Yep, thats what this adventure was really all about. Up until a few years ago there were only 7 countries that did not have a House of Rothschild owned central bank. Only 4 left to go now. Iraq and Afghanistan now have one and Libya will shortly be joining them. It was illegal for the national Bank of Libya to charge interest on loans. The Libyan wont be happy when they have to start paying interest to outside banksters. They can probably kiss goodbye to their free education, universities, quality health care etc as well. This has been years in the planning. Check out American 4 star general Wesley Clark on youtube, giving a lecture in California in 2007 where he explains the Pentagon plans for America to attack and overthrow the governments of 7 countries. Libya was one of them.

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Bad times ahead for libya now that they will get a central bank.

RIP Gaddafi.

Yep, thats what this adventure was really all about.

Sounds just like another absurd conspiracy theory. Of course, it had nothing to do with blowing up Flight 103 or stealing Libya's oil wealth or killing his own people in droves. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Bad times ahead for libya now that they will get a central bank.

RIP Gaddafi.

Yep, thats what this adventure was really all about.

Sounds just like another absurd conspiracy theory. Of course, it had nothing to do with blowing up Flight 103 or stealing Libya's oil wealth or killing his own people in droves. :rolleyes:

"absurd conspiracy theory"

Keep sleeping mate.

Narrow minded brainwashed people like you is the reason the real terrorists can get away with what they do.

Frustrating how people believe everything they read in MAINSTREAM media.

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I saId at the beginning of this conflict that those nations that were imvolved in this campaign were going down the wrong road.

Now as a result of outside intervention and promotion of the conflict we see a country in anarchy a country that had an exceptional social care system which is now degenerating into a multi-tribal and a religious zealots warfare zone awash with arms of all kinds and those are are falling into the wrong hands.

The upcoming conflict is and has been fueled by the actions of the invading nations. That conflict is not going to be restricted to the Libyan theatre of action alone

Of course Gadaffi's death was to be expected as was the death of his son who it seems was intending to surrender to the I.C.C.

Ah well , "dead men tell no tales do they?

Gadaffi was privy to many dark secrets that the likes of Bliar, Bush and other assorted European leaders would not like to have seen bandied about .

The ongoing collateral damage from this act of N.A.T.O. terrorism is indeed going to be frightening for the West. It could well change the game plan in the region for the worse.

Edited by siampolee
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