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Nature'S Creatures That Lurk In The Yard Or May Enter House


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I am still planning on moving to CM, renting a house, and living there with my 2 cats,

however my cats are used to being and playing outside for at least a few hours a day,

and I have never been to Thailand before,

My concern is regarding the various creatures that are usually found in CM house backyards, that may harm a playful kitty, or may even enter and hide inside the house...

I myself am rather not too comfortable with crawling creatures; snakes, centipedes, cock roaches, etc,

How serious is the situation ?

How widespread is it ?

Are there areas of town that are safer than others ? certain moo baans, city parts, suburban areas, etc...

I am trying to avoid having to rent an apartment since my cats do not really like being locked indoors 24/7.

Although I try to allow them supervised playtime only, I know that there is no way of having complete assurance that they will never be in the yard alone,

How do you, house-renting people, deal with this situation if you have pets ?

I would appreciate some feed back.

Below is a news link on TV that got me thinking about this again;


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The biggest safety hazard for cats in any area of Thailand, are the soi dogs.

There used to be several cats hanging around where I live, but eventually were hunted down by the neighborhood dogs.

My advice is, that if you have cats, is to somehow keep them in the confines of your property, otherwise they won`t last long.


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It's hard to keep cats, unlike dogs, confined when let loose in the property. Their ability to leap is amazing!

I, like the OP, am not comfortable with crawling creatures especially snakes. That's one of the reasons I didn't buy an isolated house with vegetation around.

Gee, Beetlejuice, your pic probably scares the daylight out of the OP.

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OP how could you even consider moving somewhere you have never been to??? How odd. What if you get here and then decide you don't like Thailand, Thai food, Thai people, etc...? What next? Pack up the cats and send them back to where you came from? I came about 8 times over 20 years before I even considered moving here.

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The biggest safety hazard for cats in any area of Thailand, are the soi dogs.

There used to be several cats hanging around where I live, but eventually were hunted down by the neighborhood dogs.

My advice is, that if you have cats, is to somehow keep them in the confines of your property, otherwise they won`t last long.

We have to get a couple of these soi dogs. The biggest problem in our area is the cat infestation, they are like a rat plague bloody cats everywhere fighting all day and night defacating all around your house stinking up the entire estate. There are hundreds upon hundreds of the bloody dirty smelling annoying things and nobody owns them.

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"I myself am rather not too comfortable with crawling creatures; snakes, centipedes, cock roaches, etc,

How serious is the situation ?

How widespread is it ?

Are there areas of town that are safer than others ?"

Anything that can be found in our small garden eventually finds it's way into our house. That includes cats, big black waterbugs, birds, dragonflies, snakes, and rats. And we live in the city in the Nimmanhaemin area. I can only imagine that it's worse in the countryside. Once we got the dogs, we never saw the cats again. The dogs also hunted and killed several rats. I'm sure the cats would be even better at that.

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You're doing it wrong: Cats (and dogs) are very useful in keeping these critters AWAY from your house. Cats especially are pretty natural at it, even if they're Farang cats. Farang dogs... are pretty stupid in most things, much like the human variety. But even dogs can learn. Local dogs do a good job though, if not killing the critter then raising hell until someone can come over with a big stick.

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Our cat has never been outside (except for trips to the vet) since he entered our home at age 7 weeks. Still, we managed to keep a steady supply of cockroaches coming his way. We never knew we had such a big problem! 3 or 4 day. He's positively ruthless and I think his hunting amoung our stuff fulfills his instincts. We live in the city, too.

I'd never let a cat roam around here. When we moved to our present location several years ago, there were many soi cats around. Ours is the offspring of one. Somehow all the soi cats have disappeared, except for two litter mates of our guy who were adopted by other local residents and sometimes some to our side window for a little chat with their brother. They come with collars, kitty outfits and someone watching their every move.

Don't let cats roam around here. They won''t last very long. Actually, they don't last very long in western countries, either, if allowed to roam.. We always had cats in the U.S. -- cats that didn't leave the house. They always lived until age 20. That's not possible for soi cats.

Edited by NancyL
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Thanks everyone for your informative posts,

Conclusion so far :

It would seem more logical to rent a condo with a nice big balcony instead of a house for at least the first few months,

From what I have gathered so far, my cats will be safe as long as they get used to having a balcony instead of a yard,

To answer one of the comments that suggested I should not move there because I may not like it there, or that I am being overly cautious, I would like to say that I have been reading up and keeping up with all sorts of news and details about Thailand and CM for over a year now, to the point of "over-analysis' of what I would be dealing with in CM, so I hope I know what I am doing, however, I will be taking an initial trip there alone just to scout the city and get a real feel for it, and if everything is as I have learned so far, I may rent a condo, then come back and bring my cats on my second trip back.

All this extensive research and caution is simply because these 2 cats are family - those who do have pets and some belief in the rights of all animals to life are more likely to understand my point - and just as one would consider the welfare of their children when considering a relocation to a new place, I have to make sure of my cats' welfare as well as my own..."and that's all I have to say about that ! "( from the movie; Forrest Gump ).

Even if I never move there, it has been a wonderful learning experience online so far, and I feel like I have actually experienced life in CM in a virtual kind of way; reading up the news and forum posts on T.V. a few times a week, so at the very least it has been very positive as I have been researching a lot of different locations around that part of the world trying to find a suitable place to live for a few years, and for good reasons I feel CM is my kind of place as long as I can find a residence suitable for my cats as well.

Thanks again for your valid points and comments,

Peace ..may you always be happy.

Edited by Cyrus2Ray
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Thanks for the notes, it is encouraging to know...

you mean there are no soi dogs, soi cats, or crawling creatures away from the city ?

I always thought that the further away from the city and into the wild, the more natural creatures in the yard, but may be I am wrong !

if so, then may be that's where we should be too.

now, soi cat and dogs, well, not sure where one sees more or less of them around,

I think it differs from area to area, so picking the right area seems to be the key,

I have never seen a live snake and the rest of creatures will take some time getting used to,

It would be a shame to pass up life in those wonderful houses in CM and live in an apartment just for the fear of nature's creatures,

we just have to find a way to deal with it just as all those other people who live in houses do, because I am sure I am not the only person with a slight phobia about crawling creatures and such,

We live on farm land far from any village and have 5 cats we never allow inside and they have never had any trouble at all.

Yep, I too am far from town with cats outside the house for years and no problems.

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Just stopped reading this to rescue a Jing Joe(?) (pool lizard), from our cat. It may not survive, but at least it won't be eaten.

I'm not a cat person, this one adopted us and seems to be here to stay. As the lady now feeds it quite well, I wish it would stop killing lizards.

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I don't live far from the center of a smaller town outside of Chiang Mai hardly in the country side . A neighbor down the road from me near the rice patties that surround many towns, said he had 3 cobras in his yard recently....he has wooded areas around his house with flooded fields full of frogs nearby....the local soi dogs wander all

night barking and fighting with whatever...the local cats learn how to avoid them and the snakes and large dangerous centipedes (a bite put another neighbor in the hospital recently) but if I had a cat from the US I would have to keep him inside or somehow spend time with him outside under close supervision....most of what is found in the country side makes it way along the rivers or sewers into the city from time to time...their are gated communities that would be almost as safe as a condo balcony assuming your cats don't wander too far, best to take your time to find a place that suits you....Good Luck...R.

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We live on farm land far from any village and have 5 cats we never allow inside and they have never had any trouble at all.

We live in exactly the same situation but have only one cat (and two dogs). Even though we get lots of crawling visitors like all kinds of snakes, centipedes, scorpions we all feel fine since many years.

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We had a large yard in our last house with scorpions and other creatures visiting occasionally, including a large rat snake in the abandoned house nearby. But our cat met his end with most dangerous creature to the feline existence; automobiles.

Provide him with a good home,


Edited by Fishenough
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OP - How long is the quarantine period for your cats when you enter Thailand?

If you decide you do not like Thailand, will you be able to bring the cats back to the country you are coming from?

the above is a question by another member, but when I tried to write a reply it all came out in one box, need technical help here !

From what I have read so far, there is NO quarantine for pets brought into Thailand as long as they are healthy, legal, and have all their medical paperwork in order.

Also, I have read that one must make sure the arrival time at the airport in BKK in within business hours, since there is an immigration vet on duty during normal day time, ( not sure of the exact hours yet ) who must examine the pet in addition to checking the paperwork, and if all is in order, then you check out of the airport and move on without any delay, however, if you arrive during off hours, then you may have to wait at the airport till the next day for the immigration vet to come on duty, and that could be quite difficult considering pets just do not really enjoy being in cages any longer than necessary specially after a long trip to get there.

If for any reason the immigration refuses to allow passage to your pet, then they would quarantine it at the owner's expense, or send it back, or in worst case scenario they might destroy the pet - God forbid !! -

........if anyone has more info on this issue, please help us out and enlighten us...would be much appreciated. ']

Edited by Cyrus2Ray
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technical difficulties....

how can I reply to a post and have it appear as one box inside another box inside another box....as everyone else seems able to do ???

my last reply you see above...it just does not look right..

need technical help here, thank you.

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OP, I think you've got your data correct.

My daughter hand carried in a puppy 12 years ago from the US. She got proper papers in the US. She and the puppy were cleared on arrival. Hope this helps. If I find out anything different in the interim I'll let you know.

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We had a large yard in our last house with scorpions and other creatures visiting occasionally, including a large rat snake in the abandoned house nearby. But our cat met his end with most dangerous creature to the feline existence; automobiles.

Provide him with a good home,


I am so sorry for your loss,

losing a pet, an animal friend, is so hard,.. may his/her soul rest in peace..in kitty heaven.

I know because I lost a cat 20 years ago and I never found him, and still I feel guilty for having lost him, and every time I remember him it brings tears to my eyes,

I also had 3 other cats, all of whom died at different times, of old age, cancer, diabetes, all in my arms in their last minutes of life....(could not be saved after so much time and effort and money spent at the vet hospital)... had them cremated and still have their ashes,

have not found the right place to disperse their ashes yet, ( Please no wise remarks here )

Your kitty in the pic seems like a great cat, and that is just so much cat-like to find a cozy place inside a helmet, so cute !

You have a heart ! God bless you .

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I don't live far from the center of a smaller town outside of Chiang Mai hardly in the country side . A neighbor down the road from me near the rice patties that surround many towns, said he had 3 cobras in his yard recently....he has wooded areas around his house with flooded fields full of frogs nearby....the local soi dogs wander all

night barking and fighting with whatever...the local cats learn how to avoid them and the snakes and large dangerous centipedes (a bite put another neighbor in the hospital recently) but if I had a cat from the US I would have to keep him inside or somehow spend time with him outside under close supervision....most of what is found in the country side makes it way along the rivers or sewers into the city from time to time...their are gated communities that would be almost as safe as a condo balcony assuming your cats don't wander too far, best to take your time to find a place that suits you....Good Luck...R.

I high-lighted the part of your post that got my attention the most ...

I was naive to worry only about snake bites, and was not thinking that bites from other creatures can also be dangerous,

a new lesson learned on Thailand, thanks.

And thank you for the detailed and useful info as well as your suggestions.

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