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Thai Logic - Greek Logic - Bank Logic - Think About It!

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Just had a fight with my girlfriend about - yes money

Her brother want to borrow TB 20.000 so he can buy a motorbike, he promissed he will pay it back.

I asked my girlfriend why he did not save money FIRST so he had enough money to buy a motorbike.

Her answer was that he could not save money as he is poor.

My question then was "If he can not save money, how can he pay back the money?"

No answer, she walked away...

So to make a long story short, I will buy him a motorbike and GIVE it to him

The world economy is the same, spend money that you don't have but banks will borrow you money so you can spend it.

Banks are the problem in this world, you can't borrow money to people if they can't pay it back....



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hi hi... you made my morning with your post :D you seem to understand how not to get into fights with your GF...:rolleyes:

But it's different for banks... first they get interest on the money they lend... when they have to write it off, they write it if off their profit over 3-5 years and hence pay less taxes... so the government has less income and might (will) raise taxes... so at the end of the day it is you and me who pay for the losses of the banks... so why should the banks care too much? :whistling:

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1. Buy the motorbike in your name.

2. Give to your GFs brother and charge him 1000 Bt per month rent.

3. Once rent has covered cost of motorbike, change name to GFs brother.

4. Everyone happy and cheaper for you. You will either get your money back, or, if he doesn't pay, expose him as a thief to your GF.

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1. Buy the motorbike in your name.

2. Give to your GFs brother and charge him 1000 Bt per month rent.

3. Once rent has covered cost of motorbike, change name to GFs brother.

4. Everyone happy and cheaper for you. You will either get your money back, or, if he doesn't pay, expose him as a thief to your GF.

clap2.gif............great answer !!! wish I'd done it.

I learned the hard way, went soft and gave the money , they made two payments of 50 baht and that was the end of that, always pleaded not have money after that.

I wont get caught again though.

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I'd give your girlfriend's brother the money - it's a small price to pay for possibly never having to lend her or any of her family money ever again. Think about it; if he fails to repay the money then for every future request you can simply adopt a Thai-approach 'I'd love to be able to help but I'm still waiting from the last time'. (all Thais use this logic effectively)

The latest 'billion Euro' rescue package is actually based on cutting returns on Greek bonds by 50% and putting only a quarter of the rescue money (250million euros) up front and leveraging the rest. It would be like giving your girlfriends brother the 20k, he actually buys the bike on finance and then you agree to pay off his installments using cash advances on your credit card (ouch!) That's the difference.

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my advice: buy two bikes. should he crash one he can still use the other one.

That's great advice, UNLESS he crashes into the parked second bike. Which he never would have done if you hadn't bought it for him. So it's all your fault and BTW can I borrow some money for a 3rd motorbike?

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I'd give your girlfriend's brother the money - it's a small price to pay for possibly never having to lend her or any of her family money ever again. Think about it; if he fails to repay the money then for every future request you can simply adopt a Thai-approach 'I'd love to be able to help but I'm still waiting from the last time'. (all Thais use this logic effectively)

The latest 'billion Euro' rescue package is actually based on cutting returns on Greek bonds by 50% and putting only a quarter of the rescue money (250million euros) up front and leveraging the rest. It would be like giving your girlfriends brother the 20k, he actually buys the bike on finance and then you agree to pay off his installments using cash advances on your credit card (ouch!) That's the difference.

This one makes sense, I know another guy who lent 80,000 Baht to his brother inlaw. The inlaw came back a couple months ago asking to borrow more. My friend told him "I'm still waiting for the 80,000 I leny you 2 years ago" the inlaw laughed and then made a quick exit.

I have helped all my wifes brothers one way or another, But have been lucky. They have paid and are paying back the loans. My wife makes sure of that. I regret to say that I think it is indicative of the relationship you have with a Thai wife and her family as to whether they look at you as a cash cow or would actually make the effort to pay back that which is borrowed.

I would have to say in most cases it is best to keep them at arms length. So giving your wifes brother either the deposit for or the 20,000 baht is probably a cheap way out of having to do so in the future. Especialy if he doesn't pay it back.

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I'd give your girlfriend's brother the money - it's a small price to pay for possibly never having to lend her or any of her family money ever again. Think about it; if he fails to repay the money then for every future request you can simply adopt a Thai-approach 'I'd love to be able to help but I'm still waiting from the last time'. (all Thais use this logic effectively)

The latest 'billion Euro' rescue package is actually based on cutting returns on Greek bonds by 50% and putting only a quarter of the rescue money (250million euros) up front and leveraging the rest. It would be like giving your girlfriends brother the 20k, he actually buys the bike on finance and then you agree to pay off his installments using cash advances on your credit card (ouch!) That's the difference.

This one makes sense, I know another guy who lent 80,000 Baht to his brother inlaw. The inlaw came back a couple months ago asking to borrow more. My friend told him "I'm still waiting for the 80,000 I leny you 2 years ago" the inlaw laughed and then made a quick exit.

HOWEVER, as this is just a girlfreind. Don't give him a satang. Are you going to marry her? If you give a relative of all the girlfriends financial help then you deserve to loose your money. Which is what will happen. the next time it will be mother or father needs operation.

Edited by garrfeild
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Having lent money myself on too many occasions,I have now adopted the following,when asked yet again.

1. Repeat often "Have no money" with your hands open.

2. Khun Kineow chai dee mak! (lets them know,you don't care a stuff, if they think you are tight fisted)

3. And for those that don't speak Thai ..."Mai Ko Ji" No Understand.

The only way to learn your lesson (like me, is to part with a load of money never to return)

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