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Casa Pascal Buffet - Big Increase


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Sorry not following you, how do you keep your eye out for something which doesn't exist?

It was your suggestion that I should be paying attention to signs that have been removed. I thought it was a daft idea too, and so I made a suitably facetious reply.

Signs announcing unusual events should be in plain view, just like they are in every well-run shop or restaurant. To do otherwise is simply bad management.

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Nice try...you sarcastically, but certainly not facetiously, said you would keep an eye out for signs that were missing, which implies that they are somehow supposed to be there, whereas,I said any reasonable person would notice something that had been taken down, which is clearly different from missing.......no suggestion was made for you personally to do anything.......talk about daft!

Sorry not following you, how do you keep your eye out for something which doesn't exist?

It was your suggestion that I should be paying attention to signs that have been removed. I thought it was a daft idea too, and so I made a suitably facetious reply.

Signs announcing unusual events should be in plain view, just like they are in every well-run shop or restaurant. To do otherwise is simply bad management.

Edited by tailspin
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i will be the judge of what I judge; by posting here your facetiousness or lack thereof will be judged by others

I will be the judge of the facetiousness of my replies, thank you.

You can be the judge of whether a sign that has been removed is missing or not.

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I went to Bali Breeze in Jomtien last night. When I got the bill there was 10% added. I was told it was to cover additional cost due to flooding. Absolutely no notice of this until I got the bill. I will not go back.

Excellent, just the sort of no nonsense type of reporting I like to read.

I will be in Pattaya next week, not only will I make no effort whatsoever to dine at this fine establishment, I will be sure to pass on your comments to all and sundry.

Thanks for posting.

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I went to Bali Breeze in Jomtien last night. When I got the bill there was 10% added. I was told it was to cover additional cost due to flooding. Absolutely no notice of this until I got the bill. I will not go back.

Wow! I wonder if that is even LEGAL to do, even in Thailand. Spring a charge like that without notice. I also wonder if people could refuse to pay that. The owner is a Dutchman, I believe. He should understand that is not cool. Giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe the servers were told to inform before ordering. Maybe.

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I don't quite see the difference between having no sign and having a very small sign that no one notices. Both seem dishonest to me.

Perhaps the Bali Breeze also had a sign up somewhere?

Either way, 10% is a lot less than the near 30% that Casa Pascal sees fit to put on the bill at the moment.

For what it's worth, none of the Thai street places I go to has asked me for more than the usual 20 - 40B so far.

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In any case, a real effort should be made to communicate the actual price BEFORE people order. I doubt many people sitting down at Bali Breeze being told BTW there is a surcharge going would walk out. It's just much more ethical, much better PR, much better business practice period, to inform before rather than surprise later.

Edited by Jingthing
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No notice is definitely unethical......what Casa Pascal provided was reasonable notice, even if some unobservant people feel otherwise....can anyone corroborate this story of Bali Breeze just to make sure that it isn't a competitor shill slamming the place as so often happens here......

I went to Bali Breeze in Jomtien last night. When I got the bill there was 10% added. I was told it was to cover additional cost due to flooding. Absolutely no notice of this until I got the bill. I will not go back.

Wow! I wonder if that is even LEGAL to do, even in Thailand. Spring a charge like that without notice. I also wonder if people could refuse to pay that. The owner is a Dutchman, I believe. He should understand that is not cool. Giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe the servers were told to inform before ordering. Maybe.

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It looks as though this "temporary increase due to flooding" has become a de facto permanent increase (due to desire for increased profit, I suppose). That makes two increases in just a few months, though at least the management had the courtesy to announce the first increase clearly in advance.

The price on Sundays has also rocketed up to over 600B, though they do appear to offer more than on weekdays.

Dont think I would pay either of those prices to eat there. I dont think the quality is high enough to warrant it.

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This is nonsense...imagine if every single restaurant had a sign on the door every single time there was a price change of any item on the menu.....there would be signs on almost every restaurant door....as another poster notes, this is what menus are for....if the price is not indicated in the menu then that is dishonest....otherwise caveat emptor....

Justified or not, any such sudden increase should be accompanied by a LARGE sign on the door so that people know what they are letting themselves in for.

To do otherwise is simply dishonest.

A price change on any item on the menu? ????

There is only one price at a buffet.

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It looks as though this "temporary increase due to flooding" has become a de facto permanent increase (due to desire for increased profit, I suppose).

Based on what evidence? The supply issues of the flood are ongoing for several weeks. Did you expect them to drop the surcharge in a matter of days? I also wouldn't be surprised if they don't ever lower to the old price, but why jump to conclusions so early?

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Based on what evidence? The supply issues of the flood are ongoing for several weeks. Did you expect them to drop the surcharge in a matter of days? I also wouldn't be surprised if they don't ever lower to the old price, but why jump to conclusions so early?

Based on the sign in the street that disappeared when the price went up, but has now returned with the "new" price on it. Also based on the website. Both show the higher price with no mention of it being a temporary response to flooding etc. It's just the price.

I would also point out that Casa Pascal is the only place of all the places where I eat or buy food that increased the prices of anything at all that I buy, due to the flooding. Everywhere else continued to charge me exactly the same price for all the things that I eat/drink, from street noodle soup to american breakfast, from beer to soy milk, from pad tai to pizza buffets and from 7/11 biscuits to street pineapple slices. No increases at all, apart from one place that increased the price permanently in an orderly and pre-arranged fashion by 15% in the same way they did at the same time last year. I have no reason to believe that had anything to do with flooding, nor did they pretend that it did.

Edited by Darrel
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This place is a bargain compared to the Apex serving jailhouse slop for 150.

I didnt think the Apex and Lek were worth the money when they were 110B, and I didnt go to them then, so I certainly wont be going to them at 150B.

But I wont be going to Casa Pascal at the new price of 240B either. It's just not worth it.

If you want more places that I wont be going to, all the chains like McDonalds, KFC, Starbucks, Pizza Hut, etc. etc. etc., and nearly all the farang pubs would also be on my list of overpriced places that aren't worth the money.

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I tried it once and enjoyed it. I thought the price fit well and I agree it isn't quite worth the new price. However, I would go so rarely anyway that I'm sure I'll go again once in a while. I could see for their regular customers, this would be more relevant. I reckon they'll still do OK at the new price, and after, they're not a charity and attendance isn't compulsory.

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Based on what evidence? The supply issues of the flood are ongoing for several weeks. Did you expect them to drop the surcharge in a matter of days? I also wouldn't be surprised if they don't ever lower to the old price, but why jump to conclusions so early?

Based on the sign in the street that disappeared when the price went up, but has now returned with the "new" price on it. Also based on the website. Both show the higher price with no mention of it being a temporary response to flooding etc. It's just the price.

I would also point out that Casa Pascal is the only place of all the places where I eat or buy food that increased the prices of anything at all that I buy, due to the flooding. Everywhere else continued to charge me exactly the same price for all the things that I eat/drink, from street noodle soup to american breakfast, from beer to soy milk, from pad tai to pizza buffets and from 7/11 biscuits to street pineapple slices. No increases at all, apart from one place that increased the price permanently in an orderly and pre-arranged fashion by 15% in the same way they did at the same time last year. I have no reason to believe that had anything to do with flooding, nor did they pretend that it did.

Strange that nobody except Casa Pascal raised prices for you.I have eaten at several Thai restaurants,those with the plastic chairs :D ,and they have all raised prices for basic dishes in the past week.

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I tried it once and enjoyed it. I thought the price fit well and I agree it isn't quite worth the new price. However, I would go so rarely anyway that I'm sure I'll go again once in a while. I could see for their regular customers, this would be more relevant. I reckon they'll still do OK at the new price, and after, they're not a charity and attendance isn't compulsory.

I was not a frequent visitor, but fairly regular. Perhaps twice a month. I used to enjoy reading the local and national papers there on a quiet weekday morning. It could easily have become a weekly habit if they had kept the price where it was.

I suspect there are some people who go there very regularly indeed, but I doubt that they notice what the price is.

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Strange that nobody except Casa Pascal raised prices for you.I have eaten at several Thai restaurants,those with the plastic chairs :D ,and they have all raised prices for basic dishes in the past week.

I dont think CP increased the price especially for me, and if they did they got it wrong because I haven't been since the new price was announced here.

As for the other places, they are all places/vendors that I go to very frequently and the owners/staff know me, so maybe the prices stayed the same for me for that reason. Either way, I certainly haven't been asked for even 1B extra on anything since the floods started (I dont buy bottled water at all).

My 30B noodle soup is still 30B, and my 40B pad tai is still 40B.

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If the cheapest of the cheap places charge 150 for jailhouse slop in a warehouse setting, then certainly a fine dining place like Casa Pascal at 225 +vat is not out of line.

Actually the cheapest of the cheap places are Diana Inn (110B) and Diana Dragon (119B). Both of them have quite a pleasant setting, I think.

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My take on it is that the owner was probably holding back prices to retain customer when they should have advanced anyway due to inflation prior to the floods. This extra pressure has forced him to act but it smacks of bad timing, however necessary it is.

Personally, I couldn't give a fig about Bt50 over a meal but some will.

As for the sign, the very fact that the previous sign had been removed should have given a hint to the fact that perhaps the previous deal was no longer available. To boycott a place because you assumed it would be the same price as before is stupid and we all know the phrase regarding assumption being the mother of all duckups don't we !

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Casa Pascal gives FREE CAPPUCHINO

great pancakes and waffles

perfect bacon

delicous sausage


great European dining room

most guests talk to each other


Go back and eat ALL you want.

The staff and Pascal are happy to see you happy!

Prices go up...its a fact of life.

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