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As If An Angel Lands On Your Tongue

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While doing dog training in Chiang Mai Land lately I passed a few times a bakery. And as I suffer from a sweet tooth bakeries do catch my eye quickly. :)

So, two weeks ago I decided to try it out.

Wowieeee!!! That, for sure was a good choice. Totally delicious!

Eating their croissants and baguettes is one of the best, if not the best, I've ever eaten in CM. Not too mention their chocolate chip cookies.

Other products are buns, cheesecakes, whole wheat bread, and products that I eat but always forget how it is named. Ah well, the name isn't important, the taste is. ;)

I'm in no way related to this shop, but definitely have become a fan, now.

And as many on this forum like to eat good food, I thought to share.

Always forget if it against forum rules to name the place or not, but you can easily find them in Chiang Mai Land. Enter from the Mahidol Road, and you find them on your left just after the second intersection.

Always forget if it against forum rules to name the place or not, but you can easily find them in Chiang Mai Land. Enter from the Mahidol Road, and you find them on your left just after the second intersection.

Butter is Better? You can tell us. ;)


There was a CHRISTIAN restaurant in that area before that was reputed to have good food. I'm afraid that many CM residents might burst into flames if they stepped on hallowed ground. :D


No not Butter is Better, although their products are also delicious.

This place is called Crusty Bread Bakery. And they, just like B-i-B, use real butter. :)


No not Butter is Better, although their products are also delicious.

This place is called Crusty Bread Bakery. And they, just like B-i-B, use real butter. :)

Is it like Butter Is Better in that Butter is pretty much the only thing you can taste in nearly every product they make?


"Butter is Better?" May I suggest the thread title to be appended to:

"As if an Angel Lands on Your Tongue, and the Devil Blocks Your Arteries."


Totally Jealous in Mahasarakham


The Fox Who Couldn't Have the Grapes



re ... Thanks Nienke !! Will check it out on my next trip to Ban Ma Ka meow

good for you annabel .... enjoy !

nienke ... see you sometime ?






I didn't read this

I didn't read this

I didn't read this


Sometimes I really miss the 'like' button. <lol> :lol:


nienke ... see you sometime ?


Hi Dave :),

I really hope to join one day again. I just can't find the time. Hardly (can) go anywhere the last many months. Too busy at the kennel.


No not Butter is Better, although their products are also delicious.

This place is called Crusty Bread Bakery. And they, just like B-i-B, use real butter. :)

Is it like Butter Is Better in that Butter is pretty much the only thing you can taste in nearly every product they make?

You only know if you try them out one day. Don't have your taste buts, so can't help you there. ;)


"Butter is Better?" May I suggest the thread title to be appended to:

"As if an Angel Lands on Your Tongue, and the Devil Blocks Your Arteries."


Totally Jealous in Mahasarakham


The Fox Who Couldn't Have the Grapes

'Like' :lol:

(I obviously still don't have clue how the multi-quote button works. ;)


You must be a "super-taster" because their products taste really good to me, but I usually do not think a lot about the butter.


Ulysses, your charitable evaluation of mrclough's comments does credit to your character. Maybe not so much to your critical faculties, though. A selective supertaster for butter? I think it's slightly more likely that the poster suffers from a neurological disorder. Slightly.

Whatever the reason for the poster's hypersensitivity, the point he raised about too much butter flavor is absurd. Cakes, pie crusts, laminated pastries (Danish, croissants, millefeuille) etc are in a way chemistry cum physics demonstrations. A short pie crust will have a certain ratio of fat, to flour to water or milk , a pound cake another, a genoise another. Danish pastry another, and so on and so forth.

It doesn't really much matter what kind of solid fat you use as far as physical characteristics go. (Taste is another matter) It could be Crisco (white vegetable fat), lard, tallow, or even possibly axle grease. It's all about the proportion of fat to other ingredients. You change the proportions, and you turn your product into something else.

For example, if you use too much of any kind of fat in a pie crust it loses its flakiness and turns into a cracker. Too much in a cake and it collapses into a pudding. And so on.. So we really can't add too much butter to a cake or a Danish or a pie crust and expect it to remain a cake or a Danish or a pie crust.

In reality, the proportions we use are the classic proportions tested by time and thousands of bakers. It would actually be kind of interesting in a pointless way if we could make cakes or pie crusts that had fat in excess of what was thought possible and still maintained their essential characteristics.. There might even be a Nobel prize in it somewhere.

Maybe some gastrophysicist somewhere is working on that right now. We salute her. But we're a lot more humble and more easily satisfied in our ambitions. We'll just continue working with butter and respectfully suggest that those who like it attenuated with other fats or not at all shop elsewhere.



re .. Not too mention their chocolate chip cookies.

Other products are buns, cheesecakes, whole wheat bread

and .... huge banana muffins that are delish

dave2 ... fatter than yesterday : (




Hmmm... that looks good I'll pay them a visit.

While we're on the topic: Does anyone know where the french bakery (or is it) is located that always has a stand in a temple area in the sunday market? Love their croissants... I know there's many temples but there's only one little stall selling croissants and baguettes. I'd like to know where these come from, do they have a shop location?


the banana muffins were really good!. so were the chocolate chip cookies. the owner gave my son a pretzel for free cause he kept looking at it and asking me what it was. that was delicious as well. Thanks Nienke for the recommendation.


Was there this morning again. Being two blocks away from the vet IS dangerous. (a dog needs chemo. Chances 50-50. :crying: )

Owner said he will put tables and chairs outside also, which is *great* when you desire a coffee and a cake (today was lemon cheese cake. Yummie!!) or chocolate chip cookie with your dog (before/after the vet, or just because ... ) or with a cigarette. :)

Next time a banana muffin, maybe. :licklips:

Was trying to convince the owner to make doggy cookies as well. :clap2:

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