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Constant "The Connection Was Reset"


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I the last 2 weeks I am constantly getting "The connection was reset" error screens.

(see screen shot below)

Once I hit reload the webpage I was going to pops right up.

I have 3bb with their standard wifi router, my browser is Firefox 3.6

Has anyone else had this problem lately?


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I regularly encounter this with my internet provider outside of Thailand. The problem stays after changing browsers and clearing cache. Disconnecting my connection, unplugging my dongle for 15 seconds then reconnecting sometimes fixes the problem.

If I'm still having problems I find calling my internet provider and having them "reset my package" seems to fix the problem.

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I have used Firefox since the very first version. Update automatically to every upgrade. Never ever a problem, except, sometimes they are slower about add-ons being updated to use with new version.

If I have problems I find it is usually with the software version I'm using or temporary ISP connection problems. Firefox 8 works like a charm. Recommend that you consider keeping it updated for best performance. Just an opinion based on years experience with Firefox.

Good luck with solving your problem. Nothing worse than trying to use the web with annoying connection problems.

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It happens to me quite often also. I am on 3BB 9mb with a Belkin router. I use Firefox 5. It occurs on two different computers that I use. I have just gotten used to it, and make the extra "click". Maybe someone else can explain the cause.

Try changing your DNS server addresses.

Open your Local Area Connection box and choose Properties.

Click 'Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP v4)'

Use the following DNS Server addresses:

preferred DNS server: 8 8 8 8

alternate DNS server 8 8 4 4

The above examples are Google's DNS servers, but if you do an internet search for OPEN DNS SERVERS you will find many more.

The problem with many Thai DNS servers that are used by default, is that they are basically crap - slow, unreliable, sometimes constantly rebooted by a so-called 'tech' at the ISP.

The DNS server is what translates web site addresses into IP addresses. i.e. www.google.com into

Using a decent DNS server can solve all sorts of connection problems.

Once you've changed your DNS settings, you may need to restart your router, browser and/or PC depending on the age and type of your OS.

Good luck :)

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Excellent Idea Palm!!!

This may also solve my second problem with 3bb... Many very basic sites just won't come up... They just say not found!

SFO, check your DNS server settings in the 3bb router and in your connection properties. I think you should make them match whichever servers you decide to use.


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