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Yingluck Laughs At Speculations She Would Be Removed As PM


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Yingluck laughs at speculations she would be removed as PM

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra Monday laughed at speculations by certain press that she would be removed at pressure of former Thai Rak Thai Party executives.

"It's colourful story," Yingluck replied, laughingly when asked to comment on the reports that former Thai Rak Thai executives wanted her to be removed as the premier.

It was reported that the former Thai Rak Thai executives feared that Yingluck's poor performance in dealing with the flood crisis would affect the Pheu Thai's political bases.

The reports said the Thai Rak Thai executives wanted to replace Yingluck with either Justice Minister Pracha Promnok and Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung.

Pracha laughed when asked to comment on the report, saying he did not want the top position.


-- The Nation 2011-11-07

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While PMs sometimes face calls form opponents to resign at times of crises, what makes this story interesting apart from it sounding like Thanongesque nationism is that Pracha and Chalerm are mentioned as alternatives. Hardly the leading edge of PTP intelligensia even compared to Yingluck and lacking anything like her charisma, but both are choices that would be acceptable to the elite as both are old style traditional polticians ala Banharn, Newin etc. Looks like inspite of it being flood time those who like to manage democracy have decided to play at least on the sidelines.

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No one can say Yingluck isn't doing the job to the best of her ability.

Sure thing. Have a baht bus driver try to perform brain surgery, I reckon he would give it a crack as long as he was being paid.

If the said lady has performed admirably -fulfilled all election promises - totally won over the Thai people for her brains and ability in this flood crises, and has the full support of her appointed cabinet, who also have everything in control, she will never have anything to fear, her job therefore will be everlasting. BUT....if she has failed miserably on many counts she has to start to worry about her position. and her party.:whistling:

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The reports said the Thai Rak Thai executives wanted to replace Yingluck with either Justice Minister Pracha Promnok and Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung.

Pracha laughed when asked to comment on the report, saying he did not want the top position.

While Pracha's reply is to laugh it off with a guffaw and an adamant denial...

the unreported Chalerm reply might consist of a wry smile and an ambiguous nod...


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Whatever happens with floods or economy she'll see thro' her term unless there is another coup and if they change the law for her brother to return. Anyway her brother could be in the country now and no one will know anyhow....

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No one can say Yingluck isn't doing the job to the best of her ability.

Sure thing. Have a baht bus driver try to perform brain surgery, I reckon he would give it a crack as long as he was being paid.

If the said lady has performed admirably -fulfilled all election promises - totally won over the Thai people for her brains and ability in this flood crises, and has the full support of her appointed cabinet, who also have everything in control, she will never have anything to fear, her job therefore will be everlasting. BUT....if she has failed miserably on many counts she has to start to worry about her position. and her party.:whistling:

Fullfilling all election promises on a 4 year term in 2 months ? The biased comments on here are becomming more rediculous by the minute!

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No one can say Yingluck isn't doing the job to the best of her ability.

Sure thing. Have a baht bus driver try to perform brain surgery, I reckon he would give it a crack as long as he was being paid.

If the said lady has performed admirably -fulfilled all election promises - totally won over the Thai people for her brains and ability in this flood crises, and has the full support of her appointed cabinet, who also have everything in control, she will never have anything to fear, her job therefore will be everlasting. BUT....if she has failed miserably on many counts she has to start to worry about her position. and her party.:whistling:

Fullfilling all election promises on a 4 year term in 2 months ? The biased comments on here are becomming more rediculous by the minute!

The problem with your statement is the fact that she NEVER said they would be done in 4 years SHE said they would be done in 6 months. And then kept changing it when she finally realised how stupid the promises were.

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Her laughs are as vapid as her smiles.

She really needs to go see an orthodontist - you heard it here first !

Indeed for all the money.... Veneers much better idea.

But then, in the rest of the world middle aged people don't get braces. I played golf with a retiree who had braces the other day. He may die before he gets them off. She should have had them fixed as a teenager.

Back on track, looking at the collected vultures in the PTP ranks, I think this is definitely a case of better the devil you know. At least we know that the policies and ideas come from Thaksin. Imagine Chalerm having a bright idea one day. God knows what could happen.

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I am sure that are there are many here who think they could do a better job, and I am sure there are many there who think they could do a better job- until of course it comes to doing a better job-then those here and there find out just how difficult it is and wished they had kept their mouths shut.

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No one can say Yingluck isn't doing the job to the best of her ability.

Sure thing. Have a baht bus driver try to perform brain surgery, I reckon he would give it a crack as long as he was being paid.

If the said lady has performed admirably -fulfilled all election promises - totally won over the Thai people for her brains and ability in this flood crises, and has the full support of her appointed cabinet, who also have everything in control, she will never have anything to fear, her job therefore will be everlasting. BUT....if she has failed miserably on many counts she has to start to worry about her position. and her party.:whistling:

Fullfilling all election promises on a 4 year term in 2 months ? The biased comments on here are becomming more rediculous by the minute!

Actually, some promises were promised to be implemented immediately, some others within six months.

But it doesn't matter now, they have the perfect excuse for fulfilling none of them.

"All the budget we allocated has been spent on drying out Thailand"

Hopefully, the electorate that support them blindly will realise that they spent it all saving Bangkok.

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Her laughs are as vapid as her smiles.

She's lovely and doing a great job. What would Mr. Abhisit be doing differently if he hadn't been removed from office by the electorate?

He would probably not be smiling quite as much as he is at the moment knowing that he was blessed by the electorate not to have to be in charge of this disaster and make quite such a F.U. as this lot are.:rolleyes:

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Peua Thai would not want her to destroy the propoganda so carefully crafted by Taksin and his team. Less educated Thai people might actually start thinking for themselves and realise that Peua Thai is not helping them, especially in their hour of need. One day they will wake up and realise Peua Thai was just a facade setup by Taksin and they were conned.

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Her laughs are as vapid as her smiles.

She's lovely and doing a great job. What would Mr. Abhisit be doing differently if he hadn't been removed from office by the electorate?

Do you think doing a great job at being lovely is good enough? Maybe the voters will. They made their (flood) bed anyway.
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Having this flood happen only 2 months into the new governments term is

much better for them than having it happen 2 months before an election.

By the time the next election rolls around the Thais will have forgotten all

about the flood of 2011 and will re elect the government with an even

greater majority.

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I am sure that are there are many here who think they could do a better job, and I am sure there are many there who think they could do a better job- until of course it comes to doing a better job-then those here and there find out just how difficult it is and wished they had kept their mouths shut.

Nope, I could not do a better job. But then I wouldn't put myself out there and apply for a job I am unqualified for, especially one with such vast responsibilities. I would think of the greater good and their needs before my own. But then, that is just me...and most normal people. Yingluck sucks and should never have presumed to tackle such a position.

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Having this flood happen only 2 months into the new governments term is

much better for them than having it happen 2 months before an election.

By the time the next election rolls around the Thais will have forgotten all

about the flood of 2011 and will re elect the government with an even

greater majority.

Yes: After 3 month all that didn't got water in their house will have forgotten it.

After 6 month 80 % of the light effected will have forgotten it.

After 1 year 80 % of the heavy effected one will have forgotten it.

After 4 years just 1 % will remember it and these would anyhow not vote TRT, PPP, PTP.

And at any time the problem can be fixed with 500 Baht

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