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Bt5,000 Compensation For Each Flood-Affected Household

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Anyone care to answer? What do people do with this money, once they get it?

I'm not arguing or discussing whether it's enough or not, just asking - where does the money go?

It will be used to pay the interest on money borrowed from Taksin's Village Revolving Fund

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I have some questions and a comment...

Comment is... 5,000 certainly isn't very much. It isn't enough. As one poster said, it will buy a hollow front door; another said, a couple pairs of boots.

My questions are...

If this is the number, 5,000/ household and that's it, all that anyone gets, 10 billion total. Let's also assume that every household does actually get the 5,000 and some politician doesn't get any of it (I know, a big assumption but I'm just cynical).

What will people actually do with that money?

Will they throw it in the flood water in their house because it just isn't enough?

Will they use it for toilet paper?

Will they save it in their soggy mattress until someone comes and gives them more?

Will they burn it in protest?

I'm just wondering, what will they do with it? Any ideas out there?

save it for a rainy day perhaps ?


5,000 baht obviously isn't enough to compensate for the damage, but it is the standard pay out for flood victims for previous governments.

I know it's harsh, but, why should they get anything?

It's a taxpayer hand out that just means there is less money to spend on other things that the government should be spending money on ... ie proper cleaning after the floods, repairing roads, better flood protection, better public transport.

Do these people do anything for themselves to give them protection from floods? Insurance? Plans to protect their belongings?

I second that, why is in that anytime something bad happens to people or companies on a large scale, they feel the

need to give a cash payout.

Its the same as the highway tolls, it's great the highways are free, but in another 6 months, they will hike the toll, to compenstate for all this lost revenue.

What's the logic..................."sorry we dropped the ball, and left all the dams at near capacity, even though the rainy season

started 2 months early...............but don't get too stressed, because you can ride all the expressways for

free, while you wait for your house to drain"


5,000 baht obviously isn't enough to compensate for the damage, but it is the standard pay out for flood victims for previous governments.

I know it's harsh, but, why should they get anything?

It's a taxpayer hand out that just means there is less money to spend on other things that the government should be spending money on ... ie proper cleaning after the floods, repairing roads, better flood protection, better public transport.

Do these people do anything for themselves to give them protection from floods? Insurance? Plans to protect their belongings?

I second that, why is in that anytime something bad happens to people or companies on a large scale, they feel the

need to give a cash payout.

Its the same as the highway tolls, it's great the highways are free, but in another 6 months, they will hike the toll, to compenstate for all this lost revenue.

What's the logic..................."sorry we dropped the ball, and left all the dams at near capacity, even though the rainy season

started 2 months early...............but don't get too stressed, because you can ride all the expressways for

free, while you wait for your house to drain"

Maybe they feel this way because they pay taxes so the government can keep up its defenses against flooding. They pay taxes so the government can keep them safe and handle situations like this professionally.

Did the government hold up their end of the bargain.. .no.. so then you ask for compensation.

The 5.000 bt i dont care about, but tell that to the people who were flooded to safe factories and inner bkk.. wait and be compensated.. Big liars 5k I can understand now even more why dykes were sabotaged.


PT are sure to feel the love for this.

Will that even cover the costs for a new front door?

actually if your poor it covers a lot and if like many you have a wood house damage is very limited LAst government also gave 5000 but problem was people who were not affected at all claimed and got it through corruption and back handers Its impossible to stop but so what


Anyone care to answer? What do people do with this money, once they get it?

I'm not arguing or discussing whether it's enough or not, just asking - where does the money go?

The poor will buy whiskey and get drunk

and worry about the next problem when they wake up


Where do I go queue up to get 5,000 Baht of my hard earned tax money back?

Not sure but knowing the red's you probably get 4000 bt if flooded and have to pay a 1000bt signing fee.

Pay 1,000 baht and get 5,000 Baht in return.

ROI (Return of Investment) of 500%, not bet for a pen strock job.

No wonder everyone is voting for Thaksin et al.


5,000 baht obviously isn't enough to compensate for the damage, but it is the standard pay out for flood victims for previous governments.

I know it's harsh, but, why should they get anything?

It's a taxpayer hand out that just means there is less money to spend on other things that the government should be spending money on ... ie proper cleaning after the floods, repairing roads, better flood protection, better public transport.

Do these people do anything for themselves to give them protection from floods? Insurance? Plans to protect their belongings?

for someone poor earning 5000-8000 a month and living in a simple concrete 2 room house its a lot. Our maid lives in such a house and luckely not flooded but every Xmas we ask her what shed like done to house as a Xmas bonus. Most posters here would be amazed what gets done for the 5000 bonus we usually give when she used local labour. It would not pay for more than a door in our house or even just retiling one of bathrooms but in last 5 years using her Xmas bonus shes:-

had a new well pump and rest installed (admittedly we also gave pump an old one we had)

Reroofed a large part of her house

Fully tiled her 2 rooms and bathroom (it was plain cement before)

Fully tiled her courtyard and small driveway

Has a decent fence put around her property in Shira wood and installed a new shower including a heater (ok second hand heater)

And my mother in law who lives in a 3 bed 2 bath house who is flood damaged and has very cheap doors will be able to do a lot

And before people talk nonsense about water damage humidity and rest in my experience Once water goes and given fierce Thailand sun it dry out very fast and sun bleaches most things also second hand wood doors and rest are often solid hardwood many times in teak and no damage done

For record I loathe and hate Taksin and this government but forang should start living with real people and although we are extremely well off with 9 air cons pool and rest most off our neighbours are basic simple folk lving in quite decent small homes with a few very rich Thais interspersed in between and no forang at all except me. All own their house and are not insured none are flooded but 90% would consider 5,000 baht would significantly improve their houses as our maids story proves


Isn't it a bit too easy, to say:"THE GOVERNMENT should pay 5k (or more) to compensate the people, because THE GOVERNMENT didn't do anything to prevent this from happening"??

Last time I checked, in a democracy, you as a citizen have to take an active part.

Of course nobody is a hydrologist or an expert on dam- building. But with an annually returning flood- situation, shouldn't THE PEOPLE haven't been a little more active in demanding meassures against flooding?

I am sorry, but I am with the guys, who say, there is conclusive rule as to why THE GOVERNMENT has to pay anything.

In a country, where the majority says, that corruption is ok or have a "mai pen rai"- attitude to almost everything, it is a little optimistic, to run for help now, when for years you couldn't be bothered in anyway!


Insurance against flooding is almost impossible to get most natural disasters are always excluded. I have been flooded for a few weeks. I think i have damages in the area of 40k. I can handle it, could have been much more if i had left the house, now i was able to respond to changing situations.

An that is why the insurance industry is predicting such huge losses!

Yes, many are uninsured, many policies do exclude flood but natural disasters are one of the main reasons for taking out insurance. Why do so many people still believe that "Acts Of God" are not covered?

Many people who have mortgages will have insurance that covers floods. Our SCB bank loan covers for flood damage (but not the wallpaper - just paint, tiles and structure). Then there is about 30-40K damage to our built-ins and kitchen which isn't covered. We also have the option of the "land and houses" loan but turned that down. Luckily we did as they don't insure for flooding. I would say 90% of people are not insured, especially those from poorer neighbourhoods. The 5000 baht will go a long way for them, and I can use it to to do some repairs.

But I agree that the compensation is used to cover the governments incompetence and lack of action in terms of maintenance of flood ways and general water management. I too, do believe this was not just a "natural disaster".

Most of the damage wont be done to the house itself but the stuff in it. Anyway for me i can handle the damages. Just thinking of the poorer people. I believe this disaster was partly man made. They should publish the name of the "red" cabinet member who stopped them from releasing water from the dams in September.

Then a collective court case suing him would be great. Its a nice fantasy at least but would give me great satisfaction to see one of those corrupt politicians taken to the cleaners in a way like this.

I know it will never happen. but was nice to think about.

i dont think you can point the finger at the this govt for what should have been done by previous govts, ...opening a few dams so they would be a meter lower would not have prevented this disaster , only massive investment in dykes/canals/retained waterways would have helped but maybe not totally prevented some serious flooding , the question is now is.......will this govt want to invest in these peventative measures OR keep some election promises,.....is there money to do all/both ???


When we had last flooding here on Samui in March many got their 5000 baht, after standing in line for 3-5 hours.

Claims could only be made during two days.

Many new Mercedes was parked at the government bank where the claims could be done.

You will need house-book with Thai name and Thai ID-card.

The poor Burmese here got nothing.

Many of the new Mercedes owners collected 5000 baht for every unit they rented out.

How many houses did SC-assets own now????

Numbers in the thousands.


When we had last flooding here on Samui in March many got their 5000 baht, after standing in line for 3-5 hours.

Claims could only be made during two days.

Many new Mercedes was parked at the government bank where the claims could be done.

You will need house-book with Thai name and Thai ID-card.

The poor Burmese here got nothing.

Many of the new Mercedes owners collected 5000 baht for every unit they rented out.

How many houses did SC-assets own now????

Numbers in the thousands.

And Mark govt give out 500 Baht every month to all the old people, including all the owners of new Mercedes S Class, lamborginini owners, ferrari owners, etc. And no queue needed. Straight into their privillage banking accounts.

There is nothing wrong with giving money to the rich. MARK govt did it as well. Plus no need to queue up.


All you wise farangs may sneer at 5000 Baht, but for many in my village that is probably the worth of what they have lost in terms of furniture. 5000 Baht will by a bed and mattress some plastic chairs and a cheap table.


All you wise farangs may sneer at 5000 Baht, but for many in my village that is probably the worth of what they have lost in terms of furniture. 5000 Baht will by a bed and mattress some plastic chairs and a cheap table.

Here in my village in the suburbs of BKK people have lost quite a bit more then that. They are not rich here but they had build up savings and possessions. Its gone now.

If the government had told us what was comming we could have taken more precautions. But because of their constant mishandeling of the situation and covering it up not to loose face we were kept in the dark till it was too late.

A lot could have been avoided. That is why i think compensation should be awarded. Because the government failed its task. Not because there is a national disaster but because they made it worse.


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All you wise farangs may sneer at 5000 Baht, but for many in my village that is probably the worth of what they have lost in terms of furniture. 5000 Baht will by a bed and mattress some plastic chairs and a cheap table.

Here in my village in the suburbs of BKK people have lost quite a bit more then that. They are not rich here but they had build up savings and possessions. Its gone now.

If the government had told us what was comming we could have taken more precautions. But because of their constant mishandeling of the situation and covering it up not to loose face we were kept in the dark till it was too late.

A lot could have been avoided. That is why i think compensation should be awarded. Because the government failed its task. Not because there is a national disaster but because they made it worse.

Let me ask you a simple (yet not so simple) question: who will actually measure IF a government (any government) "failed it's task"?

What are actually your measurement policies? The "best case scenario"? The continuously "we would have been better of with Abby and a SOE"?

How do you KNOW (not assume, not wish, not accuse) that this wasn't the best they could do?

How do you KNOW, a lot could have been avoided? And how much? And how does that value?

Don't get me wrong: I want everybody to get compensated! The poorer people are, the more I want it.

But where does this "demand"- position come from?


All you wise farangs may sneer at 5000 Baht, but for many in my village that is probably the worth of what they have lost in terms of furniture. 5000 Baht will by a bed and mattress some plastic chairs and a cheap table.

Here in my village in the suburbs of BKK people have lost quite a bit more then that. They are not rich here but they had build up savings and possessions. Its gone now.

If the government had told us what was comming we could have taken more precautions. But because of their constant mishandeling of the situation and covering it up not to loose face we were kept in the dark till it was too late.

A lot could have been avoided. That is why i think compensation should be awarded. Because the government failed its task. Not because there is a national disaster but because they made it worse.

Rob, your village is on the whole richer than mine, for example they are two storey houses. My village are single storey and very few owned outright, most are rented or being bought on a mortgage. Many of them eat and sleep on the floor, so you cannot compare the two locations.


5,000 baht obviously isn't enough to compensate for the damage, but it is the standard pay out for flood victims for previous governments.

I know it's harsh, but, why should they get anything?

It's a taxpayer hand out that just means there is less money to spend on other things that the government should be spending money on ... ie proper cleaning after the floods, repairing roads, better flood protection, better public transport.

Do these people do anything for themselves to give them protection from floods? Insurance? Plans to protect their belongings?

for someone poor earning 5000-8000 a month and living in a simple concrete 2 room house its a lot. Our maid lives in such a house and luckely not flooded but every Xmas we ask her what shed like done to house as a Xmas bonus. Most posters here would be amazed what gets done for the 5000 bonus we usually give when she used local labour. It would not pay for more than a door in our house or even just retiling one of bathrooms but in last 5 years using her Xmas bonus shes:-

had a new well pump and rest installed (admittedly we also gave pump an old one we had)

Reroofed a large part of her house

Fully tiled her 2 rooms and bathroom (it was plain cement before)

Fully tiled her courtyard and small driveway

Has a decent fence put around her property in Shira wood and installed a new shower including a heater (ok second hand heater)

And my mother in law who lives in a 3 bed 2 bath house who is flood damaged and has very cheap doors will be able to do a lot

And before people talk nonsense about water damage humidity and rest in my experience Once water goes and given fierce Thailand sun it dry out very fast and sun bleaches most things also second hand wood doors and rest are often solid hardwood many times in teak and no damage done

For record I loathe and hate Taksin and this government but forang should start living with real people and although we are extremely well off with 9 air cons pool and rest most off our neighbours are basic simple folk lving in quite decent small homes with a few very rich Thais interspersed in between and no forang at all except me. All own their house and are not insured none are flooded but 90% would consider 5,000 baht would significantly improve their houses as our maids story proves

Yes it is amazing what a Thai can get out of one baht. To many of the posters here still try to gauge every thing by home and continually wonder what is wrong.

Sad to say many of these posters think that 5000 baht will just get them a shabby door. They have no idea of what the Thai's are capable of.

As has been pointed out here even with flood insurance you are still left with a lot of upkeep and replacement cost's. I suppose if you are just getting off the boat you might think Thai's have lots of money and flood insurance would just be a minor expense. Stick around open your eyes and your mind you have a lot to learn.

The above is referring to life in Thailand not the action of Governments and Terrorists living in Dubai.


All you wise farangs may sneer at 5000 Baht, but for many in my village that is probably the worth of what they have lost in terms of furniture. 5000 Baht will by a bed and mattress some plastic chairs and a cheap table.

Here in my village in the suburbs of BKK people have lost quite a bit more then that. They are not rich here but they had build up savings and possessions. Its gone now.

If the government had told us what was comming we could have taken more precautions. But because of their constant mishandeling of the situation and covering it up not to loose face we were kept in the dark till it was too late.

A lot could have been avoided. That is why i think compensation should be awarded. Because the government failed its task. Not because there is a national disaster but because they made it worse.

Let me ask you a simple (yet not so simple) question: who will actually measure IF a government (any government) "failed it's task"?

What are actually your measurement policies? The "best case scenario"? The continuously "we would have been better of with Abby and a SOE"?

How do you KNOW (not assume, not wish, not accuse) that this wasn't the best they could do?

How do you KNOW, a lot could have been avoided? And how much? And how does that value?

Don't get me wrong: I want everybody to get compensated! The poorer people are, the more I want it.

But where does this "demand"- position come from?

"If the government had told us what was comming"

Where have you been in the last 2 months.

It is over the news 24-7 that flood was coming.

Sorry mate, I think you are being unreasonable.



They had satellite and aerial images. They did not tell us (bit above BKK) what was comming before they could no longer deny it an safe face.

That is a big fail and cost many in this village a lot of money.

I am sure you have seen the ever changing stories and information.

They were either incompetent or negligent. So yes they failed. Giving of clear information would have helped many people to prepare better.

I could not care less about the 5k baht if we ever get it it goes the the wife's mother as she needs it much more as us.

My damages wont be more as 40k, i can handle that no problem. (of course id rather spend it on something else.)

I know your a red shirt fan-boy but im sure you see how bad the government has failed. Mainly on the information part. And also on the part where a red shirt held back on water in the dams in September. But lets focus on only the information because that is clear to all.


All you wise farangs may sneer at 5000 Baht, but for many in my village that is probably the worth of what they have lost in terms of furniture. 5000 Baht will by a bed and mattress some plastic chairs and a cheap table.

Here in my village in the suburbs of BKK people have lost quite a bit more then that. They are not rich here but they had build up savings and possessions. Its gone now.

If the government had told us what was comming we could have taken more precautions. But because of their constant mishandeling of the situation and covering it up not to loose face we were kept in the dark till it was too late.

A lot could have been avoided. That is why i think compensation should be awarded. Because the government failed its task. Not because there is a national disaster but because they made it worse.

Let me ask you a simple (yet not so simple) question: who will actually measure IF a government (any government) "failed it's task"?

What are actually your measurement policies? The "best case scenario"? The continuously "we would have been better of with Abby and a SOE"?

How do you KNOW (not assume, not wish, not accuse) that this wasn't the best they could do?

How do you KNOW, a lot could have been avoided? And how much? And how does that value?

Don't get me wrong: I want everybody to get compensated! The poorer people are, the more I want it.

But where does this "demand"- position come from?

"If the government had told us what was comming"

Where have you been in the last 2 months.

It is over the news 24-7 that flood was coming.

Sorry mate, I think you are being unreasonable.

Mate when we got hit 3 weeks or more ago nothing was said about the scale of this problem. No information. Later when they could not deny it anymore they started to tell people stuff. So no im not unreasonable. The government is a fraud filled with incompetent cronies who are friends of mr T. and have a seating at the feeding through of government money.


Easy: just pay out (or compensate to me while I can pay them first) all the bills while repairing house/vehicle etc. I will collect them to the separate folder, for easy reviewing.

Me myself not need any extra baht, but to cover these UNPREDICTED losses.

The sum will be the exact amount, different for each house. Got a calculator? :)

Oh, that won't be abused at all. Anyone have Photo Shop and a printer?

Abuses is another task (or will you think that there will be zero abuses with current 5k rate? C'mon...). Those in insurance companies know very well how to deal with abuses - just use their knowledge or even their workers.

And...ahhh...sorry, my printer is under water and not functioning. I'll buy a cheap new one (5K thb would cover that, I guess).:whistling:


Just where do you want the government to raise the money? Would you like Thailand to go on a debt adventure and end up in as bad as shape as the EU or the USA?

These money will curculate within Thailand. Regardless they give - 1 baht or 1K baht, these are just a NUMBERS on electronic accounts. Some numbers will jump from one record to another, and soon (when ppl spend) they will jump back. All of this - within one country.

Don't compare this to US/EU debts (they consume more than they produce, creating inadequate EX/IM) - better learn how modern money/banking works. Supporting LOCAL ppl for LOCAL spending won't make any trouble.

OK, let me see if I understand, as long as you only create internal inflation by "just NUMBERS" (same as printing money) there are no consequences?

You will NOT create inflation. You will NOT "printing" money like those in America.

You will shift some amounts from one account to another (from govt to Somchai). The total volume of money within the country will remain the same.

And someone in da govt will buy his new Benz not tomorrow, but next year (when Somchai finally spend those "numbers" to his daily lao kao, and the money finally come back to the country's budget).


When we had last flooding here on Samui in March many got their 5000 baht, after standing in line for 3-5 hours.

Claims could only be made during two days.

Many new Mercedes was parked at the government bank where the claims could be done.

You will need house-book with Thai name and Thai ID-card.

The poor Burmese here got nothing.

Many of the new Mercedes owners collected 5000 baht for every unit they rented out.

How many houses did SC-assets own now????

Numbers in the thousands.

And Mark govt give out 500 Baht every month to all the old people, including all the owners of new Mercedes S Class, lamborginini owners, ferrari owners, etc. And no queue needed. Straight into their privillage banking accounts.

There is nothing wrong with giving money to the rich. MARK govt did it as well. Plus no need to queue up.

Abhisit had no vested business interest in the old-age pension, different than Shinawatra's SC Asset.

Same conflict of interest in the billions windfall the Shinawatra's SC Asset stands to make by bumping up the eligible limit for the new home-buyers incentive "scheme." None of their properties qualified for the initial level of 2 million baht, but after she had it bumped up to 5 million baht, there are now 1,700 SC Asset-owned homes eligible for sale through the 100,000 tax rebate incentive.



Here in my village in the suburbs of BKK people have lost quite a bit more then that. They are not rich here but they had build up savings and possessions. Its gone now.

If the government had told us what was comming we could have taken more precautions. But because of their constant mishandeling of the situation and covering it up not to loose face we were kept in the dark till it was too late.

A lot could have been avoided. That is why i think compensation should be awarded. Because the government failed its task. Not because there is a national disaster but because they made it worse.

Let me ask you a simple (yet not so simple) question: who will actually measure IF a government (any government) "failed it's task"?

What are actually your measurement policies? The "best case scenario"? The continuously "we would have been better of with Abby and a SOE"?

How do you KNOW (not assume, not wish, not accuse) that this wasn't the best they could do?

How do you KNOW, a lot could have been avoided? And how much? And how does that value?

Don't get me wrong: I want everybody to get compensated! The poorer people are, the more I want it.

But where does this "demand"- position come from?

"If the government had told us what was comming"

Where have you been in the last 2 months.

It is over the news 24-7 that flood was coming.

Sorry mate, I think you are being unreasonable.

Mate when we got hit 3 weeks or more ago nothing was said about the scale of this problem. No information. Later when they could not deny it anymore they started to tell people stuff. So no im not unreasonable. The government is a fraud filled with incompetent cronies who are friends of mr T. and have a seating at the feeding through of government money.

+1, as I see exactly the same around my location.

Govt? Where is the one...? Hellooo...?? Pls be patient - they will come... soon...when water patiently evaporated...




They had satellite and aerial images. They did not tell us (bit above BKK) what was comming before they could no longer deny it an safe face.

That is a big fail and cost many in this village a lot of money.

I am sure you have seen the ever changing stories and information.

They were either incompetent or negligent. So yes they failed. Giving of clear information would have helped many people to prepare better.

I could not care less about the 5k baht if we ever get it it goes the the wife's mother as she needs it much more as us.

My damages wont be more as 40k, i can handle that no problem. (of course id rather spend it on something else.)

I know your a red shirt fan-boy but im sure you see how bad the government has failed. Mainly on the information part. And also on the part where a red shirt held back on water in the dams in September. But lets focus on only the information because that is clear to all.

You KNOW (???) that? No, you don't! You just accuse me to be! And that is something totally different.

Repeating it constantly, doesn't turn a wrong information into a right information.

The idea, that they simply DIDN'T know, what was exactly gonna happen and how bad it exactly would be, doesn't even occure to you?

Because they simply did have no comparison? And no system in place for cases like this?

You permantely act, like they willingly and lighthearted just let everyone drown (most and foremost you, which is why you kept asking for Bangkok to "share the burden" and be "evenly flooded)- and...please...unless you have prove for this, don't throw it at everybody who want and even more who don't want to hear it.

Do you want the American Government to compensate their citizens for the world economy crisis...because they could have know, what was cooking?


You KNOW (???) that? No, you don't! You just accuse me to be!

Ahh, these dry red supporters again.

You go get your body wet....stay that for an hour...a day...a.week...a FEW weeks with no electric\water\food\or even no grass for my rabbit or sand for my maew........and only then we can discuss the govt support in right terms. And I am sure we will use very similar trms, not opposite (like now).

You simply never tried the thing you are trying to protect now. Then....Im not going to feed the troll.


You KNOW (???) that? No, you don't! You just accuse me to be!

Ahh, these dry red supporters again.

You go get your body wet....stay that for an hour...a day...a.week...a FEW weeks with no electric\water\food\or even no grass for my rabbit or sand for my maew........and only then we can discuss the govt support in right terms. And I am sure we will use very similar trms, not opposite (like now).

You simply never tried the thing you are trying to protect now. Then....Im not going to feed the troll.

So you go hungry tonight?



They had satellite and aerial images. They did not tell us (bit above BKK) what was comming before they could no longer deny it an safe face.

That is a big fail and cost many in this village a lot of money.

I am sure you have seen the ever changing stories and information.

They were either incompetent or negligent. So yes they failed. Giving of clear information would have helped many people to prepare better.

I could not care less about the 5k baht if we ever get it it goes the the wife's mother as she needs it much more as us.

My damages wont be more as 40k, i can handle that no problem. (of course id rather spend it on something else.)

I know your a red shirt fan-boy but im sure you see how bad the government has failed. Mainly on the information part. And also on the part where a red shirt held back on water in the dams in September. But lets focus on only the information because that is clear to all.

You KNOW (???) that? No, you don't! You just accuse me to be! And that is something totally different.

Repeating it constantly, doesn't turn a wrong information into a right information.

The idea, that they simply DIDN'T know, what was exactly gonna happen and how bad it exactly would be, doesn't even occure to you?

Because they simply did have no comparison? And no system in place for cases like this?

You permantely act, like they willingly and lighthearted just let everyone drown (most and foremost you, which is why you kept asking for Bangkok to "share the burden" and be "evenly flooded)- and...please...unless you have prove for this, don't throw it at everybody who want and even more who don't want to hear it.

Do you want the American Government to compensate their citizens for the world economy crisis...because they could have know, what was cooking?

If they did not know or were not able to interpret satellite imaging or aerial imaging then they are incompetent. I kept asking for bkk to take as much water as they could. Mr fan boy im sure you never lived a day in a really flooded area. Guys like you make me laugh defending the red dream till the end.

If i had the information they had i could done it much better. At least i would not lie and deny to save face as i don't care about it. Ying Luck.. walking on boards in boots the ordinary man cant pay for walking over them. The symbol of red pride.

I am curious if she is really dumb or if she planned it this way.

First house buyer promotion .. result houses flood

First car promotion.... result cars get flooded

300 bt a day labor (after being delayed and made less) factories get flooded

In this village what was fairly red they also started accusing the government. So that shows you how the red shirt at ground level think.


So you go hungry tonight?

Don't even think about it! I have loads of ma-ma noodle, canned plaa kapong and, huh - I can go fishing on my corridor and bedroom 24/7. I have huge plaa-duk's hiding under my bed. Aroi!

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