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Bangkok "Refugees" Back In Issan

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I was wondering if other Issan members have noticed the influx of Bangkok refugees" in their towns and villages?

Where I am located yesterday I counted about 15 odd Bangkok taxis and it was interesting to go into Khemmarat's local "supermarket" and find the place crowded with these people and their Bangkok attitudes!

In the village I reside in they even put on their makeup before going out to cut rice!!! Maybe after a few days at that,they will head back "home again. And take their attitudes back with them.

I hope so!


The town I'm in has a road to Loei running through it. The number of BKK plates coming through is amazing. We're actually having traffic jams here! My wife won't take the main road on her scooter now...just side roads.

I guess they're contributing to the economy. The 7-11's shelves are getting rather pared down, the two local "supermarkets" can't get enough to restock. I don't hold it against the BKK folk, though, can't blame them for buying what they need. Given what's been happening throughout Thailand, we have been very fortunate to have been spared any flooding this year.


Same hope up here (... could not think of a better way to start my post with ...).

These blue whales seem to matter in a way nobody wants to know.

I do notice a sudden uprise in fishing activities since these whales have arrived rather successfully in Thailand.

In a few days I will be able to talk to them myself (geez ... no not the whales ... I am not that crazy yet).

Most likely this is nothing more than a rather unlucky coincidance, not causality.

I hope the persons who are in charge of the 180 degrees rule will not allow the creators to draw those blue whales any smaller as they are right now. I do admire their sizes.


Yes perhaps they would contribute to the local economy if there was anything to contribute to. I was in every 7-11 and Cat One in Yaso today to try and get some milk and bread. Not a hope all out. Big C was the same at the weekend. Us ferangs are going to starve if this supply chain does not get back to some kind of order soon. Yes BKK has been hit bad BUT does everything have to come through the capital. No forward planning by them in charge AGAIN !!!


Same hope up here (... could not think of a better way to start my post with ...).

These blue whales seem to matter in a way nobody wants to know.

I do notice a sudden uprise in fishing activities since these whales have arrived rather successfully in Thailand.

In a few days I will be able to talk to them myself (geez ... no not the whales ... I am not that crazy yet).

Most likely this is nothing more than a rather unlucky coincidance, not causality.

I hope the persons who are in charge of the 180 degrees rule will not allow the creators to draw those blue whales any smaller as they are right now. I do admire their sizes.

Is it just me or does everyone else know what this guy is talking about

yous faithfully Gobble D Gook

PS The last time I wrote something like that was after eating strange mushrooms


As a refugee I would like to apologise for buying the last 2 bottles of milk in the Beung Gan Tesco last week, sorry about that.


Same hope up here (... could not think of a better way to start my post with ...).

These blue whales seem to matter in a way nobody wants to know.

I do notice a sudden uprise in fishing activities since these whales have arrived rather successfully in Thailand.

In a few days I will be able to talk to them myself (geez ... no not the whales ... I am not that crazy yet).

Most likely this is nothing more than a rather unlucky coincidance, not causality.

I hope the persons who are in charge of the 180 degrees rule will not allow the creators to draw those blue whales any smaller as they are right now. I do admire their sizes.

Is it just me or does everyone else know what this guy is talking about

yous faithfully Gobble D Gook

PS The last time I wrote something like that was after eating strange mushrooms

I wanted to ask the same thing but I was afraid to. :ermm:


Same hope up here (... could not think of a better way to start my post with ...).

These blue whales seem to matter in a way nobody wants to know.

I do notice a sudden uprise in fishing activities since these whales have arrived rather successfully in Thailand.

In a few days I will be able to talk to them myself (geez ... no not the whales ... I am not that crazy yet).

Most likely this is nothing more than a rather unlucky coincidance, not causality.

I hope the persons who are in charge of the 180 degrees rule will not allow the creators to draw those blue whales any smaller as they are right now. I do admire their sizes.

Is it just me or does everyone else know what this guy is talking about

yous faithfully Gobble D Gook

PS The last time I wrote something like that was after eating strange mushrooms

I wanted to ask the same thing but I was afraid to. :ermm:

No need to be afraid.

I do not like mushrooms, but love to eat moe pad krapao. It is my love who likes to eat mushrooms.

More people told me in the past that both my writing and social skills suck. Other people awarded me a special pen. I'm used to that. Maybe they are right about my socials kills, but that's who I am. I do my best, but can not be everybodies friend. It is not my intention to spoil anybodies holiday or hurt feelings. Sometimes I do have those feelings myself and then I have to learn to deal with it. I speak for myself here. Not on behalf of other persons who might log in remotely out of a far away questionable country for messing things up.

Not everybody loves moe pad krapao. It heavily depends on the cooking skills. Some cooks did follow an excellent education (taking one of the restaurants in Nong Khai as an example) and other cooks need assistence from the customer (e.g. in a much smaller restaurant near the Victory Monument in Bangkok otherwise they spoil my dish with an overload of soy sauce).

What I do in the text above is talking a little bit to myself to make the text less vulnerable for being attacked by clowns. That does not mean that I am afraid or that's a sign of weakness (actually it is) and that I can be get rid off that easily. No, it is intented to show some of my intentions and motivation so we need not have to bump into eachother much too quickly, just preventing all becoming frogs (referring to a rather old water related tale of the German Grimm brothers which originated somewhere in Scotland many centuries ago).

As far as that 180 degrees rule is concerned. A film editing rule. Many many rules exist in life. I do not have the pretention to know them all. But when you simply look at a cup of coffee you will always see one side. You'll be never able to see and value that cup of coffee as a whole. Therefore you need to turn the cup a little bit (as I did above in the text).

Enough said. I'm going for a walk.


Democracy is when the people keep a government in check...Even if you are not political, politics will come to you

- Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese democracy leader

That is my contribution to this debate


Yeah! O.K., got it now. Did you have a good walk?

Yes and no.

While walking I enjoyed a full moon. Here, no temple to go to.

Many thoughts crossed my mind but all of them are private.


Same hope up here (... could not think of a better way to start my post with ...).

These blue whales seem to matter in a way nobody wants to know.

I do notice a sudden uprise in fishing activities since these whales have arrived rather successfully in Thailand.

In a few days I will be able to talk to them myself (geez ... no not the whales ... I am not that crazy yet).

Most likely this is nothing more than a rather unlucky coincidance, not causality.

I hope the persons who are in charge of the 180 degrees rule will not allow the creators to draw those blue whales any smaller as they are right now. I do admire their sizes.

Is it just me or does everyone else know what this guy is talking about

yous faithfully Gobble D Gook

PS The last time I wrote something like that was after eating strange mushrooms

I wanted to ask the same thing but I was afraid to. :ermm:

No need to be afraid.

I do not like mushrooms, but love to eat moe pad krapao. It is my love who likes to eat mushrooms.

More people told me in the past that both my writing and social skills suck. Other people awarded me a special pen. I'm used to that. Maybe they are right about my socials kills, but that's who I am. I do my best, but can not be everybodies friend. It is not my intention to spoil anybodies holiday or hurt feelings. Sometimes I do have those feelings myself and then I have to learn to deal with it. I speak for myself here. Not on behalf of other persons who might log in remotely out of a far away questionable country for messing things up.

Not everybody loves moe pad krapao. It heavily depends on the cooking skills. Some cooks did follow an excellent education (taking one of the restaurants in Nong Khai as an example) and other cooks need assistence from the customer (e.g. in a much smaller restaurant near the Victory Monument in Bangkok otherwise they spoil my dish with an overload of soy sauce).

What I do in the text above is talking a little bit to myself to make the text less vulnerable for being attacked by clowns. That does not mean that I am afraid or that's a sign of weakness (actually it is) and that I can be get rid off that easily. No, it is intented to show some of my intentions and motivation so we need not have to bump into eachother much too quickly, just preventing all becoming frogs (referring to a rather old water related tale of the German Grimm brothers which originated somewhere in Scotland many centuries ago).

As far as that 180 degrees rule is concerned. A film editing rule. Many many rules exist in life. I do not have the pretention to know them all. But when you simply look at a cup of coffee you will always see one side. You'll be never able to see and value that cup of coffee as a whole. Therefore you need to turn the cup a little bit (as I did above in the text).

Enough said. I'm going for a walk.

Maybe you could explain what this has to do with the OP?



Maybe you could explain what this has to do with the OP?


(quotes snipped due to the rather much too limited functionality of current editor)

A fair question since you're the OP.

Conclusion, shortest explanation possible:

Noticed sudden increase in local fishing activity during time can most likely be at best, better attributed to local lack of food (due to returning villagers) than to unreachable virtual sausages (local attractive, way too big fish) shown on a local tv screen.


Just what is your point? These people are not able to work or educate themselves, so why would they not inundate the provinces from which they come.

When they are there is is obligatory for them to participate in harvesting.


I really wonder from this thread whether people have any awareness of what is going on in the world around them. Large chunks of Thailand are flooded. Factories, shops and places of work are closed. People are being told to evacuate, and are looking for a dry, safe place to wait out this crisis.

It is no surprise that people go back to family, even extended family, to get a dry bed and the guarantee of regular food. My missus and kid spent a week in Pattaya imposing, and are now with the extended family in a village in your part of the world. Yeah, my kid will probably "compete" with you for some stuff out of the local supermarket. Big deal.

Thank God many Thais have more sympathy and understanding than many farangs on this board seem to have. For you people in the dry places, pattaya, issan and elsewhere, suck it up and have a bit of understanding and tolerance.


I really wonder from this thread whether people have any awareness of what is going on in the world around them. Large chunks of Thailand are flooded. Factories, shops and places of work are closed. People are being told to evacuate, and are looking for a dry, safe place to wait out this crisis.

It is no surprise that people go back to family, even extended family, to get a dry bed and the guarantee of regular food. My missus and kid spent a week in Pattaya imposing, and are now with the extended family in a village in your part of the world. Yeah, my kid will probably "compete" with you for some stuff out of the local supermarket. Big deal.

Thank God many Thais have more sympathy and understanding than many farangs on this board seem to have. For you people in the dry places, pattaya, issan and elsewhere, suck it up and have a bit of understanding and tolerance.

Well said, FWIW. We've been helping friends who have had to escape the floods. Giving up some food and water and floorspace is nothing compared to what they've had to deal with. They're relieved, we're happy to have them here.


I really wonder from this thread whether people have any awareness of what is going on in the world around them. Large chunks of Thailand are flooded. Factories, shops and places of work are closed. People are being told to evacuate, and are looking for a dry, safe place to wait out this crisis.

It is no surprise that people go back to family, even extended family, to get a dry bed and the guarantee of regular food. My missus and kid spent a week in Pattaya imposing, and are now with the extended family in a village in your part of the world. Yeah, my kid will probably "compete" with you for some stuff out of the local supermarket. Big deal.

Thank God many Thais have more sympathy and understanding than many farangs on this board seem to have. For you people in the dry places, pattaya, issan and elsewhere, suck it up and have a bit of understanding and tolerance.

Well said, FWIW. We've been helping friends who have had to escape the floods. Giving up some food and water and floorspace is nothing compared to what they've had to deal with. They're relieved, we're happy to have them here.

Thanks for that. I know many people, both Thai and foreign have gone the extra mile (and then some) to help people from flooded areas. My family, personally have had only kindness, help and understanding, for which I am grateful. Gotta say though that the attitude of some, along the lines of "how dare these people come here and disrupt my little piece of heaven" does rather get my goat.


Thanks for that. I know many people, both Thai and foreign have gone the extra mile (and then some) to help people from flooded areas. My family, personally have had only kindness, help and understanding, for which I am grateful. Gotta say though that the attitude of some, along the lines of "how dare these people come here and disrupt my little piece of heaven" does rather get my goat.


I think some people forget that two big reasons for the shortages are that many food-product factories are flooded and the supply chain is badly messed up. I just read where ThaiBev is now using water transport - that adds greatly to the time it takes to restock retail outlets, and unfortunately adds to the cost as well. Can't simply blame the influx of people for all the problems.


But is it not time suppliers looked at out sourcing there manufacturing. If this was london say, supplies would be coming from manchester, liverpool, etc. to get out of the jam. Here EVERYTHING revolves around BKK and it takes something like this unfortunate situation to highlight the problem. I am truely sorry for those under water BUT life goes on and just now becouse of the supply chain it is'nt. They will have to look at this once things get better. Don't you agree?


If this was london say, supplies would be coming from manchester, liverpool, etc. to get out of the jam.

London, wot grinds to a halt for three days every January when less than an inch of snow falls?

If they had these floods in London it would be the biggest shambles you ever saw.


Yes perhaps they would contribute to the local economy if there was anything to contribute to. I was in every 7-11 and Cat One in Yaso today to try and get some milk and bread. Not a hope all out. Big C was the same at the weekend. Us ferangs are going to starve if this supply chain does not get back to some kind of order soon. Yes BKK has been hit bad BUT does everything have to come through the capital. No forward planning by them in charge AGAIN !!!

I agree.Even here in chiang mai hard to find bottled water and if you find any it's only small bottles.But plenty of Leo beer at 7 11.Now you can see that the whole country is centered around bangkok and dependent on that city for resupply.Who ever heard of that.Putting all factories in one area because of the big business and the rich owners reside there.Now i understand how these rich people in BKK can build these hotels and keep them running when the occupancy rate is next to 0% the year around.Why not diversify and put some factories in other parts of the country.And do they utilize air freight ? Especially for important essentials like food and drinking water.Oh,sorry i forgot that would take away too much of the profit of the big business.

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