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Midnight Ban On Alcohol Now In Effect

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I dont think it will effect the tourist trade a great deal.  Sure some people will not come here because of the drinking laws but the families that come over here every year will still come, maybe more if Thailand is seen as less of a nightime entertainment place. 

On the other hand the guys that come here for the women will still be able to get their women, just off to the hotel a little earlier.

I didn't notice a significant decrease in the tourist trade when the all night drinking venues all had to shut down at 2am, and then later in certain areas at 1am.

I dont think it affected the tourism revenue at all in fact.

Yes, I agree. I come to Thailand for the beautiful woman and friendly, gentle people. When I drink, it's like one beer per hour because I hate to be drunk. Besides, alcohol is a drug with the same effects as illegal drugs, which Thailand is very serious about prohibiting. I think this stand against alcohol is consistent with their values and is long overdue.

Love, romance and sex do not need alcohol. In fact, alcohol makes one sleepy and less able to perform sexually. The only benefit of alcohol is a lowering of inhibitions.

LOL, :o Does anyone else find this really amusing, Its a really nice way of saying that you come here to <deleted> the girls but you are too cheap to buy beer :D

hehehe, Amusing

"When I drink, it's like one beer per hour because I hate to be drunk. Besides, alcohol is a drug with the same effects as illegal drugs, which Thailand is very serious about prohibiting."

So your OK with taking what you call "alcohol is a drug with the same effects as illegal drugs"

LOL, Do you only swallow pills at the rate of 1 per hour because "alcohol is a drug with the same effects as illegal drugs"

No wonder crazy laws are made :D


I don't drink so it does not make any difference to me whatsoever, but if it makes life a bit safer for my Thai relatives, keeps some drunk drivers off the road or keeps even one unsavory visitor in his own country rather than traveling to the LOS, it's a good move.

I dont think it will effect the tourist trade a great deal.  Sure some people will not come here because of the drinking laws but the families that come over here every year will still come, maybe more if Thailand is seen as less of a nightime entertainment place. 

On the other hand the guys that come here for the women will still be able to get their women, just off to the hotel a little earlier.

I didn't notice a significant decrease in the tourist trade when the all night drinking venues all had to shut down at 2am, and then later in certain areas at 1am.

I dont think it affected the tourism revenue at all in fact.

I cannot think of any good reason to travel halfway around the world for a boozing holiday. There are places nearer to the UK where you can go without the cost of a ticket to Thailand.

Why do you equate drinking after midnight with a 'boozing holiday'? When people go on holiday they like to relax a little and have a good time - not to be ushered off to bed at midnight.


I travel to Thailand with my family twice/three times a year and I enjoy a drink with my meals,and a drink in a bar and that maybe after 12am, of course it will affect the tourist trade and the bar's and clubs, people who go to the bars will just drink more in a shorter time, and then you end up with the same problem as the UK, binge drinking and drunks fighting and throwing upo in the streets, I come to Thailand to get away from that (and I know people get drunk in Thailand, but I have never seen the stuff that goes on in London, Nottingham, Newcastle, Liverpool)

Just another example of politicians knowing what's best for us all, I'm a big boy, I know what I enjoy, I dont need some daft arse politician telling me that if I smoke and drink I will die, (if I stop, will I live forever :o )

The only reason they want us to live longer is so we can pay more taxes, the dead dont pay any more taxes

Also I dont like being told, its midnight GO TO BED, I come to Thailand to meet the people, speak to people, see the sights, see the country, not a gloriefied piss up (its cheaper to do that at home, I dont have to fork out for plane fare)

And I bring my wife and kids (when the kids are asleep, I go to the bars with my wife and we meet the working girlls, its no big deal, christ they swap baby photos)


No worries - everyone will have their drink as they normally do. It's comedy of the highest order. :D

If anyone thinks - if you hide booze and ciggies then the problem will go away is in for a rude awakening. The direct opposite will occur. :o


All that will happen is lights will go off in the beerbars as normal at 12 rather than 1am (in pattaya)

The point is that the general atmosphere becomes muted and with that hordes of guys/girls roaming around looking to drink with no doubt the usual punch ups witnessed in the uk every day.

The real losers will be your discos and nightclub/go go bars.


Meow Meow Meow .......

Get down you stupid cat and sit in my Wok, It is 5 past 12 and I can not buy beer so I will eat you because this is legal, You will go well with my Giraffe steak and Tiger pie.

Shame I cant buy a beer LOL.

Is anyone else as amused as me at this stupidity ?


No worries - everyone will have their drink as they normally do. It's comedy of the highest order. laugh.gif

I think your mistaken, not sure how long you've been coming here Brit but I expect for some time so remember the drinking laws of 4-5 years ago. When they were changed people said the same as you, that life would go on as normal, and they were proved wrong. :o

Of course u can drink in Thailand at any time of night, but the places you go to get these drinks are often sh1tholes. :D

I think the poster who said about Thailand following its strict anti drug policy by stopping people having easy access to drink made a good point. Alcohol is bad for you, it can be a dangerous drug, why shouldn't they try to reduce its usage amongst the countries citizens?


:o The irony of this is that here in the UK, the law has just been changed in the last few days to allow for estabishments to open 24 hours

Surely Clubs and Hotels will still be serving drink


I think this thread is going to beat the Tsunami one for viewings and comments just shows you the power of booze,as someone mentioned before, its funny because from next week you can drink 24/7 in the UK.At least 5 pubs in my town have got the 24 hour licence.

If it is ALL venues,as the report said,it will be harder to enforce in Pattaya and Phuket than Bangkok.Has there been anyone out tonight notice anything ??

:o The irony of this is that here in the UK, the law has just been changed in the last few days to allow for estabishments to open 24 hours

Surely Clubs and Hotels will still be serving drink

Hotels I would imagine you could get a drink, but definately not clubs, they are the first to get hit with these kind of laws.


DRINK, <deleted>, Whiskey, DRINK.

Every post makes me think of my avatar, LOL.

WFT would Father Jack make of such tom foolery.....!!!!!

Midnight, stop, Drink, <deleted>. LOL. DRINK. :o


All stores as well as venues serving drinks across the country have to stop selling alcohol at midnight, instead of 2am, effective as of yesterday, the Excise Department said.

Venues, does that mean bars? If so will they stop serving booze but remain open? In every zone? :D

The sale of liquor would also be banned starting next year at specified places including mini-marts
I'm quite pleased about it really, as just earlier I was thinking I might do 'a Lampard' and give up booze for an entire year, the mini mart I can see from my balcony is my worst enemy. :o

This madcap ruling might actually turn out to be a real blessing for me. :D

I can see this being a long running topic. :D

How totally self centred. You are from where?


This perfectly fits into my plan to give up unnecessary drinking ;-) But what if I buy a bottle of wine and drink it at home after midnight?

Are they deliberately trying to destroy the tourist trade?

I think it's easy for farang to feel that every such move is directed at them but the truth of the matter is such decisions affect far more Thais than they do foreigners. These moves are directed at Thais.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: this government would love to simply enact a curfew and keep people off the streets on the overnight. Knowing how unpopular such a move would be if done explicitly, the powers-that-be simply create a de facto curfew by making establishments close (entertainment venues, petrol stations, etc.) and banning the sale of refreshments past a certain hour. If people have no reason to go out because there is no longer anywhere to go, they'll stay home.

It's Toxins way of getting back to his past,remember he was a man in brown,, so now he's cleanin up thailand.....................yahhhooooo!!!!!!!!!!! :o

How totally self centred. You are from where?

I'm from the UK, should that matter? I dont see how it should effect my opinion. :o

Self centred? Coz I read this news and think about how it affects me? Are you not reading this news and thinking about how it affects you?

Alcohol is bad for you, it can be a dangerous drug, why shouldn't they try to reduce its usage amongst the countries citizens?

Sales of alcohool decrease every year in western Europe.

And as a matter of fact, it's not the result of such idiotic law : it's only a change in individual behaviour, an increase of education... people are better informed. You get the picture ?

But of course, as we all know the thais see themself as children (I should say babies). The thai government has absolutly no respect for the "plebe", for the common thai people.

Drugs... alcohool... tobacco... the only way, the only response is education.

But education means also enlightment. That's why I don't believe it's on the agenda of the autoritarian government we have since a few years...

Alcohol is bad for you, it can be a dangerous drug, why shouldn't they try to reduce its usage amongst the countries citizens?

Sales of alcohool decrease every year in western Europe.

And as a matter of fact, it's not the result of such idiotic law : it's only a change in individual behaviour, an increase of education... people are better informed. You get the picture ?

I agree education is of course the way forward, but for me not having booze in the local family mart will reduce my booze intake so it in my case works. Knowing that booze was bad for me has not helped so far. You get the picture? :o

Meow Meow Meow .......

Get down you stupid cat and sit in my Wok, It is 5 past 12 and I can not buy beer so I will eat you because this is legal, You will go well with my Giraffe steak and Tiger pie.

Shame I cant buy a beer LOL.

Is anyone else as amused as me at this stupidity ?


The endangered species buffet is really gonna hurt the falang tourism.

The closing of the nightlife will throw a large bucket of water on the

rest of it.

I have NEVER heard of a draconian measure such as serving up wild

animals as a good idea.

What about the Liverpool FC games that are aired later than 12 mid?

I believe the next step is whaling and selling elephant and rhino tusks with

red wine but only before midnight.

We would not want to taint our children who are up at 12 midnight til 2 am, let's make sure there is just a lot more drinking in the daytime.

I believe I ll have my orangutan "Poached" with a Dodo bird egg.

These two issues have tainted my love of the Kingdom and I love Thailand.

I guess the only thing left is letting the poor farmers from the north to sell their children (at the age of eighteen of course) to daytime go-go bars so

the people who can't get laid can pay for it.


They can't seriously expect mini-marts to stop selling alchol - that's thair main source of revenue along with ciggies for christ sake!

Isn't 7-11 a mini-mart? How about rural communities where mini's are the main source for all items not grown on the farm?

Well Mr. T's gonna have things his way, inch by inch, until its an absolute bore to be here anymore. Did he ever read about prohabition in the USA and how well that worked?

Why doesn't he do something that would really help here like stop the police from extorting bribes from drivers by standing on the corner and waiving everyone over guilty or not to collect 100-200 Baht each. That is so ###### obvious, but I guess it's acceptable although oppresive and barbaric.

Regulate the emissions coming from the black cloud busses. That would impact the air pollution immediatly and only needs a catalytic converter installed to prevent the filth from pouring out - especially the green mini bussses.

I could go on and on...

I doubt the thing holding back most Thais is not having beer available after 12:00 as much as it is the powerful taking advantage over those who have nothing.

Are the brewary owners supporters of Mr. T's oppisition parties or something? They have increadible wealth and power. What are they doing about all this while watching their business being cut out from under them with arbitrary laws being made every 3 months affecting their sales.

Well Mr. T is no worse than Bush and at least he has not given the Thais an unnecessary war based on lies and driven by greed and Haliburton pipelines and the likes while we sit by and watch the Iranians build an Allah bomb - actual WMDs going up there and just fanatic enough to use them.

Sorry - off subject and my last beer's finished -Gnight

Are they deliberately trying to destroy the tourist trade?

Every time they do something to restrict what's going on in the "entertainment zones," someone predicts that the tourist trade will evaporate and everyone will stop coming to Thailand and yet, the number of tourists keeps rising and those coming spend more and more.

If you read the Pattaya Mail regularly, the weekly accounts of drunken farang jumping from balconies and otherwise acting like the Eurotrash they are, suggests that a curb on drinking will be a welcome event.

There's a world of difference between tourists who wants a few drinks in the evening and the rubbish who want to get puking drunk every night. I think the economy can stand the loss of the latter and the former will still be able to go out for a few drinks or have something in their hotels.

... that's thair main source ....

... read about prohabition in the USA ...

I could go on and on...

Sorry - off subject and my last beer's finished -Gnight

Impressive spelling. Ok guys, it's now 3am, I'll go and check if the Mini-Mart will sell me beer or not. I'll be back in 10 to let you know if it worked.

Are they deliberately trying to destroy the tourist trade?

Every time they do something to restrict what's going on in the "entertainment zones," someone predicts that the tourist trade will evaporate and everyone will stop coming to Thailand and yet, the number of tourists keeps rising and those coming spend more and more.

If you read the Pattaya Mail regularly, the weekly accounts of drunken farang jumping from balconies and otherwise acting like the Eurotrash they are, suggests that a curb on drinking will be a welcome event.

There's a world of difference between tourists who wants a few drinks in the evening and the rubbish who want to get puking drunk every night. I think the economy can stand the loss of the latter and the former will still be able to go out for a few drinks or have something in their hotels.

At the risk of repeating myself:

"Why do you equate drinking after midnight with a 'boozing holiday'? When people go on holiday they like to relax a little and have a good time - not to be ushered off to bed at midnight."


i cant see Angels disco staying open after midnight if they cant serve booze. you get hassled if you have a practically empty glass. that means they would have to stay open from 12-2am serving soft drinks only .

the patrons would all leave when the booze stopped flowing and go to some backstreet den of intemperance.



I dont think it will effect the tourist trade a great deal.  Sure some people will not come here because of the drinking laws but the families that come over here every year will still come, maybe more if Thailand is seen as less of a nightime entertainment place. 

On the other hand the guys that come here for the women will still be able to get their women, just off to the hotel a little earlier.

I didn't notice a significant decrease in the tourist trade when the all night drinking venues all had to shut down at 2am, and then later in certain areas at 1am.

I dont think it affected the tourism revenue at all in fact.

:o Nah will always be places - same shi*e different day.

Maybe it's just me - but so what? Are we all so pathetic that this is major news? Are we all so dependent on alcohol? Are we all that sad? No? Just me then ...!!

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