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Afghanistan: More than 60 Taliban killed in attack on NATO base


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Afghanistan: More than 60 Taliban killed in attack on NATO base

2011-11-10 05:22:12 GMT+7 (ICT)

KABUL (BNO NEWS) -- At least 60 Taliban fighters were killed on late Tuesday evening when they attempted to launch an attack on a NATO base in southeastern Afghanistan, provincial officials said.

A provincial spokesman said more than 60 Taliban fighters were believed to have been killed when they launched an attack on a joint military base in the Barmal district of Paktika province, which is located near the border with Pakistan.

The attack triggered a heavy exchange of fire between the Taliban insurgents and NATO-led forces, the spokesman said. The militants reportedly used small arms as well as rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) during the attack, which involved an unusually large number of insurgents.

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) carried out several airstrikes to respond to the attack, destroying at least two buildings which were being used by Taliban fighters. Provincial officials put the insurgent death toll at more than 60.

There were no casualties among ISAF or Afghan troops, and there were no immediate claims of civilian casualties.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-11-10

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Yes ebb & flow

Yet one has to wonder.....They have been getting some for a long time now no?

Against Forces that are suppose to be the strongest in the world....??

Yet Goliath now over a decade chasing folks who train on jungle gyms & have no navy.

no air force, no kevlar, heck no uniforms right? ;)

I hope the super power never has to fight a real enemy of more equal means.

This smells a lot like Vietnam only this should have been even easier :lol:

End result will be the same though...........And for what?

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Yes ebb & flow

Yet one has to wonder.....They have been getting some for a long time now no?

Against Forces that are suppose to be the strongest in the world....??

Yet Goliath now over a decade chasing folks who train on jungle gyms & have no navy.

no air force, no kevlar, heck no uniforms right? ;)

I hope the super power never has to fight a real enemy of more equal means.

This smells a lot like Vietnam only this should have been even easier :lol:

End result will be the same though...........And for what?

Yes, in some ways it is rather 'David and Goliath' - however, the 'Davids' in this scenario often dress like women and hide among women and children. Some of their ilk recruit retarded men and women to strap on bomb belts - and force them to walk to crowded markets. The Biblical 'David' was a man who didn't dress in women's clothes, and stood his ground and bravely confronted the giant representing the enemy.

Granted, in the above described scenario (and a few weeks earlier, in their attack upon Kabul), those Taliban acted like warriors, and I respect them for that, even though I don't concur with their reasons for doing so.

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The Taliban terrorists are not "getting some" in my mind.

Well if the original manifesto stated goal was bankrupt the USA

I would disagree.

Some would say for what they spent & the results they achieved

in getting the US to spend not only what they had but now what they dont.....

well.......Like I said for what??

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Yes, in some ways it is rather 'David and Goliath' - however, the 'Davids' in this scenario often dress like women and hide among women and children. Some of their ilk recruit retarded men and women to strap on bomb belts - and force them to walk to crowded markets. The Biblical 'David' was a man who didn't dress in women's clothes, and stood his ground and bravely confronted the giant representing the enemy.

Granted, in the above described scenario (and a few weeks earlier, in their attack upon Kabul), those Taliban acted like warriors, and I respect them for that, even though I don't concur with their reasons for doing so.

:D Well yes if taken literally but then again David literally wore a skirt :lol:

That aside it is loosely defined as a smaller fighting a much larger & that is the context I had in mind.

As for the style of fighting.... guerrilla warfare on their home turf is what it is.

No different than when they fought the Russians....Also no different will the outcome be.

Although unlike that time none is slipping them high tech weaponry to later be retrieved one bullet at a time.

Interesting thought though....How would it be viewed if the Russians now let some tools slip in like

tools were slipped in against them?

No they... given their size & means fight as they will. On their terms...They are small & easily outmaneuver

forces that take days if not weeks to change direction.

Again in the end....For What?

Is America safer? Are we poorer?

Easy for folks who have been gone from the US for days,weeks,years,decades to cheer this on from the sidelines.

It is wholly another thing for us living here in the US to feel the decent into poverty,loss of freedoms & Constitutional rights

all in the name of this?

No Thanks

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Yes ebb & flow

Yet one has to wonder.....They have been getting some for a long time now no?

Against Forces that are suppose to be the strongest in the world....??

Yet Goliath now over a decade chasing folks who train on jungle gyms & have no navy.

no air force, no kevlar, heck no uniforms right? ;)

I hope the super power never has to fight a real enemy of more equal means.

This smells a lot like Vietnam only this should have been even easier :lol:

End result will be the same though...........And for what?

Fighting a guerrilla force and a standing army are much, much different. If the US was fighting an "enemy of more equal means," then that enemy would stand and fight or even bring the fight to US forces. In that sort of scenario, it would be more like WWII or Korea, and may the best force win.

In guerrilla warfare, there rarely are any battle lines. Occasionally, the Taliban fighters do make a more concerted military-style attack, but most of the casualties result from quick ambushes, IED's, suicide bombing, snipers, and the like.

From a historical perspective, in order to truly bring the fight to the enemy, the NATO forces would have to be willing to go into an area and crush everyone, combatants and non-combatants alike. Villages would be razed if a single shot came from their direction. And while Alexander and even the British of the 19th century may have been willing to do that, neither the Soviets nor NATO was, and so the conflict drags on.

The British waged the most successful war against an insurgent-type enemy during the last century, and that was in Malaysia. And that is now the blueprint for what we are trying to do.

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Wars in Afganistan or elsewhere have very little to do with the current state of America's economy. :whistling:


mmmm sure

While fingers may point & blame may shift

yes the cause of anything may not be a single thing....

But its big contributors remain

Also note that funded versus unfunded & also things that are not counted...still count in the end.

In any case it is accurate to say that which we do not have is in fact being spent daily.....On What?...For What??

Also are the Constitutional rights & liberties that are being removed from US citizens under the guise of security ever to be returned?

Think not.....What price were they worth?

How many boxes can already be ticked?

12 warning signs of fascism

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If it is a guerilla war, then the coalition forces should fight guerilla style using boobytraps, non combatanbts as shields, targeted killings of taliban family members, lopping off body parts, Unfortunately, the hlier than thou groups would claim barbaric tactics and cry about the poor victims.

Why then are the Taliban tactics lauded as noble and glorious, yet, the Afghanistan and coalition forces restrained tactics not recognized for their attempt to protect lives?

The taliban got is butt kicked on this attack and the reason they atatcked is that they are desperate for a victory. The coalition tactics are beginning to pay off. hence the foolish Taliban attack.

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The coalition tactics are beginning to pay off.

Thank Gawd....After all it has only been a decade & trillions of $$$ we did not have not to mention lives that were to young to waste.

Does this mean we can go home soon?

All for What???

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Wars in Afganistan or elsewhere have very little to do with the current state of America's economy. :whistling:


mmmm sure

While fingers may point & blame may shift

yes the cause of anything may not be a single thing....

But its big contributors remain

Also note that funded versus unfunded & also things that are not counted...still count in the end.

In any case it is accurate to say that which we do not have is in fact being spent daily.....On What?...For What??

Also are the Constitutional rights & liberties that are being removed from US citizens under the guise of security ever to be returned?

Think not.....What price were they worth?

How many boxes can already be ticked?

12 warning signs of fascism

WW2 was fought at a cost of $300 billion which in today's dollars is a little more $4 trillion. $185 billion of that amount was paid for with War Bonds. With everything rationed, etc... The US seems to no longer have a problem paying for this war which without a doubt will end up costing way more than the $4 Trillion of WW2. The body count will not be as high is the good news. Why do we not need the war bonds we had to rely on during world war 2?

The Russians claim that trying to fight with mounted infantry in that terrain was their undoing. We are also trying to fight a war with mounted infantry in a terrain that would best be fought with light infantry. Apparently the Russians would end up oftentimes to detached from their equipment and we seem to have the same problem.

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WW2 was fought at a cost of $300 billion which in today's dollars is a little more $4 trillion. $185 billion of that amount was paid for with War Bonds. With everything rationed, etc... The US seems to no longer have a problem paying for this war which without a doubt will end up costing way more than the $4 Trillion of WW2. The body count will not be as high is the good news. Why do we not need the war bonds we had to rely on during world war 2?

The Russians claim that trying to fight with mounted infantry in that terrain was their undoing. We are also trying to fight a war with mounted infantry in a terrain that would best be fought with light infantry. Apparently the Russians would end up oftentimes to detached from their equipment and we seem to have the same problem.

The body count on both sides will not be as high.

For that look at what each dead enemy combatant costs.

For Iraq it was millions per.

That aside

It is 100% un-winnable

It is tribal....Who is the central governing force that can surrender?

As the invaders go from tribal area to tribal area they grow the enemy not reduce it.

It is a war for profit nothing more. It will crush this empire financially like all before it.

Stupidity & for what?

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Some have argued the 8 million per is high compared to the *claimed* war budget

Yet at even half or a third is 2-3 million per kill considered success?


Also for a view of true costs....


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The coalition tactics are beginning to pay off.

Thank Gawd....After all it has only been a decade & trillions of $$$ we did not have not to mention lives that were to young to waste.

Does this mean we can go home soon?

All for What???

To invert your line of reasoning, what would have been the cost of doing nothing? P.S The founding fathers lived in a completely different world than one where religiously motivated zealots desire to set up a global Caliphate taking the entire planet back to the 7th century.

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The coalition tactics are beginning to pay off.

Thank Gawd....After all it has only been a decade & trillions of $$$ we did not have not to mention lives that were to young to waste.

Does this mean we can go home soon?

All for What???

To invert your line of reasoning, what would have been the cost of doing nothing? P.S The founding fathers lived in a completely different world than one where religiously motivated zealots desire to set up a global Caliphate taking the entire planet back to the 7th century.

I never said do nothing....

Of course those guilty should be brought to justice.

Also we should learn from it...How did it happen?

Not least of all we should ask why it happened.

Yes the simple minded like the "They Hate Us For Our Freedoms" simplistic approach but it does not hold water.

Instead listen to the advisers in our own military/CIA that said blow back was inevitable. Look at OBL's manifesto....did it say they hate us for freedoms or occupation of holy lands?

As for doing nothing.....again...I never said that & instead you tell me?

What would have happened?

Taliban Air Force would start dropping bombs?....Taliban Navy pulling into port?

Yes exactly what would have happened to America?

Well hopefully instead they would learn from 9-11 & beef up areas that were obviously lacking in Security/Defense

But instead this invasion of various countries under the guise of war on terror exactly what did it get us?

I ask because we are now paying a very high price not only in dollars & lives but lost liberties & rights guaranteed by our Constitution which has been sidestepped.

Safer? How can that be when even our National Guard has been stripped from our States to go overseas....That in itself a breech.

Are we safer without them?

Yes the world may be a little different than the founding fathers world but their wisdom stands today better than anything currently sitting in offices that have seemingly little knowledge of that which they took an oath to protect & uphold.

They could use a refresher course on its wisdom & truths.

While your sensationalized statement of

where religiously motivated zealots desire to set up a global Caliphate taking the entire planet back to the 7th century.

May sound ...well sensational...it is not based in reality/truth & thinking folks know it.

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Yes the simple minded like the "They Hate Us For Our Freedoms" simplistic approach but it does not hold water.

Maybe, but the only poster who ever says this is you - over and over again. The radical Muslims want establish a global Caliphate and they have made no secret about it. Western feedoms would violate Sharia law and that is how the terrorists want to rule. Is that what you are talking about?

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Amidst all this, somebody has to mention the evils of Taliban rule and the suppression of the people of Afganistan that it involved. From their treatment of women to the prohibition of music of any kind.

People were stoned to death (buried upto their heads and stoned) for "alleged" adultery or less, limbs were hacked off for the most trivial crime, whippings and torture were rife. The prisons were full.

Women were housebound and only allowed out when accompanied by their husband and then they were covered from head to toe in a burkha, with it's small slot for vision. If she travelled in a car, she sat in the open boot. The wife was beaten if the meal was slightly sub-standard or if the husband felt like it. Domestic violence was the norm and she was disposed of if the husband wanted another, or at least kept on as a dredge. She was an object of sex without consent. Homosexualty was punished severely, yet buggery of little boys was commonplace.

There was no such thing as schooling for girls and they had their husband chosen for them at an early age and ther genitals mutilated.

Money was extorted from the poor to pay for the Taliban lifestyle and their weaponry. There was no form of government by consent, just tyranny. Extreme wealth was paid for by the oppressed poor. Life was barren and joyless and frightening. Corruption was rife, society was lawless..

It was evil, medieval and represented an uncivilisation totally at odds with the modern World and all the values we adhere to. All in the name of religion, or at least their distorted interpretation of that religion.

Afganistan was once a peaceful and well-run country, despite all it's drawbacks. The Russians ended this. Read the book, "The Kite Runner," by Khaled Husseini.

All this before the Taliban gave home to Al Quaeda with it's training camps, Bin Laden's money and subsequent twin towers stlyle atrocities, which had to be prevented for all our futures..

Never has a war been so justifiable. The US did not start it and the support of Nato and others confirms this.

Evil quickly prospers in this World, if it is allowed to and there is no such thing as an unwinnable war..

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Instead listen to the advisers in our own military/CIA that said blow back was inevitable. Look at OBL's manifesto....did it say they hate us for freedoms or occupation of holy lands?

I think you are confusing motive with pretext, to extend your line of reasoning blow back is inevitable if you have a free press which can satire religion, the pretext changes but motive stays the same.

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Instead listen to the advisers in our own military/CIA that said blow back was inevitable. Look at OBL's manifesto....did it say they hate us for freedoms or occupation of holy lands?

I think you are confusing motive with pretext,

Nice try but sorry...

Go study a bit....

Read what folks like Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz recognized back at the beginning.

Go read what Philip Giraldi former counter-terrorism expert with the CIA said.

Or perhaps the former chief of the CIA's Osama Bin Laden unit had to say about it? He did not buy the line that the attacks

on America had nothing to do with what our government does in the Islamic world. In fact he said they have EVERYTHING to do with what we do.

Do those folks know less than you?

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Amidst all this, somebody has to mention the evils of Taliban rule and the suppression of the people of Afganistan that it involved. From their treatment of women to the prohibition of music of any kind.

People were stoned to death (buried upto their heads and stoned) for "alleged" adultery or less, limbs were hacked off for the most trivial crime, whippings and torture were rife. The prisons were full.

Women were housebound and only allowed out when accompanied by their husband and then they were covered from head to toe in a burkha, with it's small slot for vision. If she travelled in a car, she sat in the open boot. The wife was beaten if the meal was slightly sub-standard or if the husband felt like it. Domestic violence was the norm and she was disposed of if the husband wanted another, or at least kept on as a dredge. She was an object of sex without consent. Homosexualty was punished severely, yet buggery of little boys was commonplace.

There was no such thing as schooling for girls and they had their husband chosen for them at an early age and ther genitals mutilated.

Money was extorted from the poor to pay for the Taliban lifestyle and their weaponry. There was no form of government by consent, just tyranny. Extreme wealth was paid for by the oppressed poor. Life was barren and joyless and frightening. Corruption was rife, society was lawless..

It was evil, medieval and represented an uncivilisation totally at odds with the modern World and all the values we adhere to. All in the name of religion, or at least their distorted interpretation of that religion.

Afganistan was once a peaceful and well-run country, despite all it's drawbacks. The Russians ended this. Read the book, "The Kite Runner," by Khaled Husseini.

All this before the Taliban gave home to Al Quaeda with it's training camps, Bin Laden's money and subsequent twin towers stlyle atrocities, which had to be prevented for all our futures..

Never has a war been so justifiable. The US did not start it and the support of Nato and others confirms this.

Evil quickly prospers in this World, if it is allowed to and there is no such thing as an unwinnable war..

Civilization grows at different rates in different parts of the world. It wasn't that long ago that we burned witches, women could not vote and you could buy heroin over the counter. Many would argue that the US has grown too far too quickly.

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Amidst all this, somebody has to mention the evils of Taliban rule and the suppression of the people of Afganistan that it involved. From their treatment of women to the prohibition of music of any kind.

People were stoned to death (buried upto their heads and stoned) for "alleged" adultery or less, limbs were hacked off for the most trivial crime, whippings and torture were rife. The prisons were full.

Women were housebound and only allowed out when accompanied by their husband and then they were covered from head to toe in a burkha, with it's small slot for vision. If she travelled in a car, she sat in the open boot. The wife was beaten if the meal was slightly sub-standard or if the husband felt like it. Domestic violence was the norm and she was disposed of if the husband wanted another, or at least kept on as a dredge. She was an object of sex without consent. Homosexualty was punished severely, yet buggery of little boys was commonplace.

There was no such thing as schooling for girls and they had their husband chosen for them at an early age and ther genitals mutilated.

Money was extorted from the poor to pay for the Taliban lifestyle and their weaponry. There was no form of government by consent, just tyranny. Extreme wealth was paid for by the oppressed poor. Life was barren and joyless and frightening. Corruption was rife, society was lawless..

It was evil, medieval and represented an uncivilisation totally at odds with the modern World and all the values we adhere to. All in the name of religion, or at least their distorted interpretation of that religion.

Afganistan was once a peaceful and well-run country, despite all it's drawbacks. The Russians ended this. Read the book, "The Kite Runner," by Khaled Husseini.

All this before the Taliban gave home to Al Quaeda with it's training camps, Bin Laden's money and subsequent twin towers stlyle atrocities, which had to be prevented for all our futures..

Never has a war been so justifiable. The US did not start it and the support of Nato and others confirms this.

Evil quickly prospers in this World, if it is allowed to and there is no such thing as an unwinnable war..

Civilization grows at different rates in different parts of the world. It wasn't that long ago that we burned witches, women could not vote and you could buy heroin over the counter. Many would argue that the US has grown too far too quickly.

I made the point that the Taliban had taken the country backwards to the standards of earlier civilisations in order to comply with their religious beliefs and quoted the "Kite Runner" as reference.

Edited by Beechboy
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Amidst all this, somebody has to mention the evils of Taliban rule and the suppression of the people of Afganistan that it involved. From their treatment of women to the prohibition of music of any kind.

People were stoned to death (buried upto their heads and stoned) for "alleged" adultery or less, limbs were hacked off for the most trivial crime, whippings and torture were rife. The prisons were full.

Women were housebound and only allowed out when accompanied by their husband and then they were covered from head to toe in a burkha, with it's small slot for vision. If she travelled in a car, she sat in the open boot. The wife was beaten if the meal was slightly sub-standard or if the husband felt like it. Domestic violence was the norm and she was disposed of if the husband wanted another, or at least kept on as a dredge. She was an object of sex without consent. Homosexualty was punished severely, yet buggery of little boys was commonplace.

There was no such thing as schooling for girls and they had their husband chosen for them at an early age and ther genitals mutilated.

Money was extorted from the poor to pay for the Taliban lifestyle and their weaponry. There was no form of government by consent, just tyranny. Extreme wealth was paid for by the oppressed poor. Life was barren and joyless and frightening. Corruption was rife, society was lawless..

It was evil, medieval and represented an uncivilisation totally at odds with the modern World and all the values we adhere to. All in the name of religion, or at least their distorted interpretation of that religion.

Afganistan was once a peaceful and well-run country, despite all it's drawbacks. The Russians ended this. Read the book, "The Kite Runner," by Khaled Husseini.

All this before the Taliban gave home to Al Quaeda with it's training camps, Bin Laden's money and subsequent twin towers stlyle atrocities, which had to be prevented for all our futures..

Never has a war been so justifiable. The US did not start it and the support of Nato and others confirms this.

Evil quickly prospers in this World, if it is allowed to and there is no such thing as an unwinnable war..

Civilization grows at different rates in different parts of the world. It wasn't that long ago that we burned witches, women could not vote and you could buy heroin over the counter. Many would argue that the US has grown too far too quickly.

I made the point that Afganistan had regressed under the Taliban and mentioned the "Kite Runner" as reference.

The Taliban are intent upon taking that country back to ealier standards of civilisationin order to comply with their religious beliefs.

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Amidst all this, somebody has to mention the evils of Taliban rule and the suppression of the people of Afganistan that it involved. From their treatment of women to the prohibition of music of any kind.

People were stoned to death (buried upto their heads and stoned) for "alleged" adultery or less, limbs were hacked off for the most trivial crime, whippings and torture were rife. The prisons were full.

Women were housebound and only allowed out when accompanied by their husband and then they were covered from head to toe in a burkha, with it's small slot for vision. If she travelled in a car, she sat in the open boot. The wife was beaten if the meal was slightly sub-standard or if the husband felt like it. Domestic violence was the norm and she was disposed of if the husband wanted another, or at least kept on as a dredge. She was an object of sex without consent. Homosexualty was punished severely, yet buggery of little boys was commonplace.

There was no such thing as schooling for girls and they had their husband chosen for them at an early age and ther genitals mutilated.

Money was extorted from the poor to pay for the Taliban lifestyle and their weaponry. There was no form of government by consent, just tyranny. Extreme wealth was paid for by the oppressed poor. Life was barren and joyless and frightening. Corruption was rife, society was lawless..

It was evil, medieval and represented an uncivilisation totally at odds with the modern World and all the values we adhere to. All in the name of religion, or at least their distorted interpretation of that religion.

Afganistan was once a peaceful and well-run country, despite all it's drawbacks. The Russians ended this. Read the book, "The Kite Runner," by Khaled Husseini.

All this before the Taliban gave home to Al Quaeda with it's training camps, Bin Laden's money and subsequent twin towers stlyle atrocities, which had to be prevented for all our futures..

Never has a war been so justifiable. The US did not start it and the support of Nato and others confirms this.

Evil quickly prospers in this World, if it is allowed to and there is no such thing as an unwinnable war..

Civilization grows at different rates in different parts of the world. It wasn't that long ago that we burned witches, women could not vote and you could buy heroin over the counter. Many would argue that the US has grown too far too quickly.

I made the point that Afganistan had regressed under the Taliban and mentioned the "Kite Runner" as reference.

The Taliban are intent upon taking that country back to ealier standards of civilisationin order to comply with their religious beliefs.

I doubt that there is a universal standard for such as that and it will never happen that countries will civilize at the same rate. Nor will it ever happen that countries will not regress. That part of the world holds the US in contempt of everything human and would never conform to western standards out of spite under the cloak of religion.

I doubt that the Taliban will be walking their dogs on leashes and carrying a pooper scooper at all times.

I expect the US to further regress, largely due to the effects of the recession, and will do so without a choice in the matter.

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My computer is playing up, hence all those repeats.

To start anew.

I don't doubt that the U.S. might well regress, relatively speaking and then only in levels of prosperity rather than civilisation.

Before the Taliban rule , Afganistan was a peaceful, relatively prosperous but factious country that was progressing at it's own rate and in it's own way. There was no hostility towards adopting Western standards such as dress or entertaiment. Schooling was becoming more widespread, for both sexes and old taboos were being eroded, although slowly. Kabul, in particular was developing all the facilities associated with a modern capital.

The Taliban attempted to take the country back to the standards that were related to the time of their prophet and to their interpretation of his teachings. Their methods were based upon force, repression and cruelty and the by-products included the creation of a stifled society where even the most innocent of pleasures that we take as normal were outlawed, where women were second class and often worthless citizens and where their version of Sharia Law was obeyed to the point where stonings and whippings were commonplace for the most innocent of "crimes."

You never said whether or not you had read the book I mentioned. It gives an insight into life in Kabul before the Taliban and illustrates my point, I feel.

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My computer is playing up, hence all those repeats.

To start anew.

I don't doubt that the U.S. might well regress, relatively speaking and then only in levels of prosperity rather than civilisation.

Before the Taliban rule , Afganistan was a peaceful, relatively prosperous but factious country that was progressing at it's own rate and in it's own way. There was no hostility towards adopting Western standards such as dress or entertaiment. Schooling was becoming more widespread, for both sexes and old taboos were being eroded, although slowly. Kabul, in particular was developing all the facilities associated with a modern capital.

The Taliban attempted to take the country back to the standards that were related to the time of their prophet and to their interpretation of his teachings. Their methods were based upon force, repression and cruelty and the by-products included the creation of a stifled society where even the most innocent of pleasures that we take as normal were outlawed, where women were second class and often worthless citizens and where their version of Sharia Law was obeyed to the point where stonings and whippings were commonplace for the most innocent of "crimes."

You never said whether or not you had read the book I mentioned. It gives an insight into life in Kabul before the Taliban and illustrates my point, I feel.

I have not read "The Kite Runner" which I thought was fiction.

I was not trying to belittle your point which I fully understand but in several aspects, do not agree with. We have been trying to impose our version of civilization/religion upon others from our beginning. We have not done a good job of it and I guess I must start with the native Americans. I guess you could argue we meant well but we all but destroyed their culture. We could jump to African Slaves, Aztecs, Incas and many others. We seem to have had some success with working class Europeans but decendents of those Europeans my argue differently. But we have not been entirely successful . I do not think we have any business trying to impose western ways on the Taliban or any of the other Afganistanians for that matter. It is none of our concern how backward they choose to be. They are not a threat to us or our way of life.

Mark Twain said it all when he stated: "Among the most amusing findings of my lifetime, was the white man's notion that he is less savage than the savages."

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I hope the super power never has to fight a real enemy of more equal means.

This smells a lot like Vietnam only this should have been even easier :lol:

I don't see this as a laughing matter. If you're just trying to troll up responses I can deal with that.

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