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So, would appreciate any input from some one who knows, rather than guesses.

I am pretty much cut off by the floods. My neighbours left, leaving a cat that they take care of to fend for itself, which it frankly does not seem to be doing very well (no real surprise, as water everywhere over a meter).

I don't have cat food, have a (very) limited supply of wet dog food for my very small dog, and a fair stock of small pellet dried dog food (for a small dog). I know cats and dogs have different dietry requirements and that a long term diet of dog food is bad for a cat, but this is kind of a "no choice" situation.

The cat will take the dried pellet dog food readily, so the question is, I am doing more harm than good?

Would appreciate informed advice (my internet search picked up contradictory advice). Remember the choice is apparently "no food" or "dog food"

thanks in advance.


Dried dog food is OK for a week. I also recommend mixing a bit of what you and your family eat too. Not ideal of course but the combination is OK for a few weeks


Cats are pretty shrewd creatures, and generally know what's good for them. The main advice I would give is, make sure it gets plenty of moisture with its food.

Dogs can eat cat food too. A while ago, I bought cat food by mistake at BigC; the tin was the same colour and so was the price, and I just wasn't really thinking. I use this tinned dog food as a taste supplement to dry food. Anyway, I used the cat food in the same way, and the dogs didn't complain. They didn't even look as if they wanted to complain.


Dried dog food is OK for a week. I also recommend mixing a bit of what you and your family eat too. Not ideal of course but the combination is OK for a few weeks

Sounds like a plan, except family gone and my tastes run to chilli and curry. Still point made and will see what is suitable. When I can get out will pick up some cat food, but gonna be a few days yet.



Dried dog food is OK for a week. I also recommend mixing a bit of what you and your family eat too. Not ideal of course but the combination is OK for a few weeks

Sounds like a plan, except family gone and my tastes run to chilli and curry. Still point made and will see what is suitable. When I can get out will pick up some cat food, but gonna be a few days yet.


Dont leave it too late to buy Cat tinned foods. Even up here in Chiang Mai,the big stores have sold out.

Feeding dry food is OK but make sure you have drinking water as well.


Short term feeding the cat some of the wet dog food wont hurt it, after all the choice is no food or dog food.

Long term its not a good idea, like you said they have different dietary requirements, a week or two wont hurt it tho... If its a Thai cat, it might enjoy the curry... one of my cats loves spicy food and sometimes (as a treat) gets a bit...

Some people disgust me, how could they leave their pet behind during flooding...


Some people disgust me, how could they leave their pet behind during flooding...

Sadly many if not most of the evacuation services say 'humans only', there's a post somewhere on TV where it was 'Thai only, farang not permitted'.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Some people disgust me, how could they leave their pet behind during flooding...

Sadly many if not most of the evacuation services say 'humans only', there's a post somewhere on TV where it was 'Thai only, farang not permitted'.

Farangs are not human now? hehe

if i were faced with that decision, i'd stay behind... or put the cat in a rucksack and not tell anyone :) No way would i leave any family member behind... my animals are part of my family.


I did not evacuate simply because of my 3 cats and dog. If I can't take them, then I would not go. My dog doesn't tolerate cat food very well--he usually vomits unless it is just a small amount.

My cats, however, always eat his food--the dried dog food. They don't seem to have any negative effects from it. Certainly, between no food and dog food, dog food is fine.


Some people disgust me, how could they leave their pet behind during flooding...

Sadly many if not most of the evacuation services say 'humans only', there's a post somewhere on TV where it was 'Thai only, farang not permitted'.

Farangs are not human now? hehe

if i were faced with that decision, i'd stay behind... or put the cat in a rucksack and not tell anyone :) No way would i leave any family member behind... my animals are part of my family.

...and then on a long boat trip, trapped in the flooded area your hidden cat gets out and causes allergic reaction to someone and a human dies because of your cat.

well played sir.


Thats a bit of a stretch but if it makes you feel better for condemning someone for something that has not happened, feel free to do it in the privacy of your own thoughts.


Strange how cats have evolved in the life of our planet without fancy packaged cat food. :) Perhaps if Tesco's shut down they would become extinct eh.:rolleyes:


A cat not surrounded by water will hunt mice, rats, birds and other small animals, Can't see a stranded cat surrounded by water getting much food that way. The fact is, cats do not eat the same things as dogs and a feral cat will not eat grains or dry things etc, they eat meat, they need a high protein diet. Hence the fact that they will eat small animals when in the wild. If you choose to have a house cat then you must accept their carnivorous high protein (and wet) diet and feed them in the appropriate manner.


Some people disgust me, how could they leave their pet behind during flooding...

Sadly many if not most of the evacuation services say 'humans only', there's a post somewhere on TV where it was 'Thai only, farang not permitted'.

Farangs are not human now? hehe

if i were faced with that decision, i'd stay behind... or put the cat in a rucksack and not tell anyone :) No way would i leave any family member behind... my animals are part of my family.

...and then on a long boat trip, trapped in the flooded area your hidden cat gets out and causes allergic reaction to someone and a human dies because of your cat.

well played sir.

It could also work the other way. The boat is adrift for days in the flood, you run out of food, skin the cat, eat it and safe a human life. The cats owner can always keep the skin and have it made into morning slippers. Win-Win...:D


Ok all, thanks for the serious (and so less so) replies.

The cat turned up with her "kitten" (six to eight months oldish) last night (who I thought was toast a long time ago), so they shared some dry dog food mixed with a can of fish in tomato sauce - which apparently went down a treat, together with a bowlful of fresh water.

In light of the kitten, I bit the bullet and waded out through the water to the last remaining retailer open in my area (bless him). I am now the temporary owner of four boxes of dried catfood and half a dozen cans of wet.

Hopefully problem solved for a while.


Ok all, thanks for the serious (and so less so) replies.

The cat turned up with her "kitten" (six to eight months oldish) last night (who I thought was toast a long time ago), so they shared some dry dog food mixed with a can of fish in tomato sauce - which apparently went down a treat, together with a bowlful of fresh water.

In light of the kitten, I bit the bullet and waded out through the water to the last remaining retailer open in my area (bless him). I am now the temporary owner of four boxes of dried catfood and half a dozen cans of wet.

Hopefully problem solved for a while.

Well done sir, your a good man


Ok all, thanks for the serious (and so less so) replies.

The cat turned up with her "kitten" (six to eight months oldish) last night (who I thought was toast a long time ago), so they shared some dry dog food mixed with a can of fish in tomato sauce - which apparently went down a treat, together with a bowlful of fresh water.

In light of the kitten, I bit the bullet and waded out through the water to the last remaining retailer open in my area (bless him). I am now the temporary owner of four boxes of dried catfood and half a dozen cans of wet.

Hopefully problem solved for a while.

Well done sir, your a good man

Agree, a true hero of cats.

Now, if you need to clean your toilet, just follow the below instructions:

How To Clean Your Toilet - The Fun Way


  1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.
  2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.
  3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids. You may need to stand on the lid.
  4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.
  5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power-wash" and rinse".
  6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.
  7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.
  8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.
  9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean


If the cat starts barking you'll know why!:lol: .

You could also cook rice and mix that with the leftovers or if you have some fish, mix that in with the rice.

You know, it is actually possible to make a cat sound like a dog. Just soak it in gasoline, throw a lit match at it and ......."Wooh"

Similar, you can make a dog sound like a cat. Hose the dog over with water, throw it in the freezer over night, then run it fast through a band saw.....Miawww.

Kids, don't try this at home (do it outside).


If the cat starts barking you'll know why!:lol: .

You could also cook rice and mix that with the leftovers or if you have some fish, mix that in with the rice.

You know, it is actually possible to make a cat sound like a dog. Just soak it in gasoline, throw a lit match at it and ......."Wooh"

Similar, you can make a dog sound like a cat. Hose the dog over with water, throw it in the freezer over night, then run it fast through a band saw.....Miawww.

Kids, don't try this at home (do it outside).

:redcard2:, on the other hand!

now I know what to do with the Labrador and cat! :whistling:

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