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The Water Filter Question


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I would like some suggestions.

I like mineral water, I do not want RO water that is basically void of minerals.

I usually buy Minere although have been told it is not the best. But now that I bought the last bottle of Minere in Kata and maybe all of PHuket and have been informed the factory is in Aythuya (sp?)

I think perhaps it is time to get a filter as the factory won't be opening up soon and I really don't like the wastefulness of all the bottles.

I live at the base of the hills with nothing above me and our water in my moo baan is well water that my landlord drinks straight from the tap. I live in Kata basically below the big Buddha.

I don't want to drive much further then Chalong and don't want the Amway one. My neighbor said he saw a ceramic one for 4k at Homepro. Although I know they are usually 10+ for a proper one.

I would not be able to install it myself, also do they need electricity?

I was looking at the old thread about bottle water. ..

Any feedback appreciated and welcome.

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Thanks dont want the UV rays. 7k sounds ok. Do they install? Anyone have any experience? Would prefer to go to HP armed with the info.

well, Minere is UV light treated

basicly only three simple ways to get bacteria free drinking water, RO or UV or boiling

boiling makes water taste, well boiled

RO removes minerals, and is most common

UV needs maintance as clean light source and replacing bulb

been through them all

20 liters RO water from Kata Greenwater at 10 baht is hard to beat :)

and a safe bet in Phuket due to a lot of heavy minerals/metals in water

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The rule of thumb is, if you are not sure of the water quality, here is my tried and proven test.

Drink a liter before beddy-bye. If you have the scoots in the morning, the water had feces in it.

If your tummy is OK, the water was OK.

Easy...any other questions, ask Dr. Giggles...'cause he loves ya.

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was hoping for feedback from anyone who has a water filter. but thanks for the info

I use a simple countertop water filter, run it into a big plastic bowl (same as the ones used for handwashing laundry), then treat it with ozone & bottle it. A simple ozone generator can be found at Lotus Home Pro, I could not find one at the Chalong branch. The ozone machine is also good for treating your fruit & veges.

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Anybody know a better way to test your water other than drinking it

and seeing if it makes you sick.

We have a filter hooked up to the tap, and when I changed it after the recommended 6 months, it still looked brand new

Vachira hospital has a water testing service. Price depends on what tests you want but can include things like e-coli.

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