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Real Job Or Scam?

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Hi, ThaiVisa community.

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I feel it is important to share with the community. I found and respond to a job ad here on ThaiVisa with the emails address from Topjobs4you.com. The job was simply put posting recruitment ads online. I was dubious but I thought what can I lose, I earn nothing in my free time.

The job ad in question was actually advertise as "Office help" but once I inquire I was told in a very long email just what it is about. Which in short as I mention posting recruitment ads online. Not really office help in my opinion. So this is where it gets more dubious whatever emails and question I ask was always reply with either one word or one sentence answer. I work for various people from home and they are never so rude and inattentive.

Okay so here is where it get even more suspicious. What I was asked to do is post the same ads on different site in different cities. No actual address came with these ads I am asked to posts. When I ask if this was correct and okay I was pretty much dismissed. How can you have the same jobs in various cities in north America? The person doesn't even know which cities I plan on posting it in, in fact does not even care. How can you get the right recruit this way? Only instruction was post in big north American cities. Does the person intend to relocate the right person? It doesn't seem right which is why I asked and the answer was even more strange taking in account how unconcern they were.

In the original email they say they pay every second Friday. So it's been over two weeks that I have spent my spare time doing these highly questionable work. To no surprise I have not been paid. When I have ask for clarification on this I get no reply. They usually respond to me within 3 hours, now 3 days and 2 emails have pass and no reply. I will send another email linking to this post asking them to defend themselves. If they are ligit everything will be sorted. If not than the community is a bit wiser. I remind everyone the job ad was posted on ThaiVisa, so I feel it's very relevent to the community.

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Sounds like a bit of a scam to me either:

They have got you to do work for them for free, ie they are not going to pay you, or they are going to ask for an "admin' fee so you can get paid....you are obviously not going to daft enough to send them any money if they do ask...are you ?

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They have not asked me to pay anything. They did asked me to set up a gmail address for the work. Which I had make sure I did not use my regular password or add in sensitive information to it. I have sent them an email telling them about this post. So let us see if they will defend themselves. If they advertise a scam job on a site with an active community forum I would say it's very foolish of them.

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I got a bridge in Arizona for sale and if you buy it, I'll through in the Golden Gate Bridge.

Yes, it's a scam and if you apply for the position, you've just set yourself up. Why, they got you hooked and will start reeling in on you. You replied to them (E-mail).

Better change your e-mail and all account information ASAP. Change your living area. Change jobs, get a new wife.

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so you have been basically posting back links and seo work for them? and all for free? , for 2 weeks ? ...... can i have your email please, normally costs me around $400 dollars for that amount of work

Yes that is pretty much what I have done. Less of SEO really as they were identical as was not optimised in writing for best SEO impact. I also work freelance as SEO copy writer so I know what I was asked to posted was not the best quality for it. As for my email address I will send you a private message if that is okay.

Update on the issue, 4 email in as many days and no replies. Considering they used to respond within 3 hours then have gone quite is more than suspicious Checking topjobs4you.com they do exist as entity. So it seem they cut conner by scamming people to work for them for free. I will attempt to contact them via my alternate email as a new person interested in working for them. If they respond then it's conclusive.

Edited by Wlaisuwan
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Just to update

I know some of you may think I am stupid or even deserve what I got. I however wouldn't wish it upon anyone and I posted here to warn other people of the perils. I work freelance and I can say that most people I work with are decent. The people from topjobs4you.com are not decent or honest human beings by any means.

After several ignored mails about payment I send them a new email address pretending to be interested in the job. They responded within 20 minutes. Welcoming me and giving me details as usual. When I ask what guarantee do I have they will pay they reply with "I want to work with you long term. Training you for the short term makes me lose money" Which is a complete lie because it cost them nothing to train and then not pay up. My next reply I reveal who I was and I never heard from them since. I would say I caught them red handed and reveal how they operate by scamming people to work for free.

So I think everyone can agree this is all a scam and should stay well away from them. I have send them email of this link if they cared enough to defend themselves I'm sure they will appear but haven't so far and I doubt they will. As a last word on this topic I have work freelance and many people are honest people who outsource their work, not everyone are out to scam.

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I'd be somewhat tempted to go back and alter some of the ads or post alternative ads of your own if free and possible, and doesn't take long. Don't be malicious, however, just facts to post something like an apology to anyone who has read the ads, that you have been misled by the company, name it and say that you have been unpaid for the work done and people should seriously consider avoiding the company :)

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Thank you, Wlaisuwan, for bringing this to the attention of our members. If the job offer to which you refer is still visible on the forum, please be so kind as to klick on the report button below the post and in the comments box write that you have been cheated by them and give this link to your original post in this topic:


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