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It made me laugh :D

Me 2. Anyway I'm way ahead of all you guys having already been in cotton/linen USD the whole time...

never any Angolan Kwanza or Singha? :huh:



Nice fairy tale...but like all fairy tales just something you tell children to put them to sleep.

The fact is: (and here's my opinion)

There was or is no "first financial crisis" or "2nd financial crisis".

The term "crisis" is simply a term used by reporters, commentaters, and politicians to alarm people. Scared people will do anything and believe anything to "save" themselves.

That's how the three groups I mentioned above intend to take advantage of those scared people...the masses...to icrease their own power over them.

There is a major problem with the financial system worldwide, but it is a systematic problem, not a "crisis".

The problem is that the world economic system is controled by a small minority of the world's population for their own profit at the expense of others.

They regard those of you...the lower class...as no more than a dirty deposit on the soles of their shoes.

That's why they tell you those fairy tales.

One day, when they grow tired of you and your antics are no longer amusing to them, they will stomp their feet and you and all your happy fairy tales will be squashed.

Untl that happens, enjoy you're nightly fairy tales.

But, take care, it's coming sooner than you think.

Until then, enjoy your dreams of "profit"




Nice fairy tale...but like all fairy tales just something you tell children to put them to sleep.

The fact is: (and here's my opinion)

There was or is no "first financial crisis" or "2nd financial crisis".

The term "crisis" is simply a term used by reporters, commentaters, and politicians to alarm people. Scared people will do anything and believe anything to "save" themselves.

That's how the three groups I mentioned above intend to take advantage of those scared people...the masses...to icrease their own power over them.

There is a major problem with the financial system worldwide, but it is a systematic problem, not a "crisis".

The problem is that the world economic system is controled by a small minority of the world's population for their own profit at the expense of others.

They regard those of you...the lower class...as no more than a dirty deposit on the soles of their shoes.

That's why they tell you those fairy tales.

One day, when they grow tired of you and your antics are no longer amusing to them, they will stomp their feet and you and all your happy fairy tales will be squashed.

Untl that happens, enjoy you're nightly fairy tales.

But, take care, it's coming sooner than you think.

Until then, enjoy your dreams of "profit"





Nice fairy tale...but like all fairy tales just something you tell children to put them to sleep.

The fact is: (and here's my opinion)

There was or is no "first financial crisis" or "2nd financial crisis".

The term "crisis" is simply a term used by reporters, commentaters, and politicians to alarm people. Scared people will do anything and believe anything to "save" themselves.

That's how the three groups I mentioned above intend to take advantage of those scared people...the masses...to icrease their own power over them.

There is a major problem with the financial system worldwide, but it is a systematic problem, not a "crisis".

The problem is that the world economic system is controled by a small minority of the world's population for their own profit at the expense of others.

They regard those of you...the lower class...as no more than a dirty deposit on the soles of their shoes.

That's why they tell you those fairy tales.

One day, when they grow tired of you and your antics are no longer amusing to them, they will stomp their feet and you and all your happy fairy tales will be squashed.

Untl that happens, enjoy you're nightly fairy tales.

But, take care, it's coming sooner than you think.

Until then, enjoy your dreams of "profit"


a little background information goes a long way, example:

(An investor is a person who would pimp his daughter...but only for a good rate of return on his investment... better than market rate.) :annoyed:

ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Your Honour;

please show some mercy when you reach a verdict. it is not easy for people who don't have money to invest but comment on investment strategies. and those who have no daughters to pimp are punished especially harsh by fate, kismet and/or karma.



You might be in for a surprise if the Italians start to put their house in order, its possible then the Euro might looka bit better and markets will start to stabilize, we need some good news, lets hope, thats all we have at the moment. Looking to profit from a second FC is not what the world needs now, it may be what YOU need now, but if it goes down the pan we are going with it, there will be no winners.:(

Moving currency and gold thrown into the equasion is just a gamble to far, for me at my age anyway, if you are young have money you are prepared to lose then take that risk, I will watch and wait for another opportunity.

Did anyone see the B O E new £50 note today? I mailed them to send me a sample to my Greek Bank, The Bank of Never Pay :D


It made me laugh :D

Me 2. Anyway I'm way ahead of all you guys having already been in cotton/linen USD the whole time...

So what is your strategy with USD?

To obtain and hoard as much as I can.



Nice fairy tale...but like all fairy tales just something you tell children to put them to sleep.

The fact is: (and here's my opinion)

There was or is no "first financial crisis" or "2nd financial crisis".

The term "crisis" is simply a term used by reporters, commentaters, and politicians to alarm people. Scared people will do anything and believe anything to "save" themselves.

That's how the three groups I mentioned above intend to take advantage of those scared people...the masses...to icrease their own power over them.

There is a major problem with the financial system worldwide, but it is a systematic problem, not a "crisis".

The problem is that the world economic system is controled by a small minority of the world's population for their own profit at the expense of others.

They regard those of you...the lower class...as no more than a dirty deposit on the soles of their shoes.

That's why they tell you those fairy tales.

One day, when they grow tired of you and your antics are no longer amusing to them, they will stomp their feet and you and all your happy fairy tales will be squashed.

Untl that happens, enjoy you're nightly fairy tales.

But, take care, it's coming sooner than you think.

Until then, enjoy your dreams of "profit"


Interesting theory but not original, however I agree.

The reality is most western countries have adopted reforms of neoliberalism economics

The reforms, dubbed a shock policy at the time by Milton Friedman, were based on the liberal economic ideas centred around the University of Chicago. Many of the Chilean economists who drafted the reforms came from there and were collectively dubbed the "Chicago Boys".My link Shock Doctrine - The Rise Of Disaster Capitalism has a good discription and history My link


Global Financial Crisis Strategy

here's my two Satangs:


-buy Angolan Kwanza

-use a straight forward value 31. april 2012

-hedge Kwanza short Chang / long Singha

-move Boon Rawd Breweries to spot not threatened by floods

-dig canals sloping towards Kamphaeng Phet Brewery

phase 1 of crisis

-instigate military coup in Democratic Republic of Congo

-put marxist Congolose general in power

-spread rumour that Congolese Franc will be devaluated

phase 2 of crisis

-Congolese citizens exchange all Francs against Kwanza

-Kwanza appreciates "greatly" vs. AUD

-buy 17.3 tons of gold (at a discount of 50%) denominated in AUD

-wait till Kwanza collapses

-sell gold and repurchase Kwanza

-pray for floods


-take profit and buy Boon Rawd Brewery

-close short Chang long Singha

your thoughts? :unsure:

Encourage the upstart of real ale micro breweries KAP! Discount for dark brews on Health grounds KAP! Seek help and guidance on best practise from CAMRA KAP! Miss out the walk round the park, get straight down to the important bit KAP!:D


Encourage the upstart of real ale micro breweries KAP! Discount for dark brews on Health grounds KAP! Seek help and guidance on best practise from CAMRA KAP! Miss out the walk round the park, get straight down to the important bit KAP!:D

bravo! :clap2: i like pragmatic and constructive inputs :thumbsup:


OK, seems that my idea has attracted some laughter and ridicule.

So I decided to put my money where my mouth is...

Have bought U.S. dollars with Aussie dollars.

Will keep my play updated on here over the coming months as the situation unfolds.

I wonder who will have the last laugh?

Fritter fair decision and probably not bad.. except I fear the Euro debacle has away to go.

My strategy is to take most of my thai baht out of my account and buy gold.. straight to gold bullion.

Swiss francs were suggested but cant see the Swiss allowing the Franc to strengthen too much as it will basket case their exports... Euro collapse or non bail out agreement consensus Greece/Italy/ Spain will put pressure on USD. I believe governments will more and more start heading back to gold standard or at least increasing their reserves as a full gold standard backed currency given debt levels of some of these countries would be impossible.. come Feb/ April 2012 Gold , USD 2000 oz or greater

So I accept your challenge.. you go currency route I go gold... highest percentage gain is the winner...keep me updated and i will do likewise.

Good luck, I hope we both win.

Cheers and thanks for posting your thoughts

Rgds Monty

Swiss francs were suggested but cant see the Swiss allowing the Franc to strengthen too much as it will basket case their exports

since september 5 (CHF quasi peg to EUR) hardly anybody is suggesting Swiss Francs.


OK, seems that my idea has attracted some laughter and ridicule.

So I decided to put my money where my mouth is...

Have bought U.S. dollars with Aussie dollars.

Will keep my play updated on here over the coming months as the situation unfolds.

I wonder who will have the last laugh?

Fritter fair decision and probably not bad.. except I fear the Euro debacle has away to go.

My strategy is to take most of my thai baht out of my account and buy gold.. straight to gold bullion.

Swiss francs were suggested but cant see the Swiss allowing the Franc to strengthen too much as it will basket case their exports... Euro collapse or non bail out agreement consensus Greece/Italy/ Spain will put pressure on USD. I believe governments will more and more start heading back to gold standard or at least increasing their reserves as a full gold standard backed currency given debt levels of some of these countries would be impossible.. come Feb/ April 2012 Gold , USD 2000 oz or greater

So I accept your challenge.. you go currency route I go gold... highest percentage gain is the winner...keep me updated and i will do likewise.

Good luck, I hope we both win.

Cheers and thanks for posting your thoughts

Rgds Monty

Sounds good Monty. Just as an aside. I store my gold in Australia. Where abouts do you store yours in Thailand?


OK, seems that my idea has attracted some laughter and ridicule.

So I decided to put my money where my mouth is...

Have bought U.S. dollars with Aussie dollars.

Will keep my play updated on here over the coming months as the situation unfolds.

I wonder who will have the last laugh?

Fritter fair decision and probably not bad.. except I fear the Euro debacle has away to go.

My strategy is to take most of my thai baht out of my account and buy gold.. straight to gold bullion.

Swiss francs were suggested but cant see the Swiss allowing the Franc to strengthen too much as it will basket case their exports... Euro collapse or non bail out agreement consensus Greece/Italy/ Spain will put pressure on USD. I believe governments will more and more start heading back to gold standard or at least increasing their reserves as a full gold standard backed currency given debt levels of some of these countries would be impossible.. come Feb/ April 2012 Gold , USD 2000 oz or greater

So I accept your challenge.. you go currency route I go gold... highest percentage gain is the winner...keep me updated and i will do likewise.

Good luck, I hope we both win.

Cheers and thanks for posting your thoughts

Rgds Monty

Sounds good Monty. Just as an aside. I store my gold in Australia. Where abouts do you store yours in Thailand?

Just about to buy it here.. any advice on where to store it in Thailand or is under the bed as best it gets here ??


Darlings, men who sweet talk you about their big "IQ", they look in a mirror ......... clap2.gif


... a shock policy ... Shock Doctrine - The Rise Of Disaster Capitalism has a good discription and history My link

... and the result of the shock doctrine many feel today is meeting a shock wave from the future according to Philip K Dick. He wrote Bladerunner, the movie.

(I stand corrected, Bladerunner in fact was written by William Burroughs, but that's another movie. And Shockwave rider, that's another book.)


From my wife’s point of view she is buying up and stockpiling fabric. The price of cotton is going up and so will the price of fabrics. Worse case is she can make a lot of quilts and we can keep warm in case of global cooling. Best case is the price of fabric will skyrocket and she will have a more valuable stockpile.

My approach is to buy more lead, fishing molds and associated stuff. In the worst case I can sit in the boat and fish and drink beer. In the best case I can sit in the boat and fish and drink beer. Or perhaps buy gold powder paint and paint the lead a gold color and trade it for beer. While I’m fishing my wife can sew up her quilts. Can’t lose.


Encourage the upstart of real ale micro breweries KAP! Discount for dark brews on Health grounds KAP! Seek help and guidance on best practise from CAMRA KAP! Miss out the walk round the park, get straight down to the important bit KAP!:D

bravo! :clap2: i like pragmatic and constructive inputs :thumbsup:

I do like your one line retorts.. they have a certain sizzle and slap that captures it all.


Don't you think Naomi Klein is hot - smart and sexy! She also likes a good Dick story. In a recent interview, asked what was the most shocking fact to emerge from her recent research, she replied bluntly, "human stupidity". Sad, but it made me laugh. It's a good book, worth a read, some of my own research is mentioned in two footnotes, check the Index under "shock".

Look out for her previous bestseller called "No Brains: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, and the World", you can get it for free , It's a comprehensive introduction to the shock doctrine.

... and "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep" is a good introduction to Philip K Dick's theory of the shock wave. He once said in an interview, "Most humans act like robots, maybe they are".


I like Dick and I know a big dick when I see one, they give themselves the clap.

Maybe the sub-title, "The Disaster of Capitalism" put Ladyboys off Naomi's book, who knows? I emailed her once: "What do you say to Buddhists who do not think that Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Christianity without Hell?" She wrote back promptly: "Capitalism creates bad karma." She's a smart cookie.

Philip Dick wrote a short story about androids "Just In Time", on which the new movie "In Time", starring Justin Timeberlake, is based. It is a true story about time and money, of sheeple who want to be androids, they have watches implanted in their forearms, trying to make a fast buck surviving a financial crisis, like some hideous experiment from Nazi Germany, hope it happens, sooner rather then later.


The Friedmanesque landscape of the shock doctrine is grotesque, like the visions of Orwell and Kafka, or the Club of Rome. The antidote is anti-Friedman disinfection and brainwashing. I recommend highly Doctor Michael Hudson. Here he is with Lauren Lyster, discussing "shocking" figures and the coming "shockwave".

Smart cookie: Let's listen to what Doctor Hudson has to say.

Doctor: Everyone's in the same boat, the problem is the system. Not only the financial system, the political system has sold out to the banking system and the justice system. The politicians, the Congress, the President, they are all slimeballs and should be shot. The shock doctrine is Washington policy, first under Clinton and Obama took it over. They are two peas out of the same pod.

Smart cookie: Two slime molds out the same pond. So, what will the revolution look like?

Doctor. What we are seeing is just the pre revolutionary stage.

Smart cookie: That's his prediction, a peaceful revolution. Thank you Doctor Hudson.

Reese Bobby[/font]'']

I cannot speak for men, but as a woman I find it difficult not to admire this brilliant man. He appears to be very sincere, kind and confident without being cocky. He has class.

For the ladies who don't brush with fluoride and other fans of Kyle - don't hate the mirror because you're ugly - Bass, more bass-kicks-ass Zen moments:

Debt Sustainability: Which Countries Are Beyond the Point of Return and Why -

guest post submitted by MsCreant[/font]'']

Celente got many of us thinking—“If a guy like him can be refused access to his money, then who is safe surfing?” Some argue he should not have been buying “paper gold.” Celente states that he was buying PM futures and taking delivery. “Max Keiser” the “Silver Bears” “Turd Fergusen” and more, have encouraged us to buy silver and “Bust the Comex.” ... But as I got to thinking, I realized all of the above misses a valuable take away lesson. It is not simply the case that MF Global is a “first domino to fall” or a “canary in the coal mine” or a “harbinger of collapse.” MF Global is a fractal in a frying pan.

Gerald and Bill—you are not special. Today you can garner attention and sympathy (or contempt) for your plight. Tomorrow you will be but a grain of sand in an avalanche of financial discord, fuel long burned off in a raging firestorm that will consume everything, a fractal spark that flew out of the frying pan, giving us a glimpse of the future.


He'll be OK I think, he lost some money, but not his sense of humour, he cracks me up. http://www.netcastdaily.com/broadcast/fsn2011-1119-2.mp3


I guess the best strategy, for any crisis - don't dumb yourself down. Take your time, sharpen your sense of humour, take control of your future, these are life's most valuable assets. Aim to get out of debt, convert all your paper into physical gold and silver, follow the gold/silver ratio, internalize systems thinking and permaculture, establish a sustainable garden, clear your mind, follow your moral compass, entertain your wife and spend quality time with your pets, they love you despite the masks. And watch the signal to noise ratio, don't read and write shit like me. Hats off to the lurkers who have self-control. Silence is golden and still waters run deep, now go with the flow.

Mrs Shokdee sings: Sun's going down, like a big bald head, disappearing behind the boulevard. Ooooeee. It's Sharkey's night, yeah, it's Sharkey's night tonight. And the call girl says: Sharkey? He's on the bed right now. Yeah, I'm giving him a massage. And Sharkey says: Hey, kemosabe, long time no see. He says: Hey sport, you connect the dots, you pick up the pieces. And Sharkey says: Deep in the jungles of lush Thailand, home of the brave. He says: Listen to your heart beat. Paging Mrs. Shokdee. White courtesy telephone please.


BTW Jersey based ETF "SAU3:PZ" would give you 3 times leverage on the daily change AUD vs USD movements, instead of a "SAD" choice - might get you nearer to 30% upside if the direction goes right.

Really can't see the rest of your "scenario" coming about tho, unless we get into the realms of an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of type-writers and one producing the works of Shakespeare, or parallel universes like the "Sliders" TV series. So can't suggest much there. But good luck anyway :)

BTW2 Suggest you also set a stop loss it doesn't work out as planned :)

If you went ahead with the ETF you should be on a nice profit now. AUD down 5% or so around the dates we've been talking. Leveraged @ 3 x daily movements should be nice.

Would be tempted to take some profit in your shoes. My guess above was for 10% max in the fx rate, and you're half way there or so. These leveraged ETFs can turn nasty quickly if markets turn against you. By all means leave some risk on, but considering taking some profit now you're ahead. Don't see it going much lower for now, and could move back :)

Thanks fletchsmile. Your advice is very much appreciated. I was going to buy the asx etf "USD" but I love the sound of 3 times leverage with "SAU3:PZ".

My confidence in the U.S. dollar increasing 50 per cent against the Aussie dollar is based on it doing so during the first GFC. I actually wonder if this may be a conservative estimate given the expectation that the second GFC is going to be far worse due to it relating to the insolvency of countries and banks instead of just the insolvency of banks in the first GFC.

Is the "SAU3:PZ" ETF traded on the London Stock Exchange?

Edit: Not sure what happened to my post - was typing and it disappeared.

Brief summary as don't want to retype all. You should be nicely up now if you went for the ETF. AUD is down around 5% on the dates we were talking about. With 3 x daily leverage that should be nice double digits.

Might want to consider taking some profits now you're ahead and taking a little risk off the table. I only reckoned on about 10% drop in AUD/USD so we're half way there. Since then with changes, I reckon it could go either way from here, and am less confident whereas before I'd bet on AUD weakening. These ETFs turn nasty quickly with the leverage.


BTW Jersey based ETF "SAU3:PZ" would give you 3 times leverage on the daily change AUD vs USD movements, instead of a "SAD" choice - might get you nearer to 30% upside if the direction goes right.

Really can't see the rest of your "scenario" coming about tho, unless we get into the realms of an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of type-writers and one producing the works of Shakespeare, or parallel universes like the "Sliders" TV series. So can't suggest much there. But good luck anyway :)

BTW2 Suggest you also set a stop loss it doesn't work out as planned :)

If you went ahead with the ETF you should be on a nice profit now. AUD down 5% or so around the dates we've been talking. Leveraged @ 3 x daily movements should be nice.

Would be tempted to take some profit in your shoes. My guess above was for 10% max in the fx rate, and you're half way there or so. These leveraged ETFs can turn nasty quickly if markets turn against you. By all means leave some risk on, but considering taking some profit now you're ahead. Don't see it going much lower for now, and could move back :)

Thanks fletchsmile. Your advice is very much appreciated. I was going to buy the asx etf "USD" but I love the sound of 3 times leverage with "SAU3:PZ".

My confidence in the U.S. dollar increasing 50 per cent against the Aussie dollar is based on it doing so during the first GFC. I actually wonder if this may be a conservative estimate given the expectation that the second GFC is going to be far worse due to it relating to the insolvency of countries and banks instead of just the insolvency of banks in the first GFC.

Is the "SAU3:PZ" ETF traded on the London Stock Exchange?

Edit: Not sure what happened to my post - was typing and it disappeared.

Brief summary as don't want to retype all. You should be nicely up now if you went for the ETF. AUD is down around 5% on the dates we were talking about. With 3 x daily leverage that should be nice double digits.

Might want to consider taking some profits now you're ahead and taking a little risk off the table. I only reckoned on about 10% drop in AUD/USD so we're half way there. Since then with changes, I reckon it could go either way from here, and am less confident whereas before I'd bet on AUD weakening. These ETFs turn nasty quickly with the leverage.

Cheers fletch.

Believe it or not I am actually hoping the AUD has a strong run up, so rather than sell what I have I am looking to add to my position on AUD strength. I would be ecstatic if it somehow rallied to $1.05 USD.

I am only looking to sell on a massive AUD drop. Maybe I would start to take profits when AUD buys $0.80 USD and get out of my position completely at $0.70 USD. I believe this GFC will be much worse than the last and that the AUD will therefore fall further than the last, however do not want to be too greedy and risk getting burnt!

Thanks once again for putting me onto SAU3, it is an instrument sent from heaven!


I am only looking to sell on a massive AUD drop. Maybe I would start to take profits when AUD buys $0.80 USD and get out of my position completely at $0.70 USD. I believe this GFC will be much worse than the last and that the AUD will therefore fall further than the last, however do not want to be too greedy and risk getting burnt!

Thanks once again for putting me onto SAU3, it is an instrument sent from heaven!

Fair enough. One thing to bear in mind for when you do want to get out is trading times as its on LSE, and not 24 hour compared to spot trading on an FX platform. So you have the benefits such as leverage and simplicity but limited time windows. So occasionally you get caught by this as you want to trade but the exchange is closed. It's worth finding out if there are equivalents long and short on other exchanges.

eg I like LSIL (long silver x2) on LSE because UK times are convenient (spread isn't great tho). AGQ on NYSE is the US hours equivalent (narrower spreads too on the US) and more importantly ZSL is the US hours leveraged short to give some after hours alternatives if needed...Sometimes useful to set limits trades on a diff exchange...


I am only looking to sell on a massive AUD drop. Maybe I would start to take profits when AUD buys $0.80 USD and get out of my position completely at $0.70 USD. I believe this GFC will be much worse than the last and that the AUD will therefore fall further than the last, however do not want to be too greedy and risk getting burnt!

Thanks once again for putting me onto SAU3, it is an instrument sent from heaven!

Fair enough. One thing to bear in mind for when you do want to get out is trading times as its on LSE, and not 24 hour compared to spot trading on an FX platform. So you have the benefits such as leverage and simplicity but limited time windows. So occasionally you get caught by this as you want to trade but the exchange is closed. It's worth finding out if there are equivalents long and short on other exchanges.

eg I like LSIL (long silver x2) on LSE because UK times are convenient (spread isn't great tho). AGQ on NYSE is the US hours equivalent (narrower spreads too on the US) and more importantly ZSL is the US hours leveraged short to give some after hours alternatives if needed...Sometimes useful to set limits trades on a diff exchange...

Thanks for the heads up fletch. I am totally drawn to trading the short AUD long USD play due to having a clear understanding of the value and behaviour of the AUD coming into a GFC 2 environment. However I am terrified by the thought of trading either a long or short position with precious metals due to their potentially extreme short term volatility. For example, if I short silver and it then spikes prior to being smashed upon GFC2 occurring, but the price that it gets smashed to is higher than the price silver is today, then I get too badly burned! Too many scenarios like this from both short and long positions could easily occur.

The only place in my portfolio for precious metals is as a long term investment due to my belief that we will look back in a few years time and say to ourselves "my god can you believe that gold was once selling for only $1700 and silver was selling at $31?"


The only place in my portfolio for precious metals is as a long term investment due to my belief that we will look back in a few years time and say to ourselves "my god can you believe that gold was once selling for only $1700 and silver was selling at $31?"

dam_n right.

For anybody outside the US, how about short the S&P500 using SH, the ProShares Short S&P500 (ETF). With this, you capture the appreciating USD, plus the declining S&P. This latest leg of the crisis is playing out quite similar to 2008. Then, the dollar also appreciated to about 1.25/euro, in tandem with S&P fall to 666.


The only place in my portfolio for precious metals is as a long term investment due to my belief that we will look back in a few years time and say to ourselves "my god can you believe that gold was once selling for only $1700 and silver was selling at $31?"

dam_n right.

For anybody outside the US, how about short the S&P500 using SH, the ProShares Short S&P500 (ETF). With this, you capture the appreciating USD, plus the declining S&P. This latest leg of the crisis is playing out quite similar to 2008. Then, the dollar also appreciated to about 1.25/euro, in tandem with S&P fall to 666.

Is there another letter to that code? usually there are 3/4 letters?

I've used SDS (2x short) and SPXU (3x short) both by Proshares.

When S&P was trading in the range 1100's - 1215 it was quite nice to put on as a hedge every time S&P came near 1215. Got caught with SPXU though when S&P broke above 1215 and held for a few weeks, so closed it out - only individual trade I lost money on in October. Now looks like we're back down into the 1100's to 1215 range again.

Can't say I attach a high probability to S&P 666 in the near term.

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