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Nearly Attacked By Local Dogs 2 Times, What Can I Do?

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Water pistols are good. Only problem with them is that most leak. I think vinegar is a better solution than ammonia or bleach. Again, only problem is one tends to end up smelling like fish 'n' chips. But a good shot of vinegar in the eyes is a great dissuader but won't cause permanent damage.

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several posts deleted either for giving illegal advise or replying to it.

Sh*t....probably the same advise I was about to give.

Reminds me of a very bad accident in my Soi last week.

I Belgium guy was killed after he diverted a Soi dog.

He fell and was hit by a truck.



Lots of suggestions how to react to this problem, but prevention is another option. My wife (English) is 4'10" and a couple of local dogs were giving her problems. I noticed that she sped up and raised her voice pitch. This WILL excite the dogs natural instinct to charge. The better approach is to talk LOW and confidently at the dogs and slow your pace (I'm afraid your heart-rate will rise, but this is not the main problem). This has worked wonders for all the women in my soi with these dogs. Another poster indicated not showing fear, this is true. I now tell these dogs that I am coming by talking low and loud towards them as I approach on our soi, they all run away and hide until I have passed. It is difficult , but you must stamp your authority.

Good luck with this problem.


I have the same problems as you. I went into a local trader and got one of those baton/.truncheon/cosh items that Thais use in those bowls for grinding up chillis or making Pappaya puk puk, slips into my shoulder bag, apart from the handle end, cost me 25 bts. I was particularly bothered by one dog when I walked to the bus, now when it sees my hand on the handle it departs smartly. It is a problem but face the buggers down, clout them and they wont forget.



As discussing any effective ways to get rid of your problem is not allowed. The only thing you can do is, ignore the dogs, threaten the owner with police, use a tuk tuk or similar or move to another area.



As discussing any effective ways to get rid of your problem is not allowed. The only thing you can do is, ignore the dogs, threaten the owner with police, use a tuk tuk or similar or move to another area.

Sawasdee ka!

Alright i just got back from shopping, thanks for ur reply. This time i hired tuk-tuk guess what i was talking to tuk-tuk driver about this problem as he's that dogs owner next door he said these dogs chased him too lol ..on tuk-tuk! we passed that house and saw those dogs walking around in the yard and ready to jump out of small gate! in daytime the owners are at work -_- alright wont walk or ride bike to that area...tuk-tuk is good choice!



Lots of suggestions how to react to this problem, but prevention is another option. My wife (English) is 4'10" and a couple of local dogs were giving her problems. I noticed that she sped up and raised her voice pitch. This WILL excite the dogs natural instinct to charge. The better approach is to talk LOW and confidently at the dogs and slow your pace (I'm afraid your heart-rate will rise, but this is not the main problem). This has worked wonders for all the women in my soi with these dogs. Another poster indicated not showing fear, this is true. I now tell these dogs that I am coming by talking low and loud towards them as I approach on our soi, they all run away and hide until I have passed. It is difficult , but you must stamp your authority.

Good luck with this problem.

Sawasdee ka!

Thanks for ur reply! haha guess what 2 days ago around 6 pm one of those dogs (same house) was attacking me and nobody was there but me and the large dog around 60 kg i was so afraid and i yelled i swore..."fuc_k off" (in english) eventho i am a thai supposed to swear in thai guess what it didnt work coz the dog got real mad even more...erm.


My vote says kill them all, mean all of Thailands dogs, lets not beat about the bush.

I'd like to invite you to become a member of honour of the Association Against Soi Dogs.smile.gif

I am happy to become President a job I relish, it always makes me laugh how people try to justify dogs roaming round loose EVEN if not aggressive the man who died is reason enough for this. Dont worry next theyll be saying was he wearing a helmet etc.

A loose dog is nothing but trouble waiting to happen.


Do what my brother in law did ,buy a pellet gun and shoot them ,seemed to work for him.

pepper spray works very well

LOL believe it or not! im allergic!!! i went to see doc last week...er not sure about that kinda spray would work for me even perfume/hair spray, lotion i have to avoid -_- by the way thanks for all comments ka :)



Do what my brother in law did ,buy a pellet gun and shoot them ,seemed to work for him.

pepper spray works very well

LOL believe it or not! im allergic!!! i went to see doc last week...er not sure about that kinda spray would work for me even perfume/hair spray, lotion i have to avoid -_- by the way thanks for all comments ka :)


Your not suppose to spray pepper spray on yourself..:lol: ....its to spray at the dogs (s)


Most of these suggestions will get you in trouble since your are a guest here. The bike is the problem. On my soi the dogs love it when a bike rider comes along.


Good grief! It happens to us all now and again, but all you have to do is STOP and look at the dog.

They were either playing (enjoying a chase) or looking for someone to bully. Once you stop they realise there is no 'fun' and/or you have not been bullied away - so they stop chasing.

I can't believe how many people out there think its a good excuse to spray something harmful in their eyes!

I carry pepper/mace spray when I walk my dogs as ONCE a dog owned by a Thai was determined to get at one of my dogs (didn't back down) and actually bit me. The next time I saw him (and he was after my dog again), I sprayed it IN FRONT OF HIM. Understandably, he didn't like the smell and ran away - with no harm done.


I can't believe how many people out there think its a good excuse to spray something harmful in their eyes!

Is pepper spray harmful ?....the yank police seem to take great pleasure in spraying it in human faces every chance they get....


I can't believe how many people out there think its a good excuse to spray something harmful in their eyes!

Is pepper spray harmful ?....the yank police seem to take great pleasure in spraying it in human faces every chance they get....

No, pepper sprays are not harmful, as in no permanent damage.

Depending on the color of your skin and the officers disposition, you could get sprayed or tasered. :rolleyes:


Depending on the color of your skin and the officers disposition, you could get sprayed or tasered. :rolleyes:

or both....:lol:

If you're lucky and they really like you, they'll club you with the empty spray can for good measure. :D


And precisely how many times has this happened to you, or anyone you know?

As I said before - I was bitten once by a dog that wanted to get at one of mine. Even so, he clearly didn't intend to seriously harm me as he barely broke my skin.

It hasnt ,cos I spray them with peppy spray....;)

I have absolutely no interest in trying to find out if a possibly rabid dog wants to play with me or bite lumps out me

and yes I do know someone who had a "lump" bit out of them by a dog which was "playing"


F1fanatic, you do realise that rabies is alive and well in Thailand? If a dog bites you, in play or for real, unless the owner can show a current valid rabies vaccination certificate, you'd be well advised to report to the local hospital for a precautionary course of anti rabies shots. These days they are quite painless, though several visits are required. In my view, prevention beats the possible nasty alternatives.


And precisely how many times has this happened to you, or anyone you know?

As I said before - I was bitten once by a dog that wanted to get at one of mine. Even so, he clearly didn't intend to seriously harm me as he barely broke my skin.

It hasnt ,cos I spray them with peppy spray....;)

I have absolutely no interest in trying to find out if a possibly rabid dog wants to play with me or bite lumps out me

and yes I do know someone who had a "lump" bit out of them by a dog which was "playing"

Talk about making a drama out of a crisis!

So you've never actually been bitten but, realising that all dogs have rabies, spray pepper spray into their eyes if they get too close.

My advice given previously to those on bikes or motorbikes that find a dog/dogs chasing them- just STOP - works. Try it and see.


If these are dogs that you have to be neighbours with, maybe your best choice is a pack of cocktail sausages. Within a few days you will materialise into "dogs best friend".

You might find the owners attitude changing too. They might get a secret macho kick out of seeing their dogs chase people. If you suddenly become their dogs best friend it makes them feel a bit vulnerable. The dogs have joined enemy ranks!

.. Plan B would be to enlist the help of the tuk tuk driver. String the aforementioned sausages behind tuk tuk and with dogs in pursuit drive to next province. Dogs consume sausages and then return without dogs.


Talk about making a drama out of a crisis!

So you've never actually been bitten but, realising that all dogs have rabies, spray pepper spray into their eyes if they get too close.

My advice given previously to those on bikes or motorbikes that find a dog/dogs chasing them- just STOP - works. Try it and see.

No drama in it all I can assure you, and seeing as we have established spraying a dog with pepper spray does no harm, no big deal...doggie goes away and if doggie is stupid enough to come back and try again, they will get sprayed again.

If you want to play dog whisperer up to you...I have my method, you have yours, but seing as you object to using pepper spray as a safe deterrent, I could always fall back on plan "B" and get a big stick out...thiat works as well...:whistling:


Talk about making a drama out of a crisis!

So you've never actually been bitten but, realising that all dogs have rabies, spray pepper spray into their eyes if they get too close.

My advice given previously to those on bikes or motorbikes that find a dog/dogs chasing them- just STOP - works. Try it and see.

No drama in it all I can assure you, and seeing as we have established spraying a dog with pepper spray does no harm, no big deal...doggie goes away and if doggie is stupid enough to come back and try again, they will get sprayed again.

If you want to play dog whisperer up to you...I have my method, you have yours, but seing as you object to using pepper spray as a safe deterrent, I could always fall back on plan "B" and get a big stick out...thiat works as well...:whistling:

As I said before - I carry pepper/mace spray myself, but spray it IN FRONT of the dog rather than in their eyes.

If you think it does no harm, try spraying it in your own eyes....


As I said before - I carry pepper/mace spray myself, but spray it IN FRONT of the dog rather than in their eyes.

If you think it does no harm, try spraying it in your own eyes....

As stated before the yank police dont seem to have a problem spraying in human eyes's when it takes their fancy, so we can safely say it does no lasting harm to Mr Doggie...;)

and why would I spray it in my own eyes, I am not trying to bite someone, well except Mrs soutpeel on occasion....:rolleyes:

I am not trying to bite someone, well except Mrs soutpeel on occasion.... :rolleyes:

Be careful, biting her too often could give her rbabies. :D


Ultrasonics work.

I forgot about this method because I would feel better using the use than harming the dog with pepper spray.

Do you really think they work?

I have currently made some enquiries to purchase something like this.


I dont think the ultrasound gadgets are the answer if you are on a bike. I have one but it didnt seem to work the first time I tried it on the move, why I dont know. I subsequently used it a couple of times at a beach restaurant (dont you just hate those filthy animals mooching around while you are eating) and the dogs abruptly jumped back. Now I carry one of those collapsible batons on the bike, and usually the act of drawing it and raising my hand is sufficient to get the dog to back off. If it persists I bring my hand down sharply and as the baton shoots out towards it, this makes it keep its distance.

No doubt the dogs will back off if you stop and face them down or throw your bike at them, whatever, but it is a blasted nuisance having to stop. If it came to that I wouldnt just stop, I would go after the wretched animal and try and land a blow.


Many posts have been removed for advocating killing dogs by extremely unpleasant and painful methods.

If these are your thoughts, please keep them to yourselves, we do not want them published on Thai Visa.

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