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The UK Government is proposing changes to the income criteria to obtain a Spouse's Visa - The intention being to reduce visas for immigrants who cannot support themselves or who's UK partner cannot do likewise.

Something which I'm sure will enjoy broad support amongst the UK members of TV who left the UK to escape scrounging foreigners.

Changes proposed to Income Requirements to get a Spouses Visa

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I suggest the OP wakes up and understands that most of the UK TV members don't have a problem with the immigration from the Commonwealth that had been happening for at least 60 years (mainly in the 50's-70's)! What many of us do have a problem with is the immigration that has been dictated upon us by the European Union, and then the use of Human Rights laws to enable anybody to remain in 'our' country as 'asylum seekers', (because they come from a country that is poorer) whilst putting all the effort into stopping people arriving who do have the means to support themselves!

That's why I left and never want to return!jap.gif And I'm only 40 years from retirement (at the current rate)!


I suggest the OP wakes up and understands that most of the UK TV members don't have a problem with the immigration from the Commonwealth that had been happening for at least 60 years (mainly in the 50's-70's)! What many of us do have a problem with is the immigration that has been dictated upon us by the European Union, and then the use of Human Rights laws to enable anybody to remain in 'our' country as 'asylum seekers', (because they come from a country that is poorer) whilst putting all the effort into stopping people arriving who do have the means to support themselves!

That's why I left and never want to return!jap.gif And I'm only 40 years from retirement (at the current rate)!

Standing ovation that man :jap:


So for example if I only earn £10000 a year am already married to a Thai cant stay in Thailand as cant provide 40k or whaetever it is this week and in the Uk cant provide enough to meet the govt set limit does it mean we can never be together???



So for example if I only earn £10000 a year am already married to a Thai cant stay in Thailand as cant provide 40k or whaetever it is this week and in the Uk cant provide enough to meet the govt set limit does it mean we can never be together???


Put simply, you can be together, but not in either of your home nations! What a f*cked up world we live in!


just ask yourselves who took the great out of britain under who's goverment where the afghanistan plane highjackers who held at gunpoint the crew who flew to stansted in 2000.where are they now one guess only.living and working in the mines in south wales we were all brought up with labour the 18years under them has just about fked up uk for life,who was it said gorden brown was a great chancellor?what did he do with our gold reserves.this is for you maggie all is forgiven.


In The Netherlands they have this rule already for a long time. Its inconvenient but it protects the country at least. Also it will keep some immigrants.


just ask yourselves who took the great out of britain under who's goverment where the afghanistan plane highjackers who held at gunpoint the crew who flew to stansted in 2000.where are they now one guess only.living and working in the mines in south wales we were all brought up with labour the 18years under them has just about fked up uk for life,who was it said gorden brown was a great chancellor?what did he do with our gold reserves.this is for you maggie all is forgiven.

I don't want this thread to stray off topic into sweeping generalisations but to reply to the above.

I wouldn't go as far as 'all is forgiven, Maggie' but 'New' Labour do appear to have made a monumental c*ck up that doesn't look like it's going to be repairable by any government any time soon.jap.gif


just ask yourselves who took the great out of britain under who's goverment where the afghanistan plane highjackers who held at gunpoint the crew who flew to stansted in 2000.where are they now one guess only.living and working in the mines in south wales we were all brought up with labour the 18years under them has just about fked up uk for life,who was it said gorden brown was a great chancellor?what did he do with our gold reserves.this is for you maggie all is forgiven.

The damage started much earlier.

When Macmillan threw out the bill that Churchill had started around 1956 which would have prevented 'rights of residents' to foreigners and commonwealth people.

It was great Churchill who foresaw this mess coming with his recorded words in Parliament in 1954.'The biggest threat to Britain,at this time, is the prospect of mass coloured immigration'

Macmillan hated the power of the then working class and allowed massive immigration of mainly illiterates to 'Divide and rule'

We now have the result.


Hmm. Just on the issue of spouse visas. Any fellow aussies reading this who are interested in the Australian situation ... you might be interested in a paper I am working on at the moment ... you can see it at www.burning-bison.com/journey.htm. Any feedback welcomed as it's just a draft. (TV mods: sorry if this link is a problem - pls remove it, if it is)


So for example if I only earn £10000 a year am already married to a Thai cant stay in Thailand as cant provide 40k or whaetever it is this week and in the Uk cant provide enough to meet the govt set limit does it mean we can never be together???


It's not a set limit at the moment, it's just a recomendation to the governent.



I suggest the OP wakes up and understands that most of the UK TV members don't have a problem with the immigration from the Commonwealth that had been happening for at least 60 years (mainly in the 50's-70's)! What many of us do have a problem with is the immigration that has been dictated upon us by the European Union, and then the use of Human Rights laws to enable anybody to remain in 'our' country as 'asylum seekers', (because they come from a country that is poorer) whilst putting all the effort into stopping people arriving who do have the means to support themselves!

That's why I left and never want to return!jap.gif And I'm only 40 years from retirement (at the current rate)!

You may be right. But many of those Brits still living there and paying taxes, are not happy about anyone who has not actually paid their way, getting any welfare benefits from the tax THEY pay.

They have no more time for Commonwealth welfare claimers than anyone else.

They used to be more tolerant of Europeans - until the sub-class of Europe started arriving. Some of them just took below minimum wage jobs (still far more than they'd be earning back home) - others were the European equivalent of 'the mafia', and brought too much crime.


I'm sure that if they could come up with a law whereby any foreign spouse was never entitled to any benefits - nobody would have a problem.


I guess this is what you get when you have voted for relatively anti-immigration platform of a Tory government...a crackdown on, um, immigration...of all types.


I guess this is what you get when you have voted for relatively anti-immigration platform of a Tory government...a crackdown on, um, immigration...of all types.

Are you following the UK papers?

The populace are pretty annoyed about foreign welfare claimants - but little if anything has been changed by the latest government.


The country needs an anti immigration government, we are bursting at the seams with every Tom, Dick and Harry coming from the commonwealth, and also many undesirables from Eastern Europe and other nations where people live in hardship. The UK has always been seen as an easy meal ticket and that needs to be stopped.

The problem is that in doing so it makes it equally as hard for those with legitimate reasons and those with the means to come and live in the UK without being a drain on society.

I guess the way forward is to properly identify those people and make the UK accessible for them.

The recent relaxing of border controls fiasco shows the extent of the problem

Totster :D


The country needs an anti immigration government, we are bursting at the seams with every Tom, Dick and Harry coming from the commonwealth, and also many undesirables from Eastern Europe and other nations where people live in hardship. The UK has always been seen as an easy meal ticket and that needs to be stopped.

The problem is that in doing so it makes it equally as hard for those with legitimate reasons and those with the means to come and live in the UK without being a drain on society.

I guess the way forward is to properly identify those people and make the UK accessible for them.

The recent relaxing of border controls fiasco shows the extent of the problem

Totster :D

Actually no. The Brit government would do well to take a leaf out of the Thai rules.

Foreigners are not welcome (unless they're tourists).


The country needs an anti immigration government, we are bursting at the seams with every Tom, Dick and Harry coming from the commonwealth, and also many undesirables from Eastern Europe and other nations where people live in hardship. The UK has always been seen as an easy meal ticket and that needs to be stopped.

The problem is that in doing so it makes it equally as hard for those with legitimate reasons and those with the means to come and live in the UK without being a drain on society.

I guess the way forward is to properly identify those people and make the UK accessible for them.

The recent relaxing of border controls fiasco shows the extent of the problem

Totster :D

Actually no. The Brit government would do well to take a leaf out of the Thai rules.

Foreigners are not welcome (unless they're tourists).

Well, yes that would be one way.. I would still like to see provision for those who have legitimately married foreigners to be able to settle in the UK if they wish as that is not really the problem anyway.

totster :D


In The Netherlands they have this rule already for a long time. Its inconvenient but it protects the country at least. Also it will keep some immigrants.

hear hear .

thailand protects its self from foreigners ,



I guess this is what you get when you have voted for relatively anti-immigration platform of a Tory government...a crackdown on, um, immigration...of all types.

Are you following the UK papers?

The populace are pretty annoyed about foreign welfare claimants - but little if anything has been changed by the latest government.

Given that I was a legal immigrant to the UK for a few years- and unable to claim one penny of welfare - I'm pretty sure that most of the UK papers with stories of 'welfare claimants' are just that, stories.


The country needs an anti immigration government, we are bursting at the seams with every Tom, Dick and Harry coming from the commonwealth, and also many undesirables from Eastern Europe and other nations where people live in hardship. The UK has always been seen as an easy meal ticket and that needs to be stopped.

The problem is that in doing so it makes it equally as hard for those with legitimate reasons and those with the means to come and live in the UK without being a drain on society.

I guess the way forward is to properly identify those people and make the UK accessible for them.

The recent relaxing of border controls fiasco shows the extent of the problem

Totster :D

Actually no. The Brit government would do well to take a leaf out of the Thai rules.

Foreigners are not welcome (unless they're tourists).

Well, yes that would be one way.. I would still like to see provision for those who have legitimately married foreigners to be able to settle in the UK if they wish as that is not really the problem anyway.

totster :D

Legitimate spouses being a 'problem' are but one sensationalist beat up story away in a tabloid newspaper...


I guess this is what you get when you have voted for relatively anti-immigration platform of a Tory government...a crackdown on, um, immigration...of all types.

Are you following the UK papers?

The populace are pretty annoyed about foreign welfare claimants - but little if anything has been changed by the latest government.

Given that I was a legal immigrant to the UK for a few years- and unable to claim one penny of welfare - I'm pretty sure that most of the UK papers with stories of 'welfare claimants' are just that, stories.

It is not just story. Where it is true that some come with no recourse to public funds, like those on specific visas, there are others that are entitled to some benefits, especially those who enter seeking asylum. There are also hardship payments that are paid.

totster :D


So for example if I only earn £10000 a year am already married to a Thai cant stay in Thailand as cant provide 40k or whaetever it is this week and in the Uk cant provide enough to meet the govt set limit does it mean we can never be together???


When my wifes settlement visa was rejected, at the bottom of the letter it said,"we are not breaching your human rights to a family life because you and your wife can still have a relationship in seperate countries".

Hows that for a further kick in the ball sack by the government i actually protect. I'm in the british navy. But then i used that to my advantage. I got drafted to Belgium and have gone the route of family permit for my wife. So i just kicked them back, in my own way. All for free.


The OP has got a cheek sitting in a foreign country and talking about immigration :crazy:

Is the OP of the opinion that migration is a right exclusive to him? " All those bad Johnny Foreigner chappies, I mean, I say, how dare they think they can just toodle on along to Old Blighty and try to set up camp? ", he says while quaffing G & T at the local golf course in Isaan.

Grow up and stop being so hypocritical.


Other changes should include a questionnaire for the wife on what grounds she has been lead to want to live in the UK.

  • Has your partner claimed he is a millionaire?
  • Has he told you he has his own business earning thousands of pounds each week?
  • Have you been lead to believe you are moving into a palace type abode?
  • etc, etc.

The truth of it is, her future is a cocktail of late morning Jeremy Kyle type shows, fruitlessly shopping in Poundland and a husband that has turned out to be nothing less then a permanent fixture in the local Witherspoon's that would in comparison make Frank Gallagher look like Frank Sinatra.


The people in the UK are so stingy with their money. Many immigrants want a better life and plentiful welfare benefits can help them achieve that.

Well tell them to "go home" and get Benefits from their own Country,there's a good Troll!

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