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The OP has got a cheek sitting in a foreign country and talking about immigration :crazy:

Is the OP of the opinion that migration is a right exclusive to him? " All those bad Johnny Foreigner chappies, I mean, I say, how dare they think they can just toodle on along to Old Blighty and try to set up camp? ", he says while quaffing G & T at the local golf course in Isaan.

Grow up and stop being so hypocritical.

How is it hypocritical ?

If he qualifies in Thailand then it is no problem. One would assume he has not just turned up and expected the Thai Government to give him and house and weekly benefits, and nor would he get such if he asked. That is the difference.

No one is saying migration to the UK is not allowed (well F1fanatic may have hinted at it), just better controlled without penalising those who have legitimate reasons.

totster :D

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So because the UK pays me such a niggardly State pension I personally will be allowed into the UK as would my son who has dual nationality, however my wife and my son's mother will not be allowed into the country.

And before anybody shouts off I paid all my taxes for 44 years, served my country in the military for 25, have never claimed benefits and I am still paying taxes.

Boy am I glad I left in 1999 when that "nice" new labour government were in charge.


The OP has got a cheek sitting in a foreign country and talking about immigration :crazy:

Is the OP of the opinion that migration is a right exclusive to him? " All those bad Johnny Foreigner chappies, I mean, I say, how dare they think they can just toodle on along to Old Blighty and try to set up camp? ", he says while quaffing G & T at the local golf course in Isaan.

Grow up and stop being so hypocritical.

How is it hypocritical ?

If he qualifies in Thailand then it is no problem. One would assume he has not just turned up and expected the Thai Government to give him and house and weekly benefits, and nor would he get such if he asked. That is the difference.

No one is saying migration to the UK is not allowed (well F1fanatic may have hinted at it), just better controlled without penalising those who have legitimate reasons.

totster :D

To select a quote from the OP

"who left the UK to escape scrounging foreigners."

That is to say the least a pejorative and negative statement. Who in their right mind would leave their home to live in another country because of........foreigners? Can you not see the hypocrisy in that?

Anyway on topic, the government has a right to put up some degree of barriers to immigration. To me the barrier for taking your spouse into the UK is quite low and if you can't get over it there is something wrong with you.

Incidentally if you have lived with your legally wed wife for four years, and can prove it, your wife is entitled to residence automatically in the UK.


I guess this is what you get when you have voted for relatively anti-immigration platform of a Tory government...a crackdown on, um, immigration...of all types.

Are you following the UK papers?

The populace are pretty annoyed about foreign welfare claimants - but little if anything has been changed by the latest government.

Given that I was a legal immigrant to the UK for a few years- and unable to claim one penny of welfare - I'm pretty sure that most of the UK papers with stories of 'welfare claimants' are just that, stories.

It is not just story. Where it is true that some come with no recourse to public funds, like those on specific visas, there are others that are entitled to some benefits, especially those who enter seeking asylum. There are also hardship payments that are paid.

totster :D

And the problem for supporting those who have escaped persecution is....?

A civilized a country can generally be gauged by how you treat the least advantaged in it.

But that is only one aspect of the argument. I wonder if anyone has the actual statistics of welfare payments paid to asylum seekers? My guess they are tiny proportion of all payments, but I'm also guessing that the tabloids will have you believing that it is the largest problem facing social security reform.

It would also be good if someone went out and compared to politicians bleating about this issue to see if they also were the same pollies who over-claimed on their parliamentary allowances. I'm sure the hypocrisy would be stinking.

The problem with this debate it is always emotional, with very few of the arguments based on fact. Sadly, it will always be the way.


The OP has got a cheek sitting in a foreign country and talking about immigration :crazy:

Is the OP of the opinion that migration is a right exclusive to him? " All those bad Johnny Foreigner chappies, I mean, I say, how dare they think they can just toodle on along to Old Blighty and try to set up camp? ", he says while quaffing G & T at the local golf course in Isaan.

Grow up and stop being so hypocritical.

How is it hypocritical ?

If he qualifies in Thailand then it is no problem. One would assume he has not just turned up and expected the Thai Government to give him and house and weekly benefits, and nor would he get such if he asked. That is the difference.

No one is saying migration to the UK is not allowed (well F1fanatic may have hinted at it), just better controlled without penalising those who have legitimate reasons.

totster :D

To select a quote from the OP

"who left the UK to escape scrounging foreigners."

That is to say the least a pejorative and negative statement. Who in their right mind would leave their home to live in another country because of........foreigners? Can you not see the hypocrisy in that?

Not really, he wasn't escaping foreigners, but scrounging foreigners.. i.e paying taxes to support them

Anyway on topic, the government has a right to put up some degree of barriers to immigration. To me the barrier for taking your spouse into the UK is quite low and if you can't get over it there is something wrong with you.

Incidentally if you have lived with your legally wed wife for four years, and can prove it, your wife is entitled to residence automatically in the UK.

Well, there are many that do have trouble being able to live with their wife in the UK (see post from the Navy guy earlier in the thread). And even basic things like taking a wife on holiday to the home land sees all number of excuses from those that issue visas as to why they are not allowed in, yet some eastern European low life can waltz in with no problems.

totster :D


It is not just story. Where it is true that some come with no recourse to public funds, like those on specific visas, there are others that are entitled to some benefits, especially those who enter seeking asylum. There are also hardship payments that are paid.

totster :D

And the problem for supporting those who have escaped persecution is....?

A civilized a country can generally be gauged by how you treat the least advantaged in it.

But that is only one aspect of the argument. I wonder if anyone has the actual statistics of welfare payments paid to asylum seekers? My guess they are tiny proportion of all payments, but I'm also guessing that the tabloids will have you believing that it is the largest problem facing social security reform.

It would also be good if someone went out and compared to politicians bleating about this issue to see if they also were the same pollies who over-claimed on their parliamentary allowances. I'm sure the hypocrisy would be stinking.

The problem with this debate it is always emotional, with very few of the arguments based on fact. Sadly, it will always be the way.

The UK does an awful lot to help the disadvantaged in the world, but the truth with asylum seekers is that a large proportion of them are not genuine. The problem is they get processed into the system and eventually given leave as it is easier.

Why do you think that the ones transiting through Spain and France simply just don't stop there and claim asylum, surely any civilised country away from persecution or whatever it is they are running from is a good place to settle, because there is a better deal in the UK.

I can see with my own eyes what is happening in the UK, as can most other people, the tabloids do however exploit the sentiment.

As for politicians, well they are the same the world over unfortunately.

totster :D


I guess this is what you get when you have voted for relatively anti-immigration platform of a Tory government...a crackdown on, um, immigration...of all types.

Are you following the UK papers?

The populace are pretty annoyed about foreign welfare claimants - but little if anything has been changed by the latest government.

Given that I was a legal immigrant to the UK for a few years- and unable to claim one penny of welfare - I'm pretty sure that most of the UK papers with stories of 'welfare claimants' are just that, stories.

It is not just story. Where it is true that some come with no recourse to public funds, like those on specific visas, there are others that are entitled to some benefits, especially those who enter seeking asylum. There are also hardship payments that are paid.

totster :D

I agree with Totster. And there are those who come over and are given housing, white goods and benefits yet they have contributed nothing to the system. That is why they are queuing up to get into the UK.

Surely a better proposal would be to say that any spouse coming to the UK would not be eligible to any benefits for a period of say 5 years. If they divorced in that same time frame that the spouse be returned to his/her own country.


The country needs an anti immigration government, we are bursting at the seams with every Tom, Dick and Harry coming from the commonwealth, and also many undesirables from Eastern Europe and other nations where people live in hardship. The UK has always been seen as an easy meal ticket and that needs to be stopped.

The problem is that in doing so it makes it equally as hard for those with legitimate reasons and those with the means to come and live in the UK without being a drain on society.

I guess the way forward is to properly identify those people and make the UK accessible for them.

The recent relaxing of border controls fiasco shows the extent of the problem

Totster :D

Actually no. The Brit government would do well to take a leaf out of the Thai rules.

Foreigners are not welcome (unless they're tourists).

I have been saying this for years.

The problem is that no one within the British government has the guts to even mention this, let alone implement such changes to the Immigration policies, so it will never happen.

As a matter of fact, all those idiot ministers are doing is paving the way for extremist parties such as the Nazi British National Party and the EDL. The English Defence League who I completely support by the way.

I am not racist and loath and detest racists and bigots. But Britain has been a refuge for people from South Asia for over 40 years. These are purely economic refugees taking advantage of the generosity of the British people and their superior welfare system of free medical, education and housing. In fact they’ve never had it so good.

The lax Immigration policies of England is one reason why I got my myself and family out of there, not the sort of environment I want for my kids, where you can become a second class citizen in your own country and imposed by law to be tolerant.

But as the wise man says; even the worm can turn and soon it will come a time when the Brits say; enough is enough. And if that happens I may then consider returning to my own land where I can be considered as an Englishman again and not as a whitey or a farang.


The OP has got a cheek sitting in a foreign country and talking about immigration :crazy:

Is the OP of the opinion that migration is a right exclusive to him? " All those bad Johnny Foreigner chappies, I mean, I say, how dare they think they can just toodle on along to Old Blighty and try to set up camp? ", he says while quaffing G & T at the local golf course in Isaan.

Grow up and stop being so hypocritical.

Forgive me if I've posted a piece of news you are not happy with, but please do not shoot the messenger - I'm not in Isaan and don't go to any Golf course, not even to quaff G&T.

I've not said anything about my personal views on migration, good, bad or indifferent - You are, I would suggest, boxing your own shadow.


The country needs an anti immigration government, we are bursting at the seams with every Tom, Dick and Harry coming from the commonwealth, and also many undesirables from Eastern Europe and other nations where people live in hardship. The UK has always been seen as an easy meal ticket and that needs to be stopped.

The problem is that in doing so it makes it equally as hard for those with legitimate reasons and those with the means to come and live in the UK without being a drain on society.

I guess the way forward is to properly identify those people and make the UK accessible for them.

The recent relaxing of border controls fiasco shows the extent of the problem

Totster :D

Actually no. The Brit government would do well to take a leaf out of the Thai rules.

Foreigners are not welcome (unless they're tourists).

I have been saying this for years.

The problem is that no one within the British government has the guts to even mention this, let alone implement such changes to the Immigration policies, so it will never happen.

As a matter of fact, all those idiot ministers are doing is paving the way for extremist parties such as the Nazi British National Party and the EDL. The English Defence League who I completely support by the way.

I am not racist and loath and detest racists and bigots. But Britain has been a refuge for people from South Asia for over 40 years. These are purely economic refugees taking advantage of the generosity of the British people and their superior welfare system of free medical, education and housing. In fact they’ve never had it so good.

The lax Immigration policies of England is one reason why I got my myself and family out of there, not the sort of environment I want for my kids, where you can become a second class citizen in your own country and imposed by law to be tolerant.

But as the wise man says; even the worm can turn and soon it will come a time when the Brits say; enough is enough. And if that happens I may then consider returning to my own land where I can be considered as an Englishman again and not as a whitey or a farang.

And there we have it...the "I'm not a racist, but..." comment.

You seem to be implying also that for 40 years the South Asian immigrants have not contributed one jot to the UK, whether that be economically or socially. Just take, take, take, despite the fact they originally came to the UK legally under various forms of migration rules which applied to Commonwealth citizens up until the 1960's. No mention (of course) in your post of the thousands of white South African's, Zimbabwean's, Australian's etc who have used exactly the same rules over time.


The country needs an anti immigration government, we are bursting at the seams with every Tom, Dick and Harry coming from the commonwealth, and also many undesirables from Eastern Europe and other nations where people live in hardship. The UK has always been seen as an easy meal ticket and that needs to be stopped.

The problem is that in doing so it makes it equally as hard for those with legitimate reasons and those with the means to come and live in the UK without being a drain on society.

I guess the way forward is to properly identify those people and make the UK accessible for them.

The recent relaxing of border controls fiasco shows the extent of the problem

Totster :D

Actually no. The Brit government would do well to take a leaf out of the Thai rules.

Foreigners are not welcome (unless they're tourists).

I have been saying this for years.

The problem is that no one within the British government has the guts to even mention this, let alone implement such changes to the Immigration policies, so it will never happen.

As a matter of fact, all those idiot ministers are doing is paving the way for extremist parties such as the Nazi British National Party and the EDL. The English Defence League who I completely support by the way.

I am not racist and loath and detest racists and bigots. But Britain has been a refuge for people from South Asia for over 40 years. These are purely economic refugees taking advantage of the generosity of the British people and their superior welfare system of free medical, education and housing. In fact they’ve never had it so good.

The lax Immigration policies of England is one reason why I got my myself and family out of there, not the sort of environment I want for my kids, where you can become a second class citizen in your own country and imposed by law to be tolerant.

But as the wise man says; even the worm can turn and soon it will come a time when the Brits say; enough is enough. And if that happens I may then consider returning to my own land where I can be considered as an Englishman again and not as a whitey or a farang.

And there we have it...the "I'm not a racist, but..." comment.

You seem to be implying also that for 40 years the South Asian immigrants have not contributed one jot to the UK, whether that be economically or socially. Just take, take, take, despite the fact they originally came to the UK legally under various forms of migration rules which applied to Commonwealth citizens up until the 1960's. No mention (of course) in your post of the thousands of white South African's, Zimbabwean's, Australian's etc who have used exactly the same rules over time.

You know what, it can't help but sound a bit racist when talking about immigration. There are lot of countries with stricter entry rules than the UK, so using the UK as a bench mark are those countries racist, or just protecting themselves ?

There is no doubt that the influx of commonwealth citizens after WW2 helped the UK enormously. These immigrants worked hard, paid taxes and adapted to life in the UK well, many second and third generations now lawyers and doctors.

Funny isn't it that some of these same people are also complaining about apparent lack of immigration strictness, now is that hypocrisy ? Or is it a clear sign that the UK is full to the brim and needs to step back and help those that are already living there working hard, paying taxes ?

totster :D


You know what, it can't help but sound a bit racist when talking about immigration. There are lot of countries with stricter entry rules than the UK, so using the UK as a bench mark are those countries racist, or just protecting themselves ?

There is no doubt that the influx of commonwealth citizens after WW2 helped the UK enormously. These immigrants worked hard, paid taxes and adapted to life in the UK well, many second and third generations now lawyers and doctors.

Funny isn't it that some of these same people are also complaining about apparent lack of immigration strictness, now is that hypocrisy ? Or is it a clear sign that the UK is full to the brim and needs to step back and help those that are already living there working hard, paying taxes ?

totster :D

I think a discussion about immigration can be done entirely without racism, either overt or any type of 'dog whistle' comments. Those who don't are either lazy or stupid, and probably both.

Each country has the absolute sovereign right to control its borders. The conversation of who can enter and stay can be done entirely around economic interest and skills needed in an economy without resorting to dog whistle terms such as 'social cohesion' which is generally code for skin colour or religion.

Every new generation of immigrants are the whipping boys for those who have gone before them. Hypocrisy for sure, but the way that it happens. No doubt the children and grandchildren of the current whipping boys will be complaining about all the Chinese migrants which have overun Luton or something like that - sticking to themselves, not speaking En-ger-lish and creating a ghetto. Just the way of the world. The irony of the EDL's of the world is that they'll do anything to try and gain respectability to hide a darker underbelly, importing a rabid rabbi's to speak at their rally's (see world, we like Jews...), though if this was 60 years ago, the EDL would be sticking it to the Jews, instead of Muslims.


The country needs an anti immigration government, we are bursting at the seams with every Tom, Dick and Harry coming from the commonwealth, and also many undesirables from Eastern Europe and other nations where people live in hardship. The UK has always been seen as an easy meal ticket and that needs to be stopped.

The problem is that in doing so it makes it equally as hard for those with legitimate reasons and those with the means to come and live in the UK without being a drain on society.

I guess the way forward is to properly identify those people and make the UK accessible for them.

The recent relaxing of border controls fiasco shows the extent of the problem

Totster :D

Actually no. The Brit government would do well to take a leaf out of the Thai rules.

Foreigners are not welcome (unless they're tourists).

I have been saying this for years.

The problem is that no one within the British government has the guts to even mention this, let alone implement such changes to the Immigration policies, so it will never happen.

As a matter of fact, all those idiot ministers are doing is paving the way for extremist parties such as the Nazi British National Party and the EDL. The English Defence League who I completely support by the way.

I am not racist and loath and detest racists and bigots. But Britain has been a refuge for people from South Asia for over 40 years. These are purely economic refugees taking advantage of the generosity of the British people and their superior welfare system of free medical, education and housing. In fact they've never had it so good.

The lax Immigration policies of England is one reason why I got my myself and family out of there, not the sort of environment I want for my kids, where you can become a second class citizen in your own country and imposed by law to be tolerant.

But as the wise man says; even the worm can turn and soon it will come a time when the Brits say; enough is enough. And if that happens I may then consider returning to my own land where I can be considered as an Englishman again and not as a whitey or a farang.



mrs meat had a job for 15years in the uk which any uk.or thai would die for earning 30k-35k.a year she achieved this by hard work and perfect work record.one of her tasks was to interview applicants for vacant posts,she would interview approx.20 and record their experiance,ability to comunicate[speak and understand english] and scrutinise any referances.when it is brought up about the number of immigrants taking jobs when the uk jobless could do them the gov.then would ram it down our throats its jobs that nobody wants to do,well i know,mrs meat knows that is nothing but a load of bs.when my wife gave her short list for a job it was completly ignored by management,4 out of 5 vacancys whent to agency staff most with no working background in the uk or any exp.of the job,this week the jobless numbers for school leavers and under 21's.mrs meat see's this as an end to fair play in the uk and never wants to return,only to visit her friends from work.[she was very well respected] but not by management.


mrs meat had a job for 15years in the uk which any uk.or thai would die for earning 30k-35k.a year she achieved this by hard work and perfect work record.one of her tasks was to interview applicants for vacant posts,she would interview approx.20 and record their experiance,ability to comunicate[speak and understand english] and scrutinise any referances.when it is brought up about the number of immigrants taking jobs when the uk jobless could do them the gov.then would ram it down our throats its jobs that nobody wants to do,well i know,mrs meat knows that is nothing but a load of bs.when my wife gave her short list for a job it was completly ignored by management,4 out of 5 vacancys whent to agency staff most with no working background in the uk or any exp.of the job,this week the jobless numbers for school leavers and under 21's.mrs meat see's this as an end to fair play in the uk and never wants to return,only to visit her friends from work.[she was very well respected] but not by management.

True in Holland too government force people to take up migrants at jobs. Then they are not looking at how good someone is. They have to have a certain percentage of immigrants and if they dont then they will have to get them even if there are locals who are more qualified. These kind of rules make people crazy. You get people on posts that are just not qualified.

Its better to exclude immigrants from all kinds of social services until they have contributed enough. That way you keep the ones that will work (and im sure there are many of those) and kick out those to lazy to work and only want to sip on the welfare state.


Imagine if there was an "Asian Union" where Filipino, Laotian, Burmese, Cambodian and Indonesian workers could not only legally work in Thailand, but even claim unemployment benefits (not there are any, but just imagine) quite legally in Thailand. That's the situation in the UK with Polish, Latvian, Romanian, Bulgarian etc workers coming to the UK and settling there legally. Richer countries don't win with this kind of "union" - only employers in the richer countries do, but not the indiginous workforce. It reduces wages and chances of work too. Very few Brits migrate to Eastern Europe to look for work because wages are much lower - so there's the inequality.


Imagine if there was an "Asian Union" where Filipino, Laotian, Burmese, Cambodian and Indonesian workers could not only legally work in Thailand, but even claim unemployment benefits (not there are any, but just imagine) quite legally in Thailand. That's the situation in the UK with Polish, Latvian, Romanian, Bulgarian etc workers coming to the UK and settling there legally. Richer countries don't win with this kind of "union" - only employers in the richer countries do, but not the indiginous workforce. It reduces wages and chances of work too. Very few Brits migrate to Eastern Europe to look for work because wages are much lower - so there's the inequality.

there is actually.

Burmese, Lao and Cambodian workers come to Thailand under what is called the Migrant Labour Scheme where they come to work in Thailand legally and are given ID cards and work permits to stay 2 years at a time (extendable) so long as they have an employer. They are eligible for access to free health care and some social services as well as free schooling for the children.

What people tend to ignore with migrant workers is that though the do keep wages stable, they prevent cost pressures in the economy allowing 'native' workers access to cheaper input prices for things they need. So unless you like waiting 4 months to get a handyman, plumber or builders for your house, and you like paying a kings ransom to get them there, then migrant labour is one of the ways to go. Lower price pressures flow through to lower interest rates for your mortgage, plus extra demand in the economy.

As for workers going the other way - well so what if they don't? And if they do, it isn't always for lower wages. I always laugh at people who come to Thailand and think they have to accept jobs that are much lower paid. Wages and salaries are about productivity and value. If you add value then your pay reflects that. Plenty of westerners come to Thailand (not the ones on expat packages) and do plenty well.


mrs meat had a job for 15years in the uk which any uk.or thai would die for earning 30k-35k.a year she achieved this by hard work and perfect work record.one of her tasks was to interview applicants for vacant posts,she would interview approx.20 and record their experiance,ability to comunicate[speak and understand english] and scrutinise any referances.when it is brought up about the number of immigrants taking jobs when the uk jobless could do them the gov.then would ram it down our throats its jobs that nobody wants to do,well i know,mrs meat knows that is nothing but a load of bs.when my wife gave her short list for a job it was completly ignored by management,4 out of 5 vacancys whent to agency staff most with no working background in the uk or any exp.of the job,this week the jobless numbers for school leavers and under 21's.mrs meat see's this as an end to fair play in the uk and never wants to return,only to visit her friends from work.[she was very well respected] but not by management.

True in Holland too government force people to take up migrants at jobs. Then they are not looking at how good someone is. They have to have a certain percentage of immigrants and if they dont then they will have to get them even if there are locals who are more qualified. These kind of rules make people crazy. You get people on posts that are just not qualified.

Its better to exclude immigrants from all kinds of social services until they have contributed enough. That way you keep the ones that will work (and im sure there are many of those) and kick out those to lazy to work and only want to sip on the welfare state.

Am I missing something, or is this complete rubbish as far as the UK is concerned??

There are no 'quotas' to be filled at all!

Unfortunately, many immigrants take 'black market' jobs at below the minimum wage - thereby reducing salaries for everyone.

Its always been the same - those on low pay are 'pricing themselves out of a job', whereas those at the top of the salary structure need to be paid mega bucks to 'attract the best'....

Anyway, most Brits (still living there) would prefer NO further immigration as they have enough problems of their own.

As far as foreign spouses are concerned, as long as the spouse signs something saying they will never be entitled to any welfare payments, I can see no problem.


mrs meat had a job for 15years in the uk which any uk.or thai would die for earning 30k-35k.a year she achieved this by hard work and perfect work record.one of her tasks was to interview applicants for vacant posts,she would interview approx.20 and record their experiance,ability to comunicate[speak and understand english] and scrutinise any referances.when it is brought up about the number of immigrants taking jobs when the uk jobless could do them the gov.then would ram it down our throats its jobs that nobody wants to do,well i know,mrs meat knows that is nothing but a load of bs.when my wife gave her short list for a job it was completly ignored by management,4 out of 5 vacancys whent to agency staff most with no working background in the uk or any exp.of the job,this week the jobless numbers for school leavers and under 21's.mrs meat see's this as an end to fair play in the uk and never wants to return,only to visit her friends from work.[she was very well respected] but not by management.




In The Netherlands they have this rule already for a long time. Its inconvenient but it protects the country at least. Also it will keep some immigrants.

hear hear .

thailand protects its self from foreigners ,


Quote removed to allow posting.

Actually Saudi probably has the best system. You can go and work there if a company needs you, but only as long as you are needed, and then you go home. None of this "live here 5 years and then you get a passport and can bring your parents to sponge off the welfare system BS.

No family members can get any sort of benefit if you want them to live with you- completely your responsibility.


In The Netherlands they have this rule already for a long time. Its inconvenient but it protects the country at least. Also it will keep some immigrants.

hear hear .

thailand protects its self from foreigners ,


Quote removed to allow posting.

Actually Saudi probably has the best system. You can go and work there if a company needs you, but only as long as you are needed, and then you go home. None of this "live here 5 years and then you get a passport and can bring your parents to sponge off the welfare system BS.

No family members can get any sort of benefit if you want them to live with you- completely your responsibility.

Followed my own advice



I guess this is what you get when you have voted for relatively anti-immigration platform of a Tory government...a crackdown on, um, immigration...of all types.

Are you following the UK papers?

The populace are pretty annoyed about foreign welfare claimants - but little if anything has been changed by the latest government.

Given that I was a legal immigrant to the UK for a few years- and unable to claim one penny of welfare - I'm pretty sure that most of the UK papers with stories of 'welfare claimants' are just that, stories.

Not so. I worked as an NHS nurse at a surgical theatre in a west London hospital, and I'd say that a large proportion of the elderly patients receiving surgery were parents of immigrants, but were getting free surgery that they had not contibuted a penny of tax for. It was forbidden for the hospital staff to even enquire if they were entitled to the surgery.

Absolutely barking.


The country needs an anti immigration government, we are bursting at the seams with every Tom, Dick and Harry coming from the commonwealth, and also many undesirables from Eastern Europe and other nations where people live in hardship. The UK has always been seen as an easy meal ticket and that needs to be stopped.

The problem is that in doing so it makes it equally as hard for those with legitimate reasons and those with the means to come and live in the UK without being a drain on society.

I guess the way forward is to properly identify those people and make the UK accessible for them.

The recent relaxing of border controls fiasco shows the extent of the problem

Totster :D

Actually no. The Brit government would do well to take a leaf out of the Thai rules.

Foreigners are not welcome (unless they're tourists).

Well, yes that would be one way.. I would still like to see provision for those who have legitimately married foreigners to be able to settle in the UK if they wish as that is not really the problem anyway.

totster :D

Legitimate spouses being a 'problem' are but one sensationalist beat up story away in a tabloid newspaper...

If I understand correctly.. you were agreeing with me (the part about legitimate spouses not being a problem)

totster :D


The OP has got a cheek sitting in a foreign country and talking about immigration :crazy:

Is the OP of the opinion that migration is a right exclusive to him? " All those bad Johnny Foreigner chappies, I mean, I say, how dare they think they can just toodle on along to Old Blighty and try to set up camp? ", he says while quaffing G & T at the local golf course in Isaan.

Grow up and stop being so hypocritical.

Forgive me if I've posted a piece of news you are not happy with, but please do not shoot the messenger - I'm not in Isaan and don't go to any Golf course, not even to quaff G&T.

I've not said anything about my personal views on migration, good, bad or indifferent - You are, I would suggest, boxing your own shadow.

Methinks not, one of my businesses depends on three manufacturers, that just happen to be owned by second generation British Pakistanis. Born, bred and educated in Britian, they manufacture in Britain and they employ manufacturing staff in Britain. If it wasn't for the colour of their skin you wouldn't know they were not British so to speak. There is a serious racist undertone and level of stupidity to the immigration debate in Britain. If they were born of former Eastern Europeans no one would comment.

But let's make it easy........the 3 million Brits that emigrated from the UK in the last ten years can make their way to the airport now, and we'll arrange for all the immigrants to catch the return flights.

When are you booking your flight back then?

Or is it OK for you to emigrate and no one else?

It's absurd, absolutely absurd.


I guess this is what you get when you have voted for relatively anti-immigration platform of a Tory government...a crackdown on, um, immigration...of all types.

Are you following the UK papers?

The populace are pretty annoyed about foreign welfare claimants - but little if anything has been changed by the latest government.

Given that I was a legal immigrant to the UK for a few years- and unable to claim one penny of welfare - I'm pretty sure that most of the UK papers with stories of 'welfare claimants' are just that, stories.

Not so. I worked as an NHS nurse at a surgical theatre in a west London hospital, and I'd say that a large proportion of the elderly patients receiving surgery were parents of immigrants, but were getting free surgery that they had not contibuted a penny of tax for. It was forbidden for the hospital staff to even enquire if they were entitled to the surgery.

Absolutely barking.

Did you write to your MP about it? Or go visit their surgery? Your hospital management are not gods, they must adhere to the law. It takes people like you to whistleblow. Never underestimate the power of an MP's letter.


The OP has got a cheek sitting in a foreign country and talking about immigration :crazy:

Is the OP of the opinion that migration is a right exclusive to him? " All those bad Johnny Foreigner chappies, I mean, I say, how dare they think they can just toodle on along to Old Blighty and try to set up camp? ", he says while quaffing G & T at the local golf course in Isaan.

Grow up and stop being so hypocritical.

Forgive me if I've posted a piece of news you are not happy with, but please do not shoot the messenger - I'm not in Isaan and don't go to any Golf course, not even to quaff G&T.

I've not said anything about my personal views on migration, good, bad or indifferent - You are, I would suggest, boxing your own shadow.

Methinks not, one of my businesses depends on three manufacturers, that just happen to be owned by second generation British Pakistanis. Born, bred and educated in Britian, they manufacture in Britain and they employ manufacturing staff in Britain. If it wasn't for the colour of their skin you wouldn't know they were not British so to speak. There is a serious racist undertone and level of stupidity to the immigration debate in Britain. If they were born of former Eastern Europeans no one would comment.

But let's make it easy........the 3 million Brits that emigrated from the UK in the last ten years can make their way to the airport now, and we'll arrange for all the immigrants to catch the return flights.

When are you booking your flight back then?

Or is it OK for you to emigrate and no one else?

It's absurd, absolutely absurd.

Again, you're off boxing your own shadow. When have I ever said that emigration is OK for me but not for others? - I have not.

As for my flight back to the UK - I'm a professional expatriat - I get paid to be overseas. When I get paid (an acceptable rate) to work back in the UK I'll work back in the UK - Right now I'm getting paid the rate to work in Thailand so I'm working in Thailand.

Now back to my question.

Tell me when I have said emigration is OK for me but not for other? - Come on, put up or shut up.


Not so. I worked as an NHS nurse at a surgical theatre in a west London hospital, and I'd say that a large proportion of the elderly patients receiving surgery were parents of immigrants, but were getting free surgery that they had not contibuted a penny of tax for. It was forbidden for the hospital staff to even enquire if they were entitled to the surgery.

Absolutely barking.

You worked in the NHS and were not aware that access to health care in the UK is provided on the basis of need - There is no 'Entitlement Criteria' beyond needing health care.

Did the large number of foreign doctors, nurses, health professionals and support staff on which the NHS relies also escape your notice?


So for example if I only earn £10000 a year am already married to a Thai cant stay in Thailand as cant provide 40k or whaetever it is this week and in the Uk cant provide enough to meet the govt set limit does it mean we can never be together???


When my wifes settlement visa was rejected, at the bottom of the letter it said,"we are not breaching your human rights to a family life because you and your wife can still have a relationship in seperate countries".

Hows that for a further kick in the ball sack by the government i actually protect. I'm in the british navy. But then i used that to my advantage. I got drafted to Belgium and have gone the route of family permit for my wife. So i just kicked them back, in my own way. All for free.

Yeah thats a real nice touch from the govt dept concerned, when i die I having on my tombstone "hey taxman I under declared from the age of 18-65" and make sure all my assets are untouchable by them.


The OP has got a cheek sitting in a foreign country and talking about immigration :crazy:

Is the OP of the opinion that migration is a right exclusive to him? " All those bad Johnny Foreigner chappies, I mean, I say, how dare they think they can just toodle on along to Old Blighty and try to set up camp? ", he says while quaffing G & T at the local golf course in Isaan.

Grow up and stop being so hypocritical.

Forgive me if I've posted a piece of news you are not happy with, but please do not shoot the messenger - I'm not in Isaan and don't go to any Golf course, not even to quaff G&T.

I've not said anything about my personal views on migration, good, bad or indifferent - You are, I would suggest, boxing your own shadow.

Methinks not, one of my businesses depends on three manufacturers, that just happen to be owned by second generation British Pakistanis. Born, bred and educated in Britian, they manufacture in Britain and they employ manufacturing staff in Britain. If it wasn't for the colour of their skin you wouldn't know they were not British so to speak. There is a serious racist undertone and level of stupidity to the immigration debate in Britain. If they were born of former Eastern Europeans no one would comment.

But let's make it easy........the 3 million Brits that emigrated from the UK in the last ten years can make their way to the airport now, and we'll arrange for all the immigrants to catch the return flights.

When are you booking your flight back then?

Or is it OK for you to emigrate and no one else?

It's absurd, absolutely absurd.

Go check the employment records of their factoires and see how many other immigrant workers they employ illegally and let us know. However what any of this has to do with Thailand is beyond me .


theblether& guesthouse - let's not make it personal

travelmann -if I live that long! I have promised myself to never pay another penny in tax to the UK government (whether I'm able to keep that promise, I don't know the future - but I'll be trying my hardest not to break it!)

Guesthouse,the NHS will treat anybody in an emergency situation, who wouldn't, but there'splenty of threads on TV where they do not need to treat you if you are not a permanent resident (ie away from the country for more than 1/2 year) by law -and yes, there are plenty of ways around that law (i.e. don't tell the truth),and that is regardless of whether you are still paying full tax and NI in theUK.

The bottom line is, and I think that everyone agrees, is that the UK governments in the past couple of decades have, and continue to, spend huge amounts of hard-working tax-payers money on immigrants and their extended family who themselves have never paid into the UK system. They may well have paid into theEU system (although I doubt it, because the UK has been subsidising their countries 'systems' even before they joined the EU.

I am very scared about the situation in the UK, people are looking for someone to blame, and this will ultimately lead to an escalation in racism and violence.

Edited for formatting

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