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No Public Debate Allowed In 'Secret' Draft On Amnesty: Chalerm


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What bunch of selfish children.

Red democracy in full force.

Will be interesting to see what will happen when Yingluck is in Bali... :whistling:

Last time a Shinawatra left the country to an international event, something happened.

Ohhhhh. Good one, i never thought of that. :-)

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RT @tulsathit: Thaksin told Reuters he knew nothing about the amnesty decree because it was discussed at closed-door Cabinet meeting.


So now we've had Thaksin Shinawatra AND Yingluck Shinawatra both having said they know nothing about a plan to solicit a pardon for Thaksin Shinawatra by Yingluck Shinawatra's government.


Really inconsiderate no one informed him when he phoned-in as he seems to normally do with closed-door Cabinet meetings <_<

The audacity is exceeded only by the absurdity.

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Sounds like what China government would do. No public debate, all secret, in the shadows.

Thailand has gone from a wannabe "democratic society" to a "communist society".

So, this is how everybody dies.

So now Thaksin and his PT party are communists?

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Sounds like what China government would do. No public debate, all secret, in the shadows.

Thailand has gone from a wannabe "democratic society" to a "communist society".

So, this is how everybody dies.

So now Thaksin and his PT party are communists?


Communism is ideally intended to look after the well being of the whole populace, I don't think PTP fall into that category.

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Rak Santi Party leader Purachai Piumsombun said the Cabinet debate on pardon should not be kept confidential because it would have an impact on a large number of people.

"Thaksin was a police cadet and should remain a gentleman," he said, adding that royal pardon should only be granted to those who show remorse and are not fugitives.

He added that during his time as interior minister in Thaksin's reign, he had advised against pardon sought by a daughter for her fugitive father.

It would seem the rift between former Thai Rak Thai Purachai and former Thai Rak Thai Thaksin is still well in place.

Do his last words refer to the murderer Kamnan Poh, who fled from punishment during Thakin's regime?

Staggering that we hear more from Chalerm in the last 2 days than we had during weeks and weeks of flooding. :bah:


I don't think he can be referring to Kamnan Poh, who fled a couple of years after Purachai had been relieved of his career with Thai Rak Thai for being too much of a threat to Thaksin. Can anyone place this other fugitive?

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RT @tulsathit: Thaksin told Reuters he knew nothing about the amnesty decree because it was discussed at closed-door Cabinet meeting.

If you believe that, then contact me, I've got some ancient Egyptian gold encrusted mummies in my storeroom for sale. $15 billion each, this week only.

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Wan Yoobamrung who is appointed as "Mr Happy Toilet" launches clean toilet campaign at Hualampong Train Station on Wednesday.

The Nation

Mr. Wan Yubamrung, the Assistant to the Secretary of the Transport Minister, who has also been chosen to be Mr. Airport Link

The Nation

is that Chalerm's youngest son? ...the one who, after being harbored by Thai general (right after allegedly murdering a policeman in cold blood), ran off to Cambodia - then, after hiding for several months, was met in Singapore by his father, who shepherded him safely back to Thailand, ......to partake in a sham trial which let the kid off with nary a slap on the wrist? If that's his son, why isn't the boy using his family name?

If Chalerm can't influence his 3 sons any better than them becoming thugs and murderers, then why was he appointed as a Minister - to influence Thailand at its top political echelons? Couldn't have anything with the fact that the old man is filthy rich, could it?

Not the same one. Here are a few facts about Mr Happy Toilet.

Banned from entertainment venus for two years by the Criminal Court on August 30, 2005 then sentanced to 48 hours community service for vailoating the ban.

Charged with his brother Duang over fatal shooting of Pol Sen Sgt Suwichi Rodwimut at nightclub on Oct 29, 2001. Both aquitted for lack of evedence.

Charged with assulting Sermchai Wattanasenitham duting an argument at Brit 99 Club on Jan 26, 2000.

Accused of dodging conscription and in 2002 presenting a fake military draft certificate when he applied for a police job.

Accused of damaging a Thai Rath journalist's camera on July 11, 1999.

Accused of assult in a complaint filed by an Abac student, Sawida Ungsirsawat at a party in a Pattaya hotel in June 1999.

Charged with assaulting Akradet Sukrangsan at the Taurus Pub August 1, 1998.

Allegedy involved in a brawl at the Alien Pub in Pattaya in which two people were shot in April 1997.

Otherwise he's OK? Apart from looking like a This Is Thailand on that toilet.

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Rak Santi Party leader Purachai Piumsombun said the Cabinet debate on pardon should not be kept confidential because it would have an impact on a large number of people.

"Thaksin was a police cadet and should remain a gentleman," he said, adding that royal pardon should only be granted to those who show remorse and are not fugitives.

He added that during his time as interior minister in Thaksin's reign, he had advised against pardon sought by a daughter for her fugitive father.

It would seem the rift between former Thai Rak Thai Purachai and former Thai Rak Thai Thaksin is still well in place.

Do his last words refer to the murderer Kamnan Poh, who fled from punishment during Thakin's regime?

Staggering that we hear more from Chalerm in the last 2 days than we had during weeks and weeks of flooding. :bah:


I don't think he can be referring to Kamnan Poh, who fled a couple of years after Purachai had been relieved of his career with Thai Rak Thai for being too much of a threat to Thaksin. Can anyone place this other fugitive?

Ahh... yes, I had forgotten the differing time sequence.

Purachai had resigned in disgust from the Thai Rak Thai Party that he helped form before Kamnam Poh was convicted of murder.


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A series of off-topic posts and replies to them have been deleted.

Among other things, please take care in posting the names of politicians. Spellings which are obviously wrong and meant to be inflammatory will be deleted.

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Sounds like what China government would do. No public debate, all secret, in the shadows.

Thailand has gone from a wannabe "democratic society" to a "communist society".

So, this is how everybody dies.

So now Thaksin and his PT party are communists?


Communism is ideally intended to look after the well being of the whole populace, I don't think PTP fall into that category.

And China has nothing to do with this.

The word you are looking for is autocratic or oligarchic.

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What now all you pro PTP (Pardon Thaskin Party) supporters. Secret meetings, no debate, Charlem worrying about impeachment what a joke. Charlem controls the police and Thaskins ex-wife's brother in charge of the police, did no one see the strategy taking place? I did. However; I do not believe their efforts will be endorsed in the final stages of this blatant attempt to help Thaskin and the rest of the Burn Bangkok mob. The flooding has cause extreme woes on people and industry for a flawed rice scheme. The PM is not around when this debate behind closed doors took place, because it would mean a huge conflict of interest. She was put into power for this secret meeting that took place. If Thaskin was wrongly removed from power, (which he wasn't even legally the PM at the time) Why all the secrecy? Why not have transparency at a time when it really matters. This all stinks to high heavens and I for one will be shocked if a pardon is granted under these circumstances. I only hope that this farce of a government is in time dismantled not by a coup but by their own doing.

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Sounds like what China government would do. No public debate, all secret, in the shadows.

Thailand has gone from a wannabe "democratic society" to a "communist society".

So, this is how everybody dies.

So now Thaksin and his PT party are communists?

I thought that word was only used in USA to remove oppositions?

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Thailand is not a democracy - period. All media is heavily controlled, votes are bought, there are strict laws against debate concerning some people, and corruption is allowed to run rampant.

It is very similar to Italy, Greece, etc, ..... Ooops - but they are democracies - what have I missed? :unsure:

+1 on your first paragraph

The last sentence: even IF that would be the case for Greece or Italy...they are 100x more democratic than the "land of free people"!

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Please, anyone who didn't see this coming or believes Chalerm / Thaksin et al, contact me immediatey. My cousin,the former oil minister of Nigeria, has left a sum of 500,000,000 dollars and I need your bank account detailsand a small good faith deposit from you so I can transfer the money. I also have several miracle machines for sale, which turn plain paper into money.

giggle.gif exactly!

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Thailand is not a democracy - period. All media is heavily controlled, votes are bought, there are strict laws against debate concerning some people, and corruption is allowed to run rampant.

It is very similar to Italy, Greece, etc, ..... Ooops - but they are democracies - what have I missed? :unsure:

+1 on your first paragraph

The last sentence: even IF that would be the case for Greece or Italy...they are 100x more democratic than the "land of free people"!

Get this little "corruption counter" :ph34r:


Thailand better than other local countries (except Singapore and Brunei) but worse than India -- makes interesting reading, but I can not comment on it's accuracy (hope the link is allowed) :huh:

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See the Editor In Chief & The Nation Editor discuss the differences between the words "pardon" & "amnesty", & how these terms apply to Thaksin & four of the many legal cases against him. The four cases are: "Land sale in Rachadapisek district", "Export-Import Bank (Exim Bank) loan to Burma", "Tax avoidance in transferring Shinawat Computer Inc. Communications", & "2/3 number lottery project by Government Lottery Office".

For more details on these cases & others, see the "Uploaders' Comments" at the following site:

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