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Obama Hails Thai PM's 'Inspirational' Election Win


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'Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said before the UDD's protests began in mid-March that he had received intelligence from the US warning of possible sabotage at the protests. The information, he said, was gleaned from tapped telephone conversations between the Dubai-based Thaksin and his Thailand-situated allies. The US Embassy has neither confirmed nor denied Suthep's claims.'

Well seeing that Yingluk is so inspiring to Obama. I'm sure that he would release them to her, so she can pass them on to the CoP, to use in her brother's terrorism charge when he gets an amnesty for corruption. B)

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Exactly so. The background however is that Thaksin has not forgiven the US from tapping his calls to the red thugs during last year's events and warning him off. This will account for the rejection of support from the US aircraft carrier during the floods. Bad blood. And Thaksin carries his grudges.

Also with praising the PM the US is indicating that she is someone they can deal with. No need for Thaksin to return. But he has other intentions.

Thaksin has not forgiven the US from tapping his calls to the red thugs during last year's events and warning him off

That's an incredibly interesting statement. Now all you've got to do is present a shred of credible evidence to back this up and no doubt your post will be taken more seriously than it currently can be.

'Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said before the UDD's protests began in mid-March that he had received intelligence from the US warning of possible sabotage at the protests. The information, he said, was gleaned from tapped telephone conversations between the Dubai-based Thaksin and his Thailand-situated allies. The US Embassy has neither confirmed nor denied Suthep's claims.'

Well, I guess we could just about call that a shred. I think all sides would suggest the protests were sabotaged.

As for the US 'warning him off', you've just proved that you made that up. Keep trying though. You hold a minority viewpoint outside of this forum but nevertheless are entitled to it. Try not to make things up, though, there's a good chap.

Edited by hanuman1
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The US President was merely giving a commentary on a democratic election; one which had occurred after a coup which the US had condemned. It would not have mattered if Yingluck or Atilla the Hun won, as long as it was a free and fair election. I read nothing more into his comment than that. As far as some sinister relationship between Thaksin and the US, I'm skeptical.

The relationship between the US and Thailand has been a long standing one. However, make no mistake, talking with any particular gov't in Thailand is like talking to the babysitter rather than the parents. Much of the negotiations between the two gov'ts occur at the military level and up. The interests between the two countries have centered more around military matters, such as use of air bases, etc..

My guess, and it's only a guess, is that the incident with the air craft carrier had to do with the military welcoming it and the gov't being less sure. The current gov't has to be very careful with the military and it's likely that the US decided that out of respect for an elected gov't, it might be wiser to give assistance that is less closely tied to the military.

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I imagine that those who get their news from TVF and the Nation are surprised to learn that much of Thailand and the rest of the world doesn't view her brother as the second Antichrist, much to their chagrin. I find it especially amusing to see him vilified because he is a convicted criminal, while the people who supported and engineered a coup to overthrow a twice elected government walk around free. Double standards, much?

And the almost 3000 he killed in his war against drugs (half of them didn't had anything to do with drugs) don't view him anymore and don't walk around anymore.

I dont know,what is your location,but in LOS it is common knowledge that the public praised them for that war and they say:


you would have the same attitude,if your kid become a junkie or meth head.

Edited by fantuzi
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What's bemusing in this article is that it is now nearly end of Nov. Ying was elected in July (ooops... promoted).

Obama obviously just heard of her and decided, on merit alone this week, that's she's a dimwit upon which he can load a loaded U.S. military base at reduced reduced rates {i.e. for free} and she'll be wallowing in his muck. Slightly late commendation if you ask me, considering his Secretary of State has only just vetted the area.

The time-line seems to be lacking somewhat. Either that, or he's on a promise to somewhere fast and nowhere. Maybe the U.S. can pay for anti-flooding measures for their newly acquisitioned aeronautical bases, and in future shoot all the water that comes into poorer areas. In that way it can promote Chinese antagonism from within Thailand, destroy current Sino relations, and the future is nigh for rice farmers when the Big Boy returns because they'll have laptops to negotiate their sale of land on.

I didn't know Obama was so naieve, and ignorant. Then again, he's a U.S. of A. president, so why should anything surprise me.

I wonder if there is 2M rai somewhere, owned by the S'atra dynasty, available for sale to an Air-Force conglomerate? Hum.... I wonder.... 555


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What's bemusing in this article is that it is now nearly end of Nov. Ying was elected in July (ooops... promoted).

Obama obviously just heard of her and decided, on merit alone this week, that's she's a dimwit upon which he can load a loaded U.S. military base at reduced reduced rates {i.e. for free} and she'll be wallowing in his muck. Slightly late commendation if you ask me, considering his Secretary of State has only just vetted the area.

The time-line seems to be lacking somewhat. Either that, or he's on a promise to somewhere fast and nowhere. Maybe the U.S. can pay for anti-flooding measures for their newly acquisitioned aeronautical bases, and in future shoot all the water that comes into poorer areas. In that way it can promote Chinese antagonism from within Thailand, destroy current Sino relations, and the future is nigh for rice farmers when the Big Boy returns because they'll have laptops to negotiate their sale of land on.

I didn't know Obama was so naieve, and ignorant. Then again, he's a U.S. of A. president, so why should anything surprise me.

I wonder if there is 2M rai somewhere, owned by the S'atra dynasty, available for sale to an Air-Force conglomerate? Hum.... I wonder.... 555


or maybe (at APEC) it was just the first time they have met in person which would have made it a perfectly normal thing to say... Maybe? What do you think?

As an American, I have my own opinions of current / past presidents' levels of intelligence. Obama is a smart man.

But hey - share where you are from... Maybe we can have a good laugh together over your Presidents / PMs too.

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What would you expect him to say? "PM Yingluck, you know I want to tell you how shocked I was when you won the election. I called my wife over from the kitchen to check it out on the TV, and she said 'well, she's certainly a knockout gorgeous woman for her age, Barack'. Of course, I didn't confirm anything with my wife Michelle because any man knows that its a setup to reaffirm something like that. But, now that we're here, I want to let you know that I think you are gorgeous. Anyway, good luck with the water. The city looks crazy. Hey, where can I find a good Indonesian restaurant in Bangkok?"


Doesn't mean much. BO is simply extending (ott) courtesy in the style that those who regard face as everything require it. He knows what the score is and how bent they are... it's all politics.

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Most Thais think she's doing well - hardly her fault if the floods came. I think it's great that this country has it's first female PM - the yellows should accept the election result and shut up.

I don't think you're right about what most Thais think. I think they think she is melting and that explains the go for broke amnesty move now, as she is still in power.

Margret Hamilton Syndrome

Winning till the cold water hits.

You just inspired many googlies.

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I don't think he know anything about Thailand exceptit is a country.

With strategically placed airstrips big enough for a B52.

Bolden flew more than 100 combat missions in North and South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, while stationed in Namphong, Thailand, from 1972-1973.


Being just down the road from Namphong and not in the mood for painting I thought of conspiracy theories as a way to pass the time until the first Leo beckons.

Merely pointing out that Thailand and The US were on opposing sides 70 years ago, and then 30 years later assisted The US with a problem they had with another country just to the East, so saying 'old allies' is a bit of a stretch.

But, as others have said, it's only Diplospeak and what is said to the microphone can vary widely with what is said behind closed doors.


Thailand was occupied by the Japanese in WWII, that doesn't make Thailand anymore on the "other side" than, let's say, Poland.

Agree with the point on Mic/closed doors.

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Bolden flew more than 100 combat missions in North and South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, while stationed in Namphong, Thailand, from 1972-1973.


Being just down the road from Namphong and not in the mood for painting I thought of conspiracy theories as a way to pass the time until the first Leo beckons.

Merely pointing out that Thailand and The US were on opposing sides 70 years ago, and then 30 years later assisted The US with a problem they had with another country just to the East, so saying 'old allies' is a bit of a stretch.

But, as others have said, it's only Diplospeak and what is said to the microphone can vary widely with what is said behind closed doors.


Thailand was occupied by the Japanese in WWII, that doesn't make Thailand anymore on the "other side" than, let's say, Poland.

Agree with the point on Mic/closed doors.

On December 21, 1941, a military alliance with Japan was signed and on January 25, 1942 Sang Phathanothai read over the radio Thailand's formal declaration of war on the United Kingdom and the United States. The Thai ambassador to the United States, Mom Rajawongse Seni Pramoj did not deliver his copy of the declaration of war, so although the British reciprocated by declaring war on Thailand and consequently considered it a hostile country, the United States did not.


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I guess they both promised so much and delivered so little

Obama's election was 'Inspirational' too, but he does not have massive floods to blame for ruining his country.

No, he has got tea party republicans... much worse that flooding, really...

That we CAN agree on.

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"Yes we he can" say anything cause as we all know politicians words mean nothing.

He's just being nice to her people.

Maybe Obama is wanting to go through Y'Luck to get to T'sin for a loan for some of the $15Tril US Debt.

As we know T'sin got rich by keeping the rural poor ,poor & selling off Thailand to Singapore.

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Thailand was occupied by the Japanese in WWII, that doesn't make Thailand anymore on the "other side" than, let's say, Poland.

I don't want to insult you, but I am leaving it on my 'to do' list.

Sorry Thaddeus, I went back on the notes from you and lannarebirth to check it. Phibun did sign on with Japan thinking that he was siding with the winning side, but Japan quickly treated Thailand like an occupied territory exploiting it for war materials. Phibun eventually soured on the Japanese, as did Pridi, the civilian leader who was booted out of the government when the Japanese took over Thailand. Then Thailand started providing intelligence to the Allies and started a resistance to the occupation, which is what it had become. In early 1944 the Allies were parachuting men and equipment into Thailand for the resistance. In summary, the Military leader signed on with the Japanese / winning side, and then Thailand in general - military and civilian - began a resistance again their occupiers. In the end, the Brits wanted to punish and dominate Thailand, but the Americans did not want a return to colonial influence and insisted that Thailand be treated as 'an enemy occupied country'.

You are right that Thailand signed on with Japan. But it was the resistance & the situation at the end of the war that stuck in my memory. My apologies.

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In most countries democracy can be suspended in a National Emergency, and reinstated later.

Hmm, if democracy can be suspended, to suit the circumstances, then I would suggest that such a country is not a democracy!

The greatest emergency to arise in both the UK and the USA in the last century was WW2, in neither country was democracy suspended.

Returning to the Topic, perhaps President Obama was putting down a "marker" viz a viz any possible moves to topple the Yingluk government?

Edited by JAG
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In most countries democracy can be suspended in a National Emergency, and reinstated later.

Hmm, if democracy can be suspended, to suit the circumstances, then I would suggest that such a country is not a democracy!

The greatest emergency to arise in both the UK and the USA in the last century was WW2, in neither country was democracy suspended.

Returning to the Topic, perhaps President Obama was putting down a "marker" viz a viz any possible moves to topple the Yingluk government?

No general election in UK for duration of WWII, mass political internment without trial, No free speech.

Democracy is not an absolute, but has precisely evolved due to historical circumstances.

Learn a little history.

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At a meeting on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit on the Indonesian island of Bali, Obama said he wanted to "extend congratulations to the prime minister" for an "inspirational election."

A morning crap is inspirational to some, he was stating that the election was handled in a somewhat democratic process. For all of Thailand. Not just the clone of the criminal who is banned from politics. Just the fact that the election was handled and the transfer of power occurred . Charlie Sheen did not give this speech! Their is no "Winning" any where in it!

jap.gif ( Wai Five)

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I guess they both promised so much and delivered so little

Obama's election was 'Inspirational' too, but he does not have massive floods to blame for ruining his country.

No, he has got tea party republicans... much worse that flooding, really...

That we CAN agree on.

Maybe the part about Obama blaming them for the results of his disastrous policies.

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In most countries democracy can be suspended in a National Emergency, and reinstated later.

Hmm, if democracy can be suspended, to suit the circumstances, then I would suggest that such a country is not a democracy!

The greatest emergency to arise in both the UK and the USA in the last century was WW2, in neither country was democracy suspended.

Returning to the Topic, perhaps President Obama was putting down a "marker" viz a viz any possible moves to topple the Yingluk government?

Google "Manzanar",. and get back to us.

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Several off-topic posts have been removed as well as the replies to them. Please stay on the topic of the OP and refrain from quoting off-topic quotes, which will result in your post being deleted as well.

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I imagine that those who get their news from TVF and the Nation are surprised to learn that much of Thailand and the rest of the world doesn't view her brother as the second Antichrist, much to their chagrin. I find it especially amusing to see him vilified because he is a convicted criminal, while the people who supported and engineered a coup to overthrow a twice elected government walk around free. Double standards, much?

You obviously were not in Thailand when the coup took place. Most Thais welcomed the coup. How else could the country be rid of Taksin??

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So what is Obama after from Thailand. Does he really think it was an Inspirational Victory?

America heed the warning signs. Me thinks that you have Presidential elections coming up soon?


It's called politics, ain't it? They say these nice things in public. It's really not a whole lot different in any country with 'positive' international diplomacy. He would have said the same thing if the election weren't near.

What would you expect him to say? "PM Yingluck, you know I want to tell you how shocked I was when you won the election. I called my wife over from the kitchen to check it out on the TV, and she said 'well, she's certainly a knockout gorgeous woman for her age, Barack'. Of course, I didn't confirm anything with my wife Michelle because any man knows that its a setup to reaffirm something like that. But, now that we're here, I want to let you know that I think you are gorgeous. Anyway, good luck with the water. The city looks crazy. Hey, where can I find a good Indonesian restaurant in Bangkok?"

Exactly!! What does everyone expect him to say? It was, in fact, an inspirational victory. She is the first female PM to hold the office, and by popular election. What a kick in the pants for the elite traditional power base in Bangkok. The elite of Thailand and their followers in the middle class can carp all they want, but she is "inspirational" and she was elected by the people, the farmers, the laborers, the office workers, the police, half the army...etc.. So what do you expect another head of state to say.

Based on the writing and the suppositions of meaning about Obama's intention and signaling, Thaksin's decipering Soros code rings, and other preposterous guesses by a "news writer", one would have to conclude that this was put together by the Bangkok elite engaging the writing services of a junior school sociology student or a troubled English student halucinating. The continual empowerment of Thaksin Shinawatra by The Nation is quite amazing. On one hand they revile and fear him, and on the other, they continue to "enrich" the mystique and power of the guy. Mind boggling media strategy to say the least.

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They have a lot in common; they were both born outside of America, neither of them had any qualifications for the job they took, and they are both in their first and last term as leader.

<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">Ineptocracy112 up, 10 down*_Ineptocracy_****(in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded

with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

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