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Road Rage In Thailand


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For me, I'd say a random traffic incident... whether it's getting crowded off the road by a larger vehicle or a shootout resulting from rude driving is up there as one of the few things that can bring me down and end this rather lax and lush existence I have here. It's one of the few places where the social hierarchy breaks down and people are equal here, even if only for a brief moment. That bus, truck or taxi driver who would probably crawl in front of you in a different social setting, or that armed drug or gambling gangster who probably chews with his mouth open and who likely would shy away from any conversation that would reveal his relative lack of education ... on the road, that 2 to 6 tons of steel and x hundred horsepower makes them feel like they have the right to 'mingle' with you.

That and cancer I suppose are the main two things I'm on the lookout for.


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Kind of a tangent to the thread, but the evening news last night had a story of a 60+ year old fellow who shot dead two of his neighbors (father and son) who were complaining that he was slamming (I'd wager that a good number of folks on TVF are slammers too) the doors too loud and they could hear it two houses down. The shooter waited for the police to arrive, didn't come out of the house, yelled out that he would call his wife first and then kill himself. True to his word, he did.

Well worth it for all parties involved, surely.

I won't be shooting anyone tonight, unless someone who is armed and means my family harm enters my house. Sipping on a Chang 'Export' instead....


And I fully understand and sympathise with the shooter 100%

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Kind of a tangent to the thread, but the evening news last night had a story of a 60+ year old fellow who shot dead two of his neighbors (father and son) who were complaining that he was slamming (I'd wager that a good number of folks on TVF are slammers too) the doors too loud and they could hear it two houses down. The shooter waited for the police to arrive, didn't come out of the house, yelled out that he would call his wife first and then kill himself. True to his word, he did.

Well worth it for all parties involved, surely.

I won't be shooting anyone tonight, unless someone who is armed and means my family harm enters my house. Sipping on a Chang 'Export' instead....


And I fully understand and sympathise with the shooter 100%

Forgot to add that he was at the end of his rope anyway on previous multiple assault and possible murder charges so he was already on a well established downward track.


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For me, I'd say a random traffic incident... whether it's getting crowded off the road by a larger vehicle or a shootout resulting from rude driving is up there as one of the few things that can bring me down and end this rather lax and lush existence I have here. It's one of the few places where the social hierarchy breaks down and people are equal here, even if only for a brief moment. That bus, truck or taxi driver who would probably crawl in front of you in a different social setting, or that armed drug or gambling gangster who probably chews with his mouth open and who likely would shy away from any conversation that would reveal his relative lack of education ... on the road, that 2 to 6 tons of steel and x hundred horsepower makes them feel like they have the right to 'mingle' with you.

That and cancer I suppose are the main two things I'm on the lookout for.


Whilst I'm not a huge fan of social hierarchy situations, you are quite correct, I need to give up the arms, the drugs and my Hi-So lifestyle and buy a vehicle that I can drive on the road and plough a field - with no lights, a trailer and 27 cambodians?ohmy.gif

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The OP posts about a school van that tailgated and that's one thing, giving the van driver the bird takes matters into a totally different league - best to understand those things or live a short life here in LOS.

Absolutely right.

Better to have just slowed down and let the mini bus pass.

The problem is that many farangs can`t resist making they`re objections known and would rather risk creating an incident rather than just swallowing their pride and having to give way.

Something similar happened to a German tourist on a motorbike in Chiang Mai a few months ago. He ended up dead with a bullet in his head.

I think some farangs are unable to adapt to the way of life and attitudes in Thailand.

You've just contradicted yourself. You accuse foreigners of not being able to swallow their pride and give way (just like the Thais) but then say they are unable to adapt to the way of life and attitudes in Thailand (where the people are unable to swallow their pride and give way - or lose face as its more commonly known).

You can't have it both ways.

hi guys, thanks for all the replies. its good to know that it isnt only me who has gone through road rage (and survived).

to kananga, you my friend sumed the whole situation up nicely. some of the posters on here seriously suggest that "it is the culture here' and 'you need to learn to adapt to the way they do things here'. what a pile of crap. how about thais learn the universal rules of the road and drive like they give a shit about a human life.

next thing posters will be telling us that "honor killings' in other countries is just their culture and its the way they do things so adapt. i know this is taking it to the extreme example but we are on a slippery slope here - where do we draw the line.

to those of you who say bow your head, forget about your pride and take one in the ass you are only farrang, you dont live here, go home........... then i feel very sad for you all.

i realised immediately that giving the finger is wrong in any society and i do still regret it now. however tailing me and trying to side swipe me and then finally blocking the road with his vechicle is taking it way beyond this 'face; crap that is used for this behavior.

thanks again for your replies and be careful out there.

p.s. for those of you who say swallow your pride,bow your head and take all the shit thailand throws at you with a smile, you had better get your xmas letter to santa soon.

Dear santa, I have been a good boy all year in Thailand. I have never once stood up for myself or questioned the logic in any situation here in thailand. i am not a citizen here and so have no rights whatsoever and i accept that. i have given my wife/gf all my money and relinguished all my responsibilities. Please.please, please santa, this year can you give me a set of ....................Balls. thankyou santa, see you again next year if i havent been wiped out on the roads. xx


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The OP posts about a school van that tailgated and that's one thing, giving the van driver the bird takes matters into a totally different league - best to understand those things or live a short life here in LOS.

Absolutely right.

Better to have just slowed down and let the mini bus pass.

The problem is that many farangs can`t resist making they`re objections known and would rather risk creating an incident rather than just swallowing their pride and having to give way.

Something similar happened to a German tourist on a motorbike in Chiang Mai a few months ago. He ended up dead with a bullet in his head.

I think some farangs are unable to adapt to the way of life and attitudes in Thailand.

You've just contradicted yourself. You accuse foreigners of not being able to swallow their pride and give way (just like the Thais) but then say they are unable to adapt to the way of life and attitudes in Thailand (where the people are unable to swallow their pride and give way - or lose face as its more commonly known).

You can't have it both ways.

hi guys, thanks for all the replies. its good to know that it isnt only me who has gone through road rage (and survived).

to kananga, you my friend sumed the whole situation up nicely. some of the posters on here seriously suggest that "it is the culture here' and 'you need to learn to adapt to the way they do things here'. what a pile of crap. how about thais learn the universal rules of the road and drive like they give a shit about a human life.

next thing posters will be telling us that "honor killings' in other countries is just their culture and its the way they do things so adapt. i know this is taking it to the extreme example but we are on a slippery slope here - where do we draw the line.

to those of you who say bow your head, forget about your pride and take one in the ass you are only farrang, you dont live here, go home........... then i feel very sad for you all.

i realised immediately that giving the finger is wrong in any society and i do still regret it now. however tailing me and trying to side swipe me and then finally blocking the road with his vechicle is taking it way beyond this 'face; crap that is used for this behavior.

thanks again for your replies and be careful out there.

p.s. for those of you who say swallow your pride,bow your head and take all the shit thailand throws at you with a smile, you had better get your xmas letter to santa soon.

Dear santa, I have been a good boy all year in Thailand. I have never once stood up for myself or questioned the logic in any situation here in thailand. i am not a citizen here and so have no rights whatsoever and i accept that. i have given my wife/gf all my money and relinguished all my responsibilities. Please.please, please santa, this year can you give me a set of ....................Balls. thankyou santa, see you again next year if i havent been wiped out on the roads. xx


Well, you can change one person or you can change a nation. If it was your own nation, and you were part of the culture, then it might be a harder choice to make.

Everyone without exception on this thread has shown that if you behave discourteously, you encourage more rudeness or agression, yourself included.

If you want to encourage rudeness and agression, fair enough. But I try to drive to avoid trouble.

Maybe I should buy a flat cap and a pipe...


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hi guys, thanks for all the replies. its good to know that it isnt only me who has gone through road rage (and survived).

to kananga, you my friend sumed the whole situation up nicely. some of the posters on here seriously suggest that "it is the culture here' and 'you need to learn to adapt to the way they do things here'. what a pile of crap. how about thais learn the universal rules of the road and drive like they give a shit about a human life.

next thing posters will be telling us that "honor killings' in other countries is just their culture and its the way they do things so adapt. i know this is taking it to the extreme example but we are on a slippery slope here - where do we draw the line.

to those of you who say bow your head, forget about your pride and take one in the ass you are only farrang, you dont live here, go home........... then i feel very sad for you all.

i realised immediately that giving the finger is wrong in any society and i do still regret it now. however tailing me and trying to side swipe me and then finally blocking the road with his vechicle is taking it way beyond this 'face; crap that is used for this behavior.

thanks again for your replies and be careful out there.

p.s. for those of you who say swallow your pride,bow your head and take all the shit thailand throws at you with a smile, you had better get your xmas letter to santa soon.

Dear santa, I have been a good boy all year in Thailand. I have never once stood up for myself or questioned the logic in any situation here in thailand. i am not a citizen here and so have no rights whatsoever and i accept that. i have given my wife/gf all my money and relinguished all my responsibilities. Please.please, please santa, this year can you give me a set of ....................Balls. thankyou santa, see you again next year if i havent been wiped out on the roads. xx


Well, you can change one person or you can change a nation. If it was your own nation, and you were part of the culture, then it might be a harder choice to make.

Everyone without exception on this thread has shown that if you behave discourteously, you encourage more rudeness or agression, yourself included.

If you want to encourage rudeness and agression, fair enough. But I try to drive to avoid trouble.

Maybe I should buy a flat cap and a pipe...


hi, i am not trying to encourage rudeness and agression. i have stated clearly that i shouldnt have given the finger. however i am encouraging a sense of what is right and what is wrong. for those who say 'its the way it is here' or 'its their culture, get used to it or leave' i draw great exception to that. i work here and pay taxes and have a family. i have the same rights afforded to me as other thai drivers have. that is to say it is my human right to drive on the kings highway without impedment, without getting side swiped and without being made to stop by another motorist placing his vehicle across the highway. this is not a culture thing, this is not the way the majority of thai's do things here and it is certainly not acceptable anywhere.

bowing your head and taking it with a smile does not encourage positive change. for once i would like to see a police officer do his dam_n job and patrol the roads but hey, hes busy getting tea money.

its the way cops do their job here, its his culture and if you dont like it, then leave.

be careful out there fellow road users. :jap:

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p.s. for those of you who say swallow your pride,bow your head and take all the shit thailand throws at you with a smile, you had better get your xmas letter to santa soon.

Dear santa, I have been a good boy all year in Thailand. I have never once stood up for myself or questioned the logic in any situation here in thailand. i am not a citizen here and so have no rights whatsoever and i accept that. i have given my wife/gf all my money and relinguished all my responsibilities. Please.please, please santa, this year can you give me a set of ....................Balls. thankyou santa, see you again next year if i havent been wiped out on the roads. xx


You won't change anything by giving the finger or not giving the finger, you will just get into less confrontations by swallowing your pride.

Thai guys are certainly not scared to confront Farangs, they know that the average Farang is petrified of them, they have the upper hand from the get go, they have the upper hand anyway, they will use deadly force and fight to win whatever that entails, if that means having 5 of his friends beat the crap outta ya, then so be it.

Farangs are of a different mindset in Thailand, they wouldn't back down in their own country against a Thai guy half their size and weight but here, they will and for good reason. They can never win !

For instance if that same Thai guy had been driving his car or van in the USA and had been flipped the bird, do you think he would have taken such aggressive actions ? No way.

Yet he can here because he always has the upper hand, the fear and paranoia most Farangs have in Thailand allows Farangs to get beaten easily, in your own country the same Thai guy would never confront you, he would be the one taking evasive action and hiding up some side street till the big bad Farang had gone.

In Thailand, the Thai man has the upper hand, and he knows it, it's as simple as that.

I have seen Thai women get ripped off in Singapore by Farangs, and they can't do anything, in Thailand the same Farangs would have been bottled, stabbed or beaten to a pulp.

3 Skinheads walking down a street in 1970's UK would be looking for trouble with any Indians or Pakistanis, those same 3 skinheads would have been killed in Karachi or Calcutta doing the same thing.

It's not a case of bending over and taking it up the jacksy, it's a case of, " I'm out of my natural environment, I am the underdog here, I'd better keep my fawking mouth shut and rein in my emotions" smile and nod and be on your way, why do you think Thai people will avoid trouble as far as they can in Thailand, why do they smile when we would be growling and gnashing our teeth, it saves conflict, because these people will fight to win at all costs and someone is gonna get hurt, best to walk away.

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p.s. for those of you who say swallow your pride,bow your head and take all the shit thailand throws at you with a smile, you had better get your xmas letter to santa soon.

Dear santa, I have been a good boy all year in Thailand. I have never once stood up for myself or questioned the logic in any situation here in thailand. i am not a citizen here and so have no rights whatsoever and i accept that. i have given my wife/gf all my money and relinguished all my responsibilities. Please.please, please santa, this year can you give me a set of ....................Balls. thankyou santa, see you again next year if i havent been wiped out on the roads. xx


You won't change anything by giving the finger or not giving the finger, you will just get into less confrontations by swallowing your pride.

Thai guys are certainly not scared to confront Farangs, they know that the average Farang is petrified of them, they have the upper hand from the get go, they have the upper hand anyway, they will use deadly force and fight to win whatever that entails, if that means having 5 of his friends beat the crap outta ya, then so be it.

Farangs are of a different mindset in Thailand, they wouldn't back down in their own country against a Thai guy half their size and weight but here, they will and for good reason. They can never win !

For instance if that same Thai guy had been driving his car or van in the USA and had been flipped the bird, do you think he would have taken such aggressive actions ? No way.

Yet he can here because he always has the upper hand, the fear and paranoia most Farangs have in Thailand allows Farangs to get beaten easily, in your own country the same Thai guy would never confront you, he would be the one taking evasive action and hiding up some side street till the big bad Farang had gone.

In Thailand, the Thai man has the upper hand, and he knows it, it's as simple as that.

I have seen Thai women get ripped off in Singapore by Farangs, and they can't do anything, in Thailand the same Farangs would have been bottled, stabbed or beaten to a pulp.

3 Skinheads walking down a street in 1970's UK would be looking for trouble with any Indians or Pakistanis, those same 3 skinheads would have been killed in Karachi or Calcutta doing the same thing.

It's not a case of bending over and taking it up the jacksy, it's a case of, " I'm out of my natural environment, I am the underdog here, I'd better keep my fawking mouth shut and rein in my emotions" smile and nod and be on your way, why do you think Thai people will avoid trouble as far as they can in Thailand, why do they smile when we would be growling and gnashing our teeth, it saves conflict, because these people will fight to win at all costs and someone is gonna get hurt, best to walk away.

agreed. i need to take a tip from the madagasgar penguins......' smile and wave boys, just smile and wave.'

thanks. :)

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Sc - I agree with your sediment, thequiet man, where can I buy an impedment to drive?whistling.gif

hi trevorg, sorry i meant impediment. by the way you say you agree with sc's sediment. or you referring to the types of rocks he has or do you mean ; sentiments' :whistling:

No need to apologise, and yes my uses of sediments was internationalrolleyes.gif I'm off to invert an impedment, it will either be the new bicycle or a cocktail! I'll let you know later!

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Ok, so the discussion about revenge, getting wound up by idiots, flipping the bird etc happens because the standard of driving here is deplorable etc and retaliation is apparently justifiable till you realise one major point.

Being the victim of someone else's bad driving habits is nothing personal. They dont know you and would have done the same manoeuvre on anyone who was there at the time. Therefore there is no need to take it personally, give them the finger, antagonize them etc. Just tell yourself that the person in that car is obviously an asshol_e. If you saw someone behaving like an asshol_e in a bar, on the street or at a football match etc would you antagonize them further? Only if you yourself were an asshol_e. The same rules apply here.

One of my golden rules in life is to avoid <deleted>. So far its worked out well.

Edited by Kananga
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Ok, so the discussion about revenge, getting wound up by idiots, flipping the bird etc happens because the standard of driving here is deplorable etc and retaliation is apparently justifiable till you realise one major point.

Being the victim of someone else's bad driving habits is nothing personal. They dont know you and would have done the same manoeuvre on anyone who was there at the time. Therefore there is no need to take it personally, give them the finger, antagonize them etc. Just tell yourself that the person in that car is obviously an asshol_e. If you saw someone behaving like an asshol_e in a bar, on the street or at a football match etc would you antagonize them further? Only if you yourself were an asshol_e. The same rules apply here.

One of my golden rules in life is to avoid <deleted>. So far its worked out well.

What do you do for fun?whistling.gif

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...No need to apologise, and yes my uses of sediments was internationalrolleyes.gif I'm off to invert an impedment, it will either be the new bicycle or a cocktail! I'll let you know later!

Don't invert a sediment. Let it settle, and decant gently into a jug, before pouring into glasses.

Unless you want to loose it in the morning.


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...No need to apologise, and yes my uses of sediments was internationalrolleyes.gif I'm off to invert an impedment, it will either be the new bicycle or a cocktail! I'll let you know later!

Don't invert a sediment. Let it settle, and decant gently into a jug, before pouring into glasses.

Unless you want to loose it in the morning.


I've took your advise and weel ignoor it now bacous its the arthurnoon.

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For me, I'd say a random traffic incident... whether it's getting crowded off the road by a larger vehicle or a shootout resulting from rude driving is up there as one of the few things that can bring me down and end this rather lax and lush existence I have here. It's one of the few places where the social hierarchy breaks down and people are equal here, even if only for a brief moment. That bus, truck or taxi driver who would probably crawl in front of you in a different social setting, or that armed drug or gambling gangster who probably chews with his mouth open and who likely would shy away from any conversation that would reveal his relative lack of education ... on the road, that 2 to 6 tons of steel and x hundred horsepower makes them feel like they have the right to 'mingle' with you.

That and cancer I suppose are the main two things I'm on the lookout for.


Whilst I'm not a huge fan of social hierarchy situations, you are quite correct, I need to give up the arms, the drugs and my Hi-So lifestyle and buy a vehicle that I can drive on the road and plough a field - with no lights, a trailer and 27 cambodians?ohmy.gif

Yeah, now that I think of it there is still some 'hierarchy' on the roads, just less so than in person to person situations. Most folks generally are less likely to play chicken scrape with the more expensive automobile brands. Expensive plates and some stickers (such as the ones that designate police or military graduating class) also merit some 'yield to me' points.


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For me, I'd say a random traffic incident... whether it's getting crowded off the road by a larger vehicle or a shootout resulting from rude driving is up there as one of the few things that can bring me down and end this rather lax and lush existence I have here. It's one of the few places where the social hierarchy breaks down and people are equal here, even if only for a brief moment. That bus, truck or taxi driver who would probably crawl in front of you in a different social setting, or that armed drug or gambling gangster who probably chews with his mouth open and who likely would shy away from any conversation that would reveal his relative lack of education ... on the road, that 2 to 6 tons of steel and x hundred horsepower makes them feel like they have the right to 'mingle' with you.

That and cancer I suppose are the main two things I'm on the lookout for.


Whilst I'm not a huge fan of social hierarchy situations, you are quite correct, I need to give up the arms, the drugs and my Hi-So lifestyle and buy a vehicle that I can drive on the road and plough a field - with no lights, a trailer and 27 cambodians?ohmy.gif

Yeah, now that I think of it there is still some 'hierarchy' on the roads, just less so than in person to person situations. Most folks generally are less likely to play chicken scrape with the more expensive automobile brands. Expensive plates and some stickers (such as the ones that designate police or military graduating class) also merit some 'yield to me' points.


There's a huge amount of vehicle hierarchy out there, for the past seven years I've driven a CRV and I came to understand that driving in Thailand is quite easy. I've since sold the CRV and am now driving a fifteen year old Mitsubishi loaner car and other vehicles treat me as though I don't exist on the road, litterally, that in itself is a huge source of road rage.

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In Thailand, the Thai man has the upper hand, and he knows it, it's as simple as that.

I have seen Thai women get ripped off in Singapore by Farangs, and they can't do anything, in Thailand the same Farangs would have been bottled, stabbed or beaten to a pulp.

3 Skinheads walking down a street in 1970's UK would be looking for trouble with any Indians or Pakistanis, those same 3 skinheads would have been killed in Karachi or Calcutta doing the same thing.

It's not a case of bending over and taking it up the jacksy, it's a case of, " I'm out of my natural environment, I am the underdog here, I'd better keep my fawking mouth shut and rein in my emotions" smile and nod and be on your way, why do you think Thai people will avoid trouble as far as they can in Thailand, why do they smile when we would be growling and gnashing our teeth, it saves conflict, because these people will fight to win at all costs and someone is gonna get hurt, best to walk away.

I understand what you say about skinheads (or local equivalents) but here it's different. In Europe, these guys have been to jail so many times, they don't really care about the consequences of their act. In Thailand, they may have big mouth but there are (usually) limits they wont cross. Unless you find a drunk pumped on adrenalin, and it's everywhere in the world the same, the best alternative is just to walk away.

Actually, I'm surprised that nobody mention the two kind of drivers that I find the worst in Thailand. The van drivers ( those 16 seaters that travel from province to province) and the the 25-35 y.o. lady in her small honda or toyota. These people have usually no respects for other drivers. Am I the only one with this idea ?

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Ok, so the discussion about revenge, getting wound up by idiots, flipping the bird etc happens because the standard of driving here is deplorable etc and retaliation is apparently justifiable till you realise one major point.

Being the victim of someone else's bad driving habits is nothing personal. They dont know you and would have done the same manoeuvre on anyone who was there at the time. Therefore there is no need to take it personally, give them the finger, antagonize them etc. Just tell yourself that the person in that car is obviously an asshol_e. If you saw someone behaving like an asshol_e in a bar, on the street or at a football match etc would you antagonize them further? Only if you yourself were an asshol_e. The same rules apply here.

One of my golden rules in life is to avoid <deleted>. So far its worked out well.

What do you do for fun?whistling.gif

Avoid <deleted>. But occasionally I'll make an exception. :D

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Ok, so the discussion about revenge, getting wound up by idiots, flipping the bird etc happens because the standard of driving here is deplorable etc and retaliation is apparently justifiable till you realise one major point.

Being the victim of someone else's bad driving habits is nothing personal. They dont know you and would have done the same manoeuvre on anyone who was there at the time. Therefore there is no need to take it personally, give them the finger, antagonize them etc. Just tell yourself that the person in that car is obviously an asshol_e. If you saw someone behaving like an asshol_e in a bar, on the street or at a football match etc would you antagonize them further? Only if you yourself were an asshol_e. The same rules apply here.

One of my golden rules in life is to avoid <deleted>. So far its worked out well.

What do you do for fun?whistling.gif

Avoid <deleted>. But occasionally I'll make an exception. :D

Smooth and nice, I'll PM you!laugh.gif

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In Thailand, the Thai man has the upper hand, and he knows it, it's as simple as that.

I have seen Thai women get ripped off in Singapore by Farangs, and they can't do anything, in Thailand the same Farangs would have been bottled, stabbed or beaten to a pulp.

3 Skinheads walking down a street in 1970's UK would be looking for trouble with any Indians or Pakistanis, those same 3 skinheads would have been killed in Karachi or Calcutta doing the same thing.

It's not a case of bending over and taking it up the jacksy, it's a case of, " I'm out of my natural environment, I am the underdog here, I'd better keep my fawking mouth shut and rein in my emotions" smile and nod and be on your way, why do you think Thai people will avoid trouble as far as they can in Thailand, why do they smile when we would be growling and gnashing our teeth, it saves conflict, because these people will fight to win at all costs and someone is gonna get hurt, best to walk away.

I understand what you say about skinheads (or local equivalents) but here it's different. In Europe, these guys have been to jail so many times, they don't really care about the consequences of their act. In Thailand, they may have big mouth but there are (usually) limits they wont cross. Unless you find a drunk pumped on adrenalin, and it's everywhere in the world the same, the best alternative is just to walk away.

Actually, I'm surprised that nobody mention the two kind of drivers that I find the worst in Thailand. The van drivers ( those 16 seaters that travel from province to province) and the the 25-35 y.o. lady in her small honda or toyota. These people have usually no respects for other drivers. Am I the only one with this idea ?

Actually i found that people in black fortuners drove the most anti social. But i think the moment you single one out your going to notice them more.

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^ The Toyota Vigo is still an all categories winners but personally I've a soft spot for the Mitsubishi Triton. And now there is a new Nissan.

And then when you're talking about their more "civilized" cousins like the Fortuner, you have to take into account all the equipments ...

Based on past history, I think Fortuner is still the best choice, but we still need to watch the new comers. Mitsubishi, Nissan, I still haven't made my mind ...

But honestly, Honda ... And a French poodle on the back seat ? cheesy.gif

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p.s. for those of you who say swallow your pride,bow your head and take all the shit thailand throws at you with a smile, you had better get your xmas letter to santa soon.

Dear santa, I have been a good boy all year in Thailand. I have never once stood up for myself or questioned the logic in any situation here in thailand. i am not a citizen here and so have no rights whatsoever and i accept that. i have given my wife/gf all my money and relinguished all my responsibilities. Please.please, please santa, this year can you give me a set of ....................Balls. thankyou santa, see you again next year if i havent been wiped out on the roads. xx


Giving him the finger and then running away isn't exactly standing up for yourself is it? It's more like school playground antics. :whistling:

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Driving in Thailand can be tough for foreigners used to strict road rules & enforcement in their home countries. The simplest advice I can give is eat your slice of humble pie, learn to yield more and go with the traffic flow.

Truly situational awareness is key for driving here. No one wants to have a collision with you, they all have their own lives to get on with, as you with yours. A bit of parity goes a long way. :)

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