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Road Rage In Thailand


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I don't think there is a week goes by when I do not see a fatal road accident or one causing serious injuries here in Thailand. Most weeks I see multiple such accidents.

Most Thais do not drive like total tw@s, most drive reasonable well - but like everything else here in Thailand nobody gives a flyingfack about the selfish tw@s who drive like lunatics or behave violently when confronted.

But of course here on TV it is the fault of the person making the observation of Tw@ish driving, not the tw@ driver.

I take a slightly different view - Thais driving like lunatics, Thais getting out of cars and shooting each other - I don't care - I do my best to stay clear of these lunatics and if the Thai people want to carry on killing each other on the road the way they seemingly are happy to do so - So be it.

Tw@s are easy to spot on the road - easier still to avoid.

Just take your foot off the gas and let them go up the road to the accident that awaits them.

With the innocent party that they kill...awesome attitude.

So what do you want me to say - I can't sleep nights because my heart's bleeding over the national mindset that allows accidents and other unnecessary misery to continue rather than take the too painful remedy of holding individuals accountable for their actions.

I'm too busy with my secondary concern that the tw@ driver who sped up the road in front of me into the accident that awaits him might run under my wheels in his eagerness to flee the scene of the carnage and misery he himself created.

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This is the God's own.

I know a Thai guy called 'Lucky', that was not the name he started life with.

He explained to me one day they reason why he changed his name to Lucky.

He survived a head on car wreck in which he was driving, spent months in hospital but..... survived.

His pregnant wife and 3 year old son where killed in the accident.

He felt this warranted a name change and yes he still drives like a tw@.

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Maybe they just need to embarass the idiots on the road like they tried in australia,speeding compensates for having a small dick campaign

I dont speed.

Would speeding make up for it? So if I get a faster car I need never be embarrassed again?



You could also try guns. Guns compensate for small dicks. Take it from submaniac, nothing takes your mind off of having a small dick like making things around you explode into shrapnel.

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I dont like guns outside a shooting range and firefights will often hit innocent people. So i prefer that not many people own them.

Of course you'd prefer. Now just tell that to the criminals. It's the criminals who hit innocent people. If someone comes up with a gun and starts shooting at you, I'm so happy to learn that you'd rather be defenseless and stand there and die for "the cause."

"Firefights" don't often happen. The presence of a gun changes the perps attitude real fast. After all, he didn't plan to die when he pulled his gun. And I'd like some statistics on "often hit innocent people" as opposed to good people being saved. Actually both are extremely rare.

I carry credit cards, a spare tire, and a gun in case I need them. Who am I, some wild eyed guy who would hit every bystander in sight instead of my target?

Go ahead and die for your cause. Someday you may need to.

As far as i know most criminals wont kill you they just want to rob you.

Give your wallet and be done with it. You pull your gun and start shooting you might end up dead or an innocent gets killed. Nothing wrong with guns at a firering range.

Anyway i know ill never convince you and you wont convince me. Neither of us has a vote here so not much chance of changing things. We either accept it or move on.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

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I dont like guns outside a shooting range and firefights will often hit innocent people. So i prefer that not many people own them.

Of course you'd prefer. Now just tell that to the criminals. It's the criminals who hit innocent people. If someone comes up with a gun and starts shooting at you, I'm so happy to learn that you'd rather be defenseless and stand there and die for "the cause."

"Firefights" don't often happen. The presence of a gun changes the perps attitude real fast. After all, he didn't plan to die when he pulled his gun. And I'd like some statistics on "often hit innocent people" as opposed to good people being saved. Actually both are extremely rare.

I carry credit cards, a spare tire, and a gun in case I need them. Who am I, some wild eyed guy who would hit every bystander in sight instead of my target?

Go ahead and die for your cause. Someday you may need to.

As far as i know most criminals wont kill you they just want to rob you.

Give your wallet and be done with it. You pull your gun and start shooting you might end up dead or an innocent gets killed. Nothing wrong with guns at a firering range.

Anyway i know ill never convince you and you wont convince me. Neither of us has a vote here so not much chance of changing things. We either accept it or move on.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

This topic is about rage, not robbery. There are lots of killings even in LOS by armed BG's - BG's being short for bad guys in my country. To say there aren't random murders in LOS is to be naive to the max. Sometimes an angry ex walks into a workplace and shoots the place up, killing innocents. Comparing robbery with rage won't cut it, although often robbers kill, even in LOS. It is only a criminal who does this because by definition it is a crime.

There are comments in this thread about farangs being unarmed but BG's having guns. That doesn't sound like a level playing field to me. And YES there are shootings and killings so stop kidding yourself. I prefer to be able to defend myself. You don't. I'll see you at your funeral.

As for innocents in the vicinity being killed as someone said, innocents are already being killed every day. I am trained to watch my backstop (what's behind my target) and to hit what I aim at. I'm trained to not take the shot if the backstop isn't clear. If this wasn't possible, even police and military wouldn't be able to have guns. They'd be killing each other.

If we could make the BG's get rid of their guns too, I would agree with you, but that's not going to happen.

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I dont like guns outside a shooting range and firefights will often hit innocent people. So i prefer that not many people own them.

Of course you'd prefer. Now just tell that to the criminals. It's the criminals who hit innocent people. If someone comes up with a gun and starts shooting at you, I'm so happy to learn that you'd rather be defenseless and stand there and die for "the cause."

"Firefights" don't often happen. The presence of a gun changes the perps attitude real fast. After all, he didn't plan to die when he pulled his gun. And I'd like some statistics on "often hit innocent people" as opposed to good people being saved. Actually both are extremely rare.

I carry credit cards, a spare tire, and a gun in case I need them. Who am I, some wild eyed guy who would hit every bystander in sight instead of my target?

Go ahead and die for your cause. Someday you may need to.

As far as i know most criminals wont kill you they just want to rob you.

Give your wallet and be done with it. You pull your gun and start shooting you might end up dead or an innocent gets killed. Nothing wrong with guns at a firering range.

Anyway i know ill never convince you and you wont convince me. Neither of us has a vote here so not much chance of changing things. We either accept it or move on.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

This topic is about rage, not robbery. There are lots of killings even in LOS by armed BG's - BG's being short for bad guys in my country. To say there aren't random murders in LOS is to be naive to the max. Sometimes an angry ex walks into a workplace and shoots the place up, killing innocents. Comparing robbery with rage won't cut it, although often robbers kill, even in LOS. It is only a criminal who does this because by definition it is a crime.

There are comments in this thread about farangs being unarmed but BG's having guns. That doesn't sound like a level playing field to me. And YES there are shootings and killings so stop kidding yourself. I prefer to be able to defend myself. You don't. I'll see you at your funeral.

As for innocents in the vicinity being killed as someone said, innocents are already being killed every day. I am trained to watch my backstop (what's behind my target) and to hit what I aim at. I'm trained to not take the shot if the backstop isn't clear. If this wasn't possible, even police and military wouldn't be able to have guns. They'd be killing each other.

If we could make the BG's get rid of their guns too, I would agree with you, but that's not going to happen.

Ill take your word for your great training and such. But if you know how license s are given out here, just look at drivers licence s you woud worry too.

You can get drunk or snap too without your gun you would do a lot less damage. Anyway you cant own a gun here so if you want one that badly stay home.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

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I am seriously taking another look at permanently moving to LOS. So much is in the news about killings of foreigners. It's not just the tourist sex areas either. It's Chiang Mai and other places. The farang can't defend himself.

I haven't looked up the murder rate per capita but it's not what concerns me. It's the murder rate of foreigners. In the US the most dangerous places are the inner cities. The danger is from criminals, many who already have criminal records and are automatically forbidden to own guns. They pay no attention to that law.

I can stay away from those places.

Many farangs on here have talked about other farangs being killed by jealous ex's or someone doing it for the ex. There is talk of killing for life insurance or for assets. LOS is not immune from the problem, and yet the farang can't defend himself.

People talk about danger in the US. They banned guns in Australia and see what happened. Now only the BG's have guns and there is still murder. Yes, the rate went down for a while but it is climbing. Murder is as old as history. Even if it is thought that the Bible is a fairly tale, still the first two children in it, in the very beginning we brothers - Cain and Abel. Cain murdered his brother Abel according to the story. It is nothing new.

Obviously from this thread LOS isn't immune to road rage and killings. Nowhere is it safe, not even in parts of Britain, and just look at the carnage in Victoria BC where guns are mostly banned. It isn't a safe place to be.

I will be in LOS in about a month for one more visit before I move. I will be giving this much thought. I can afford to stay in the US with my home and my toys and yes my guns and I may just decide that loss of my rights and freedoms in LOS isn't worth it. I'd love to be in LOS. I mean Love to be there. We'll see if I think the trade-offs are worth it when push comes to shove.

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Ill take your word for your great training and such. But if you know how license s are given out here, just look at drivers licence s you woud worry too.

You can get drunk or snap too without your gun you would do a lot less damage. Anyway you cant own a gun here so if you want one that badly stay home.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

It is illegal to carry a gun when drunk just as it is illegal to drive. It is illegal in most states to even carry a gun into a bar even if you aren't drinking. It isn't as if it is a wild and crazy place. Honest, law abiding citizens obey those laws just as they obey other laws. A drunk driving ticket will lose you your concealed carry license. This is not a crazy place of anarchy as those who don't live here seem to think.

There are almost NO incidences of people with licenses causing problems, but what's not much reported is how often they stop crime. As I mentioned earlier, the good person carrying that gun turns into the most polite and conflict avoiding person you know. He knows the consequences of conflict now. He knows that even if he has to make a justifiable shoot he will still need a lawyer and it will still be investigated. In the end he will be exonerated if the shooting was justified, but the massive hassle and legal expense will make him think not just once before he ever even displays that gun.

Road rage and other shootings are almost always done by those with criminal records who were forbidden to have that gun and had to buy it illegally on the black market for an inflated price. The stories of guns and carnage in the US by those not in the know are wild fabrications. Yes the rate is high but you must first look at where they occur, and then by whom. It isn't my nice neighbors who cause the problems. It isn't even many of the nice people in the relatively rural area where I live.

Edited by NeverSure
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I haven't looked up the murder rate per capita but it's not what concerns me. It's the murder rate of foreigners. In the US the most dangerous places are the inner cities. The danger is from criminals, many who already have criminal records and are automatically forbidden to own guns. They pay no attention to that law.

Not sure looking at a murder rate of foreigners in Thailand would tell you too much.

Firstly, the tourist visitor numbers over any 12 month period seem to be very rubbery

Secondly, there seems to be many suspicious deaths ruled as suicide or accident.

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No good person carries a gun, only killers carry guns (and potential killers).

Just my opinion.

Police and military members carry guns and they are potential killers. There is justifiable killing and there is murder. Try to see the difference.

I don't believe any killing is justifiable. Better to die yourself, than kill another person.

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No good person carries a gun, only killers carry guns (and potential killers).

Just my opinion.

Police and military members carry guns and they are potential killers. There is justifiable killing and there is murder. Try to see the difference.

I don't believe any killing is justifiable. Better to die yourself, than kill another person.

Well, I can't argue with that if that's your belief. It doesn't work for me. If I encountered a road rage person who pulled a gun, I would prefer that he die rather than me.

So we must then just have our own beliefs.

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No good person carries a gun, only killers carry guns (and potential killers).

Just my opinion.

Police and military members carry guns and they are potential killers. There is justifiable killing and there is murder. Try to see the difference.

I don't believe any killing is justifiable. Better to die yourself, than kill another person.

That's a pretty noble attitude, but I don't know if I could stand by and watch someone slaughter someone I love and do nothing.

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No good person carries a gun, only killers carry guns (and potential killers).

Just my opinion.

Police and military members carry guns and they are potential killers. There is justifiable killing and there is murder. Try to see the difference.

I don't believe any killing is justifiable. Better to die yourself, than kill another person.

That's a pretty noble attitude, but I don't know if I could stand by and watch someone slaughter someone I love and do nothing.

Wildly off topic now but

Only aggressors have a chance in a gun fight, you can't protect your family because you aren't prepared to instantly shoot back.

What do you do, have a loaded and cocked gun within your reach 24/7, or keep it away from the kids unloaded in a gun safe?

If it isn't cocked and loaded, you have no reasonable chance of defense.

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Police and military members carry guns and they are potential killers. There is justifiable killing and there is murder. Try to see the difference.

I don't believe any killing is justifiable. Better to die yourself, than kill another person.

That's a pretty noble attitude, but I don't know if I could stand by and watch someone slaughter someone I love and do nothing.

Wildly off topic now but

Only aggressors have a chance in a gun fight, you can't protect your family because you aren't prepared to instantly shoot back.

What do you do, have a loaded and cocked gun within your reach 24/7, or keep it away from the kids unloaded in a gun safe?

If it isn't cocked and loaded, you have no reasonable chance of defense.

I have a vicious attack puppy. She bites first and asks questions later. We don't have many guests.biggrin.png Guarding B-52 bombers in Thailand we also found that dogs were more effective than guns.

http://www.vspa.com/k9/ut-southern-star2.htm The 635th Security Police Squadron’s K-9 Section is building a new image for the fierce sentry dogs that help guard U-Tapao Airfield. They have even given them a new name - patrol dogs. Instead of being taught to distrust anyone other than their handlers, the wiry, sharp-toothed German Shepherds are conditioned to work under control in harmony with a number of different persons in both combat and non-combat situations.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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It doesn't have to be a gun, it could be someone coming at you with a knife or machete. So you'd prefer to stand there and be hacked to death rather than defend yourself and kill the aggressor?

Only a nut, walks around with a loaded and cocked gun. When someone attacks you, it's normally without warning.

Different situation when you have many armed defenders, more chance of a partially successful defense, but you will still suffer casualties.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Wildly off topic now but

Only aggressors have a chance in a gun fight, you can't protect your family because you aren't prepared to instantly shoot back.

What do you do, have a loaded and cocked gun within your reach 24/7, or keep it away from the kids unloaded in a gun safe?

If it isn't cocked and loaded, you have no reasonable chance of defense.

Totally lacking in understanding, and it could be a road rage incident so I don't see the "off topic." My Glock 23 in .40 SW caliber in on me right now. It is loaded and there is a round in the chamber. Due to the design of the gun it doesn't need to be cocked. Simply pulling the trigger through "cocks" it.

It is NOT true about aggressors. If it were police and military might as well go unarmed. The truth is that most criminals with guns are horrible shots, have little training, and compete with a trained adversary. Sure, they get lucky once in a while, but in a shootout with police they rarely prevail. The same is true with a trained citizen.

I've been hunting and shooting all of my life and in addition to the teaching I received from my father (also a lifelong shooter and a veteran of Normandy) I have taken intense defensive training. Some punk gang banger with no training buys a gun and thinks he's tough. We'll see.

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Only a nut, walks around with a loaded and cocked gun. When someone attacks you, it's normally without warning.

Different situation when you have many armed defenders, more chance of a partially successful defense, but you will still suffer casualties.

BS. Often the citizen is witnessing a robbery and he isn't even on the robber's radar, but he might soon be the target, or others are already the target. Often the citizen is being threatened by a gang without guns but his life is still in jeopardy.

Having the hidden but quickly available gun gives one the element of surprise.

I'm not losing any respect for you here because I've read so many of your good posts. It's just apparent to me that you have no training or experience with this.

Let's not forget that it takes a lot of skill to hit a target with a handgun. It's much harder than with a rifle. This gives the trained shooter a huge advantage over the punk who bought or stole a pistol and now thinks he's something special.

Edited by NeverSure
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I'm not losing any respect for you here because I've read so many of your good posts. It's just apparent to me that you have no training or experience with this.

I've actually had far too much training with guns to be happy with anyone carrying in my locality.

I used to carry a Taurus PT92, because of it's ability to carry 'locked and cocked' and it's 15 round mag.

(In preference to the Beretta M9 with it's decocking lever)

Was never a great fan of the Glock (or M9), as using the trigger to cock (double action) invariably causes a miss with the first shot.

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I dont like guns outside a shooting range and firefights will often hit innocent people. So i prefer that not many people own them.

Of course you'd prefer. Now just tell that to the criminals. It's the criminals who hit innocent people. If someone comes up with a gun and starts shooting at you, I'm so happy to learn that you'd rather be defenseless and stand there and die for "the cause."

"Firefights" don't often happen. The presence of a gun changes the perps attitude real fast. After all, he didn't plan to die when he pulled his gun. And I'd like some statistics on "often hit innocent people" as opposed to good people being saved. Actually both are extremely rare.

I carry credit cards, a spare tire, and a gun in case I need them. Who am I, some wild eyed guy who would hit every bystander in sight instead of my target?

Go ahead and die for your cause. Someday you may need to.

I'm so glad I don't live in the USA :)

( Grammar ok ? )

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I dont like guns outside a shooting range and firefights will often hit innocent people. So i prefer that not many people own them.

Of course you'd prefer. Now just tell that to the criminals. It's the criminals who hit innocent people. If someone comes up with a gun and starts shooting at you, I'm so happy to learn that you'd rather be defenseless and stand there and die for "the cause."

"Firefights" don't often happen. The presence of a gun changes the perps attitude real fast. After all, he didn't plan to die when he pulled his gun. And I'd like some statistics on "often hit innocent people" as opposed to good people being saved. Actually both are extremely rare.

I carry credit cards, a spare tire, and a gun in case I need them. Who am I, some wild eyed guy who would hit every bystander in sight instead of my target?

Go ahead and die for your cause. Someday you may need to.

I'm so glad I don't live in the USA smile.png

( Grammar ok ? )

You do realize there are anti American bots that get paid to reinforce anti American stereotypes? I do it sometimes when I need money to buy ammo.

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Sorry about bumping an old thread up but im still vexed about an incident that happened yesterday evening

I'm driving along carefully at about 80kmh up north on the main highway with my wife and children in the car and this motorbike/scooter with no lights on and 3 teenage boys on rides straight into my path from nowhere! <deleted>!

I take avasive action to avoid massive carnage succesfully, although it was touch and go for a few seconds.

I stop my car to make sure my family is o.k, then get out to see the youths laughing and drinking a bit further down the road at some shop/shack. I start to walk over shaking, fighting the urge to knock the rider out with the adrenelan pumping .

My wife stops me saying if i'd hit them i would have to pay Xbaht and go to jail etc

So the fact that they sit there drinking/laughing afer nearly killing my family is of no consequence, they will not learn or be punished?

I personally think it was a game of dare or maybe stupid ignorance.

Rant over.

never thought it was possible to lose a car vs motorbike battle. your driving must really suck.

As it goes i'm a very careful driver, no crashes(touch wood) in 30 years

As for an accident at 80kmh car vs bike, to many variations can happen, i'm not an accident investigator.

It's feesable that the bike and occupants could have entered the window screen with enough force to injured the driver/occupants leading the car to go out of control and crash into other persons and blow up, who knows?

It would not of been pretty!

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Was never a great fan of the Glock (or M9), as using the trigger to cock (double action) invariably causes a miss with the first shot.

Said I was gone but can't pass up this lack of knowledge.

A Glock isn't only double action on the first shot but on every shot. It never self cocks on subsequent shots and every shot is the same. The idea that this causes inaccuracy is laughable. About 70% of all police officers in the US carry this gun by choice.

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