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The Black Population In Bangkok.


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First off not being a politically correct person I am not sure of the correct word to use at the moment for a black person so I am simply going to use the word black. Having not been in Bangkok for a long time I was amazed the other day while up there at the amount of black people around. especially around the Nana area.

I'm not talking about the few on holiday I'm talking about the ones well integrated into their surroundings, I don't remember it being like this a few years ago, is the Nana area being taken over by blacks the same way Pattaya has been taken over with Russians ?

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People from everywhere are everywhere these days. My theory is the internet. I probably would not have a place in Bangkok if I did not find my job on the internet a few years back. I would still be in Podunk TX scratching to make a living.

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People from everywhere are everywhere these days. My theory is the internet. I probably would not have a place in Bangkok if I did not find my job on the internet a few years back. I would still be in Podunk TX scratching to make a living.

which one are you?

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The BIB used to have regular pogroms of the 'Soi Africa' area when the population would drop precipitously for a couple of years. I haven't heard of this happening for several years but I'm a bit out of touch with the local news there.

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I think there are far more white or arab people in that area.

Alot of the black guys there sell drugs.

Infact i was sat in a bar in soi 4 and there was 2 black guys sat on the next table. One came over and asked for a cigarette. I gave him one and he sat down. Leaned over and said something to me. Couldnt hear because of the music. I asked him to repeat. All i heard was cock! That shocked me as i thought he was some kind of rent boy. I just said no mate im not interested and turned away. He typed something into his phone then showed me. It was coke lol.

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The BIB used to have regular pogroms of the 'Soi Africa' area when the population would drop precipitously for a couple of years. I haven't heard of this happening for several years but I'm a bit out of touch with the local news there.

<deleted> is a pogrom????

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would have to be a one off surely.

after she left, he went back and met another the very afternoon the other left, did not learn a thing.

is married to her and doing it again, except he must work 7 days now to send cash to her.

this new ones stories are better then stephen king when she wants something.

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To get back on topic, there has for many years been an African presence in Lower Suk especially around soi 3 to soi 5, which in recent years - for whatever reason - did explode somewhat.

Over the past month or so however there has been a noticeable drop in African numbers in that area but one can only speculate on why this is.

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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dont mind the shopping malls in sukhimvit, but i cant stand the rest of the region.

its ok but after an hour it does my head in,

went to a club called the bed superclub, expensive but had a good american DJ on that night, on soi 11 i think, many indians there.

if i want a suit i wont be shopping for one at midnight.

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To get back on topic, there has for many years been an African presence in Lower Suk especially around soi 3 to soi 5, which in recent years - for whatever reason - did explode somewhat.

Over the past month or so however there has been a noticeable drop in African numbers in that area but one can only speculate on why this is.

they have probably joined their buddies 'fishing ' off the coast of Somalia.

More money to be made and no hassle from the forces of law and order.

Or married English females along with their many brothers and headed for the easy life...

At British taxpayers expense.

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The BIB used to have regular pogroms of the 'Soi Africa' area when the population would drop precipitously for a couple of years. I haven't heard of this happening for several years but I'm a bit out of touch with the local news there.

<deleted> is a pogrom????

That's when all the different , stand out types get rounded up by the military police and sent off to gaol or stalags . It has been used in the past in ethnic cleansing . A nasty business by all accounts.

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They are still around they have simply moved deeper into BKK. They had taken over the bar next door to foodland in soi 5 and then it closed so they have moved into the little soi that joins 5 to 7 and are regulars at a few of the cheaper bars. There is a sign in the very first bar in that little alley that says "we do not service the black man here because to many problems" The bar is owned by 2 thai guys.

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well integrated into their surroundings

working girls or katoeys?

Yes I did see a couple of black working girls but that is not what I meant with well integrated. Although no doubt integrating well between the sheets the well integrated ones I saw were sitting in the the reception areas of bottom end accommodation around the Baiyoke area, also saw many carrying goods for sale.... shoes clothing ect :)

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They are still around they have simply moved deeper into BKK. They had taken over the bar next door to foodland in soi 5 and then it closed so they have moved into the little soi that joins 5 to 7 and are regulars at a few of the cheaper bars. There is a sign in the very first bar in that little alley that says "we do not service the black man here because to many problems" The bar is owned by 2 thai guys.

great sign :lol:

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