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Don't you ever wonder about the beggar's story??

I once met a German beggar in India who was in a terrible state (unlike the reports of the BKK beggar). He had lived in India for 20 yrs running a successful export business. His wife left him, taking his kids back to Germany. He became a heroin addict, lost everything and ended up on the streets living in doorways and begging for food.

I met him in a temple where the monks had taken pity on him and gave him food and shelter. His passport had been stolen and his embassy wouldn't help him as they assumed he'd sold the passport. The guy was at wits end, very ill and desperate to see his kids but couldn't raise his head off the pillow to think of a way out of his misery.

After a week of sitting and talking with him, convincing him that he would die if he didn't help himself regain his life, he finally summoned the strength to revisit the embassy and convince them to help him go home. I wished him luck and carried on with my journey.

A year later, he phoned my home in Australia. He'd made it back to Germany, cleaned up his act, gotten well, re-established his business and found his kids. He said if I hadn't cared enough to invest a week of my life to help him, he probably wouldn't be here. He was once again a very happy camper and I very was happy for him!!!

Some beggars have happy endings.......... :o


I guess its all down to your own judgement.

A couple of years ago I was near the Ploenchit Centre with my then GF and we were approached by a rather scallyish, scrawny English guy. He told us that he'd been drinking with BGs and had been fleeced and needed 500B to phone home. By chance I had 250B left on an international phone card which I gave him plus 200B in cash as I thought that everyone makes mistakes and deserves the benefit of the doubt. We had got back to our hotel when one of our mates turned up and told us that he'd just been shaken down for 300B by a bloke outside the Ploenchit centre!! Later that evening we were talking to to a guy by the pool who said he'd been approached by an English guy who'd been ripped off by BGs. 2 days later we were by the ATM next to Pizza Hut opposite Ploenchit Centre when the same guy came sautering up with the same tale. I gave him short shrift and he scarpered away. I myself saw this guy in two other places in Thailand and heard lots of reports about him that Summer. Scum plain and simple.

My outlook was that had his need been genuine then maybe my little may have helped him. We all come unstuck and to do it a long way from home is not nice. I can speak from experience as many moons ago I was helped out by the kindness of a stranger and always vowed that I would always give the benefit of the doubt. In this case I felt a bit of a fool but at the end of the day I could afford 450B but I still felt angry and wish I could have fetched him a clip around the side of the head.

Another more pleasant instance of strangers helping strangers was a few years ago at a central Bangkok hotel. There was a commotion one morning and it transpired that two young Canadian guys on their first night in Bangkok had been royally duped by 2 BGs and wiped out. Thankfully for them their insurance came good but they faced 5 days with nothing and seeing as they only had 7 days in Bangkok and 2 weeks up country was looking like a grim start to their holiday. These guys took it all right on their chins with a smile on their faces and felt more embarrased at their own stupidity than anger towards the girls.

As you can imagine it was the talk of the hotel. The hotels regulars were sat poolside that afternoon discussing the incident and the Canadian guys reaction to what had happened.

Dismayed at their crappy welcome to Bangkok, the hotel regulars decided to have a whip round for the lads. They raised 9000 Baht between them for these lads which they could pay back if they so wished but as they could all afford it they stressed that there was no real need to. When their insurance came good a few days later the two Canadian guys threw a great pool party for the people who chipped in for them as well as repaid the 9000B in full.


It makes you wonder about the French or South African woman (no one ever seemed sure of her nationality) whom, several years ago, would beg with her child in tow in various parts on Bangkok from Sukhumwit to Siam to Silom whom Trink would mention quite often.....or was she an expat Urban Myth?

last 2 weeks my sister and  me  went to  Central Plaza Chitlom,  we  park our car at Central world plaza and  walk via  flyover

i met a  farang bloke  sat with despair face with a  backpack ..and  he  has a paper board ,  write as

" i need 8000 baht for  flight ,  you guys and  donate me  100 /500/1000 bht "

i asked him whats  wrong ..he said  he  broke  up with  a TH  girl friend, and  no more money .. he  has  around 10K  baht ..need  some  more

he  claimed  he  come  from Holland

anyhow, today i just found  from  TH  forum ,  people  meet him  at many  BTS station as  victory monument , nation stadium, pleon chit ..for  atleast 2 mths

i think he  is  just a  liar .. actaully if  i was  him,  i'd  contact with the  embassy

what do you think? :D


I think the guy could do with a couple of black eyes! Yes then he could say he was ripped off and beaten up by his TGF......It should help the donations to support his Ya Ba habit the Sh-tbag. :D


These dudes are all piles of shit. I think I've seen the dude that Fart is talking about. He didn't dare try the scam on The Dude but did with a dude with The Dude. Too bad though cause his story didn't come close to working on said dude. That guy is a huge time druggie judging by the way he shakes. Hey come to think of it, I think I have a pic of this particular scammer. I am sure he will be recognized. This is a dude who uses a BS story about how he needs departure tax money or something to that effect. I will search for pic and post. You can count on The Dude

Well The Dude searched high and The Dude searched low and yes he found the pic of one Sukhumvit scammer of many, no doubt. This pic was taken on Sukhumvit near Soi 11. It was also taken be4 The Dude witnessed this attempted scammer's attempted scam on The Dude's acquaintance. The Dude just goes wild with his digital and captures classic Sukhumvit stuff all the time.


reminds you of that old crone that used to beg at NEP . wonder where she went? must have been rich in the end.

The person you are referring to was a guy....

The way he looked, dressed and acted, many people assumed it was women. Not sure if he ended up rich, but probably made a comfortable living wandering between NEP and the Cowboy. Believe it was Trink in one of his columns who mentioned his gender. Fooled many people for years..

Thats not the same guy Dude! The guy who was around when I am talking about was a Brit for sure. That guy looks well turned out in comparison.

Was this a guy in his late 40's maybe, looking quite scraggly, slim, with a full head of messy hair?



Nope Cdn, this guy was around 30 ish but after a few months on the Ya Bah who knows!

This guy looked more like a refugee from Khao San Rd who had headed to Sukhumwit to have a pop at the wealthier, more trusting tourists.

The other times I saw him were both in backpacker areas too (Surat a few days after the Full Moon Party and Ko Chang)

I'm wondering what we're unearthing here! A real rogues gallery of lower Sukhumwit..... :o


I'd love to see an interview with some of these guys. The stories would be pretty interesting.

Does sound like there's alot of them out there though. :o



Well who knows? maybe we're onto something here cv.

Begging off tourists combined with the low cost of living in Thailand could well offer a better alternative to those who are down on their luck lost their dignity. Why not try your luck in the tropical warmth? What have you got to lose really?

Think about it. Bangkok or Ko Samui beats Russell Square tube station on a cold January morning hands down. 5 good ''hits'' in Bangkok and you have a case of beer, an aircon room, and whatever else you may fancy. Compare that to the nasty life of the street bum in the UK or elsewhere!

In fact reading this I'm dead surprised theres not more of the blighters. :o

" i need 8000 baht for  flight ,  you guys and  donate me  100 /500/1000 bht "

I think I saw this guy at national stadium on sunday afternoon. the sign had helpful conversion rates as well from US$ & Euro.

The photo on the last page wasnt him, this guy was younger.

He got quite a few strange looks from tourists. He didnt have a cup or anything so no idea if he got any money. But then if he was getting the odd thousand baht off people, he wouldnt want the rest of us to know - would he!


A few years ago, in Hatyai, at night, infront of a busy super market, I saw a farang

playing and singing with his guitar with a big hat on the floor. Money and coins

were collected in the hat. He was there for two nights while I was there.

I wanted to talk to him, but I could not wait. I have not met him after that.

I guess its all down to your own judgement.

A couple of years ago I was near the Ploenchit Centre with my then GF and we were approached by a rather scallyish, scrawny English guy. He told us that he'd been drinking with BGs and had been fleeced and needed 500B to phone home.

Did he wear a blue training suit? Excellent con artist! Same story he told me and it sounded quite believable. Moreover, I met him on a Saturday morning and he added that the embassy opens only on regular weekdays. Hence, no chance to contact them until Monday.

Told this story to a friend of mine and it turned out that he also gave him some change...

Sorry for the genuine cases, but that was the last time I was giving something. I'd rather escort them to the embassy.

next time offer to go with him to his embassy to help him sort his situation out, if he refuses or seems reluctant to do that, then you know he's a scammer, if not he will be very grateful that someone took an interest in his life & your kismit will be improved. :D

I agree totally with this.

I will often see beggers in Bristol sat by cashpoints, asking for change. I normally say to them i havent got any change but if they want i will buy them a burger or a sandwhich, or a can of coke maybe a few smokes. I am more than happy to do this for anyone down on their luck, what pisses me off are the ones that say no they want the money. Why do they want the money? It is either to buy drugs or booze. :o


I once read an article in a magazine/paper about a beggar in NYC. Apparently his main season was xmas, where he would hang around upscale shopping areas and beg for money to buy his kids xmas gifts. Turns out he has a house and drives a BMW...

i asked him whats  wrong ..he said  he  broke  up with  a TH  girl friend, and  no more money .. he  has  around 10K  baht ..need  some  more

what do you think? :o

So are we to believe the Thai girlfriend had previously been funding him?

Hard to feel sympathy for a jilted ponce...


A guy at Samui airport approached me saying he needed $ to get back to his hotel safe in bkk. He said he had been drugged with a substance that was rubbed on his skin and everything was gone. This was in the mid 90's and I'd never heard of that before. I didn't bite, but maybe I should have. He showed me an open sore on his forearm that looked like a burn.

I'm generally a "there but for the grace..." type guy, but I'm also on alert for that about myself and tend to ignore people who want free money.


Why would Thailand want to be sheltering men that have so little pride and self respect they would be willing to do this?

If he realy wanted a flight home I'm sure the Embassy would help him out.

Next time somebody sees him they should photograph him and question him, I don't understand why he has gone un-noticed by the authorities for so long.


The Dude .. he is not that the guy in pic , he does not have nay bread or hair on chest

ohh dont get me wrong .. i never seen him topless :D:D

The dude digs wrong person :D:o

Good thing his girlfriend dumped him (I hope this happend for the girl). What a loser. Shows how dumb people in Netherland are. He's embarassing me. Same goes for his ex. They are both embarassing me. My reputation down the drain. Thanks alot.

You're a scumbag for making such a dumb statement, she said he claimed to be from Holland, because of that maybe, that does not make all dutch people stupid, >snip<[watch your language]

QUOTE(fanta rood @ 2005-11-21 19:52:57)

Good thing his girlfriend dumped him (I hope this happend for the girl). What a loser. Shows how dumb people in Netherland are. He's embarassing me. Same goes for his ex. They are both embarassing me. My reputation down the drain. Thanks alot.


You're a scumbag for making such a dumb statement, she said he claimed to be from Holland, because of that maybe, that does not make all dutch people stupid

I think Fantarood is from Holland and he was being sarcastic.
Why would Thailand want to be sheltering men that have so little pride and self respect they would be willing to do this?

Thai police even are very compassionate people sometimes which farnag often don't understand.

They don't hassle these guys as they have no money also.

I was in Korat very drunk once with no money and a policeman gave me 300 baht for a hotel.

I was taken to hospital near Pat Pong once and the guy paid my bill to detox.

I ALWAYS try to help these guy whether by giving them money or otherwise, even if they are needing money for booze or drugs. I look on them as sick people if they are addicted to any substance - the same as if the had some physical problem.

The view that they are spending the money on booze so are a bad person is wrong - they are sick and should get some compassion.


The first thing that comes to mind is maybe he's a addict,

Probably has resources for plane fare and subsistence but not much extra to feed his habit. Then again he may be telling the truth. IMHO it takes extradinary circumstances to be reduced to street begging. :o

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