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The British Embassy are useless.

About 10 years ago when I was down in my luck, they wouldn't give me any money to get home.

Can you imagine the Thai embassy in the Uk refusing to help one of their citizins and making them beg in the street?

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I believe the British embassy and for that matter most other embassies, have a policy of not just giving money to people down on their luck, but they will help you get in contact with someone at home, to send you money or pay the embassy with a c/c then they give you the cash to get the ticket home.

Still <deleted> though :o


It's a safe bet he is a scam artist with no shame. I spoke to him for a while and he only had 8000 (same as another reply) he had been here for a while and had made no friends and had made no attempt to earn.

This was over 5 months ago. He's a con man.


The Canadian govt will issue emergency loans if you have nobody back home in a position to help you. Unfortunately they have to chase alot of deadbeats who never pay them back. Sort of ruins it for the rest.

The forgien affairs staff at the embassies are probably some of my favourite govt workers (and that doesn't come easily) as they've always been excellent wherever I've used them.



Yeah, you're right. It's a fact that, when in need, U.S. citizens stand a much better chance getting help from the Canadians than from thier own Embassey.

But honestly folks, with all the stories making the rounds about farangs mugging and robbing thier own in Thailand, I can't believe how you get your collective drawers in such a knot over the sight of a lone passive panhandler, no matter how slick his line.

Given the number of downright violent farang criminals operating here, the quiet panhandler--yes, I've seen and spoken to him--is a model vacationer and goodwill ambassador, in comparison.

Guess there's a lot of not-too-nice expats with far too much time on thier hands, huh?

  • 1 year later...

I spotted this very same beggar guy today and took his picture. He was working the Sukhumvit stoop around 1pm near the Subway on Soi 7/1. He then moved down past Soi 5 and plopped himself down with backpack and sign in front of Siam City Bank. I suspect he doesn't stay in any one spot more than a half hour or so. I will quote what his sign says now as I read from my mobile pic I took

"I am 7000 baht short to go back home Holland. can you help me?

50 baht

100 baht work?

200 baht teacher?

500 baht



i seen this cat at pratnam so he moves around the area.

its a wonder the thais dont give him the arse out of there, as hes taking money from there people. :o


I dont mind begging, but scamming and trickery is a different story. I am curious if this guy really needs money for an air ticket, looking for attention or in vice.

i seen this cat at pratnam so he moves around the area.

its a wonder the thais dont give him the arse out of there, as hes taking money from there people. :o

They might have him working for them already? :D


I am sure most of us have heard of the Nigerian 409 scams by now. You know, the ones where some poor widow is trying to get her dead husband's millions out of Africa and needs your help, etc. I have always wondered who would fall for those scams. Now, after reading posts by some forum members defending this obvious low-life scammer, I wonder no longer...


Speaking on cheeky farang beggars:

I was at Pantip with some friends and some dirty looking bloke comes over to us with some BS story about how he needed 100 baht to buy his stereo! LOL.

Yes thats right he was begging for money to buy a stereo!

Obviously we told him nicely "Sorry all out of money mate".

At which point he told us to "F Off", followed by him scampering off fairly quickly in the other direction.

The nerve of some people...


Yes its a scam, many many feral backpackers get around the world by financing themselves this way, esp India and Bali.

In Sydney a TV crew followed this one particular guy from Germany, had the sign with the usual hard luck story claiming he is just trying to get money to go home. Anyway they followed him to a pub where he proceded to spend his money on beer, got really drunk with his mates. When the reporter confronted him he just laughed at them...Quite funny actually.


The most 'famous' beggar that I knew was one in Jeddah. Eight hours a day, day in - day out, he was there in his scruffy rags. At the end of his 'shift', he would scurry away down a side street then he would take off his uniform and then..... put it in the boot of his Mercedes and drive off!!!!

If this guy's so clean cut can he not get some kind of job? I normally don't give to beggars who aren't missing major body parts. Every baht he gets is a bhat some legless landmine victim doesn't get.

He has alot of options the truely needy in Bangkok don't have.


sums it up nicely

  • 2 months later...

Well I never usually drag an old thread out of the closet but I recently made a short video of a chat I had with a Dutch beggar in Bangkok, the vids on youtube and in the Thaivisa vid section though that's just a link to the youtube site anyway. I thought it might be a useful update to this thread.

It answers a few of the questions that people have asked on here such as why doesn't he go his embassy? How much money does he make? Why hasn't he been deported? etc.

Sound quality got a little poorer when we added it to youtube I think but hopefully it's understandable and I will add a transcript of the chat soon.


In my younger, less organised, days I begged for a short time in Spain (Franco era). Two friends got into serious trouble with the police and since none of us had pot to pi55 in, I teamed up with a Scot and a Spaniard and played and sang (very badly) on the streets of Barcelona for 6 weeks. We had a lot of fun, the locals liked it and we earned quite well, enough to buy the boys their freedom. One thing I learned - begging is hard work in the baking sun and only to be recommended to dedicated beggars.

In my younger, less organised, days I begged for a short time in Spain (Franco era). Two friends got into serious trouble with the police and since none of us had pot to pi55 in, I teamed up with a Scot and a Spaniard and played and sang (very badly) on the streets of Barcelona for 6 weeks. We had a lot of fun, the locals liked it and we earned quite well, enough to buy the boys their freedom. One thing I learned - begging is hard work in the baking sun and only to be recommended to dedicated beggars.

Busking is working, not begging. :o

In my younger, less organised, days I begged for a short time in Spain (Franco era). Two friends got into serious trouble with the police and since none of us had pot to pi55 in, I teamed up with a Scot and a Spaniard and played and sang (very badly) on the streets of Barcelona for 6 weeks. We had a lot of fun, the locals liked it and we earned quite well, enough to buy the boys their freedom. One thing I learned - begging is hard work in the baking sun and only to be recommended to dedicated beggars.

Busking is working, not begging. :D

Looking at qwertz's wording I doubt anything related to pleasant things musical passed their lips. :o


Well I've never begged before but have been down on my luck whilst abroad. About 4 years ago in Bangkok I was really skint and my flight was still a month away. I had enough to live on but there wasn't much eating out or beer funds etc etc so it was pretty grim. THEN I ended up braking my foot !!! :o

Thing is I wasn't caring about the pain just how was I going to pay for the treatment. Ended up talking to staff at a local clinic on what was the cheapest government hospital to go to etc when an American guy came up to me and asked me what had happened (saw me hopping about on the one foot). I told him and he insisted that I went private and further insisted on giving me 3000 baht. I told him that I wouldn't take the money and government hospital would do fine but he WOULD NOT LISTEN and stuffed the notes into my hand and wished my good luck. I didn't even get a chance to get his address. Thing is although this act reinforced my faith in humanity a little I felt like some sort of worthless scumbag and was pretty embarrassed (queue of wide eyed motorcycle taxi drivers who watched the whole thing). Very grateful though !

Vowed never to be broke while abroad again (thats why I now beg at BTS stations) :D

In my younger, less organised, days I begged for a short time in Spain (Franco era). Two friends got into serious trouble with the police and since none of us had pot to pi55 in, I teamed up with a Scot and a Spaniard and played and sang (very badly) on the streets of Barcelona for 6 weeks. We had a lot of fun, the locals liked it and we earned quite well, enough to buy the boys their freedom. One thing I learned - begging is hard work in the baking sun and only to be recommended to dedicated beggars.

Busking is working, not begging. :D

Looking at qwertz's wording I doubt anything related to pleasant things musical passed their lips. :D

Absolutely, SS, I'm sure your opinion of my rather less than Pavorotti singing voice would endorse mine, were you ever unfortunate enough to hear me in full cry. And Clapton would not find my guitar playing a hard act to follow either. But we amused the Spanish enough that they were inspired to reach for their purses and pony up. And busking is IMHO as good as begging if your musical talent is rudimentary as mine. But I wonder if either of you would have put in 6 weeks work to help a friend in need. They were the real beggars in a real pinch. BTW, forgot to mention, we only played acoustic guitars, they're easier to run with when the MIB show up. :o

But I wonder if either of you would have put in 6 weeks work to help a friend in need.

. . . oh absolutely . . . have and would again if needed.

But, and this is a big but (kind of like Jay Lo's), I doubt I'd have the guts to do what you did. Kudos, qwertz!


First of all ,why in particular be ashamed if he is from the same country as me??

he could well be a looser but it doesn't mean to be ashamed or whatsoever and I think to say that you are a looser yourself :o I do not know what to think really,I mean to play a beggar in a third world country,must be a very desperate guy.I also in Bangkok,about a year ago crossed an English guy,with skinned hair,telling me he went with a few girls,they hit him with a bottle on his head....he showed me his wound,it was real,not sure of his story though,asked me 1k,gave him 500,normally I will not do something like that,he wanted to telephone his mom or something,strange bloke he was,not sure what his real reason was,maybe it was sincere.I gave him the choice of the doubt cause in the time I travelled a lot I get robbed one time on the gili islands and had nothing and realy nothing to hang on too.My countrymen who knew this felt sorry but didn't help me out,the only people who did were a couple of english people who felt so sorry,so i could go to bali and make a moneytransfer through my mom.....long story,so I had to give something back to England,I must say they have a big heart(surely bigger them most of my countrymen),I will never forget that.So I always give them a chance and help them out a little(people in clear trouble),but certainly I did not beg,if nobody helped me out then maybe I had too.The story of this guy could go very far back,and maybe would surprise many people here on the forum.So don't be too hard on him ,unless you know the full story. :D


what do I think? people need money, maybe you have an inheritance, I dont get what you are wanting to know

last 2 weeks my sister and me went to Central Plaza Chitlom, we park our car at Central world plaza and walk via flyover

i met a farang bloke sat with despair face with a backpack ..and he has a paper board , write as

" i need 8000 baht for flight , you guys and donate me 100 /500/1000 bht "

i asked him whats wrong ..he said he broke up with a TH girl friend, and no more money .. he has around 10K baht ..need some more

he claimed he come from Holland

anyhow, today i just found from TH forum , people meet him at many BTS station as victory monument , nation stadium, pleon chit ..for atleast 2 mths

i think he is just a liar .. actaully if i was him, i'd contact with the embassy

what do you think? :o

I believe the British embassy and for that matter most other embassies, have a policy of not just giving money to people down on their luck, but they will help you get in contact with someone at home, to send you money or pay the embassy with a c/c then they give you the cash to get the ticket home.

Still <deleted> though :o

Why, you get yourself into it, get yourself out of it. The Embassy will contact a family member for sending you money, they are not a loan company!! :D

But I wonder if either of you would have put in 6 weeks work to help a friend in need.

. . . oh absolutely . . . have and would again if needed.

But, and this is a big but (kind of like Jay Lo's), I doubt I'd have the guts to do what you did. Kudos, qwertz!

Good answer, SS. You know, I never asked a beggar why they beg. Maybe some of them don't need to and they're just checking out our charitable side. I know a guy over here who sings well plays a mean guitar, speaking of buskers, and he turns down bookings. Says he's free and hates being controlled. Maybe some beggars have the same motivation.


reminds me of a dutch guy i encountered about 2 years ago outside the airpot saying that he had been mugged and was unable to leave the country due to the 500 baht fee. Me being happy as i was in the land of smiles decided to hand ova the money to help him get home...........only problem was ........and no bullshit........next time i visit three months later the same man is pulling the same trick with two young english girls.


Regardless of the music's quality, I'm far more likely to give money to someone who is doing something to earn it rather than just holding their hand out.


here's a video of the guy

I usually give money to farang beggars, unless they are serial ones.

I've been there and know what it's like to be penniless/hungry in Thailand. If they're alkies, I might buy them a drink and discuss how they can break their addiction. Does me good. I thank the Buddha that beggars are there to give me the opportunity to show some compassion.

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