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The Rudest Farang I'Ve Ever Seen In Mcdonalds!


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Just had a nice morning out and about in Bangkok.

Steps into McDonalds for a bite to eat.

Having washed my hands I've just gotten to the counter when I hear this shouting, booming voice from a farang off to my right.

He's in mid-rant so I only catch the last few sentences, suffice to say this is full volume roaring!:

"I've been in Thailand for ten years to not have to put up with this from the likes of you!!!" RANT RANT RANT

He paused then continued again like a fog horn.

I looked at who he was blundering and blustering at and it was some poor Thai kid. Hardly understanding his noise such was it's viterolic attitude.

The impression I got from it was the order was ready, given to him and the old duffer maybe wasn't used to fast food moves, so the speed of it rattled his brain.

The farang was this dumpy, old git. European I might add shaming us needlessly with this horror spectacle.

As he mooches away with his tray of food (big macs I think), he's still muttering and grumbling.

I was so incensed at the man's rude ways to the Thai kid (who by now was being spoken to by his collegues, who were asking if he was alright). He was ok, I think the fact he didn't understand most of the rant from blunderbuss meant the words must of washed off him mostly.

But I was in full understanding.

I was about to give him both barrels and start a scene when I remembered that someone on here had posted a similar thread about some old git doing similar in a cafe on Sukhumvit.

I had my camera on me, so here's what the gimp looks like (picture to follow)!

After I'd snapped off the picture I deliberately moved my food to where I hoped he'd not sit near.

Somehow, this gimp's radar zoned onto my position and he snapped at me as I went past (something like 'move!' under his breath) I told him to wind his neck in (or words to that effect and he mooched away. Then sat right next to where I'd put my food!

Having got my sauces I went over, grabbed my food and moved to the opposite side of the restaurant rather than sit near the rude and blithering farang.

Having done all that I thought he definately want's to get the Thai Visa treatment.

Mods, if this breaches any of TV's rules please remove the picture.

As it is he really was bang out of order for disrespecting this kid needlessly etc. It's something I've hardly seen in over a decade of travelling, especially in 'tourist friendly' location like McDonalds.

This was at the Robinson's McDonalds on Sukhumvit btw

EDIT: Upload won't work, due to pants connection at my end. The blimp dodges a bullet!

Edited by JimsKnight
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These types are why the typical Bangkok fast food server approaches the cashier with dread when he/she sees a foreigner coming.

Nevertheless, we don't allow photographs of private individuals posted without their permissions, especially in a 'bashing' thread- so please DON'T post the photograph.

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On a couple of occasions I've apologised to Thai staff over the behavior of westerners where it hasn't simply been the case of a moaning foreigner but where the bag of <deleted> in question has spoken to the staff as if they were dogs. I know it's not my position to apologise but I felt better for it.

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On a couple of occasions I've apologised to Thai staff over the behavior of westerners where it hasn't simply been the case of a moaning foreigner but where the bag of <deleted> in question has spoken to the staff as if they were dogs. I know it's not my position to apologise but I felt better for it.

Not saying this guy wasn't a jerk, but have you ever seen a Thai apologize for the behavior of other Thais toward foreigners? I have not, in fact only seen them try to rationalize it.

Like when you get over charged at a restaurant because of the color of your skin.

If that happened in the west, other westerners would go balistic.

I guess westerner's sense of duty, honor and "saving face" are quite different than those in Thailand, TIT :)

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From the Webbed Crusader blog spot .

" My spidey sense started tingling the minute I saw The Gimp "

" I couldn't risk blowing my cover to save the kid "

" Luckily I had my Instamatic handy "

" His evil face would all over the next edition "

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What was the accent on this guy? You mentioned European...like was it non-native, English speaker, British accent?? just curious.

I'm somewhat shamed to say it was British, Englishman.

A Midlander / Southerner!

Edited by JimsKnight
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On a couple of occasions I've apologised to Thai staff over the behavior of westerners where it hasn't simply been the case of a moaning foreigner but where the bag of <deleted> in question has spoken to the staff as if they were dogs. I know it's not my position to apologise but I felt better for it.

Not saying this guy wasn't a jerk, but have you ever seen a Thai apologize for the behavior of other Thais toward foreigners? I have not, in fact only seen them try to rationalize it.

Like when you get over charged at a restaurant because of the color of your skin.

If that happened in the west, other westerners would go balistic.

I guess westerner's sense of duty, honor and "saving face" are quite different than those in Thailand, TIT :)

Look, I know what your saying and I don't take the Thais side usually (because we're outnumbered etc).

But this was so OTT and out of order it was beyond the pale.

Here's the picture of him. Shamed but not named...

Edited by metisdead
Photo removed.
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I don`t agree with publishing someone’s photo on the public domain without their consent. After all we don`t know the full situation that lead up to this incident. If a complete stranger posted a photo of me with a derogatory statement based on one person’s assumption, then I would take legal action. In my opinion this is unfair and out of order.

I have witnessed similar behaviour from farangs here over the years and put it down to that some foreigners are unable to adapt to the lifestyles of living in Thailand.

They expect Western attitudes, standards and values and is a culture shock for them when things don’t happen in line to what they are used to.

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"I've been in Thailand for ten years . . . "

This is one of my favorites, as if it makes them a gold-card member with ranking seniority.

When you hear this you know it is pure fertilizer. A more complete statement would be something like (based on another tale I've heard recently):

I've been living here (insert exaggerated number here) years, ordering iced coffee three times a day, and I still can't be bothered with learning how to say 'iced coffee' in your language, and I'm not even going to try to learn how to count to 10 in Thai.

A backpacker couple (30ish) enters a cafe and the woman tells the waitress "two coffees please, we've been traveling for 7 months." I can see the girl gets the part about the 2 coffees, but panics and calls over someone to translate the rest of the order.

As if traveling/living abroad were some kind of competitive sport. As if the locals care.

With the exception of an occasional ice cream I don't eat at McD's, but if I pass one I'll usually pop in to wash may hands -- all the ones in SE Asia have washbasins and soap. Very convenient, thanks Ronald.

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I can see the girl gets the part about the 2 coffees, but panics and calls over someone to translate the rest of the order.

I see this kind of thing all the time. Westerners telling a clerk their whole life story and the clerk can not speak much English other than simple stuff related to their job. No wonder they get so confused. :blink:

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What was the accent on this guy? You mentioned European...like was it non-native, English speaker, British accent?? just curious.

I'm somewhat shamed to say it was British, Englishman.

A Midlander / Southerner!

hehehehehe...sorry it was one of your countrymen. ;) I suspected as much. Whenever I see such posts about "grumpy" ex pats being grumpy for the sake of being grumpy...I always suspect "British". No offence meant to the British on this board because I know there are alot of wonderful British folks on this forum who have always been kind and helpful to me throughout the years. Now if it were someone smoking pot in public, I would think "American."

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On a couple of occasions I've apologised to Thai staff over the behavior of westerners where it hasn't simply been the case of a moaning foreigner but where the bag of <deleted> in question has spoken to the staff as if they were dogs. I know it's not my position to apologise but I felt better for it.

Bravo ... I too have made a few apologies for the behavior of fralangs at many places. I personally love these people. I have not had this much fun since the pigs ate my baby brother.. If your in a mean nasty mood, just stay home. Or call for delivery..

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What was the accent on this guy? You mentioned European...like was it non-native, English speaker, British accent?? just curious.

I'm somewhat shamed to say it was British, Englishman.

A Midlander / Southerner!

hehehehehe...sorry it was one of your countrymen. ;) I suspected as much. Whenever I see such posts about "grumpy" ex pats being grumpy for the sake of being grumpy...I always suspect "British". No offence meant to the British on this board because I know there are alot of wonderful British folks on this forum who have always been kind and helpful to me throughout the years. Now if it were someone smoking pot in public, I would think "American."

So I was right he was not rude at all, he was just British.... Clears it up... :jap:

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looks like a woman to me assuming its the one at the sauce bottle?

A Brit wouldnt be carrying a handbag and would have been wearing his obligatoty black socks.

in all my years in thailand i find germans to be the most undesirable rude people, not only to the thai,s. Btw i cant stand the brit lager lout types either they make me cringe!!! Maybe this old git is just angry at life, maybe he,s been scorched badly in the past by his tee rak, who knows but if i were there i would of stepped in and poured a bottle of sauce over his head to teach him some manners
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This is one of my favorites, as if it makes them a gold-card member with ranking seniority.

When you hear this you know it is pure fertilizer. A more complete statement would be something like (based on another tale I've heard recently):

I've been living here (insert exaggerated number here) years, ordering iced coffee three times a day, and I still can't be bothered with learning how to say 'iced coffee' in your language, and I'm not even going to try to learn how to count to 10 in Thai.

A backpacker couple (30ish) enters a cafe and the woman tells the waitress "two coffees please, we've been traveling for 7 months." I can see the girl gets the part about the 2 coffees, but panics and calls over someone to translate the rest of the order.

As if traveling/living abroad were some kind of competitive sport. As if the locals care.

With the exception of an occasional ice cream I don't eat at McD's, but if I pass one I'll usually pop in to wash may hands -- all the ones in SE Asia have washbasins and soap. Very convenient, thanks Ronald.

"I've been in (insert country of your choice) for ten years . . . "

As if it makes them a gold-card member with ranking seniority ...

I think it's the point. I heard this line very often in touristic places. And mostly the guys fall in two categories, either trying to impress a couple of young girls who look a little bit lost

or soon advising you on a place where to stay, to eat, or to join a tour with an operator. All places where he is usually given generous commissions.

As you say, in any case, a person you should avoid.

Edited by JurgenG
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Been in Thailand 10 years, but can't speak Thai? I now feel better about my basic Thai and 3 years in country.

My local McD's (Soi Chidlom) must be one of the best for service. I only go there when I'm short of time and need to nip out the office for some fuel and I always order the same thing. I used to smile and stumble through my order in terrible Thai, but after 3 visits they knew my order and say it to me in English as soon as I walk in. I then sit outside to avoid the over-enthusiastic ac and they bring it out for me.

But to get back on topic, I think some people take advantage of the superfically polite culture to excercise some power that they do not have back home. Rude and not very wise, one day he will come seriously unstuck.

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On a couple of occasions I've apologised to Thai staff over the behavior of westerners where it hasn't simply been the case of a moaning foreigner but where the bag of <deleted> in question has spoken to the staff as if they were dogs. I know it's not my position to apologise but I felt better for it.

Not saying this guy wasn't a jerk, but have you ever seen a Thai apologize for the behavior of other Thais toward foreigners? I have not, in fact only seen them try to rationalize it.

Like when you get over charged at a restaurant because of the color of your skin.

If that happened in the west, other westerners would go balistic.

I guess westerner's sense of duty, honor and "saving face" are quite different than those in Thailand, TIT :)

When we travel anywhere in Thailand where we don't know the area, my gf usually read first some specialized columns in magazines and we go to the place they recommend. Magazines in Thai, written by Thais for Thais. Beside the fact that the food is sometime too "local" for my taste, we've never been disappointed. And I usually see there other "local" falangs (people working here) so we are obviously not the only people doing like that. These places are maybe also advertised in "good" english magazines, but I don't know them.

Pantip is also a good source of information. And they don't hesitate to name and shame the places they don't like.

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