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Is Your Wife/Partner An X Bar Girl? My Hand Is Up.


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I wonder if the OP's wife knows he's parading her past history for a bunch of strangers to read about? I bet he'd be seeing a bit more of that fiery temper if she found out :lol:

Right - along with what is probably her picture as his avatar, would definitely "break her temple!"

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If you had a choice between three women of identical looks, character, intelligence etc...

One was a Lawyer, One was a teacher, One was a Bar Girl... Would anyone choose the Bar Girl ?

That is never going to happen, but if the bar girl was better looking, had a better character, was more intelligent and had a better personality who wouldn't choose her? If she was good to me and I wanted a commited relationship, I could care less how many times she had been pronged before I met her.

Really who would ever marry a lawyer, they are lower than bar girls.

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If you had a choice between three women of identical looks, character, intelligence etc...

One was a Lawyer, One was a teacher, One was a Bar Girl... Would anyone choose the Bar Girl ?

That is never going to happen, but if the bar girl was better looking, had a better character, was more intelligent and had a better personality who wouldn't choose her? If she was good to me and I wanted a commited relationship, I could care less how many times she had been pronged before I met her.

To answer your question I wouldn't.

Had a three month fling between marriages with an absolute stunner of an ex prostitue/dancer (not thai). She was beautiful, stunning figure, sexy, awesome homemaker and hostess, creative and absolutely dynamic in the sack. Even though I was looking for a full time partner at the time she was never going to be it, and that is just the way I am wired. Most of the reasons why not, other posters have put up, but mainly for myself its my morals and values that accept that they are for fun and not marriage.

In terms of thai prostitues and where I am now. We have heaps of falang/thai couples as friends where we currently live in our western country. A good chunk of them are ex bargirls. Most of them are devoted wifes and in the case where a few of them have have been young enough to be blessed with children absolutely wonderful mothers. Sure there are some who screw around, the odd few that have gambling addictions and booze problems, but if placed in straight comparison to the western "non prostitue" everyday women in this country I would rate the average thai ex bargirl that I know higher in most of the qualities that you want in a partner. It still does not mean I would marry one.

The issue I have mostly with bargirls and especially thai ones is not them but the guys that marry them and that becomes relevant when you place considerations of marriage with all that it encompasses including children and especially when those children are thai girls. The question I always ask is why do you have to marry them, but also asked with the acceptance that the thai's themselves had prostituion as part of everyday life long before the Americans turned up for playtime. Why can't joe average everyday falang if he is serious about a partner get his arse off the bar stool he wants to park it on from day one that he arrives in Thailand and instead short wire the falang thai bargirl production line and go to Isaan and meet them before they start down the path. The stupidiest answer I have ever heard was "I rescued her from the bar" - I agree with comments on here from other posters that when you get answers like that it is not the bargirls that have the low mentality and prospects but the wonderful samples of western men that she has the choices off when the bar scene is promoted in the villages to young girls as their big chance. While it is wonderful that some end up with diamonds, apart from the few falang squealers, when they are screwed over by bargirls, that hit the headlines, what never occurs to those that choose to marry bargirls is like any production process there is waste, and the thai bar scene waste is huge.

One of the great thing about thai culture, and possibly Asian cultures as a whole, IMHO is that the older are considered wiser. I concur with that in that as I grow older and through that wonderful "old fashioned" constitution called marriage with its promise of the blessings of grand children also falls out the reasons why I would never marry a bargirl, given that in life you also play the percentages, but they will reward and go to your favour with a strong believe in karma. I say "old fashioned" as that is the words that the absolutely beautiful, both visually and heartful Isaan daughter born to another but who with Buddha's most gracious blessing that I have been honoured with being her "Dad", uses when the average looking but likewise beautiful heart thai non bargirl that I married, together guide our daughter through into womanhood. It isn't being old fashioned but rather the morals and values that you wish for those that you love and care for so that they can gain and pass onto their children, my grand children, the most valuable of human traits - self respect.

Edited by Roadman
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I hope there can be some sort of "informed debate" before this topic is closed.

Personally, I think there are two types of BG.

The first is the hardened, lazy, party-girl...chances of a successful relationship with one like this are slim.

The second are the ones who "drift into" the industry. Poor, uneducated, perhaps with a kid or two they convince themselves they're not really "working" and hope to meet a nice guy to improve their lot.

I've heard some horror stories from girls...so some deserve a bit of luck :thumbsup:


I accept what you are saying but the bottom line is we are incompatible on every single level with Thai women be they willing or reluctant bar girls, bankers, check out girls in Lotus or lawyers. I am living here a long time and appreciate that I have become that bitter old fluck I despised when I came here first but he knew something I didn't - We are but a means to an end.....

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Let me praise you on your honesty, my girlfriend gave me a massage on the beach (sounds wrong) anyway she was a hotel employee.

My friend in the UK took a bar girl to the UK and she is doing very well as an escort now she has done her visa time with my mate and acquired a settlement visa. There is only one problem for me with men who fall for bar girls and it's the ones who's wives left school at twelve and are twenty years their junior.

Whoops that's just alienated the bar girl husbands on here :jap:.

My wife is an ex-bar girl, but from long ago, the only reason she was there was to feed her kids, I met her in bible college in Australia, and she is older than me, she has the fiery temper, not sure if that's a bar girl thing or just a Thai thing, but we're happy (most of the time).

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I hope there can be some sort of "informed debate" before this topic is closed.

Personally, I think there are two types of BG.

The first is the hardened, lazy, party-girl...chances of a successful relationship with one like this are slim.

The second are the ones who "drift into" the industry. Poor, uneducated, perhaps with a kid or two they convince themselves they're not really "working" and hope to meet a nice guy to improve their lot.

I've heard some horror stories from girls...so some deserve a bit of luck :thumbsup:


I accept what you are saying but the bottom line is we are incompatible on every single level with Thai women be they willing or reluctant bar girls, bankers, check out girls in Lotus or lawyers. I am living here a long time and appreciate that I have become that bitter old fluck I despised when I came here first but he knew something I didn't - We are but a means to an end.....

It's just that you haven't met a Thai woman you are compatible with - leave me out of your equation!

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I accept what you are saying but the bottom line is we are incompatible on every single level with Thai women be they willing or reluctant bar girls, bankers, check out girls in Lotus or lawyers. I am living here a long time and appreciate that I have become that bitter old fluck I despised when I came here first but he knew something I didn't - We are but a means to an end.....

Shouldn't that read: "I am incompatible on every single level with Thai women be they willing or reluctant bar girls, bankers, check out girls in Lotus or lawyers" and "I am but a means to an end" ?

I don't know how long you've lived here but, in my four short years, my perception is virtually the opposite of yours insofar as initially being convinced Thai women were mercenaries after little more than materialistic development.

Now, I know better

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Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.

They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

My My you are a tolerant unbigoted sort of person aren't you? People are just people trying to get on with life and sometimes get into situations through no fault of their own. Without knowing someone how can you form an opinion and even less judge them. Yes of course some (??? many? I don't know) are just money grabbing but don't stereotype. I'm happy that the OP is settled and hope it lasts forever. Why can't you wish him well too?

PS life we were given?? by whom? our parents? If you are talking about a Christian God then maybe you should recall Jesus' words about 'casting the first stone' ( I'm sure you remember, a crowd wanted to stone a prostitute to death and Jesus said words to the effect ' let he who is without sin cast the first stone' Seems like a good idea to me. Not that I'm a follower I might add.

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Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.

They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

Wow, you are a judgmental man. Glad you have done all of the inner work to make you a possessor of such profound wisdom. Perhaps you can help us change the world with your wisdom? For the sake of open-mindedness, in my experience trying to make a go with a bar girl depends entirely on how long she was doing it, before she met you. If she was with 200 or less men, than there is a good chance it will work out. 200-500, less of a chance, but still a decent shot. 500 or more, very little chance. There is a point beyond which it seems the possibility of her having a healthy attitude towards men, sort of disappears. The difficult part is determining how long she was at it. How many men she was with depends on how busy the bars she worked at were, how beautiful she is, and other variables. Very little chance that she is willing to divulge all of those details. Thais do have a way of fudging the truth a bit. The bottom line is that it is a complicated lifestyle, and should you choose to go in that direction, do it with open eyes, and prepare for anything to happen.

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Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.

They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

Complete and utter bul******t, my wife does not drink or smoke and never has done so, "spreading her legs for money" such a way with words havent you? says a lot for your " character " DOESNT IT? also she has never hit or slapped my baby girl and god forbid the day she ever does. Just goes to show how many small minded pea brained people on tv who generalise thai bar girls. Did it ever cross your small mind that my wifes family were very very poor, she didnt have an option wether to have chicken or beef for her dinner let alone a pair of shoes on her feet, talking of shoes, put the shoes on your feet, what would you do?

where did you meet your tee rak btw, or is that none of my business lol lol. I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

Great reply. Yes, it depends on a lot of variables. There are a lot of very kind hearted bar girls out there, who do what they do due to limited options. Many are hoping to meet someone exactly like you, who has an open mind, and realizes she is a great gal. There are 1,000 reasons not to listen to "small minded men", and this is just one of them. An open mind is a great thing. Pity those who have to live their lives without one.

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Hey Scorpio thanks for having the balls to actually admit you married a bar girl. Nothing wrong with it. People are people. These girls do sell their bodies but many for admirable reasons such as family. Hell, walk into any high priced restaurant in Bev Hills and you see nothing but old men with young gold digging girlfriends - aka "bargirls with diamonds". Wake up all you hypocritical posters and look in the mirror. Hell most of you have slept with bargirls if in Thailand and if not you are lying. You may not marry one but someone else may and it could work out. Would I recommend it - NO. Would I condemn it - NO.

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If you had a choice between three women of identical looks, character, intelligence etc...

One was a Lawyer, One was a teacher, One was a Bar Girl... Would anyone choose the Bar Girl ?

I guess the issue here is that making the above comparison is like comparing apples and oranges...

While there are many reasons a girl ends up selling herself, there are far fewer reasons why men end up marrying them.

I suspect one of the main reasons is simply lack of viable alternative for companionship...

Others think a BG is a viable source of companionship... I suspect that the reality is that the BG is the only source of companionship remaining.... He was paying, she was taking payment, both are hardly morally virtuous. Building a foundation of trust from this is am impressive feat.

Out of the 3, 2 are more likely to demanding and high maintenance- guess which!

Compatability has nothing to do with occupation, and which of the 3 is more likely to be a happy companion, remembering that we are dealing with BGs that are financially disadvantaged, not crack whores.

As for morality, anyone think lawyers are virtuous? You know the saying about a lot of lawyers at the bottom of a river!

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Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.

They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

<hotter than jessica alba>

By Thai girl standards very average- hot I think not.

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If you had a choice between three women of identical looks, character, intelligence etc...

One was a Lawyer, One was a teacher, One was a Bar Girl... Would anyone choose the Bar Girl ?

I guess the issue here is that making the above comparison is like comparing apples and oranges...

While there are many reasons a girl ends up selling herself, there are far fewer reasons why men end up marrying them.

I suspect one of the main reasons is simply lack of viable alternative for companionship...

Others think a BG is a viable source of companionship... I suspect that the reality is that the BG is the only source of companionship remaining.... He was paying, she was taking payment, both are hardly morally virtuous. Building a foundation of trust from this is am impressive feat.

Out of the 3, 2 are more likely to demanding and high maintenance- guess which!

Compatability has nothing to do with occupation, and which of the 3 is more likely to be a happy companion, remembering that we are dealing with BGs that are financially disadvantaged, not crack whores.

As for morality, anyone think lawyers are virtuous? You know the saying about a lot of lawyers at the bottom of a river!

Absolutely. Also, I wouldn't want to marry an "alpha woman" (e.g. lawyer) because of all the inevitable hassle of having a testosterone-fuelled woman in the house. I think certain lifestyles and professions essentially turn some women into blokes from a behaviour-perspective. Hardly the recipe for a good relationship.

Edited by TingTawng
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Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.

They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

Wow, you are a judgmental man. Glad you have done all of the inner work to make you a possessor of such profound wisdom. Perhaps you can help us change the world with your wisdom? For the sake of open-mindedness, in my experience trying to make a go with a bar girl depends entirely on how long she was doing it, before she met you. If she was with 200 or less men, than there is a good chance it will work out. 200-500, less of a chance, but still a decent shot. 500 or more, very little chance. There is a point beyond which it seems the possibility of her having a healthy attitude towards men, sort of disappears. The difficult part is determining how long she was at it. How many men she was with depends on how busy the bars she worked at were, how beautiful she is, and other variables. Very little chance that she is willing to divulge all of those details. Thais do have a way of fudging the truth a bit. The bottom line is that it is a complicated lifestyle, and should you choose to go in that direction, do it with open eyes, and prepare for anything to happen.

Regardless of how many men they have enjoyed, few in the West would actually consider marrying someone who sold their body.

Judgmental has nothing to do with it - its just something that rarely happens in the West, but happens all the time here.

Having said that, I know one local woman that married a farang and has been the perfect wife for many years.

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From what I've seen in my neck of the woods I don't think former occupation has much to do with it. If you associate with normal Thais you will see that every criticism posters are making about bar girls is true about non bar girls in Thailand (and the rest of the world) also. Its not about their former job but the morals of the person no matter where they are from.

I haven't met many Thai/Farang couples in my area and of the couples we have met I don't know for sure if the women were bar girls. Only one of the couples have had there relationship go sour. The others seem like normal family people (kids go to same school as our kids) that seem happy.

Seems a better success rate if you compare to divorce rates in the west.

As for posters who comment saying that farangs who marry Thai women are some sort of losers that is true in some cases ofc. Many however are normal men who are professionals or retired. Some men who divorced later in life have the means to live overseas and marry a beautiful younger wife. Why should they marry an older woman from the west who may have a lot of baggage. Face the facts unless a man in his 40 - 50's is rich he isn't going to find many good choices of younger brides. Why should men settle for less if they don't have too?

The "loser" tag assumes these guys tried & failed to snag a western woman, and had to "settle" for a Thai woman. This is often a slur made by western women because they don't understand why men would be attracted to women from a different culture and who speak a different language. I don't think they understand there is a strong genetic attraction that drives a lot of men to marry and have children with "opposites" to their genetic makeup.

Not to mention the natural allure of Asian femininity, I like girly girls and the softness and demure of Asian women is hard to beat.

Well said. Thai women still retain their femininity, which is something that their "liberated" western sisters have for the most part cast aside.

You're right! Western women have an annoying habit of demanding to be accepted as an equal partner.

Meanwhile they still enjoy wearing 'sexy' clothes, but draw the line at acting like children. They grew out of that around 11 years of age.

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If you had a choice between three women of identical looks, character, intelligence etc...

One was a Lawyer, One was a teacher, One was a Bar Girl... Would anyone choose the Bar Girl ?

I guess the issue here is that making the above comparison is like comparing apples and oranges...

While there are many reasons a girl ends up selling herself, there are far fewer reasons why men end up marrying them.

I suspect one of the main reasons is simply lack of viable alternative for companionship...

Others think a BG is a viable source of companionship... I suspect that the reality is that the BG is the only source of companionship remaining.... He was paying, she was taking payment, both are hardly morally virtuous. Building a foundation of trust from this is am impressive feat.

Out of the 3, 2 are more likely to demanding and high maintenance- guess which!

Compatability has nothing to do with occupation, and which of the 3 is more likely to be a happy companion, remembering that we are dealing with BGs that are financially disadvantaged, not crack whores.

As for morality, anyone think lawyers are virtuous? You know the saying about a lot of lawyers at the bottom of a river!

Absolutely. Also, I wouldn't want to marry an "alpha woman" (e.g. lawyer) because of all the inevitable hassle of having a testosterone-fuelled woman in the house. I think certain lifestyles and professions essentially turn some women into blokes from a behaviour-perspective. Hardly the recipe for a good relationship.

Quite. 'Alpha' women are to be avoided like the plague - unless you are an 'alpha' male.

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Well said. Thai women still retain their femininity, which is something that their "liberated" western sisters have for the most part cast aside.

I suspect that the femininity that western guys tout is there because society has told/trained the women to fill certain rolls. This stuff is not born into them. Western women are given more of a choice on how to live their lives. Which is better will always be open for debate.

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The "loser" tag assumes these guys tried & failed to snag a western woman, and had to "settle" for a Thai woman. This is often a slur made by western women because they don't understand why men would be attracted to women from a different culture and who speak a different language. I don't think they understand there is a strong genetic attraction that drives a lot of men to marry and have children with "opposites" to their genetic makeup.

Not to mention the natural allure of Asian femininity, I like girly girls and the softness and demure of Asian women is hard to beat.

Well said. Thai women still retain their femininity, which is something that their "liberated" western sisters have for the most part cast aside.

You're right! Western women have an annoying habit of demanding to be accepted as an equal partner.

Meanwhile they still enjoy wearing 'sexy' clothes, but draw the line at acting like children. They grew out of that around 11 years of age.

Exactly! Two "equal" people do not necessarily equate to a happy marriage. An ideal marriage is between two unequal people, one of which is dominant. Does not HAVE to be with a dominant male. Good friend of mine has a very happy marriage with a dominant working wife, while he is the househusband.

Women in the west mainly wear pants these days- sexy not. Anyway, being "sexy" is nothing to do with being "feminine", and since when is being "feminine" childish?

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You're right! Western women have an annoying habit of demanding to be accepted as an equal partner.

Not sure what equality has to do with it.

I'm sure there are guys out there who love super-competitive, go-getting women - just don't include me.

I'm sure you'll tell me that it just means I'm insecure. That's the usual follow-up comment. I just prefer downtime at home - there's too much testosterone in the house if the woman is "alpha". Other guys who love that? Have at it fellas.

Meanwhile they still enjoy wearing 'sexy' clothes, but draw the line at acting like children. They grew out of that around 11 years of age.

Are you sure? Some of these women look way older than 11 >>>> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1182373/Welcome-binge-Britain-Polish-photographer-documents-years-drunken-revelry-Cardiff.html

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Well said. Thai women still retain their femininity, which is something that their "liberated" western sisters have for the most part cast aside.

I suspect that the femininity that western guys tout is there because society has told/trained the women to fill certain rolls. This stuff is not born into them. Western women are given more of a choice on how to live their lives. Which is better will always be open for debate.

Hmmmm I would disagree with that. IMO femininity is something that comes from within and cannot be "trained". Just as sexiness comes from within and not from the clothes one wears. Plenty of women wearing sexy clothes that are as sexy as a bag of rubbish.

Take two women sitting side by side with identical build, same hair style and similar clothes. One might be unremarkable, while the other could be drop dead gorgeous. Comes from within, not from brand name clothes or makeup.

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Thaibeachlover -I disagree, the only (2) genuinely happy marriages I know are between partners that both love each other and are equals.

But, I'm looking forward to reading your definition of 'feminine'.

Edited by F1fanatic
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If you had a choice between three women of identical looks, character, intelligence etc...

One was a Lawyer, One was a teacher, One was a Bar Girl... Would anyone choose the Bar Girl ?

I guess the issue here is that making the above comparison is like comparing apples and oranges...

While there are many reasons a girl ends up selling herself, there are far fewer reasons why men end up marrying them.

I suspect one of the main reasons is simply lack of viable alternative for companionship...

Others think a BG is a viable source of companionship... I suspect that the reality is that the BG is the only source of companionship remaining.... He was paying, she was taking payment, both are hardly morally virtuous. Building a foundation of trust from this is am impressive feat.

Out of the 3, 2 are more likely to demanding and high maintenance- guess which!

Compatability has nothing to do with occupation, and which of the 3 is more likely to be a happy companion, remembering that we are dealing with BGs that are financially disadvantaged, not crack whores.

As for morality, anyone think lawyers are virtuous? You know the saying about a lot of lawyers at the bottom of a river!

Absolutely. Also, I wouldn't want to marry an "alpha woman" (e.g. lawyer) because of all the inevitable hassle of having a testosterone-fuelled woman in the house. I think certain lifestyles and professions essentially turn some women into blokes from a behaviour-perspective. Hardly the recipe for a good relationship.

Quite. 'Alpha' women are to be avoided like the plague - unless you are an 'alpha' male.

Well, I'd venture that an alpha / alpha relationship is even more volatile.

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You're right! Western women have an annoying habit of demanding to be accepted as an equal partner.

Not sure what equality has to do with it.

I'm sure there are guys out there who love super-competitive, go-getting women - just don't include me.

I'm sure you'll tell me that it just means I'm insecure. That's the usual follow-up comment. I just prefer downtime at home - there's too much testosterone in the house if the woman is "alpha". Other guys who love that? Have at it fellas.

Meanwhile they still enjoy wearing 'sexy' clothes, but draw the line at acting like children. They grew out of that around 11 years of age.

Are you sure? Some of these women look way older than 11 >>>> http://www.dailymail...ry-Cardiff.html

Thanks for the link. Reminds me of the area that I lived in in London.

Too many women think that showing a lot of breast is sexy- sadly it is often anything but. Women should remember that less visible flesh is often more sexy than visa versa. On the Bkk skytrain rarely see much exposed female body, but they are way sexy.

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